A hero of golden legendary quality.

Qin Mo grabbed a handful in his hand. but.

He just loves it! and.

Kallen is also a Song Knight.

The power she wields.

Similar to Ruth.

It also uses divine power. and.

This is still a hero who can lead troops to fight. hero.

In fact, there are different categories.

There are auxiliary heroes.

Such as Qilin Hui.

Able to handle territorial government affairs.

It can also add status and buffs to residents.

There are solo heroes.

Such as Shui Yue.

Although she can also lead the water fairies to fight. but.

That's not called leading troops to fight.

That's just.

Gather your strength in your hands.

Just release"Two Nine Three".

She and the Water Fairy.

He cannot be a commander-in-chief hero.

Like Yan Linger.

Cooperate with the Red Flame Army tacitly.

He also knows military formation skills.

Lilith can indeed control the Ganges Hatcher.

But that control.

It belongs to biological level control.

Not the commander-in-chief.

And Alice.

It belongs to the logistics hero.

Her talent is alchemy. her positioning.

It's not like facing the enemy head-on.

But in the territory. at the rear of the army.

Come study alchemy.

Refining alchemical products. to improve the combat effectiveness of soldiers.

Survival rate.

Mobility, etc.

Every hero. are all important. but.

For war-type lords.

A commander-in-chief hero.

Relatively speaking, it will be much better. only because.

A commander-in-chief hero.

Stacked with soldiers. can be exerted.

It's not as simple as 1+1.

From ancient times to the present.

A good general.

But they are all very rare!

"where.......Didn't God say that?....It's so important to say......."

Karen heard this.

Suddenly he became shy.

He stuttered when he spoke.

From small to large.

How could anyone ever tell her that she was important?

My parents kept saying I wasn't good enough.

Peers of the same age are afraid of themselves.

Don't dare to get close to yourself.

Never said that either.

You are important. , as for other elders.

There are all kinds of looks directed at me. but.

Still no one told her.

She is important!


"I think you are important."

Qin Mo said seriously.

His black eyes were full of determination.

"Your strength is amazing"

"Your military qualities are beyond the reach of countless people"

"You have hunted countless monsters"

"You have protected countless civilians"

"You once led troops to protect your country."

Qin Mo told everything about her in detail.

Kallen's state is very similar to Alice's.

The same strength.


Can view past experiences.


Qin Mo knows her entire past!


Of course, it also includes some little secrets.


I also discovered that the other party has been lacking in certain emotions since childhood.

And, although I am obviously so good,

I am still not that confident.

Listen to what Qin Mo said.

She was still confident about her own abilities, strength, and everything.

Kallen's beautiful eyes became more and more lively. (To read Baoshuang novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

Kallen left.

She was jumping up and down. Leaving.

The smile on the corner of the mouth.

Can't stop.

Can't stop at all!

"Like a little child."

Qin Mo smiled and shook his head helplessly. He changed direction and walked towards Yan Ling'er's room. He opened the door.

He saw Yan Ling'er wearing an exquisite cheongsam.

Purple is very charming!

Qin Mo's eyes lit up.

"What are you doing? Qin

Mo asked curiously while walking.[]

"Good evening, Your Majesty~"

Yan Ling'er said his greetings in a very artificial way.

Qin Mo paused in his steps and looked surprised.


"My Ling'er's voice is so gentle"

"Are you possessed by something dirty?"

Yan Ling'er's molar teeth were almost broken in an instant. She almost couldn't help rolling her eyes.

She gritted her teeth and said.

"Your Majesty, the slave family has always been like this."

Qin Mo's black eyes turned.

He understood instantly.

Is this a play on contrast?

Yan Ling'er was passionate and wild.

Now he speaks softly.

From beginning to end, every move is full of gentleness and virtuousness. His aura.

His self-identification has changed. He calls himself the slave family.

When Qin Mo left the room, he had endless aftertaste.

I have to say that when you are used to a person's enthusiasm, the other person suddenly became gentle and soft-spoken.

Let him He felt completely different.

I can only say that it was very nice and comfortable!

Not far away was Qilin Hui's palace.

Qin Mo opened the door with anticipation.

He saw the man with his hair tied high.

He was wearing a blazer. Qilin Hui in a spicy big cheongsam.

The other party even put on extremely charming red lips.

She looked like a 3.9 ball.

A blazing flame!

Such an appearance and posture made Qin Mo's black eyes light up.

I have to say..

They really know how to play!

With Yan Ling'er,

Qin Mo experienced Qilin Hui's tenderness like water!

With Qilin Hui,

Qin Mo experienced Yan Ling'er's hot, fiery!



And Lilith.

What he experienced today was a sharp contrast!

When the personalities were exchanged, the feeling it brought was completely a new version of Chuanxin!

Qin Mo was very satisfied.

Even some of it left endless aftertaste!

He got it Praise.

The hearts of the women are naturally extremely happy.

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