The appearance of the Ocean of Knowledge.

It is a myriad of open books that are held aloft in the air.


See her.

Xiao Guyue thought of it.

The heavy schoolwork of my own childhood.

It's a lot of pressure!

A smell of pen and ink came to my face.

Xiao Guyue thought of it.

The fear of being dominated by learning in the first place.

"Sister Bai Rong, let's go somewhere else. "

Xiao Guyue tugged at Bai Rong's sleeve.


"Good. "

Bai Rong glanced at it.

Seeing Qin Mo look over.

He smiled and nodded at himself.

Suddenly blushed shyly.

Left with Xiao Guyue.

Qin Mo naturally saw them.

For this martial arts genius.

A girl who is familiar with thousands of fighting techniques.

He's a little bit of a big deal.

As for whether it will work out or not.

It's not that important.

It's just an add-on.

"The last one. "

"Idol of God. "

Qin Mo spread his hands.

The last reward was taken out.

Idol of the God of Knowledge.

The appearance of this model.

It's an old man with a white beard.

Its face is blurred and cannot be seen clearly.

He was holding an open book.

I'm reading it carefully.

The body is straight.

It looks old.

He has white hair that reaches to his waist.

The carving is lifelike.

It's like you're alive!

"The second idol. "

"Go ahead. "

Qin Mo stretched out his hand.

Throw it out.

The idol rises in the wind.


It was transformed into a ten-meter-high territorial building.

A round, two-meter-high base.

An eight-meter-tall statue of the deity.

On top of the book cover.

There are four big characters written on it.

Reward for God's diligence.

A flash of soft light.

The face of the idol showed a complicated look.

Then vanished.

Qin Mo frowned slightly.

He didn't suspect that he was wrong.

The look of that moment just now.

This idol.

It's like you've come to life!

Qin Mo's heart moved.

The Five Elements Sword Array is activated.

This statue.

Isolated by the power of the five elements.


Qin Mo turned his [Galaxy View Thoughts] and looked at the jade-footed fairy in his mind.

Time ticks and ticks.

The jade-footed fairy still didn't show his face.

"Is there something wrong?"

Qin Mo had some regrets.

He's still ready to watch.

Can you ask Nangong Miao's aunt to help take a look.

Is there anything wrong with this idol?

"You're looking for me?"

An ethereal voice emerged.

Qin Mo looked carefully.

I saw a fairy with jade feet stepping on the galaxy.

Stepping out of the galaxy.

Floated in front of Qin Mo's eyes.

Look at the stunning beauty that is close at hand.

Qin Mo smiled.


Nangong bowed slightly.


Her gaze seemed to penetrate time and space.


A statue isolated by the power of the five elements.

"The power of the five elements. "

Nangong glanced at Qin Mo ethereally.

Qin Mo decisively removed it. (If you read a violent novel, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

Put away the Five Elements Sword Formation.

There is Nangong's ethereal gaze.

This Five Elements Sword Formation was not of great use.

On the contrary, it is.

Nangong is ethereal, if you want to forcibly see through it.


Qin Mo needed to be consumed in an instant.

Extremely large source crystals!

"Nice sword formation. "

Nangong said indifferently.

Beautiful eyes were fixed on the statue.

Forever calm pretty face.

There was a moment of surprise.

She lowered her eyes.

Stared at the boy in front of him. []

Why does the fairy look at me like this?"

"Is there something wrong?"

Qin Mo asked suspiciously.

Nangong Miao's aunt who knew this person.

That is, after the aunt of his own family.


The other party last time.

I also take the initiative to help myself.

He was ethereal to Nangong.

I really can't mention any fear and worry.


Nangong Miao also talked about it.

Her aunt had a bland temperament.

Basically does not get angry.

I also like to be direct and straightforward.

See you later.

Get along.

It's straightforward.

Dragged mud and water twisted and pinched.

She didn't like it.


Qin Mo had no intention of revealing his identity.

Nangong didn't know either.

Whether or not you know who you are.

Let's just don't know.

Just get along like that.

Very good.

You're in luck. "

"However, the fourth order has so much faith power. "

Nangong said lightly.

"The power of faith?"

Qin Mo looked puzzled.

The Power of Faith.

It is a path for some indigenous immortals to become immortals.

The world is different.

The rules also vary.

There are in the middle of the world.

As long as there is faith.

The gods are omnipotent.


Once faith is gone.

will fall to the dust in an instant.

And there is the world.

Faith is poisonously pure.

The belief in the creatures that suck (good) harvest is increasing.

The gods will be poisoned by faith.

Distorted by faith.

Of course.

There is also the world.

Faith is a pure, convenient path to godhood.


Qin Moke never thought about it.

What faith to follow is the path of becoming a god.

He prefers to be a powerful one.

With hard power.

Go and become an immortal!

"Where does the power of faith come from?"

Qin Mo was extremely puzzled.


Scratching your head.

"You don't know?"

Nangong Miao was a little surprised.

I don't even know.

The power of faith is in hand?

This makes the high lords who are struggling to find the power of their faith. 、

How can it be embarrassing.

Faith becomes a god.

There are pros and cons.

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