This scene was as simple as Yang Yu's previous defeat of the disciple named Qin, and it seemed as easy as it was.

Regarding Yang Yu’s advice, no one cared what he said.

But when Chang Wu flew out, along with the magic weapon shattering, a strong impact suddenly spread in all directions.

These disciples were instantly affected. At this moment, they understood the meaning of Yang Yu's words, but it was too late and they could not avoid it.

Bang bang bang——

One after another, figures flew out and hit the palace wall one after another. In serious cases, they even vomited blood and fell to the ground.

"I told you to stay away."

Yang Yu sighed and looked at Chang Wan with a smile.

He knows best what kind of power his punch can exert. Since these guys don't believe his advice, there is nothing they can do.

Chang Wan quickly got up from the ground. His cultivation was not weak. His cultivation in the transformation stage meant that he was not seriously injured. However, he was punched away by Yang Yu in full public view and the magic weapon was also destroyed. , looking very embarrassed.

At this moment, he stood up, looked at Yang Yu, took a deep breath, and looked in disbelief.

He was very sure that Yang Yu's cultivation level was only the golden elixir and had not yet reached the level of Nascent Soul, but he could exert such terrifying power, which he couldn't figure out anyway.


The long nonsense words came to my lips, and my heart was filled with a breath, and I even paused for a moment to speak.

"Who are you?"

He now completely does not believe that Yang Yu is a new disciple who has just started for less than a month. Whether it is his strength or his calm attitude towards them from beginning to end, it is not something that a new disciple can achieve.

"I am who I am, my life can be checked, and I have passed the three tests. Could it be that Elder Chang Wai still can't trust the assessment in the government?"

Yang Yu said that he knew that the strength he showed would make people suspicious, but in order to achieve his goal, it didn't matter.

As soon as these words came out, Chang Wan began to hesitate.

If you want to enter the Immortal Mansion, your life story among the three passes is the most credible evidence, and no one can fake it.

But Yang Yu's behavior really made him unable to believe it.

At this moment, Deacon Liao, who had fallen on the ground, slowly got up from the ground and wiped the blood that overflowed from the corner of his mouth.

"Master, don't believe what he says. The disciple has checked the fortune cards. He has been in contact with monsters. This person must be a monster in disguise."


These words immediately shocked Chang Wang, and even his disciples looked at Yang Yu with unhappiness and fear.

A look of surprise appeared on Yang Yu's face. When had he come into contact with monsters? Even until now, he didn't know what the monsters on Earth looked like.

Moreover, when he passed the three passes, his life had not been checked. Even if there were doubts, there was no record of contact with monsters.

What does it mean that this guy jumped out and framed him at this time without any evidence?

"Impossible. If there are records of his contact with monsters, it is absolutely impossible to pass the life test."

Fortunately, Chang Wen still had sense and did not believe this disciple's words. Instead, he first started questioning based on the doubtful points.

"Master, this disciple has carefully investigated this matter, and there are indeed great doubts."

Deacon Liao was about to reveal the conjecture he had made during his life examination, but he did not state that it was his conjecture, but stated that Yang Gu must have been in contact with a monster, otherwise it would never be possible for the wandering soul to linger around his body after death. as long as.

And more importantly, he targeted Yang Yu's strength.

"If not, how could his strength and cultivation speed be so incredible?"

Deacon Liao looked at Yang Yu. He was not doing this for his own selfish gain. Targeting Yang Yu would not bring him any benefit.

However, Yang Yu single-handedly defeated his master and their group. This was a great shame and humiliation for the disciples of their lineage. If this matter could not be resolved, I am afraid that they would never be able to hold their heads high in the government again.

After listening to Deacon Liao's words, Chang Wan immediately fell into deep thought and subconsciously looked at Yang Yu.

"Where does your strength come from?"

Although there are still doubts in his heart, it is true that as his disciple said, the biggest strange thing about Yang Gu is not his contact with monsters. Those are all things that have no real evidence, so he dare not draw any conclusions. The biggest strange thing is his strength.

It was obviously just a golden elixir, but it could easily break the magic weapon that he had poured all his spiritual power into, and even injure him.

"If you can't give me a convincing explanation, then I will report this matter to the palace master, and you will be handed over to the palace master for disposal."

Chang Wu stared at Yang Yu and said every word.

There are unexplainable doubts, and there is always no suspicion in the mansion. If it were decided by the master of the mansion, even if Yang Gu was not a monster, he would be considered to have an affair with the monster, and he would never stay in the Emei mansion again.

From the beginning to the end, Yang Yu did not interrupt, but patiently listened to the exchange between Chang Wei and Deacon Liao.

Hearing Chang Wu's question at this time, Yang Yu couldn't help but smile helplessly.

"This matter is indeed difficult to explain. If I say that I am the reincarnation of a former monk, would you believe it?"


As soon as these words came out, Chang Wu was stunned again.

Yang Yu's response can indeed explain why he has such strong strength, and can even explain why his wandering soul did not leave his body after death, but this rarely happens, and even the life card cannot be checked.

The life card only records one person's life. After entering reincarnation, it will return to zero and become another person, thus creating a new life record.

"Who were you in your previous life?"

Chang asked in vain.

"have no idea."

Yang Yu directly replied that he just wanted to fool these guys. This was just a random reason. How could he answer so carefully.

"have no idea?"

"During the years when the wandering soul stayed, I awakened many memories of cultivation, so I firmly believe that I am the reincarnation of a certain monk. This is enough."

Yang Yu seemed very confident. In fact, his experience was very similar to what he said.

"Do you have any evidence?"

Chang Wu asked reluctantly.

"Isn't my strength the most powerful evidence?"

Yang Yu smiled again.

But when he smiled, Deacon Liao became anxious. He didn't expect Yang Yu to explain like this. He suddenly couldn't think of any countermeasures. Even Chang Wei couldn't find any flaws in Yang Yu's words, and he couldn't.

But at this moment, Yang Yu spoke again:

"Instead of asking me for evidence, why not ask your disciple, what evidence does he have if he says that I have an affair with a monster?"

He once again shifted his focus to the matter of having an affair with a monster.

Regarding questions about his strength, he is the best evidence. This matter cannot be discussed in detail. It is better to throw the question back to the person who raised it.

There is a saying that goes well, whoever questions the question must provide evidence, so why should he provide evidence?

Yang Yu has never even seen what a monster looks like, so if he wants to slander him, he will produce evidence.

Chang Wan looked at Deacon Liao again, but this time Deacon Liao was speechless.

In his panic, he seemed to have thought of something.

"I have a witness! The junior brother who was in charge of the life examination re-examined with me at that time, and we discovered the clues together..."

"Are you going to frame me casually based on just a clue? I repeat, please provide real evidence!"

Before Deacon Liao could finish speaking, Yang Eucalyptus interrupted him, too lazy to waste any more time.

"If you slander me like this without evidence, I can regard your behavior as a provocation."

What does it mean to be considered provocative? Of course it meant beating him up.

Deacon Liao fell silent immediately, and Chang Wan saw the clues in his disciple's expression. He was talking nonsense and without any evidence. This was a farce.

Maybe his intention was good, to make Yang Yu lose face and make them look less embarrassed, but this method would only make them more embarrassed.

"That's enough, please step back."

Really unable to listen, Chang Wu gave a stern order.


Deacon Liao wanted to say something else, but when he saw his master's gaze, he immediately shrank his neck and left in despair.

As one of the elders of Emei Mansion, Chang Wai is not a fool. Yang Yu's impression of him has also changed slightly. Although he cannot distinguish right from wrong, at least he is not blind.

Yang Yu didn't say anything, and naturally he wouldn't say much. If he continued to hold on to this matter, it would only bring trouble to him.

After Deacon Liao left, the hall suddenly became quiet.

"You are definitely not an ordinary person, but why did you choose to come to Emei?"

After a while, Chang Wen adjusted his mentality before looking at Yang Yu again and asked.

"I said, I want to be an elder, not even just the position of elder. The reason why I came to Emei is just because it is the closest. You don't have to think too much."

From the psychology of a reincarnated monk, it is indeed too slow to walk up step by step. Cultivation requires resources. This is true for everyone. The higher the position, the more resources. This is okay. Understood.

However, Chang Wei shook his head at this.

"You have only been admitted for a month. There is no high position in the palace that has not been practiced here for hundreds of thousands of years. You can't do it. Even the master of the palace will not let you sit in this position."

"So I chose to fight. Since I can't let my qualifications speak for myself, let's use my fists. If it still doesn't work, that's okay. I'll find another place."

Yang Yu smiled, his tone seemed very casual.

I don’t want to leave you here, I have my own place to stay.

If it doesn't work to beat everyone in the house until they have nothing to say, then try it again in another place and see who will be the first to worry?

Yang Yu's answer made Chang Wen feel suffocated, and he even couldn't help but begin to believe Yang Yu's words to a certain extent. If he was not a reincarnated monk, how could there be such an arrogant and arrogant person? He had never heard of it in his life.

"If anyone is dissatisfied, then accept my challenge. How about starting with you first?"

At this time, Yang Yu added with a smile.


Having already fought against Yang Yu once, Chang Wan has to admit that Yang Yu is very strong. He is not a fool. Even if he takes out his magic weapon, he may not be able to defeat Yang Yu for sure. It is better to let others take advantage of this weakness. .

"Let's do this. I'll help you submit this matter to the Palace Master, who will make the decision. How about that?"

Chang Wu came up with a proposal and said to Yang Yu.

Yang Yu thought for a moment and shook his head.

"No, this is still too slow."

"Then what do you mean..."

Chang Wan suddenly had a premonition that this guy might say something scary.

"Why don't you help me inform everyone in the house, and say that I will set up a stage here, and I will challenge everyone in the house. Whoever loses to me will give up his seat to me!

It is more effective for you to say this than for me to say it. "

"Huh? This..."

Chang Wan's expression suddenly paused. This was even more shocking than what he had expected. For a moment, he didn't know how to answer.

After hearing Yang Yu's words, the other disciples in the hall were also shocked and speechless, and their jaws were so wide open that they almost fell to the ground.

Is this guy crazy?

Is he here to worship the mountain or to kick the mountain?

Challenge everyone in the house? Doesn't that include the Palace Master and even the Supreme Elder? How dare he!

"Whether I can win or not is my business and it has nothing to do with you. Just say whether you do it or not, right?"


Chang Wan was obviously still hesitant. If he helped Yang Yu spread the news, wouldn't he be even more embarrassed if Yang Yu was defeated by others?

Moreover, he did not dare to do this without going through the Palace Master, otherwise if something happened, he would be the first to be unlucky.

Seeing this guy's hesitation, Yang Yu couldn't help but sigh.

"If you don't do it, then I will go back now and tell everyone in the house that someone was punched by me and even the magic weapon was destroyed."

"You! You go too far!"

After hearing Yang Yu's words, Chang Wan's expression suddenly changed.

In an instant, he waved his hand, and a colorful light flew out in front of him, turned into a long sword, and suddenly stabbed Yang Gu.

The extremely sharp sword energy instantly split the surrounding space and thrust out with an indomitable momentum.

The sword struck Yang Yu's Dantian at a speed that was too fast to catch.

But just as the sword was about to penetrate Yang Yu's body, it was easily blocked by a hand.

The blade glowing with cold light was grasped by one hand, and with just a squeeze, the sword instantly disintegrated into countless fragments.

Even before Chang Wan could react, another hand suddenly touched his body.

Chang's eyes widened in vain, and he flew backwards again. This time, blood mist even spurted out of his mouth.

This scene happened too quickly and ended too quickly. By the time other people in the hall reacted, Chang Wan had already hit the hall again. This time, a huge dent was made in the wall of the hall. Damn it, the whole hall was shaken.


The monks immediately ran towards Chang Wan in a hurry, with anxious and frightened expressions on their faces.

Who knows why the two of them started fighting again after having a disagreement, but it happened that their master was beaten again.

"You said, if you want to do it, just do it. If you don't do it, don't do it. Just give me a happy word.

Now, not one, but two of your magic weapons have been destroyed. What do you want those who know to think? "

Yang Yu casually threw the fragments of the sword blade in his hand on the ground, made a crisp sound, and said with emotion.

This guy, if you want to verify his strength, why bother?

Chang Wen quickly stood up with the help of his disciples, but he was even more embarrassed than before, his clothes were stained with blood mist, and his whole body was covered in disgrace.

Now he really believed that Yang Yu had the capital to say such a thing, and he immediately stopped hesitating.

"Okay! I promise you, I will send someone to deliver the message now."

If he doesn't do anything, he will be beaten for no reason. This feeling must be experienced by others.

"But I have a condition."

"What conditions?"

Hearing that Chang Wu agreed, Yang Yu's face showed joy.

Chang Wan looked at the big hole in the palace wall behind him that he had knocked out with a distressed expression.

"You can't set up the arena here, you have to find another place." (End of Chapter)

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