On top of the city wall.

A tall and proud figure, standing upright.

Hands overlapped.

Press it on the hilt of the upright long sword.

Gaze beyond the territory.

The defense towers roared.

The magic tower is venting its firepower.

Arrow tower.

Under a tenfold increase.

It can still kill these monsters with levels up to level 45 in an instant.

Thunder and lightning are flashing.

In the sky.

A blue thunder net bloomed.

Attacking was a flying monster with scarlet eyes.

Falling like raindrops.

A burning smell spreads out

"It stinks."

Qin Mo frowned slightly.

Such a monster created by the evil god's aura or the evil god's breath.

The whole body is full of putrid smell.

And the smell of blood.

Under the whipping of thunder and lightning, it emits a thick stench.

"Lord God!"

Kalien then realized that

Qin Mo was here. She immediately touched her chest respectfully and saluted. 303 waves rolled.

Qin Mo feasted his eyes on it.

He was not embarrassed or shy at all.

He looked at it with admiration.

It was a practice dribbling. A good technical shot.

Full of energy, the bulge was high and stretched to death.

The elasticity is probably not bad.

It's a pity.

The opponent is a dead man.

This makes him a little regretful.

Kallen, who is always paying attention, was a little happy at first.

Because the gods Sir.

He noticed his proud capital.

His eyes were full of admiration.

But the sudden regret made her heart tremble.

Why is this?

But she didn't dare to ask, and she didn't want to ask.

Qin Mo stood there In front of the city wall, he supported the city wall and looked outside the city.

The defense tower behind him kept roaring.

Outside the city, countless puppet giants were charging.


Qin Mo already has an army of puppet giants under his command!

They are immortal.

Dare to attack Anyone (ahad) charges!

What's more, the weight class advantage brought by their super size makes their strength astonishing.

Every punch can make the earth tremble!

They form an extremely solid defense line to block it. They have fallen into the trend of monsters.

Although they are both at level 40, their attributes have received various territorial bonuses.

How can they not stop these monsters of the same level?

What's more, they are immortal!

Even if they are killed It was broken into pieces.

It can be restored to its original state in the blink of an eye! Behind it, there are countless magicians, archers and other long-range professions supporting it.

Coupled with their current number, the counterattack is being carried out in an orderly manner!

On the other side.

Ganges hatching The warriors are hatching little spiders in the city with all their strength!


Lilith gives them bonuses!

On the other side, after diligent training, the beauty snake Alice has initially mastered alchemy.

Through simple equipment and Materials can be found everywhere.

The lowest-level poison can be refined.

A bottle of poison is distributed to every ten little spiders.

To cause more damage to those monsters!

There are overwhelming little spiders.

Their number is even greater than outside the city. There are even more monsters!

With the addition of Lilith and the additional damage caused by poison, they succeeded in taking charge of themselves. They suppressed the tide of monsters in this direction one thousand meters away from the territory!

Another One direction.

Forty heavily armored swordsmen lined up. (To read Baoshuang novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!) forming a line of defense.

Any monster that dares to approach will be killed with one sword!


"I am the strongest!"

In the communication channel.

Cai's cheerful voice sounded.

She has the most kills among the heavy swordsmen currently.

Her attributes are also better than other heavy swordsmen!

The experiment was successful.

The heavy swordsman, You can also open the channel for improvement by seizing the future!

Moreover, after forming a marriage with the Marriage Tree,[]

You can also get hundreds of points of attribute improvements!

This made Cai become the strongest among the heavily armored swordsmen!

"Cai, be serious!"

Xia's voice sounded on the communication channel.

It was a little cold and a little helpless.

"Oh, Sister Xia"

"This is a good way for us to improve"

"Everyone, work hard to gain military honors"

"Let the chief manager arrange it~"

Cai said helplessly.

It is obvious that everyone is not weak in strength and has gained a lot of military honors.

But except for herself, no one took the initiative to speak.

Go and ask for the reward from the superior!

"Cai, stop talking."

Xia stopped.

Cai pouted.

"Sister Mingxia obviously also likes the commander very much"

"Sometimes I talk in my sleep and call me sir."

Xia's pretty face suddenly turned red and she turned into a steam engine.



Cai decisively cut off the communication.

Her little face was mean.

Xia Qing's cold and beautiful face was crimson.

When she thought of the officer's heroic figure, she couldn't help but close her legs.


Today's list.

But. It's hers.

The chief manager asked for her opinion on whether her name should be crossed out.

But Xia didn't refuse.

Instead, she looked indifferent, but in fact she agreed with great excitement!

But... she didn't dare to do this. She was too embarrassed to say it out loud.

The persona she maintained!

How could she have the nerve to destroy such a cold persona!

When she thought about it, after the night fell, she would need to go to the Yintian Palace, the chief's palace.

She couldn't help but I was thinking about it.

Which shower gel should I use and what clothes should I wear?

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