Meet in different lords.

When killing the same boss.

Who gets the head in the end.

Which side does this kill treasure chest belong to? unless.

Kill the boss lord. and his soldiers and heroes.

It has been more than three hours since I picked up the kill chest. otherwise.

People from other lords cannot pick up the treasure chest normally.

And what Qin Mo will do next.

Naturally, it’s a matter of grabbing people’s heads. these lords.

They are just cows and horses working for nothing. at this time.

The boss looks extremely miserable.

Three heads.

Two of them have been smashed into pieces.

One is a head filled with greed.

It can swallow energy and material attacks.

Can be immune to a lot of damage.

If you meet a low-level lord.

Naturally, this immunity is 100%.

It's invincible.

It is impossible to hold it to death. but. present.

Except Qin Mo and Qiangwei.

The remaining lords.

But they are all high-level lords at level 100!

The next step is a successful breakthrough.

You can become an immortal and an ancestor!

Territory under command, soldiers and heroes.

They are also very powerful.

Under the irrigation of a large amount of energy and material.

Not surprisingly. 123 was held up. result.

It was just greedy’s head that exploded.

Another head.

What appears is compassion.

The magic sound it spits out from its mouth.

Can cause soldiers to rebel!

Although the hero will not directly rebel.

It's also a serious decline in status. but.

High-level lords naturally have treasures at the bottom of the box.

Various props and treasures are thrown out.

The demonic sound that offsets its terror. finally.

One of the lords.

He took out the world-class props with a look of pain on his face.

After crushing.

A terrifying sound of Buddha swept across in reverse direction.

His head was blown off.

The last head.

What comes out is majesty.

A large amount of scarlet flesh covers the epidermis.

Every move.

They all have tens of thousands of tons of power!

Just a punch or a kick.

It can produce a sonic boom!

Many soldiers and heroes.

Died under his fists. but.

It has a pair of fleshy palms and fleshy feet.

It was also bloody and bloody.

Bright red eyes.

It's also a lot darker. these lords.

But they are all level 100 lords.

They are all veteran lords.

Under his command.

There are many soldiers and heroes.

They are also all level 100.

Under siege from such a formidable enemy.

Even if it is a descendant of the evil god.

It's a boss-level monster.

It can't stop so many people from attacking. but.

It also killed a large number of soldiers and heroes.

The territories of several lords were also destroyed.

Fight the boss.

Naturally, you need to bear the damage.

Just this time.

Gains may not be proportional to losses

"Lord, I can't stop it!"

A hero retreated in embarrassment.

He was a noble man. His head was now full of dirt.

He could not see the glory of the past at all. (To read Baoshuang novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

"Damn it!"

The lord looked at his territory, which was like a typhoon passing through. His teeth were bleeding from the bite.

He had worked hard for so long to reach the scale it is today.

At this time, there is nothing left in ten.

If Qin Mo can be killed, all of this will happen. They are all worth it.

Capital will not give up on them.

A large amount of resources are tilted and it is easy to recover.

But now, it is obvious that they have been treated like monkeys.[]

Being fooled around by Qin Mo.

Don't talk about killing him.

Can people like myself survive?

It’s all an unknown!


"I shouldn't have gone through this muddy water!"

"Damn it, I can’t even go back now!"

The lord looked remorseful. I regretted it!

I thought I had obtained the information.

Ten of their 100-level lords took action.

Plus such a suitable task cooperation.

They first weakened Qin Mo's strength.

But now, it has become a tool to weaken them..

Brought countless losses.

Moreover, there were special means to prevent Qin Mo from escaping from this mission.

This mission was specially selected. It is very special.

It can limit the lord's own external contact.

In addition to the mission scroll itself... it can Apart from leaving, other means are basically unworkable.

For example, the Ten Thousand Realms Forum cannot contact friends and go to the Ten Thousand Realms Forum.

Now, this preparation has become the trigger for their demise!

It can be said that Tiantian Bu Respond.

Call the earth to be ineffective

"Damn it"

"It would be great if I could contact a god king."

The lord is filled with regret.

If he can contact the higher god,

I'm afraid he still has a chance to leave by force.

"black widow"

"What did the captain say?"

Seeing that Black Widow was back, they immediately came forward and asked nervously.

Black Widow's face was gloomy.

"The mission scroll should not be in John’s hand anymore"

"He asked me to block for half an hour"

"He said he was going to take me away with him."

John is just a beast.

In the past, he would come and go as soon as he called.

Unless he wanted to play with himself.

Otherwise, he would never call himself dear.

But now he is so uncharacteristic.

She is smart.

Guess. Maybe something happened


"How could the mission scroll be lost!"

"That’s right, besides us, who else knows about the existence of the quest scroll?"

"There is another person."

Black Widow said with a gloomy face.

"You mean, that little bitch Qiangwei?"

A lord reacted.

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