

A word difference.

But it's a world of difference!

Genius streams.

The distinction is wide.

For example, the rookie lord who spits out in a certain aspect.

Or maybe it's a stroke of luck.

Or as fate would have it.

Or maybe it's talented.

They are more than agreeable.

It will be a lot stronger.

Called a genius.

Not an exaggeration.

And "Tianjiao", that is the goal of key training!

Luo poured snow too.

Lin Wan'er is also good.

All belong to Tianjiao.

They will be closely protected!


Including Qin Mo.


For the protection of Qin Mo.

It was done in secret.

For example, blocking news about him.

and to protect his personal safety.


and will not interfere with his freedom.


It doesn't stop opponents below the same level (Immortal God) yet.

As for Lin Wan'er.

And Luo Dump Snow.


They have always been under protection.

Qin Mo went out every time.

are perceptible.

A faint aura.

It exists in the neighborhood.

That's normal.


It's the eldest lady of the big family.

and then on top.

They are the status of Tianjiao.

There is such protection.

It's normal.

Generally speaking.

Other lords with good talents.

The best option is to accept the protection of the state.

"Let's not talk about that. "

Nangong Miao stepped forward with a smile.

Asked softly.

"So. "

"Where are we going on a date next? "

"Xiao Qin. "

Qin Mo nodded his chin.


"Let's go shopping on Silk Street first. "

"Then go to the Spicy Girls Restaurant for spicy and delicious food. "

"Let's go to Donglai Supermarket again. "

"It ends with a singing and crying movie. "

"Come back again. "


Although as a student.

But as a god of learning.

It's normal to skip class, right?

Not to mention.

Or skip class with the principal.

"Okay. "

"Listen to Xiao Qin. "

Nangong Miaorou agreed with a smile.

"Okay, okay!"

"Sounds romantic!"

The beauty in Qin Mo's arms.

Luo Tianxue happily agreed.

"So. "

"In the end, it was a gladiatorial fight with sweat. "

"How about a date for the end of the day!"

Lin Wan'er wiped the saliva from the corner of her mouth.

Grinning suggested.

"Oops. "

"I'm sorry. "

Luo Tianxue covered her face.

Said shyly.

A pair of beautiful eyes.

But it was full of anticipation.

There's a hint of crimson in it.

Silky eyes.


Nangong Miao licked her lips.

Charming smile.

"This is indeed one. "

"Pretty good proposal. "

Qin Mo grinned.

"The husband naturally sacrificed his life to accompany him. "

The four let out a happy laugh.

As agreed.

Qin Mo carried three beauties with different styles.

Embarked on the road to a day of dating.

Qin Mo also got his wish.

Harvested countless exclamations.

There are also countless envies.

One person.

Carrying three beauties with different styles.

Playful and lovely Lo Dump Snow.

Healthy and energetic, long-legged Lin Wan'er.

And also. (If you read a violent novel, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

Plump body, gentle as water's bosom sister Nangong Miao.

It's a man who is envious and wants to draw a knife against him.

Even some girls.

The drooling of the seeking, too.

After seeing the interaction with Qin Mo.

is also extremely angry in my heart.

Luo Tianxue's smile.

It never stopped.

Lin Wan'er is also very lively.

The joy of running and jumping is incomparable.

The corners of Nangong Miao's mouth.

Nor has it ever hung down.


I still want to relax like this.

Qin Mo now. []

is also a small rich man.

There are hundreds of millions of dark crystals in his hands.

In this age of the all-people lords.

Is there a better currency than a dark crystal?



and the difficulty of obtaining "extremely difficult".

Dark crystals.

Naturally, it became.

The currency of all mankind.

There are dark crystals.

You can buy a lot of supplies.

"Oh, I'm so shy. "

"The clerk's look was so strange. "

Luo Tianxue hugged the bag full of them.

She whispered shyly.


It is a lingerie store.


They swept the entire store.

Countless styles were purchased.


There are many more small pants.

There are all kinds of them.


All kinds of silk.



of the strap.

The whole nine yards.


There are also special openings.

"Lots of nice stockings and pants. "

"I'm looking forward to it!"

Lin Wan'er was extremely excited.

I can't wait to change it to Qin Mo immediately.

"Be reserved. "

"You're girls. "

Nangong Miao covered her mouth lightly (Qian Li's) and smiled.

"I love it. "

Qin Mo grinned.


In the end, you are the one who enjoys the blessings.

He just likes girls who take the initiative.

Just be direct.

The contrived kind.

It's not his Qin Mo's dish.

"So, let's do it next!"

Luo Tianxue emptied the bag in her hand.

Loaded into the inventory.

Help Qin Mo's arm.

The abyss swallows the arm.

Said cheerfully.

"Okay, let's go!"

Qin Mo nodded.


Lin Wan'er hugged Qin Mo's collar and one arm.

Hands raised and cheered.

"Let's go!"

"I'm going to buy lots and lots of little dresses!"

PS: Thank you for the monthly pass for big ship and cannon lovers

Thank you for your monthly pass support

There are two more chapters to follow.

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