Everyone is a demon, why are you covered in holy light?

Chapter 431 Thousand-hand Huaguang Reveals the Holy Way

Yang Yu also directly felt the change in Lei Ya's attitude, and he was very satisfied with it.

If he is such a monk with a sense of justice, then telling him some information about evil spirits has both advantages and disadvantages. It is not a bad thing.

The most important thing is that Lei Ya is a monk in Kunlun Mansion. Since Yang Yu doesn't know whether there are people in Kunlun Mansion who are contaminated with turbidity, if Lei Ya knows this information, he may be able to unearth something in Kunlun Mansion first.

Regardless of whether his behavior will cause a butterfly effect, it is also a good thing to have at least one more person who understands the devil.

"One of the most obvious characteristics of evil spirits is that their bodies are immortal. They also call them immortal bodies."

Yang Gu did not beat around the bush and got straight to the point.

"Why not die?"

Lei Ya's face showed a surprised look.

What monks cultivate is immortality, eternal youth, and longevity as long as the sky. It is not immortality, and the lifespan also has an end.

But the evil demon has a completely different point. It can already achieve immortality, so how can it be killed?

"No matter how serious their injuries are, as long as they do not exceed the limit of their physical bodies, they can recover in a short time and even be reborn with a drop of blood."

Yang Gu explained.

"But it is not true immortality. Even if it is an evil demon, as long as it is wiped out and the body is gone, even the immortality cannot be restored."

Lei Ya nodded solemnly, this was indeed a very important message to him.

Before this, it was not that there had never been demons from outside the world, but the number was so small that they could be counted on one hand, which led to them not knowing much about the demons.

Its true identity will only be discovered when evil spirits harm the common people and make all living beings restless.

Just like this time in the Emei Prefecture area, Ya'an showed signs of activities of demons from outside the world. It was only after the Shanhe Order was swallowed up that the place lost control and Emei Prefecture was able to discover it.

If the evil spirit hides deliberately, it will be difficult to find its traces.

"I have to say something harsh, but before I was reincarnated, there were countless evil spirits hidden among the monks, maybe even Kunlun Mansion..."

At this point, Yang Yu did not continue talking. Lei Ya could understand this kind of thing.

When Lei Ya heard these words, his originally solemn expression suddenly turned a little pale, and he suddenly felt a little angry.


He said flatly, denying this statement without hesitation.

Kunlun Mansion is the highest immortal mansion among the twenty-three immortal mansions in the mainland. It stands at the top of the entire cultivation world. Moreover, he was born and raised in Kunlun Mansion and has never seen any evil spirits.

If evil spirits appeared in even the highest immortal mansion, he couldn't believe the consequences.

Therefore, he would rather not believe Yang Yu's words than think about the existence of hidden evil spirits in Kunlun Mansion.

In response, Yang Yu just smiled, which is why he clicked until the end.

Regardless of whether Lei Ya believes it or not, at least he has warned Lei Ya that he should always be vigilant and pay attention to some common and unusual things inadvertently, and he will eventually discover something.

"There is another very important piece of information. I wonder if Commander Lei has ever heard of the organization 'Nandou Yukui'?"

Yang Yu turned to talk about this matter.

But Lei Ya shook his head and had never heard of it.

"Is it an evil organization?"


Yang Yu nodded, that's about it. It's useless to say more.

If the evil demon already has an organization, it means that the disaster has already begun to brew invisibly. Now no one knows what kind of behemoth this organization has formed.

Lei Ya calmed down and realized the urgency of the matter, his expression became increasingly grim.

He glanced in the direction of Ya'an. Instead of looking for clues about the evil spirits here, it was most important to report the information Yang Yu revealed to him to the Immortal Mansion as soon as possible.

If what Yang Eucalyptus said is true, then this will be a catastrophe for the entire spiritual world.


Lei Ya hugged Yang Yu again very politely.

"It has been confirmed by the Emei Mansion that there are indeed signs of demonic activity here. If you are interested, you will entrust this matter to your Taoist friends. I will take the first step and return to the Immortal Mansion."

Yang Yu understood what Lei Ya meant and nodded, but still gave him a heads up.

"Envoy Lei must remember to think twice before acting. Look first and then decide whether to speak. If you can't speak, you can come back to me later.

Also, I hope that Commander Lei can keep my identity secret. "

Yang Yu can't guarantee that there are no monks contaminated with turbidity in Kunlun Mansion. If Lei Ya impulsively declares this matter to the entire Kunlun Mansion, then this information will be equivalent to being announced to the world. Not only the monks will know, but also the evil spirits. Will know the same.

So as the first disseminator and source of information, Eucalyptus Yang will definitely be targeted by countless people.

There are advantages and disadvantages to this matter. The disadvantages are just like this. It depends on how Lei Ya chooses to do it, but he must also take precautions in advance.

Because Yang Yu also wants to know whether there are evil spirits in Kunlun Mansion, which is the highest immortal mansion.

Where has the black hand stretched out from the original world touched?

"Don't worry, fellow Taoist, I will investigate this matter myself, and I will discuss it with you when the results are available."

Lei Ya nodded, taking what Yang Yu said to heart, and Yang Yu felt a little relieved.

Without any unnecessary words, he entrusted the unfinished business here to Yang Yu, and Lei Ya returned to Kunlun Mansion in a hurry, and soon disappeared.

One of the purposes of Yang Yu's coming here is to lure Lei Ya away and ensure the safety of Pan Yu and the others. Of course, he will not remove any evil spirits.

Next, just wait for news from Lei Ya. His work has not been completed yet, and he will continue to retreat. If Lei Ya had not come here, he would not have left the retreat.

Looking at the chaos caused by the battle between the two, if this place was not remote and placed in a busy city, no one knows how many people would suffer.

Yang Yu was about to leave when he suddenly sensed something and stopped again.

The bare earth made a rustling sound as if it had been plowed. A round head poked out from it, and two round eyes suddenly froze.


The figure that suddenly appeared stood quietly in front of the strange guy who had emerged from the soil, looking at it with interest.

Feeling the aura and pressure emanating from the person in front of him, the monster trembled and was immediately ready to shrink back into the earth.

At this moment, Yang Yu quickly reached out a hand.

"Shattered Mountain Seal!"


An invisible force fell on the monster. Before it could retract its body, it exploded from the earth. Blood mist sprayed out, and a hole was made on the ground. In an instant, the dirty blood gathered into a pool of blood. Small lake.

Looking at the punch mark he made and the destructive power caused by the punch in front of him, Yang Yu couldn't help but shook his head.

"Sure enough, it's not that easy to steal. It's a bit different."

In the blink of an eye, Yang Yu's figure disappeared.

Emei Mansion, Jade Camel Peak.

Yang Gu returned to her retreat cave and continued her retreat.

Time passed slowly in this calmness, every second, as fast as lightning.

Unconsciously, more than a month has passed.

Accompanied by a long inhalation sound, there was a soft crackling sound in the cave full of restrictions, and Yang Yu's whole body was full of energy.

His cultivation level, just now, successfully broke through to the late stage of Hedao.

This was only possible so quickly with the help of Tianyan Daoyun. Without Tianyan Daoyun and the endless sea of ​​spiritual rhyme, he would not have been able to reach the current state by himself.

Of course, if it was just a breakthrough in cultivation, Yang Yu would not be so excited.

In addition to his cultivation reaching the late stage of Hedao, Yang Yu also successfully comprehended a law of heaven, and it was a law of heaven related to light, which was in line with his wishes.

According to the normal progress of cultivation, understanding the laws of heaven will not be so fast, but only a few months have passed since Yang Yu was promoted to Hedao.

Other monks had comprehended and successfully mastered one of the laws of heaven at the early stage of Hedao. Only he had the fastest improvement in cultivation and did not master it until the late stage of Hedao.

This is the benefit brought by Tianyan Daoyun. If Tianyan Daoyun is not helpful in understanding the laws of Heavenly Dao, Yang Yu's cultivation level can only reach the peak of Hedao at best and cannot take another step forward.

The prerequisite for breaking through and overcoming tribulations is to master the laws of heaven and seek opportunities to overcome tribulations in heaven.

Collecting the fragments of the Law of Heaven is a very time-consuming project, but when he integrates this understanding again and again, Yang Yu's consciousness is like entering an endless vast galaxy, and finally finds the one that most echoes him. The laws of heaven.

""Thousand-hand radiance reveals the holy way": One of the laws of heaven, obtained from immeasurable means; three thousand souls, held in one hand, shine in ten directions, manifesting magical powers. "

Regarding the content in the information box that popped up in front of me, it was such a short sentence, but it was mysterious and mysterious.

Of course, after successfully understanding the laws of heaven, Yang Yu has a deep understanding of it, which cannot be described in a word in the information box.

In short, the laws of heaven on earth and the rules of forbidden weapons in the original world seem to have the same origin, and both are magical powers that can be sublimated to the level of heaven.

For example, Yang Yu has already mastered Jinyang, one of the three spiritual lights, but it is obviously different from the one he just obtained the law of heaven, Thousand-Hand Huaguang Manifesting the Holy Way.

Jinyang claims to be a part of the regular power that can control the light of the sun. Needless to say, it is powerful.

The Thousand-Hand Huaguang Manifestation of the Holy Way is much more complicated.

When the law of heaven unfolds, it is the condensation of the manifestation of the saint, known as a thousand hands, all of which are the gathering of spiritual light, which is the three thousand spiritual beings, held in one hand.

Therefore, this law of heaven makes Yang Yu's understanding and control of light more thorough and clear.

Yang Gu raised his hand slightly, and a lot of light appeared behind him. In the blink of an eye, they gathered to form countless arms, making the cave look crowded in an instant.

It is said to be three thousand, but it is actually countless.

Just by gently holding a hand in the void, countless rays of light converged to form a gleaming sharp blade, emitting heart-stopping fluctuations.

It was unclear whether the power was Buddha's light, Dao's light, or some kind of divine light. It was more like a collection of countless means that Yang Yu had originally mastered, and he brought his many means together to manifest his holiness.

As long as he wants to, thousands of hands can hold a sharp blade.

As long as he raises his hand, it is just a thought to wipe out the entire Emei Mansion, and no one can stop it.

This is the power of the law of heaven, terrifying and powerful.

Of course, magical powers are not static. The more light spells Yang Yu masters in the future, the more powerful the manifestation of the saint will be.

This is it: the ten directions shine brightly, and only then can you show your magical power!

Even Yang Yu himself couldn't predict where his strength would be after he broke through the Hedao and mastered the laws of heaven in the later stages.

If the old guy Minghe was in front of him now, he would like to test it on the spot to see if he can kill this old guy.

Yang Yu is very satisfied with the improvement in strength brought about by the retreat, but it does not mean that he will stop the retreat.

He still had time before the real threat came.

Only by improving your own strength as much as possible in the limited time can you gain greater confidence.

After just checking his progress, Yang Yu entered the state of practice again, and his next goal was to break through and overcome the tribulation.

A few days passed in the blink of an eye.

On this day, a figure fell into the golden roof of Emei Mansion.

Not long after, a message suddenly flew in and stopped in front of the cave where Yang Eucalyptus was retreating at Jade Camel Peak, breaking Yang Eucalyptus's retreat state.

Yang Yu was not angry even after being interrupted again and again. The person delivering the message was still Du Ze, the Supreme Elder of Emei Mansion.

Yang Yu received the message, but after opening it, he couldn't help but frowned.

Du Ze, the Supreme Elder, sent a letter saying that another envoy from Kunlun Mansion was here, but it was not Lei Ya who had been here before, but a new envoy that even Du Ze had never seen before.

As soon as the envoy arrived, Du Ze sent a letter to Yang Yu telling him that he didn't know what the other party's purpose was.

After all, Admiral Lei had already been here once before and returned to resume his duties. The arrival of the new envoy made Du Ze feel a little unusual.

New envoy?

Yang Yu frowned in the cave, and countless thoughts flashed quickly in his mind.

If Lei Ya successfully returns to Kunlun Mansion and resumes his life, Kunlun Mansion will send an envoy again, which is obviously not consistent with Lei Ya's purpose. So what does this new envoy want to do?

Yang Yu also had a vague premonition that the new envoy might be here for the Emei Mansion, or more likely for him.

Trouble is coming!

Yang Yu had anticipated this possibility in advance. When he told Lei Ya about the evil spirits, Yang Yu had already been vaccinated and asked him to conceal his identity, not to mention that he told Lei Ya himself.

If Lei Ya had already reported the information he got from him to the Kunlun Mansion and concealed him as the source of the information as he said, then this new envoy might have come to the Emei Mansion!

Yang Yu's face suddenly became solemn.

"Kunlun Mansion... there is actually an evil spirit! It was fished out!"

At the same time, in the Golden Dome Hall.

The new envoy in black robes had a stern look on his face, and looked at Du Ze and the other three people below him with sharp eyes. The hall was filled with a depressing atmosphere, including Du Ze, who felt the unbridled pressure emanating from the people in front of him. , dare not raise their heads to face him.

After a long moment of silence, the person in front slowly withdrew his gaze, and then informed him of the purpose of coming here.

"I am the third elder of Kunlun Mansion. I am here for one thing only."

"The investigation by Elder Lei Ya, the former envoy, was all untrue. The Emei Mansion was involved with evil spirits. He framed many monks in the Yulong Mansion and colluded with the envoy in order to hide the truth."

"You guys, what crime should you do?!" (End of Chapter)

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