"your bad lord"

"You went to bully Sister Mengyun~"

Yan Ling'er said seriously.

Upon hearing this,

Shui Yue's face suddenly changed.

She thought she would see the bad lord when she came back.

"Is sister Mengyun back?"

Yan Ling'er nodded.

"came back"

"He was even carried away by the king."

Shui Yue was immediately disappointed.

She also wanted to beg for a hug!

"Okay Ling'er"

"Stop teasing Yue'er."

Qilin Hui shook his head in a funny way.

He came over and comforted her softly.


"Mengyun arranged it for dozens of hours"


"Young Master cares about us the most"

"Naturally, he will take Mengyun back."

Qilin Hui touched Shui Yue's hair and said with a smile.

"If it were Yue'er"

"Young Master will do the same"

"Young master loves us very much"

"Isn't it?"

Shui Yue nodded obediently.

"Sister Huier is right"

"The bad lord loves us the most!"

06"Meng Yun has been busy for dozens of hours!"

"You should enjoy the warm embrace of the Bad Lord!"

After that,

Shui Yue pounced directly towards Yan Ling'er.

"Bad Ling'er sister"

"Just know how to tease Yue'er!"

"Beat the shit out of you!"

Yan Ling'er didn't have fun watching. She was a little regretful.

The next second,

Shui Yue jumped on her.

The two immediately started to fight.

However, their moves were very measured.

It was just a sisterly play.

No. They will really fight.

To say that they have known each other recently, they have to be Yan Ling'er and Shui Yue.

They are two heroes.

They are the first two of Qin Mo.

They spent many days and nights together.

They were also the first to form a team. Dude.

Talk about good sisters who help each other.

"You big fire dragon!"

"Just know how to bully me! Shui

Yue said angrily

"slightly slightly slightly~"

"Come and hit me~"

"Little succubus."

Yan Ling'er quickly got away and teased.

The two of them chased each other and started fighting.

The sound of joy spread.

Several Red Flame soldiers leaned on the city wall and just watched.

They didn't mean to help..

They were like people eating melon. They had seen this kind of scene too many times.

They took a sip and talked in a low voice.

"Let me tell you, the King likes our Red Flame Army, we are heroic, beautiful and generous!"

"I envy you so much. You have rosy faces and calm looks."

"Don't worry, you'll be close too"

"I’m so nervous. Is the king really that powerful?"

"That is natural, the king is brave and unparalleled, no one can defeat him!"

"Tell me quickly, who among the five of you cried first last time?"

"Hehe, Li Wen was the first to cry!"

"Well, aren't you very brave?"

"That's natural!"

"Look at that Wenwen, he’s so inferior!"

In the air.

Several water fairies landed on the ground.

They were wearing exquisite blue robes. Their white and tender skin seemed to be able to squeeze out water!

Seeing Shui Yue and Yan Ling'er chasing each other, they suddenly floated in the air with smiles..

Smiling coquettishly and cheering for Shui Yue.

Shui Yue rolled her eyes.

After all, he is also his subordinate. (To read Baoshuang novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

In the end, it’s okay if he doesn’t come up to help catch Sister Ling’er. But she was there to join in the fun and watch the show!

Kirin Hui was like a big sister.

While opening the kill treasure box, she looked at the fight with them with a soft smile.

She had no intention of stopping it.

It's a matter of work and rest.

The battle is over.

Fighting It's good to have fun and have fun.

It can also promote the friendship between sisters.

After that, we can work together to fight against the terrible gun!

Ruth sat cross-legged on the ground.[]

Practice slowly.

Whenever I have time.

She will start practicing. after all.

Human Ruth.

I also hope that I can help my master as soon as possible.

All the time.

She is always fishing.


She is very powerful in her divine nature.

But the mortal danger is there.

There was no way she could take action easily.

All the time.

It’s an angel mascot!

She hopes too.

You can grow up quickly! in this way.

Only in this way can we better help the owner. now.

Ling'er and the others are getting stronger and stronger.

Ruth worried.

He ends up becoming a liability. after.

I won’t have any use for myself anymore! so.

Human Ruth has always worked hard.

Every day except day.

It’s 130 practice!

Good thing.

Humanity Ruth's cultivation is very different from Ling'er and the others.

Her strength is that of a demigod. now.

Not so much training.

It would be better to say that he is regaining his strength!

Divine Ruth will.

She will too. and.

The Holy Light she controls.

It is the purest!

It will not be controlled by the Light Dragon God!

As long as she is strong enough.

Then you can help your master!


"We will reach level 40 soon"

"After level 40"

"I can rely on the strength of my own body"

"Come and perform Pudu!"

Human Ruth showed a holy smile.

The heaven and earth became brighter.

Countless holy light elements swarmed in and wrapped it.

Deep in the soul, the divine Ruth, full of holiness, was also slowly Adjusting.

A golden thread was connected to her body.

Then it connected to the void.

I don’t know where it spreads!

However, the color of this golden thread connected to the interface of the divine Ruth has become lighter and lighter..

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