Emei Mansion was in chaos, and everyone was unexpected.

Those who had not yet reacted looked at the figures running away crazily and wondered what had happened to make them behave like this.

But the smarter guy immediately thought that two elders had just been summoned into the temple, and what happened next, there must be a big connection between them.

And for these people who were running for their lives frantically, they didn't even dare to look back at this moment.

When the master of the palace announced the news that Tian Fu Lai and the three people had died, they had already had a premonition that something bad was going to happen, but they still had a sense of luck.

It wasn't until the moment of death that the two people who entered the hall finally confirmed that Tian Fulai and the others were really killed.

But it was clear that they had absorbed the immortal energy and had immortal bodies, but they still died.

This is the most terrifying thing for everyone.

Now that their actions were exposed, there was a shocking explosion, and a huge hole was blasted out of the palace door. How dare these people stay here? They were already trembling with fear and wished they could run out of the Emei Mansion in the blink of an eye and escape. .

"Elders, listen to the order! Catch the evil spirits! Don't let anyone go!"

Before anyone could react, the palace master's voice immediately came from the palace.

Evil? !

Looking at the figures that had flown away, everyone realized something.

No one dares to disobey the Palace Lord’s orders.

In an instant, another figure flew out, chasing those who escaped, and the sound of piercing the sky rang out one after another in the sky above the entire Emei Mansion.

"You guys should try it too and see if you can kill them."

Yang Yu did not give an order to stop the palace master. Although these people were more causing trouble, they were able to contain and retain those guys to a certain extent.

He smiled and said to the three people in the hall, letting them experience for themselves how difficult it is to deal with people who are contaminated with turbidity.

As for him, of course he wants to eliminate the roots, but even if he doesn't catch them all, it doesn't matter. What's important is the people at the source. Killing these guys is just a drop in the bucket.

Hearing Yang Yu's slightly provocative words, although the mountain owner completely believed Yang Yu's words at this moment, he was still a little unconvinced.

He snorted, jumped suddenly, and flew away quickly like a big bird.

Yang Yu smiled, and with a flash of light, his figure suddenly disappeared from the spot.

The entire Golden Dome became quiet in an instant, and the building was empty.

The Palace Master and the Supreme Elder looked at each other and immediately turned into two rainbow lights and left.


Under the golden dome, on all peaks and mountains, the monks in the mansion were all startled by the movement in the sky, and looked at the figures with astonished faces.

"Is there a big enemy coming to attack my Emei Mansion?!"

These movements quickly aroused everyone's speculation, and people were panicked for a while.

If there wasn't a powerful enemy coming, why would all the elders in the mansion come out in full force?

The bold one immediately wanted to go in the direction that many elders were chasing, wanting to find out.

The timid one just watched this scene helplessly, feeling extremely worried.

A figure rushed out of Emei Mansion quickly, passing quickly between the shadows on the mountain, feeling secretly happy in his heart.

With his speed, he is the strongest among the elders. He is the best at passing through the clouds and the moon, throwing those who are chasing him far away.

Things are going badly in Emei Mansion right now. All the Taoist friends who are contaminated with immortal energy have been killed. It is extremely dangerous to stay here any longer. It is better to leave Sichuan Province as soon as possible and even become a casual cultivator.

But before he could react, a bright light suddenly flashed before his eyes, and a figure suddenly came into view.

The opponent's speed was unimaginable, as if he teleported out of thin air, leaving him unaware and unprepared.

When he came back to his senses, the light suddenly rose up, like a fierce dragon, and its ferocious mouth suddenly swallowed it up.

There was no scream, not even much movement, just a fleeting light, and everything returned to calm.


Along the way, some slow runners were taken care of by Yang Yu. Now he killed another guy who was contaminated with turbid air. Without Yang Yu's instructions, Gong Niang was already devouring his soul.

Although these guys are of little use to him, if they can be killed here, many troubles will be avoided.

Moreover, if the memories in these guys' souls are verified with the memories of Tian Fulai and others, there may be more discoveries.

With a flash of light, Yang Yu's figure disappeared again, and he saw a guy rushing into the disciple area.

After a cup of tea, Emei Golden Summit.

A group of elders have returned and are now gathered in the main hall. They all look at the person in the center who is tied up with various magic weapons and five flowers, and they look surprised.

With the screams rising and falling, the faces of the Palace Master and the Mountain Master who were also in the hall were ugly, and the Supreme Elder on the side remained silent.

"Can't be killed! Really can't be killed!"

At present, he was the only escaped elder caught by them. The mountain owner tried it himself, but he couldn't kill him even with all his strength.

As long as there is a little bit of flesh and blood left, this guy will recover quickly and his flesh and blood will be restored, let alone leaving any injuries on his body.

The Supreme Elder also took action once. As the person with the highest level of cultivation in the Emei Mansion, he even used the laws of heaven he had mastered, but he did not expect that he still could not kill the opponent.

This is so evil, it really looks like the legendary immortal body.

Everyone tried various methods, even using restrictions and magic weapons to cut off the spiritual energy in this guy's body and turn him into a mortal body, but the result was the same.

"You miscellaneous spiritual cultivators don't know how vast the Immortal Family is. I am immortal and it is useless for you to catch me. You might as well learn from me to eat the Immortal Qi, capture and kill the evil thief who killed Elder Tian, ​​and abandon the darkness to the light. "

Although he endured all kinds of pain, he was immortal as long as he had one breath left. The elders who were onlookers immediately laughed wildly.

So many people present have now seen the mystery of immortal energy. I dare to ask who among these people will not be tempted?

As long as someone is tempted, he might have a chance to turn defeat into victory.

After everyone heard what he said, they were all silent. They lost their strategy and had nothing to say.

It would be a lie to say that one is indifferent to this kind of power. It would be difficult to achieve the legendary immortality even after thousands of years of cultivating immortals. But to be able to achieve immortality so easily would inevitably come at a huge price.

The rational people are trying to figure it out, the outspoken people are silent now, and there are thousands of thoughts in their hearts.

Even the master of the palace and others couldn't do anything to this person. Everyone looked at me and I looked at you, and the atmosphere in the palace became heavy.

At this moment, a figure rushed into the hall, and a sudden burst of laughter suddenly attracted everyone's attention.

"What? I've killed ten of them, and you can't even handle this one?"

Seeing that the guy contaminated with turbid air was still alive, Yang Yu knew that there was nothing these people could do to him.

It would be false to say that there is no way. No matter how strange the immortality is, there are ways to restrain it. Even if it cannot be killed, it can be sealed forever.

The reason why these people fail to achieve results is that they are eager for success, and they are not familiar with turbid qi. They only know that it is weird but do not know its details.

As for the Supreme Elder of the Immortal Mansion, Yang Yu didn't believe that he couldn't deal with him.

For example, the master of the palace, the master of the mountain, and others are all at the level of Hedao, but he can't see through this supreme elder. Maybe he is a powerful person who has transcended the tribulation period. In the original world, he would be an immortal mask like a life crane.

How can such a person who has gone through countless tribulations and reached such a great state with terrifying methods be stumped by an immortality? I am afraid that he is waiting for him to show his hand to solve the confusion in his heart.


When the mountain owner saw Yang Gu, he snorted and said nothing.

There was a look of surprise on the palace master's face. He didn't expect Yang Yu to take care of the others so quickly.

Only the Supreme Elder was much calmer and seemed to have been waiting for Yang Yu to come back.

They all believed what Yang Yu said now. After all, the facts were right in front of them, but they just didn't know the pros and cons.

However, the remaining elders present looked at Yang Yu with doubts.

At the beginning, the master of the palace announced the death of Elder Tian, ​​and then Yang Yu was summoned into the palace. Who would have thought that the reversal would happen so quickly. In an instant, many elders became evil spirits hiding in the immortal palace, and even the previous The elder Tian turned out to be an evil demon.

Countless pairs of eyes looked at Yang Yu, wondering how he killed these people.

Passing through the path where everyone got out of the way, Yang Yu walked straight behind the restrained man.

Feeling the breath of Yang Gu approaching, the guy who was laughing wildly a second ago suddenly trembled, and the fear in his heart surged like a deep ocean wave, and the waves surged into the sky in an instant.

Others couldn't kill him, but the guy behind him killed the strongest Elder Tian, ​​and also executed all the elders who had absorbed the immortal energy. He could even smell the bloody smell on Yang Yu's body, as if at this moment He became a pig to be slaughtered.

"It's actually very simple to kill these evil spirits."

Yang Yu's hand gently fell on this guy's head, and a cold feeling immediately made him tremble uncontrollably.

"No! Please seal me. Don't kill me. I have made contributions to the Immortal Mansion. I have merit. You can't do this to me. I am also an elder of the Immortal Mansion..."

He began to speak incoherently and began to desperately beg for mercy.

Others are not him, and they cannot feel the despair and oppression in his heart at this moment.

But unfortunately, no one paid attention to him.

At this moment, how to kill him has become a common problem in everyone's mind. Only by solving this problem can the idea be clear.

"They're not really immortal."

Yang Yu also ignored him. Now he was imparting experience to everyone present.

There was a buzzing sound on his hand, and a hot flame suddenly burst out, and the temperature in the temple rose sharply.

“As long as their bodies are ground into ashes, they will never be able to recover!

The easiest way is to use fire!

As long as your flames are strong enough and burn fast enough so that they have no time to recover, killing is just a simple matter. "

As Yang Yu spoke, the flames on his hands became more intense. The person in front of him felt as if gasoline had been poured on his body. He was instantly enveloped in flames and howled in pain.

A smell of meat filled the hall, but it soon turned into a burnt smell. However, the person in the fire was still struggling, but the breath was getting weaker and weaker.

Anyone with a discerning eye can see that this person is close to death, sooner or later.

"Have you learned it?"

Yang Yu pulled her hand back and asked with a smile.

The warm smile on his face and the way he could set people on fire in the blink of an eye made everyone present shudder.

But don't forget, they are just the elders in the Immortal Mansion just like the person who was burned.

Even the immortal body can be burned to death, but if it were them, how could they survive until now.

It's just that I know the details of the person who is bound. When I think that it is an evil spirit, I feel much better.

"Thank you, Elder Yang, for clearing up the confusion."

The first person to respond to Yang Yu was indeed the Supreme Elder who Yang Yu guessed was waiting for him.

Then the master of the palace also cupped his fists and thanked him.

Even the arrogant mountain master clasped his fists at this moment and expressed his temper: "I can't help you, thank you very much."

Yang Yu nodded in response, and a small part of the matter in his heart was settled. The turbidity in Emei Mansion had been cleared by him, and the remaining ones were just some low-level monks who had been exposed to the turbidity, so there was no need for him to take action. .

The reason why Yang Yu teaches these people how to deal with immortality is to let these people have an understanding of the guys who are contaminated by the turbid energy.

The earth has been targeted by the original world, and not only one force is targeting it, but there may be others hiding in the dark who have not yet surfaced.

If he were alone, he would be unable to defeat four hands with two fists. If these people can understand the turbid energy first, then even if an enemy comes from the original world one day, they will not be disrupted first.

As for whether these people can maintain their original intention to practice and not be tempted by the false and evil power, that is beyond Yang Yu's control.

No one can tell how many monks there are in a world, but he can't control them.

If all the monks in the whole world are like the original monks, then he has nothing to do. If he can't control others, then he can control himself.

He didn't save the original world because it was not his hometown, because it was full of moths, like a mouth of teeth that were rotten to the point of blackening.

It's like throwing you into a neighboring country, that hell on earth full of sin. Suddenly one day the city gates are on fire and smoke is everywhere. Do you think you will save it?

When I returned to my hometown, I found that it had been touched by the devil's claws. Even if everyone loses their minds, there will always be someone who insists on his own way.

Yang Eucalyptus is willing to be the one who insists on having his own way, but what he hopes even more is that there are tens of millions of people walking with him.

After all, this is a world where millions of people are willing to walk together, as time and history have long proven.

That's why he was willing to do it.

Behind Mount Emei, there is a vast blue sea.

The waves were crashing against the rocks. On one of the large rocks, two figures stood there quietly, watching the sun set in the west, lengthening their dim shadows.

"There is no sea in Emei."

The Supreme Elder gently stroked his beard and said with a profound expression.

Yang Yu on the side smiled and heard the meaning of his words.

They are all thousand-year-old foxes, what else can they say about Liaozhai, this old thing.

"If Emei is like this, other immortal mansions may also have been gathering dust for a long time."

"Is this why you reincarnated?"

"I just don't want to see a future that no one wants to see."

Yang Yu sighed, going round and round, pretending to be cool. After experiencing this, the Supreme Elder felt like he was in his heart.

"What I'm worried about is that this is a disaster for all living beings, such as Kunlun Mansion... If Kunlun Mansion also falls, what will we do?"

Previously, in the Golden Dome Hall, in front of everyone, Yang Yu explained in detail the dangers of being contaminated with "immortal energy".

That will be a catastrophe that will cause changes in the entire world. From the people seeking immortality to the ordinary people, all living beings will not be spared.

No one in this world understands the sadness and riots of the original world better than him, and when he tells it to everyone, it is a vivid and cruel picture of all living beings.

Now the Supreme Elder also began to feel melancholy and worried.

So is Eucalyptus poplar.

"I can't care about that much anymore. I want to break through first and understand the laws of heaven. And... I want to develop techniques and spells related to light. The more the better!"

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