"That's it. "


Day 3.

Qin Mo, who had searched an area of thousands of kilometers and found nothing.

Stunned, he looked high into the sky.

Over there.

The space is trembling!

"Your Majesty, it seems to be a campus!"

Yan Ling'er was surprised.

Far away at a height of hundreds of kilometers.

The thick black clouds were all shaken away.

Rays of light shone in.

A black hole.

Emerge in the air.

A campus.

Descend slowly.


The earth shakes and the mountains shake.

Just one campus.

But it seems to have the weight of ten thousand mountains!

Let the world of darkness.

They all tremble!

Even Qin Mo's territory.

They all trembled.

"Whew, "Sanwu" is good to withdraw in advance to come to the little spider. "

Lilith breathed a sigh of relief.

She saw that the situation was not right.

Immediately drop the spider in the area where that campus fell.

All summoned back.

Although there are some errors in judgment.


Loss of spiders.

Still within the scope of acceptance.

"A school, corpse?"

Standing on top of the city walls.

Qin Mo superimposed with Yan Ling'er's attributes.

I saw the sprawling campus hundreds of kilometers away.

Look around.

Corpses everywhere.

Scarlet blood.

It's the main color of this academy!

Corpses everywhere.

dotted with this campus.

"Lilith. "

Qin Mo called softly. 、

Needless to say.

Lilith's heart moved.

Spiders nearby.

Immediately rushed towards the campus.

Off campus.


I also rushed over from the neighborhood.

Stand quietly outside the campus.

Gaze at everything in front of you.

Invasion of spiders.

There was not the slightest resistance.

Those corpses.

It's just a corpse, indeed.

There is not the slightest vitality and vitality.

"Part of a world that just fell?"

Qin Mo touched his chin.


This kind of thing.

Actually, it happens all the time.

Because of some kind of sake.

There is often a world.

Of course.

There are also cases where some of them fall into the dark world.

Like what.

This unknown campus at this time.

It is not excluded either.

It is the world that is divided into countless pieces.

Dropped into the infinite darkness of the world.

And just right.

Part of it.

fell in front of himself.

"Good news. "

"A part of the world is right in front of my eyes. "

"Bad news. "

"There are only corpses in one place~"

Qin Mo for a while.

I don't know if I'm supposed to be happy.

Still not happy.

Good and bad luck.

It's not that easy to define.

"Childe. "

"Too many corpses, shouldn't it be good news?"

Kirinhui reminded.

Qin Mo was stunned.


When part of a certain world. (If you read a violent novel, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

When you fall into the dark world.

Endless corpses or living beings.

will attract terrifying monsters.


Even evil gods may be attracted!

"It shouldn't be that unlucky, right?"

Qin Mo looked up uncertainly.

looked at the academy.


Qin Mo's brows tightened.

Keep an eye on it.

The palm of a corpse.

He just did.

It seems that I saw the other party move!


"Still ......."

The next moment.

Inside the Academy.

The bodies of those who died.

Suddenly sat up straight.

Pitch black energy.

Bloom from within them!

"Darkness devours. "

Qin Mo muttered to himself in a low voice.

"Darkness devouring?"

Rose was startled.

His eyes widened and he looked at the academy.


to her attributes.

Not visible at all.

I can only barely see the outline of a complex.......

"What's that?"

Shui Yue nodded her lips.

Asked curiously.

"I know, I know!"

Yan Ling'er came back to life with full blood.

Raise your hand.

The pretty face was a little proud.

Qin Mo raised his eyebrows.

Seeing Yan Ling'er looking at herself expectantly.

He nodded slightly.

Gave her the limelight.

"Just dropped everything in the Dark World. "

"It will attract the devouring of darkness. "

"Everything will mutate under the erosion of darkness. "

Yan Ling'er smiled and knew it.

Say them one by one.

The women suddenly realized.

Kirin Hui is extremely cooperative.

also revealed a look of sudden realization.

"Sister Ling'er, you are so powerful. "

"How do you know. "

Shui Yue held her chin adoringly.

Said with a high face.

"Hey, hey. "

Yan Ling'er smiled happily.

"Of course, I saw it when I visited the forum~"

"Ling'er is great. "

Kirin Megumi praised cooperatively.


Ruth nodded cooperatively.

It's cute.

"King, do you need to attack?"

Lilith tilted her head.

looked at Qin Mo. 0.3

The little spiders in the academy.

But I'm about to move.

It's just that.

The order to attack has not yet been given.

And in front of these dying corpses sat up in shock.

There was no other reaction either.


Spiders are not pets to be manipulated.

"There's no rush. "

"Let's come back first. "

Qin Mo smiled lightly and waved his hand.


Lilith continued to tilt her head.

Qin Mo stepped forward funny.

Straighten her little head.

"Charming you, it's not a good match to do this kind of cute action. "

Pinched Lilith's pretty face.

Qin Mo explained.

"They're being devoured and eventually they're going to get stronger. "

"We just have to wait for the good news. "。

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