The three words that came out of Minghe's mouth suddenly silenced Can Meng.

Minghe passed her by without any pause, his expression cold.

"Is it because of the way of heaven?"

Canmeng asked.

With Hetou's strength, it is only possible to kill him if he is noticed by the earth's heaven.

"No, it's the traitor!"

Ming He's voice came coldly, without any emotion.

Can Meng's eyes widened with a look of astonishment on his face.

The only one who could be called a disciple by Ming He was Yang Gu.

But Yang Gu was sent to Earth. With his strength, how could he kill Hetou?

The most important thing is that Yang Yu has always been under the control of Minghe, and Minghe, who has always made every plan, can actually fall into the gutter.

Does this mean that there was a flaw in an important part of their plan involving Yang Yu, and that Yang Yu betrayed Ming He's control?

"He shouldn't betray us."

"He is a man of heaven!"


Can Meng was immediately speechless. This was a reason she had never expected.

Suddenly I felt that this matter was self-defeating by them, and they personally sent Yang Yu to the place where he was supposed to go.

"This was your mistake. You should have informed us in advance."

Can dreamed of something, but Minghe hid it from them.

As soon as these words came out, Minghe's steps suddenly stopped.

The next moment, an invisible force suddenly exploded from Can Meng's body, blasting Can Meng to pieces. Blood and flesh flew everywhere, and even dyed the trunk of the giant tree black and red.

“This is just a guess, and that’s why I let it follow the traitor, just to confirm it.

Besides, you just have to listen to what I'm going to do. "

Ming He's back twisted and swayed crazily under the firelight, and he said coldly.

Countless branches suddenly dropped down from the giant tree, intertwined together, melted into a large amount of flesh and blood, and finally condensed into Can Meng's body again.

She took a deep look at Ming He's back, and a trace of fear flashed in her eyes.

"Then what's next? Your disciple killed you, our plan..."

"The plan goes as usual, I will go to Central Continent and recast my life!"

"What about her?"

Can Meng made a casual move, and the trunk of the giant tree suddenly withered and cracked, faintly emitting the strange aura of a space, and at the same time, it was mixed with the aura of another person.

If Yang Gu were here, he would immediately be able to sense this person's identity through his breath - Wen Yin!

Minghe didn't even bother to turn his head to take a look, and said very casually:

"Kill them, it should have been done a long time ago. These last batch of disciples are just a retreat. I really didn't expect them to be useful.

Since that traitor has something more important, even thinking about it, this kind of thing can no longer restrain him. "

Whether it is Minghe or Canmeng, the reason why they are on the same team is because they all have vital tools.

Tools are meant to be used.

Emei Prefecture, Sichuan Province.

Looking at the seven-colored dust remaining in his hand, Yang Yu showed a smile on his face.

To his surprise, even though most of the items in the storage artifact could not be found, the seven-color dust was still intact, and he also found the talisman.

Perhaps because it was tiny enough, it was already a particle of dust, so it was able to survive and survive when everything turned into ashes. This was good news for him.

The monks of Emei Mansion who had avoided it earlier had been recalled by the Supreme Elder, who announced the death of the Golden Immortal and the evil demon outside the world.

This news shocked everyone. Just a moment ago, they saw the great power of overcoming tribulations being vigorous and vigorous, but in the blink of an eye, he was already generously serving righteousness. It can be said that things in the world are unpredictable.

In this regard, everyone can only pay high respect to him. Those who hear it are sad, and those who see it shed tears.

From the time when Yang Gu passed through the tribulation, to the appearance of evil spirits from outside the world, and finally even the Supreme Elder of the Yulong Mansion died in battle, this was a catastrophe for the Emei Mansion.

Among those who had experienced this disaster, the low-level monks suffered the most heavy casualties. Even some Nascent Soul Transformation monks were also affected and suffered injuries.

But even if the current atmosphere is very sad, the reconstruction of Emei Immortal Mansion must still be implemented immediately.

It is not difficult for monks, especially powerful monks, to move mountains and reclaim seas and create creatures.

The indirect impact of the disappearance of the Immortal Mansion on the mortal world can also be easily solved.

The only difficult thing is to rebuild the Land of Samsara, but now that the Supreme Elder is a powerful master of overcoming tribulations, he can also repair the Land of Samsara.

In three days at most, the former Emei Immortal Palace would be reunited. Under the leadership of the palace master and others, everyone took action and became civil monks one by one.

Amidst the ongoing reconstruction, Yang Gu found a remote barren mountain and opened up a temporary cave.

He wants to figure out something that he didn't have time to figure out before, that is, what is the thing that God gave him?

In the battle with the old monster, the improvement in strength brought about by the fusion of the two realms is important, but absorbing that golden raindrop is the key factor that can ultimately kill the old monster.

That kind of power, inexhaustible, is enough to support him to use all means to create the terrifying Red Sun.

It wasn't until he entered the temporary cave and set up a ban that Yang Yu looked at the information box that had been in front of him.

"[Tian Yan Dao Yun]: Comes from an unknown existence; the Great Dao is fifty, Tian Yan is forty-nine, one of them escapes, so it is Tian Yan; fusing this thing, it can illuminate the spiritual sea, accommodate hundreds of stars, and attract stars; The number of days is derived from the conception law of heaven; it can condense the destiny of immortals and ascend to the Mahayana; this is the foundation of the path to immortality and destiny."

Carefully not missing anything, Yang Yu looked at the content in the information box repeatedly, and then fell into deep thought.

He savored the four words "Tianyan Daoyun" repeatedly in his mind, and pondered over and over the subsequent content.

The content is not difficult to understand, and the things parsed in the information box are always so easy to understand.

This is called the first function of Tianyan Daoyun. He has actually experienced it. In summary, it can have infinite aura to drive, the spirit of Baina, the rhyme of stars.

Its second function is also easy to understand, that is, it can help him understand the laws of heaven.

At this point, Yang Yu also thought about it. Perhaps on earth, other monks would receive similar rewards after breaking through the Hedao and passing through the heavenly tribulation. However, their role was only to realize the Dao. It was not like him. There are many benefits to this.

But Yang Yu didn't understand what the third function of Tianyan Daoyun meant.

Can you condense your immortal destiny and ascend to the Mahayana?

What is immortal destiny?

From his understanding, it is the necessary threshold to enter the Mahayana and become an immortal after becoming a tribulation monk.

If there is no immortal life, it is impossible to enter the Mahayana stage, let alone glimpse the higher realm, and cannot ascend to become an immortal.

However, since his practice in the original world, the practice systems of the two realms can confirm each other, so the Mahayana corresponds to the realm above the Immortal Realm. He has never heard that such a threshold is needed after the Immortal Realm, let alone the realm after the Immortal Realm. What is the realm of.

Even though he practiced the technique "Explanation of the Wonderful Way" from the Earthly Dharma Stele, he had obtained the contents of the subsequent techniques in the Immortal Monument, and there was no record of anything similar to the Immortal Life, let alone See the skills after seeing Xian Yan.

This was what made him suspicious.

If there are differences between the two worlds of Xianzhi and Dujie in the same cultivation stage, this possibility is not impossible, but it is not something Yang Yu deserves to doubt.

But it would be thought-provoking to say that the records of the exercises in "Explanations of the Wonderful Way" are incomplete, or have been deliberately omitted and not recorded.

After all, this is a technique that comes from the Earthly Dharma Stele. Both the Earthly Dharma Stele and the technique itself come from that old guy Minghe.

I had never thought of this before, but after killing the old monster, everything about Minghe aroused Yang Yu's vigilance, because they were now completely opposite enemies and had to guard against it.

Therefore, this directly triggered Yang Yu's thinking, that is: If everything he did was within the calculation of the old guy Minghe, would the Earthly Dharma Stele and the exercises also be part of the calculation?

After he killed the body of Minghe and obtained the Earthly Dharma Stele.

Whether it is about matters in Central Continent, other information, or the forbidden light weapon Jinyang he has mastered, as well as most of the magic methods in this body, they are all obtained from the deep world in the Earthly Dharma Monument.

Even the Yeji Fuming and others who once died in Hemen appeared in the deep world of the Earthly Dharma Monument.

Even coming and going from the original world is through the old guy Minghe who opens the sixth layer of the deep world of the Earthly Dharma Monument, crossing the long river of time and space.

In other words, from the moment he obtained the Earthly Dharma Stele, the source of power he relied on was bound to the Earthly Dharma Stele.

This thing has subtly turned from a treasure into a time bomb. If this is a calculation, then the right to control the explosion is still in Minghe's hands.


Thinking of this, Yang Gu took a breath of cold air.

He never thought that he could think of these deeper things through Tianyan Daoyun.

Is this also a gift from heaven, a potential reminder?

And if you think about it from Minghe's perspective, this is probably part of the plan.

But "Explanation of the Wonderful Way" has become his main practice in the original world. It cannot be changed, and he can't... wait!

Thinking of this, another question suddenly popped up in Yang Yu's mind.

The skills of the original world cannot be replaced...cannot be replaced!

That Minghe also practiced "Explanation of the Wonderful Way" and has reached the realm of Immortal Barrier. If there is a missing part in the records of the skills after Immortal Barrier, he will also be trapped in Immortal Barrier. He also has no idea about the techniques after Immortal Barrier. Nothing is known.

As an inheritor and a Binder of the Earthly Dao Sect, he was once born in the Earthly Dao Sect and is now one of the only two remaining Binders. This makes no sense to Minghe at all!

According to Yang Yu's previous knowledge, the reason why he could not change his major exercises was because changing the exercises would cause an imbalance in the spirit and turbidity, which would lead to the risk of physical and mental death.

But now it seems that this is only one of the reasons, not all.

Or perhaps, as the inheritance of the head of the five heavenly sects, this reason is just one of the "Jie Shu of the Wonderful Way", which is very different from other original realm techniques.

From this point of view, Yang Yu is 100% sure that this is a trap set up by Minghe, and the core that can truly break through the immortal barrier from Qidao lies in the hands of Minghe.

So, what is the key point of this game?

A very suitable word suddenly popped up in Yang Yu's mind - vested interests.

Assuming that there really is a threshold after Xianzhi, then as one of the only remaining inheritors from the beginning, Minghe is definitely a vested interest.

Even the Ibis, who also came from the Earthly Dao Sect, was sealed and suppressed by him, and Minghe was the only beneficiary.

As a vested interest, it is in his best interest to maintain the status quo.

Then the basic requirement for maintaining the status quo is that, except for Minghe, other people who have also practiced "The Secret of the Wonderful Way" cannot know the secret behind Xianzhi, and thus cannot pose a threat to Minghe.

Based on this, when it is confirmed that this is one of Minghe's plans, it is enough to prove that the skills and core after Xianzhi are in the hands of Minghe, and there must be a threshold that Yang Yu doesn't know about.

Corresponding to the same kind of cultivation system, that is to say... after Xianzhi, if you want to be promoted, you also need something similar to Xianfeng!

Immortal destiny... destiny... destiny crane...! ! !

Yang Eucalyptus, who was sitting cross-legged and deep in thought, suddenly jumped up from the ground. At this moment, his thoughts were clarified, and the doubts in his mind were unraveled like threads peeling off cocoons.

The word Minghe is Minghe himself, and it was also Minghe's name when he was a world-repairing person. But why did it evolve from crane to Minghe?

It's because he already has immortal life!

What is his immortal destiny?

As the mask of Ming He, he is also a twin being with him. All Yang Yu can think of is the old monster He Tou.

Even what Yang Yu saw when he was in the deep world, Minghe had not betrayed the Earthly Dao Sect, and the crane head had not appeared. The time basically matched, which can be used as more powerful evidence.

In other words, the existence of the two is that one is fate and the other is crane.

The old monster is the immortal life of Minghe! It is also an opportunity for Minghe to make a breakthrough after seeking Xianzhu, or a qualification.

Yang Yu suddenly realized why He Tou came with him and appeared just when he was about to receive Tianyan Daoyun after passing through the tribulation.

It was because Minghe already knew his true identity and knew that Heaven would take action, which was why he was sent to Earth.

Minghe already has the immortal destiny of the original world's cultivation system, and Hetou came here for the opportunity of Tianyan Daoyun, which can achieve the immortal destiny of the earth's cultivation system!

But now Minghe's immortal life has been killed by him...

Suddenly, the puzzle in his heart was solved. Yang Yu felt a sense of joy that he had never experienced before, but at the same time, he also thought of more things.

That is, as a vested interest, Minghe can use another way to ensure that he is the only beneficiary, that is, not to pass on the "Miao Dao Jieshu" technique to the outside world from the beginning.

As long as it is not passed down, no one will know the secret of the technique, and no one can threaten Minghe.

But why didn't he do this?

The only explanation Yang Yu can think of is that it is more beneficial to Minghe to pass on the skills, or in other words, he must do this.

Inheriting this skill also prevents the inheritor from obtaining the core secret, so that Minghe can obtain greater benefits.

So what is this benefit?

Could it be immortal destiny?

Reminiscent of Yeji Fuming and others who were also disciples of Minghe Seat, they still exist in the deep world of the Earthly Dharma Monument after death.

And it's not just them. Whether it's the body or the body of Minghe, it's not just the direct disciples of Minghe Sect. Yang Yu knows this information.

But Yang Yu has never come into contact with those who were Minghe's disciples. When he became a disciple of Minghe, those people had disappeared.

If by practicing "Explanation of the Wonderful Way", only one person can break through the realm after the immortal barrier, and the rest are all withered bones on the road to immortality, and will eventually become that person's immortal destiny, then Minghe's behavior is right pass.

Whether it is passing on the skills, or betraying the Earthly Dao Sect and destroying other fellow sects, it all makes sense!

This is the only explanation Yang Gu can think of.

There is only one immortal destiny that can ascend to immortality by practicing "Explanation of the Wonderful Way"! !

Even... one of the rules of cultivation in the original world that has always existed is that the technique cannot be changed, if this is also the reason.

That is what is buried under the darkness of the original world, the real horror! (End of chapter)

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