Everyone is a demon, why are you covered in holy light?

Chapter 434 Overcoming the Tribulation

While Yang Yu was thinking about it, he saw that the movement here had disappeared, and Du Ze's figure appeared in the distance.

When he saw only Yang Yu, Du Ze's eyes were full of shock and he came closer.

When he came to Yang Yu's side, he finally discovered Xing Shangxuan's current situation. He immediately understood that Xing Shangxuan had been suppressed and sealed by Yang Yu, and he took a long breath in his heart. It was hard to describe, and his emotions were complicated.

In just a short time, Yang Yu was able to suppress people like Xing Shangxuan. In comparison, he who relied on Xiao Dongtian to break through was a pure waste.

The newly rebuilt Emei Mansion was mostly destroyed, with very little left, but Du Ze didn't care at this time.

"Elder Yang..."

He took a deep breath.

"This is a catastrophe. I'm afraid there will be even greater trouble in the future."

Du Ze was not a fool and could guess why Yang Yu didn't hang him, but just sealed him.

But he also understood that such countermeasures would not last long. Those who were hanging on a cliff in Kunlun Mansion and Xingxing would sooner or later realize that something was wrong.

Yang Yu was thinking about this issue at this time, and he seemed a little worried about the trouble that would come sooner or later.

On the one hand, it is the pressure from the original world, and on the other hand, it is the pressure from the interior of the earth.

After all, he still lacks strength. If he had enough strength, there would be no need to consider these issues at all. Whoever is the evil devil can be killed with one punch.

But the bigger problem now is that it is possible to improve his strength, but he needs time to develop.

The temporary delaying strategy cannot be changed, and we can only take it one step at a time.

"I recommend."

Yang Yu said sternly to Du Ze.

"There is no need to rebuild the Emei Mansion. Manpower and material resources should not be wasted in these places. In the following time, the elders led everyone to start setting up defensive formations. No matter what type of defensive formations, they were all deployed."

Instead of creating useless things, it is better to put your energy on useful places. Once the time comes when you can't escape, you might be able to delay it for a while and give him as much time as possible to improve his cultivation strength.

Yang Yu also knew that he couldn't leave Emei Mansion and leave. There were so many people in Emei Mansion. Once he left, if people from Kunlun Mansion came back, Emei Mansion would be the one to suffer.

Du Ze listened carefully to Yang Yu's suggestion and nodded solemnly. At his wits' end, this method was suitable.

Something suddenly occurred to him.

"I also have some close friends in other immortal mansions, and I can guarantee that they have not been exposed to any demonic ways. Can I leave this matter to them to spread?"

Yang Yu thought for a moment and nodded.

This method is also feasible, no matter what, and it can spread things about evil spirits, and it can also attract the attention of those in Nandou Yukui to a certain extent. It is not just about dealing with the information source of Emei Mansion.

On the other hand, let these monks know about the evil spirits as early as possible, so that they can take precautions in advance, so that the evil spirits will not suddenly break out and cause chaos.

However, it is conceivable that once these things are announced, they will inevitably cause chaos in the practice world and even affect the secular world.

But if we want to save the world, these problems are unavoidable.

"Yes, yes, but not now. Let me wait for some time and wait until the right time to announce it."

Yang Gu is very cautious about this.

Once the news spreads, Kunlun Mansion will immediately know that it was spread by them, which will disrupt his delaying strategy and shoot himself in the foot.

Now Du Ze could be said to be following Yang Yu's leadership, and he could only listen to Yang Yu, so he nodded heavily.

Yang Yu's heart is actually very complicated. He originally wanted to eliminate some of the evil spirits first, at least not to cause chaos, but now the pressure on him from all aspects is too great, and he has no choice but to do it.

Soon, Du Ze reconvened everyone in Emei Mansion and began to arrange the formation according to Yang Yu's plan.

Yang Yu was not idle either, using the power of the laws and rules of heaven he had mastered, he also deployed several lines of defense in this area.

The prohibition formation set up by him can be used by one person to defeat thousands of people.

After doing all this, Yang Yu sealed Xing Shangxuan under the ground in the core place, and then found the only remaining retreat place and continued to retreat.

It has its own seal with the power of heaven's laws and rules. There is no need to worry about Xing Shangxuan breaking away from the seal, because once Xing Shangxuan breaks away from the seal, he will also die due to the explosion of his power of heaven's laws and rules.

What's more, today's Xing Shangxuan can only be described as dying, and he doesn't have much resistance.

Now that Yang Yu's cultivation has reached the late stage of Hedao, it is his only chance to be promoted to the Tribulation Stage within a limited time.

If he is in harmony with the Tao, he can kill the monks who are in the Tribulation Stage. If he actually reaches the Tribulation Stage, the pressure will be much less, and he may be able to face the Mahayana Stage monks.

Time passes day by day, day after day.

Under the leadership of Du Ze, although the monks in Emei Mansion were puzzled, they still carried out the orders issued by the Supreme Elder and set up defensive formations day and night.

In the blink of an eye, more than ten days passed, and Yang Yu, who was still in retreat in the cave, slowly opened his eyes.

Although he faced huge pressure, Yang Gu was also full of motivation. He had a sea of ​​aura gifted from heaven. During these ten days, Yang Yu did everything he could to absorb the aura. The power in the sea also made his improvement speed several minutes faster than before.

From the late stage of Hedao to the peak of Hedao, if an ordinary person takes this step, it may take several years or even decades or hundreds of years.

But under great pressure, Yang Yu continued to shrink the process minute by minute, and even found other techniques from the entire Emei Mansion Kung Fu Scroll in his hand, and practiced them together.

It is not that only one of the Earth's exercises can be practiced and cannot be changed, but there are conflicts between the exercises, which will cause damage to the body.

But with Yang Yu, who has immortality, he can no longer care about so much. He uses all the methods he can think of. It is not an exaggeration to say that he is full of firepower.

It is precisely because of this that he has reached the peak of Hedao in a short period of time, and is only one step away from facing the heavenly tribulation and being promoted to transcend the tribulation.

In the cave, a message was sent by Yang Gu, heading towards where Du Ze was.

After telling Du Ze that he could contact other people to spread the word about the evil spirits and their identifying characteristics, he decisively left Emei Mansion.

The tribulation can be overcome soon, but it is conceivable that the arrival of the catastrophe will inevitably destroy the layers of defensive formations that everyone in Emei Mansion has set up over the past few days. It is not feasible to overcome the tribulation in Emei Mansion.

In addition, more than ten days have passed. No matter how slow the people in Kunlun Mansion are, they should have noticed that time is running out.

After Yang Yu left Emei Mansion, he found a place not far from Emei Mansion and not too close.

Even if the natural disaster comes, it will not affect Emei Mansion. If there is trouble in Emei Mansion, he can get there as soon as possible.

That’s it!

Looking at the endless dense forests and mountains surrounding it, this place looks like a primeval forest where no one has set foot. It is not surprising that the Land of Sichuan and Clouds is mostly like this.

Relying on his own means, Yang Gu began to absorb a large amount of aura and broke through the last shackles.

The period of transcending tribulation is just around the corner!

An invisible wave began to appear between heaven and earth. The wind whistled through the dense forest, and the sound of gurgling water became louder and louder. Sand and rocks began to fly, and forest birds flew away in fright.

The sky above was originally clear, but clouds began to gather indistinctly, gradually becoming darker.

When Yang Gu's momentum was rising steadily, and his cultivation level was constantly rising, it was already a stormy time in the Divine Mansion.

He should have thought that he had reached his peak and was about to suffer a catastrophe, but at this moment, everything Yang Yu saw in front of him suddenly became distorted.

This feeling of déjà vu immediately shocked Yang Yu. He did not expect an accident.

But looking at everything in front of him, no matter what it was, it was twisting like flowing water at this moment, and finally turned into eyeballs with wings, Yang Yu was horrified.

The eye of the world!

He didn't summon the Eye of the World to spy on anything, but now the Eye of the World appeared automatically without any warning.

It was just when he was about to survive the catastrophe. Before the catastrophe came, the Eye of the World appeared automatically. Is this a coincidence or...

Everything around him began to change, and the green water and green mountains suddenly became like melted wax. Yang Gu's consciousness increased layer by layer under the gaze of the Eye of the World, as if he had left the world at this moment and turned into eyes overlooking the entire world. .

When everything became dark, a light spot appeared in the boundless darkness that seemed to be within reach, and it grew bigger and bigger.

What should have been the whole world turned into a small ball shrouded in darkness in Yang Yu's eyes, just so lonely and motionless in the long river of darkness.

"What does it want me to see?"

Deep doubts arose in Yang Yu's heart, but currently the Eye of the World was controlling his consciousness, and he was unable to control everything he could see.

So Eucalyptus Yang began to search carefully, trying to find something unusual in the darkness, centered on this sphere.

It didn't take long for him to discover something strange.

In the darkness, where nothing seemed to be visible, something seemed to be squirming, approaching the ball in the center step by step.

When Yang Yu really saw what it was, her breath was suffocated at this moment.

The black lines, which may not be noticeable if you are not paying attention, are already unknowingly attached to the small ball.

These threads are countless in number, either hundreds, thousands, or tens of millions densely packed. From the perspective of Eucalyptus poplar, they look like countless threads that are thinner than broken lotus root threads.

They are like conscious bugs, squirming towards the center of the sphere.

But at the other end of these lines, there is a darkness that Yang Gu cannot see through anyway.

This scene seemed a bit familiar, and Yang Yu's consciousness quickly recalled the last scene he saw using the Eye of the World. At that time, he was on the outskirts of Sansong Mountain in the original world, and saw a connection between the original world and another world.

Now he already knows that the so-called other world is the earth.

So what he sees now, there is no doubt that these black lines come from the original world.

The world that he once could see was no longer visible. Although he didn't know why, Yang Yu took a deep breath and thought of some possibility.

After he got rid of the old monster Crane Head, Ming He went to Central Continent in an attempt to rebuild his life.

Calculating the time, after so many days, the old guy may have already made some moves in Central Continent, and what the Eye of the World allows him to see now may be directly related to the moves of the old guy Minghe.

Is this trying to build a bridge from the original world to the earth?

Yang Yu had some possible guesses in his mind, but at the same time he also had some doubts. If the old guy's cultivation level was that of an immortal, he would be equivalent to a monk in the Tribulation Stage on Earth.

Can you really achieve this with just your cultivation during the Tribulation Period?

If he can transcend the tribulation and travel to other worlds by some means, then are the people like Jin Xian Shang, Xing Shang Xuan and others who were killed by him too weak?

I'm afraid this is not something that can be accomplished by overcoming the tribulation. The old guy may have used other means, if he is really just an immortal.

Nowadays, Xian Yan is no longer a powerful enemy in Yang Yu's eyes. If the old guy Ming He dares to come over, Yang Yu will kill him.

But what kind of trump card Minghe has is the most critical question.

Even whether he guessed wrong is a possibility. After all, he can't guarantee that this is the situation caused by Minghe. Maybe there are other unknown things acting secretly.

The Eye of the World only existed in the blink of an eye, but Yang Yu seemed to have spent a long, long time in it, so long that his thoughts had already thought of more places.

When Yang Yu suddenly came to his senses, a booming explosion that resounded through the world suddenly rang in his ears. The world had fallen into darkness, and the heavenly calamity had appeared.

There was no time to think too much, just by hearing the sound of thunder, one could already feel the horror of the impending catastrophe. This was a catastrophe that would lead to the promotion of the tribulation.

However, today's Yang Gu is no longer what it used to be. Unlike the last time he faced a natural disaster, he could only resist with his physical body and had no choice but to do anything.

In the darkness, thunder flashed, and correspondingly, countless rays of light began to appear, forming arms one after another, like blooming flowers, the most perfect form was born under the catastrophe.


Countless thunderbolts poured down at this moment, heading towards the central figure of the beautiful flower, completely illuminating the dim sky.

In Emei Mansion, the monks under their command are still arranging defensive formations. In so many days, the number of defensive formations deployed with Emei Mansion as the center has reached more than 1,400, which is a terrifying number.

At this moment, Du Ze had just sent out a message, following Yang Yu's instructions to pass on the information about the evil spirits.

Of course, he only passed it on to two people, the two people he trusted the most. He would rather believe that he fell into the devil than the other person who would fall into the devil.

Those two people, one in the nearby Fanjing Mansion and the other in the distant Danxia Mansion, must be in their hands soon.

Even Du Ze himself felt numb after looking at the formations currently deployed. If he wanted to break through these defensive formations and enter the Emei Mansion in a short period of time, even he who was in the Tribulation Stage might not be able to do it. .

The two masters of the palace and the mountain master ran over quickly at this moment, with tired faces on their faces and trying to cheer up.

After leading their men to complete so many defensive formations, they did not even stop day and night, and they could only breathe now.

"Elder, is that enough? If this continues, everyone will be exhausted, and many of them will no longer be able to work."

The mountain owner is a strong man, but he is now as skinny as a stick. It takes too much energy to do this, and he really can't hold on anymore.

Du Ze was about to comfort the two of them with a few words, asking them not to stop and continue setting up the formation.

At this moment, a bright light suddenly came from the horizon, and under the horrified gazes of Du Ze and others, the entire Emei Mansion began to tremble violently.

At the same time, a terrifying and suffocating pressure, like a god overlooking the heaven and earth, descended at this moment.

As the formations covering the entire Emei Mansion were shattered one after another in an instant, the faces of Du Ze and others suddenly turned pale at this moment.

After another day at the hospital, the situation is not good. My mother-in-law checked out today and found out that there is a thyroid lump, which is 9.7cm on the right side and 5.7cm on the left side. I remember it is level 4a on the right side, and it seems to be level 3 on the left side. I will ask the attending physician for details tomorrow. Consult the patient and ask about the situation to see if there are risks and whether surgery is necessary.

There are a lot of things going on these days. I have to take care of my mother-in-law with my wife, take care of the kids on weekends, and I also have to help my parents with a lawsuit. There was a violation of laws by the developer of a store under their name, and the owners joined together to find a team of lawyers.

In the past few days, my coding time has been compressed to a very small part, so I can only finish the things on hand first.

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