Everyone is a demon, why are you covered in holy light?

Chapter 437 More than Two Thousand Miles

No one expected that such a scene would appear. Everyone's faces showed a look of surprise, and they all looked at Yang Yu who took action.

Du Ze's best friend Li Ranxia and another close friend said goodbye in unison, their eyes instantly filled with anger. If Du Ze hadn't reacted in time and reached out to stop the two of them, they would have all started to attack.

"Du Ze, why are you stopping me?!"

Ci Daoqi has a hot temper. When he saw that the person under his command was seriously injured in an instant, and the other party suddenly took action without any reason, he became furious on the spot.

Du Ze's forehead was covered with cold sweat, but he still stood in front of the two of them.

Why did Yang Yu suddenly take action against this group of people? Knowing Yang Yu's temper, he immediately realized what was going on.

The reason why he stopped the two of them was not to prevent them from hurting Yang Yu, but because he was afraid that Yang Yu would kill his two best friends as evil spirits in a rage. This was to protect them.

"This is the person I want to take you to meet. He is Elder Yang of our Immortal Mansion."

But about Yang Yu, he couldn't tell clearly for a while. Du Ze could only explain Yang Yu's identity first, that he was one of his own, and at the same time, he was ready to explain the reason for Yang Yu's attack.

But at this moment, looking at the gazes of Li Ranxia and Li Ranxia, ​​Yang Yu showed a smile and raised his hand to point at the screaming people in the crowd.


His actions attracted everyone's attention, and they subconsciously looked in the direction he pointed.

Among the crowd, the light on more than a dozen monks has disappeared, but each one has a shocking wound. The body is completely penetrated, and the broken internal organs can even be seen in the flesh and blood body. The blood has soaked the clothes into Bloody red.

This kind of injury is fatal to a monk. Without the help of someone with higher cultivation level, who is racing against time to nurse his luck, it is almost impossible to cure it.

Yang Yu's method was very destructive, causing the monks who were hit to fall into a state of dying, but they still retained their last breath, and fell into a state of dying, with most of their bodies entering the gate of hell.

Seeing this scene, both Li Ranxia and Ci Daoqi's eyes were red at this moment.

They brought high-level monks from their respective immortal mansions to rescue Emei Mansion. Who knew that they would encounter an unexplained attack at this moment. In the blink of an eye, more than ten people were in a dying situation, many of them were very... A promising cultivation seedling.


Ci Daoqi turned his head angrily, and regardless of it, he wanted to attack Yang Yu, and opened up Du Ze who was blocking him.

"Don't worry, you guys will wait and see."

But Yang Yu always had a smile on his face and pointed at those who were about to die.

Everyone turned to look again. It was too late to save them. These people would die in the next moment. The only ones who could save them were Li Ranxia and Ci Daoqi.

But when everyone looked around, they saw that these people who had suffered horrific injuries suddenly distanced themselves from them, and looked at everyone with caution and panic.

And the horrific injuries on their bodies were all recovering quickly at this moment.

Countless granules sprouted out of the flesh and blood, and the granules intertwined to form new flesh and blood, causing their injuries to recover quickly, and their originally pale faces turned rosy in the blink of an eye.

Everyone present was stunned by this scene, and only Du Ze had such a look on his face.

"You will never forget what Du Ze said in the letter he sent you, right?"

This time it was Yang Yu's turn to question Li Ranxia and Ci Daoqi.

Hearing Yang Yu's words, the two of them woke up instantly, looked at each other, and reacted quickly.

"Rebirth of flesh and blood is one of the most basic characteristics of the demons from outside the world!!

They are evil spirits! "

The expressions of the two people changed instantly. They looked at the group of monks who had recovered from their injuries, and there was still a look of disbelief in their eyes.

These people are all their cronies, and they even have promising talents. When did they fall into the devil's path and become evil?


Li Ranxia, ​​who had some sense, opened her mouth to speak and wanted to question the people she had brought with her, but as soon as the words came out of her mouth, the dozen or so people immediately turned around and tried to escape.

But since they are already here, how can Yang Yu let them leave so easily?

In the blink of an eye, countless lights appeared all around, densely intertwined, as if forming a huge net, covering everyone in it.

The two monks who were trying to escape had no time to react and bumped directly into the light net.

The next moment, like a mosquito hitting an electric mosquito swatter, in a burst of light, the two monks instantly turned into ashes, emitting a large amount of black smoke, and died without any body parts.

This scene immediately frightened the monks who wanted to escape. They stopped one after another, turned their backs to the light network and looked at everyone in panic, especially at Li Ranxia and Ci Daoqi. There seemed to be something unspeakable in their eyes. , there is also a begging look that wants to live.

But their actions of turning around and running away just now have obviously become the most powerful evidence, and all excuses are pale.

Li Ranxia and Ci Daoqi's expressions became very ugly at this moment.

Yang Yu smiled lightly at this time.

"There's no need to waste your time asking questions. Just go and try and see if you can kill them."

Action is the best proof, and it can also make these people better understand the monks who are contaminated with turbidity.

After his screening, the remaining people were all monks, not contaminated with turbidity, and could turn into their own strength.

Ci Daoqi, who had a hot temper, immediately took the lead. As a tribulation monk, he rushed out of the crowd in an instant and suddenly grabbed one of the monks by the neck.

With a heavy squeeze, the monk's head fell to the ground with a thud.

The headless corpse escaped Ci Daoqi's control, but suddenly dodges.

A large number of tentacles formed from the head that fell to the ground and formed into granulations, which quickly returned to the headless corpse. The monk who was supposed to be dead recovered quickly, and not even a single scratch could be seen on the broken neck.

"Elder, don't listen to them. They are sowing discord. We are not evil spirits!"

Some monks immediately quibbled. In fact, they never thought that they were evil spirits, because what they sucked was the immortal energy given by the people above, not the evil energy.

How can this be called falling into the devil's path?

Ke Ci Dao Qi's face was very ugly at the moment. In the world of cultivation, when could such weird things exist? The ability to rebirth with a drop of blood was something that even he, as a tribulation monk, could not achieve.

According to rumors, it may be possible for the monks who ascended from ancient times to be powerful, but those are all figures who have already become immortals.

Low-level monks can master blood rebirth, and the appearance is weird. What is this if it's not an evil spirit?

What's even more hateful is that these monks who they usually trust have fallen into the devil and have been hiding among them.

If one day in the future, in the dark, the entire Immortal Mansion is assimilated into evil spirits by them, but they still know nothing about it, in the end, I am afraid that even monks like them will not be able to escape from the hands of these people.

"I have to kill you with my own hands today!"

Ci Daoqi's face was full of anger, and he no longer cared about anything. As he raised his hand, a huge shadow appeared behind him and punched angrily. The shadow of the fist instantly enveloped all the evil monks.

In front of an angry tribulation-transmitting monk, even if these monks' cultivation levels are not low, and at worst they can transform into gods, they are no match for the tribulation-transmitting monk.

As the shadows of fists fell on these monks, countless wailings were heard in an instant. They could not retreat. Once they touched the light net, they would die, and they could only bear and resist forcefully.

But the methods used by the monks to overcome the tribulation are not so easy to resist.

In just a few blinks of an eye, more than a dozen monks were beaten into pulp all over the sky, and their blood turned into a pouring rain, leaving them with no human shape at all.

However, Ci Daoqi's attack did not kill them. Even if they were beaten into pulp and scattered everywhere, after Ci Daoqi stopped, the flesh and blood of these monks began to squirm strangely and quickly regrouped. recover.

"Damn it! Fight them! They can't kill us! We can definitely escape."

Not even the Tribulation Monk could kill them. The monk who recovered quickly showed his ferocious face and shouted angrily.

Seeing that the situation was not good, Li Ranxia immediately appeared beside Ci Daoqi.

These people really cannot be killed, and the identity of the evil spirits is certain, but how to deal with them next? This has become a problem.

These monks who were contaminated with turbidity would naturally not target Li Ranxia and Ci Daoqi. They couldn't beat them, and they would only be treated as sandbags if they rushed forward.

These people all looked at the other monks present. They could not defeat Li Ranxia and Ci Daoqi, but as long as they hijacked the other monks and threatened them, they would have a chance to escape.

All of them had hateful faces, and their eyes were full of hostility. There was no courtesy to each other when everyone was from the same clan. It was like they were completely different people.

"Okay, that's it."

At this moment, Yang Yu suddenly spoke.

As long as these people understand the true face of the evil spirit, this is a boring farce. How can the evil spirit that comes to the door have other results? It's time to end.

Without waiting for everyone to look at him, Yang Yu stretched out his hand and shook it.

In an instant, countless rays of light intertwined in the light net that enveloped everyone, directly piercing through the monks who were contaminated with turbidity, leaving them riddled with holes.

How could these monks react? One second they were viciously thinking of ways to escape, and the next second they were frozen in place.

The light was like the blazing sun, unstoppable, and was instantly detonated from their bodies.

In the blink of an eye, more than a dozen monks collapsed directly in the rays of light and turned into countless flying ashes.

"There is only one way to deal with evil spirits, and that is to completely crush their bodies and not give them a chance."

Yang Gu's voice reached the ears of everyone present, teaching them a good lesson.

Seeing those unkillable demonic monks being wiped out in the blink of an eye, everyone present fell into silence.

It sounds simple, but how many people can actually do this?

Everyone couldn't help but think about this problem. The strange ability of flesh and blood rebirth was so abnormal that they couldn't think of any simpler countermeasures for a while.

There are so many evil spirits in this world that they can't seal them all, right? Who can be busy with this?

A quarter of an hour later, in the temporarily repaired hall of Emei Mansion, Yang Yu sat on the main seat very calmly.

There were only four people in the hall, namely him, Du Ze, and Li Ranxia Ci Daoqi.

Du Ze was formally introducing Yang Yu's identity to his two close friends.

"This is Elder Yang of our Emei Mansion."

To make a long story short, Du Ze explained the whole story to the two of them before he had time to say it.

When they heard that Yang Yu had killed the powerful alien demon that had descended on Emei Mansion, the two men looked at Yang Yu with serious eyes.

When Du Ze mentioned that Yang Yu had killed the Supreme Elder Jin Xian of Yulong Palace, and the third elder Xing Shangxuan and the Great Elder of Kunlun Palace, their expressions changed and they looked at Yang Yu. Full of disbelief.

Because in their eyes, Yang Yu's cultivation was only in the early stage of transcending the tribulation, and there was not much difference between him and them.

But how can such achievements be achieved by someone in the early stage of transcending the tribulation?

It’s enough to kill the Golden Immortal. The gap between the Golden Immortal and them is not big, but the three elders of Kunlun Mansion are in the late stage of transcending the tribulation, and the great elder is only one step away from the peak of transcending the tribulation. The power to enter the Mahayana period.

But when Du Ze told it, he was immersed in the situation and spoke with certainty. He had indeed experienced these scenes, leaving the two of them at a loss what to say.

After a long silence, Li Ranxia took a deep breath and reacted quickly.

"So, even the third elder and the first elder of Kunlun Mansion have fallen into the devil's way? Then Kunlun Mansion..."

When he said this, his voice even trembled.

After all, he was the leader of the twenty-three immortal mansions on the mainland, the highest immortal mansion.

If even Kunlun Mansion is like this, how can other Immortal Mansion be any better.

Demons also appeared among the people they brought to their respective fairy houses, which further confirmed the seriousness of the matter and completely exceeded their imagination.

Du Ze also nodded solemnly, and then looked at Yang Yu.

Yang Yu has now become the backbone, and Li Ranxia and Ci Daoqi all followed Du Ze's gaze and looked at Yang Yu.

Being able to kill so many strong men one after another and knowing these evil spirits well, although the person in front of him was only in the early stage of transcending the tribulation, he was definitely not an ordinary person. Even Du Ze respected this person with clear attitude.

If the matter is really so serious, how should they face it and change the situation?

"I have a plan to resolve the current crisis."

Yang Gu's face was as calm as water, making it difficult to tell the depth.

"What's the plan?"

Several people asked seriously, and even Du Ze's face was full of curiosity.

"Why don't we attack Kunlun!"

"Ah? This..."

As soon as he said this, the three of them looked shocked.

"Kunlun is the highest immortal mansion and the holy land of the immortal family, but now it has been invaded by evil spirits. Even if we calm down other immortal mansions and eliminate more evil demons, it is better to clean up the evil demons in this highest immortal mansion first, and then gather all the demons. Strengthen the rectification of other immortal mansions.

Are you willing to go with me and hit Kunlun? "

Yang Yu looked at the three of them seriously.

The three of them suddenly seemed hesitant. As Yang Yu said, although the principle is so, capture the thief first, capture the king, but how to do it is not a problem for them. The real problem is, how can they attack Kunlun with just them?

In terms of current combat power, although Yang Yu has achieved outstanding results, they have no way of knowing his strength, and several of them are just in the stage of transcending the tribulation. The people brought under him include Hedao and Transformation gods.

But even if they were put together, they would not be the opponent of the Kunlun Mansion. The Kunlun Mansion has stood firm for thousands of years. It is called the highest immortal mansion. There are powerful monks in the Mahayana period.

I'm afraid that the Kunlun Mansion will know about it before they get there. The Mahayana monks can kill them all with just one finger and won't even give them a chance to explain.

What's even more frightening is that if even the Mahayana period in Kunlun Mansion has fallen into the devil's path... wouldn't this become an unsolvable problem?

Seeing the hesitation of the three people, Yang Yu was not surprised. This is just human nature. He should be cautious in doing things instead of agreeing impulsively. They are all monks who have lived for thousands of years. None of them are hot-blooded young people. He can understand .

But other than this, there is no other way to solve it.

The Mahayana monks in Kunlun Mansion are indeed contaminated with turbidity. Yang Yu knows this. In the memories of Xing Shangxuan and the elder of Kunlun Mansion, the Mahayana monk is one of them.

In addition, it is not ruled out whether there are Mahayana demons among Nandou Yukui, or...evils in the main realm, and the other party will definitely not watch him attack Kunlun Mansion.

But so what?

Looking at the beginning and the end will only make it difficult to look at the beginning and the end. Before another crisis comes, the current crisis must be solved first.

Regardless of whether they go with him to Kunlun or not, Yang Yu has to do this.

If the evil spirit does not die, neither will he.

How about Mahayana? How about Xianzhi?

He has a pair of iron fists and is covered in light. It just depends on which evil spirit can block it.

The reason why I asked them was just that I didn't want to see this group of people sitting around and waiting for death. At this critical moment, people's hearts were scattered and scattered.

After all, he doesn't expect these people to face the masters in Kunlun Mansion. If they can solve some minor troubles, it will be the greatest help to him.

"I will leave tomorrow for Kunlun.

The mountain is high and the road is long. If you don't want to go with us, then just wait for the news here. Protecting this side is enough. "

Speaking of this, Yang Yu couldn't help but think of a poem and blurted it out while being immersed in the situation.

"For the sake of sacrifice and great ambition, I dare to teach the sun and the moon to change the sky."

A line of poetry and many emotions are all left unsaid, so it is not the case this time.

As for why we set off again tomorrow, it is because there is still time left in the day, and Yang Yu is ready to enter the fourth physical transformation of the Red Wheel Infinite Body. I think one day is enough.

In this way, in his prime, he would have nothing to worry about.

As for the enemy?

Whoever stands in front of you is the enemy.

After looking at the three of them for the last time, Yang Yu said nothing and disappeared in the hall.

In the silent hall, the breathing of the three people became slightly faster.

It wasn't until a while later that Du Ze took a deep breath, looked at Li Ranxia and Ci Daoqi, and spoke slowly.

"This is Kunlun. Do you two fellow Taoists know how far it is?"

"No more than two thousand miles."

Li Ranxia replied.

"Yes, it's only more than two thousand miles away. It won't take more than half a day for me to take someone there.

So, if the Mahayana stage comes from Kunlun, how long will it take? "


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