Resurrection of these fallen soldiers.

Qin Mo couldn't consume any dark crystals at all.

Relative to.

The rewards of these soldiers' hard work.

This loss.

Not worth mentioning

【Outside the wine pool and meat forest.

As always, residents are provided with three meals a day.

Qin Mo and the hero.

And the soldiers.

Then go to [Restaurant] for dinner.

Although Longya rice produced one hundred thousand kilograms this time. but.

It will be some time before the next harvest.

They don't even have enough to eat.

Naturally, Qin Mo would not be so generous.

Go and feed 100,000 aborigines.

Dark crystal.

Just use it.

Qin Mo doesn't have much else.

It just has a lot of dark crystals."827" but.

Take out the strategic material Longya Rice.

Give it to those who have died long ago.

It's impossible for Qin Mo to do such a stupid thing.

When the territory and the city of sage merged.

Qin Mo can control the layout.

He circled the central area.

Buildings in the general's territory other than defense towers.

They are all placed in the central area.

The City of Sages is big enough.

Settling territory buildings.

It's quite easy.

It was the Temple of Knowledge that was originally in the center.

But was moved away

"Still sleeping."

Qin Mo, under the leadership of Kalian, came to visit the sleeping great sage.

He looked like a kind old man with a white beard. He wore a decent, loose white robe.

There were many mysterious runes on the inside.

His face looked a little... Pale.

But according to Karen, the great sage's complexion is much better than the previous few days.

Qin Mo guessed that it should be brought about by the territory bonus.

"When the great sage awakens"

"It's time for me to leave."

Qin Mo whispered.

As expected, the moment the great sage wakes up, it is the end of the mission.

It is also all this.

The time of collapse and annihilation.

More than 100,000 lives. Enter the countdown to life. Qin Mo said in a low voice.

Mo was a little moved.

But there was nothing he could do.

He couldn't save these people.

He didn't have the ability to save them.

"Lord God, what did you say? Kallen

's heart trembled.

She whispered.

Qin Mo shook his head slightly.

He glanced at the Great Sage and turned to leave.

Kallen's face was pale.


Lord God.

He will leave after all.

Kallen looked at the sleeping man. The great sage.

An idea emerged involuntarily in his heart.

If he were a great sage, my uncle would just fall asleep like this.

It seems to be a good idea.

"Damn it"


"what's on your mind!"

Karen was annoyed with her thoughts just now.

She covered them up.

After returning to her natural state, she strode towards the direction where Qin Mo left.

Not long after, the great sage's eyelids twitched slightly again.

"Lord God!"

"Lord God!"

Walking along the way.

The residents of the City of Sages who I met along the way all had respectful faces and saluted Qin Mo with his hands on his chest.

Some even knelt down and bowed to Qin Mo.

Without exception. (Read the Baoshuang novel. Go to Feilu Novel Network!)

Their eyes were full of gratitude, admiration, and even fanaticism!

Just because the arrival of Qin Mo brought them hope of life!

It also solved the food problem.

At the same time, it gave them Their powerful strength!

They were able to attack those hateful monsters.

They took revenge with their own hands!

They fell into the dark world and experienced hardships. They lost many lives. Naturally, they are filled with hatred for the monsters outside the city! [


After all, those monsters really eat humans alive!

If they are intelligent creatures and can negotiate, there will definitely be those who surrender to the enemy.

This is indispensable.

Humans are such creatures.

But if the other party makes it clear that they want to kill them all.

Eat them all!

Then they will share the same hatred and regard death as home!

Because there is no way to retreat.

And the powerful strength given by Qin Mo allows them to hunt those monsters with their own hands and avenge the compatriots who lost their lives before.

If there is loyalty In the beginning , they were all around thirty.

But now, the lowest is seventy or eighty. The higher ones, such as Kallen, may have reached the upper limit of one hundred!

As the most powerful existence in the City of Sages, she is also. She felt the power of Lord God for the first time!

The overall combat power increased by more than ten times.

It shocked her!

Qin Mo had a warm smile on his lips.

He did not stop the actions of these natives of the City of Sages.

Faintly Nodding.

He walked towards the city wall.


One step behind.

Following closely behind him.



"call out!"

As the strength of the monsters increased.

Qin Mo also activated the defense towers in the city.

The fire spread outside the city.

The Red Flame Army danced in the flames!

Like elves in the fire. 5.1

In the air.

Shui Yue brought the water The fairies attack.

Also taking care of the task of collecting kill chests


"Get your people back."

Qin Mo ordered

"Lord God, we can fight again!"

Kalian said solemnly.

Qin Mo shook his head.

"Come back and don’t make fearless sacrifices."

Karen bit her lower lip.

She was a little disappointed.

But the monsters outside the city were no longer something the soldiers could deal with.

A large number of soldiers died in the battle.

"Yes, Lord God!"

Karen turned and left.

Recalled the soldiers who died in the battle.

The soldiers who were resurrected from the Hall of Valor were also informed that they did not need to leave the city anymore.

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