“What is speedrunning?”

Gong Niang asked a question that she didn't understand.

“It’s the way to solve things as quickly as possible.”

Yang Gu smiled.

If you want to eliminate those monks who are contaminated with turbidity, you must first find out who has a lot of turbidity in their hands, which is the source of the turbidity.

There is no doubt that the likes of the City God can receive rewards from the Emei Mansion and give elixirs containing turbid qi, which means that the upper levels of the Emei Mansion control the turbid qi that can be used to make elixirs.

Then he must reach that level as soon as possible before he can go deep into it and figure it out.

A night of silence.

Early the next morning, Yang Gu left the cave and soon found the small land.

Xiao Tutu is the monk who manages the nearby cave area for the initiate disciples. He is very old and looks like a dying old man, but the resource management and control of the disciples has to go through his hands.

Yang Yu was not the only one who came to see Xiao Tutu. He also waited in line for a long time before it was finally his turn.

Yang Yu paid homage to the other party and explained his intention.

Xiao Tu Tu gave him some of his cultivation resources. There were very few resources, only the clothes of an entry-level disciple and two pills for Qi-Shi cultivation.

Given the resources, the little land also arranged work for Yang Yu, a new disciple, in exchange for daily practice resources.

If you don't work, it will be of no benefit and value to the Immortal Mansion, then there is no need to waste your cultivation resources.

But that's not the purpose of Yang Yu's coming here. He needs to inquire about something.

"I dare to ask Little Tutu, how can I quickly become an official disciple of the Immortal Mansion?"

There were people lining up behind Yang Yu. When they heard Yang Yu's words, most of them laughed.

When it comes to wanting to become an official disciple of the Immortal Mansion, who here doesn’t think so? But who hasn’t practiced for a long time and still hasn’t reached that threshold?

How could it be so easy to step into cultivation from the wandering soul of a dead person, to break through the foundation building from the Qi training stage? Wanting to quickly become an official disciple of the Immortal Mansion is simply a dream, unless you are extremely talented and make rapid progress.

When Little Tutu heard Yang Yu's words, he also raised his old face, opened his wrinkled eyelids slightly, and glanced at Yang Yu.

"Practice steadily, and one day you will be able to become a formal disciple. Don't aim too high. If you really want to speed up, there are two ways.

You go to the upper cave area, find a protector or deacon with advanced cultivation, and see if they are willing to accept you as their direct disciple and become their direct disciple. Even if you are only practicing Qi, you can become an official disciple. "

Little Tutu didn't ridicule Yang Gu, but the method he proposed sounded a bit unrealistic.

Most protectors or deacons want to accept formal disciples as their direct disciples. No one will pay attention to an entry-level disciple who has not even reached the foundation level, and no one will want to pay attention to it.

It’s not like no one has tried this kind of thing. Basically, they always get a shut-down and end up with nothing.

Some monks behind him laughed again. If Yang Yu really did this, he would be embarrassed.

Yang Yu didn't want to have another master, and a deacon protecting the law was not qualified to be his master, so he asked Xiao Tudi again without even thinking about it.

"What's another way?"

"Another way is to challenge the strongest person in the current entry disciple area, and at the same time hold the position of the strongest entry disciple for at least ten days, or until no one dares to challenge, or you can make an exception and become a formal disciple.

You can't do this method. You just entered yesterday. Don't be so eager to seek death. Although it is forbidden for fellow sects to kill each other, it will not be an exception if you are abolished. "

Xiao Tutu said slowly, his tone full of warning.

He didn't say a word. This method has serious consequences, that is, once it is abolished, it will be useless to the immortal world, and it will be thrown into reincarnation, and the opportunity to enter cultivation will be bid farewell.

Generally speaking, anyone who is sensible will not do this. If you don't have the strength and act recklessly, it is the same as seeking death.

There is no need to persuade people who are sensible, but there is no need to persuade people who are looking for death.

But the method Xiaotutu said made Yang Yu's eyes light up. Isn't this the most suitable method for speedrunning?

"Who is the strongest among the disciples?"

he asked with great interest.

Hearing his words, Xiao Tutu suddenly fell silent, and even the people in the queue behind him were silent. I didn't expect that this guy really wanted to do it.

Xiao Tutu's eyes seemed to open a little wider, but they quickly closed, and after saying a word, he didn't want to pay attention to Yang Gu.

"The Thirteenth House in the East District, Lei Tao."

"Thank you."

After getting the information he wanted, Yang Yu turned around and left.

Everyone looked at his leaving figure as if they were looking at a brainless idiot.

As long as they practice steadily and spend more time working in exchange for resources, generally speaking, they can successfully break through the foundation building and become official disciples, so there is no need to take risks.

This guy is so eager for success, he is nothing but a fool.

But thinking about it, he won't seek death for a while and challenge Lei Tao. He just entered the door yesterday. I'm afraid he will have to wait at least several months to have a certain level of cultivation before he can do this. Then there will be a good show. Saw it.

After Yang Yu left, the remaining people were still lining up, waiting to receive and exchange resources from the small land.

But to everyone's surprise, after a while, it suddenly became noisy outside.

"That guy just went straight to the Dongfu in the East District!"

At this time, someone suddenly shouted, which immediately attracted the attention of everyone present.

Xiao Tutu's originally downcast eyes suddenly lifted up, and the people waiting in line also turned their heads.



"Go and have a look, I want to see how he was beaten half to death by Lei Tao."

Someone immediately said excitedly and ran towards the Dongfu in the East District.

Many people know the name of Lei Tao. As of today, Lei Tao has defeated the strongest among the previous disciples, and has held the position of the strongest for eight consecutive days, with only two days left. Can become a formal disciple.

Cultivation is inherently a boring thing, and such fun is rare on weekdays. In addition, most people like to watch the fun, so the training resources can be obtained later, but the fun will be gone if you don't watch it this time.

In the blink of an eye, most of the people waiting in line had moved away, and many people were still hesitant.

At this moment, Xiao Tudi, who was sitting upright, suddenly stood up and left here regardless of the person in front of him who was about to ask him to claim the resources.

At this time, a stone stirred up a thousand waves, and many other people followed, wanting to see the "grace" of Eucalyptus poplar.

Even the small land has gone, why are they still hanging around here?

A group of dozens of people headed towards the East District Cave Mansion, not at a slow pace, fearing that they would not be able to catch up with the fun.

But halfway through, they suddenly saw a familiar figure walking towards them and passed them by.

"Wait! Isn't this that boy? Why is he back?"

The sharp-eyed people recognized Yang Yu at once. It was the guy who was brazen about wanting to challenge the strongest disciples, but they bumped into him on their way to the scene.

"I guess he was scared and ran away."

"Damn, this guy is a coward. He probably got scared when he saw Lei Tao and ran away. Bah."

Everyone was disappointed when they saw that he didn't have any injuries and that he didn't have any arms or legs. He didn't look like he had been beaten.

Many people also laughed, mocking Yang Yu as not only a brainless idiot, but also a coward.

They wanted to have fun in vain, but in the end they didn't even have fun, so this guy gave up halfway.

I'm afraid that from today on, this guy's name will spread throughout the entire entry disciple area and become a laughing stock.

Yang Yu ignored these guys. After finishing what he wanted to do, he went back to the cave first. He didn't bother to pay attention to what these guys thought, and his figure quickly disappeared from everyone's sight.

Everyone was preparing to go home in despair, but at this moment, someone from behind suddenly came with shocking news.

"Lei Tao is defeated!"

"Lei Tao was defeated? How? Who was he defeated by?"

This news stunned everyone, and they all looked at the person who sent the news and asked.

"That's the guy who walked over just now. He ran to challenge Lei Tao, but he was ridiculed by Lei Tao, so he decided to accept his challenge. Who knows, but Lei Tao only received one punch and fell to the ground. "


Upon hearing the news, most of the people present gasped and looked in the direction where Yang Eucalyptus left in horror, but Yang Eucalyptus could no longer be seen.

One second ago, I thought that guy was a coward, but who knew that he was not a coward and ran away, but had already ended the challenge with one punch. They were even walking halfway and didn't even see the fighting situation at that time.

What's the origin of this guy? On the first day of entry, he beat up the strongest among the disciples, which was so terrifying.

There were also people who didn't believe it and went to Lei Tao's cave to check, only to see the unconscious Lei Tao being carried away.

The news spread immediately, and the entire disciple area heard about it. There was a ruthless person who had just started, and on the first day he took the strongest position among the disciples.

But this was just the beginning. In the next few days, surprising news came one after another from the entry disciple area.

Yang Yu, the entry-level disciple who defeated Lei Tao, accepted the challenge and defeated more than ten people who came to challenge him in three consecutive days, and each of them ended the battle with just one punch.

Under the amazing record, no one dared to challenge him after two days of idle time. Almost all the entry-level disciples, even those who were close to the foundation-building level, were beaten by Yang Yu.

Yang Yu was also successfully promoted to become a formal disciple and moved into the cave in the formal disciple area.

In the cave, Yang Yu finished his work and was very satisfied to see that he had broken through the foundation-building cultivation level.

He has absorbed a lot of aura, and wanting to break through the foundation building is just a matter of whether he wants to or not. However, in order to prevent others from seeing the clues, he still breaks through the cultivation base and becomes a disciple according to the breath-taking method after becoming a formal disciple. Foundation-building monk.

Since he is only a soul body now and needs the golden elixir to reshape his physical body, when fighting, he always uses his rich combat experience and skills, finishing the fight with one punch without giving the opponent a chance to use his methods.

In addition, Yang Yu also wants to see if he can reshape another physical body after he reaches the golden elixir.

His separated physical body actually belonged to the original world, but if he could have another physical body that belonged to the earth, he would be able to travel to both worlds unimpeded without any restrictions.

What surprised Yang Yu was that when he broke through the foundation-building cultivation level, he also encountered a heavenly tribulation. Because the golden elixir existed in the soul body before, the coming heavenly tribulations, without exception, all belonged to the inner demon tribulation. kind, rather than the catastrophe acting on the physical body.

However, after the calamity arrived, Yang Yu failed to meet his inner demon. He only made a breakthrough in cultivation after the chaos inexplicably dispersed, which made Yang Yu a little confused.

There is no difference between whether this heavenly tribulation comes or not.

Could it be that Heaven took action again?

But it was just a small calamity of practicing Qi and breaking through the foundation, and he could easily get through it. Why would Heaven take action on such a trivial matter.

If it weren't for the way of heaven, the only reason Yang Yu could think of was that he didn't have any inner demons at all, or that the inner demons couldn't appear at all.

Generally speaking, inner demons are what a monk is most afraid of or afraid of.

The only person who can make Yang Yu feel scared and frightened is the old guy Minghe.

The main reason is that I have been plotted by this old guy so many times that I almost have PTSD, and I have to be on guard against the old guy's schemes at all times.

This may be the key.

The old guy Minghe is a person from the original world, not from the earth, so the heavenly tribulation cannot create the image of the old guy Minghe, and cannot let him experience the heavenly tribulation in the form of inner demons?

"Little Bi Zai, what are you going to do next?"

Gong Niang still asked the old question.

Yang Yu smiled without much thought: "Of course I will continue speedrunning."

Since he had decided to speed pass from the beginning, Yang Yu would certainly not change his mind or stop.

Just becoming a formal disciple is not enough. This status does not allow access to the secrets of the upper levels.

So in the next few days, a surprising thing happened in the official disciple area.

A guy who made an exception and became an official disciple through challenges has just entered the official disciple area and started to challenge the strongest among the official disciples non-stop.

What is shocking is that the strongest disciple who has reached the late stage of foundation building and is one step away from the golden elixir was quickly defeated by him.

Just one punch not only shattered the magic weapon that the strongest disciple had been practicing for a long time, but also knocked him to the ground, defeating him easily.

As soon as the news came out, the entire formal disciple area was shocked.

What is even more surprising is that the disciple named Yang Yu, who has only been a disciple for a few days, has gone from being an entry-level disciple to a formal disciple in such a short period of time, and now he has become a formal disciple. The strongest, really incredible.

Of course, in the follow-up, people who did not know the reason came to challenge, but the result was still the same. Dozens of people challenged Yang Yu in a wheel battle, but in the end they were defeated by Yang Yu's punch.

A fierce man was welcomed among the disciples, and the news that he was invincible to all the disciples quickly spread throughout the Emei Mansion, even alarming the elders of the Emei Mansion.

On this day, it had not even been ten days since Yang Yu entered Emei Mansion, and he was already preparing to be promoted to the next stage, becoming a deacon in Emei Mansion or accepting an assignment to become a city god in a certain place.

Yang Yu doesn't want to become an expatriate city god, which means that after finally entering Emei Mansion, he will leave here, so what he wants to do will be postponed, which is not what he wants.

He just wants to become a deacon, stay in Emei Mansion, and continue to be promoted to a higher status.

On this day, when Yang Yu was preparing to use his aura to break through his cultivation and reach the golden elixir, and also try to rebuild his physical body, a guest was welcomed outside the cave.

The person who came was a personal descendant of one of the elders of Emei Mansion, and he was also one of the deacons of Emei Mansion. He came to bring a message to Yang Yu.

In these days, Yang Yu has become the focus of news circulating in Emei Mansion, and has alarmed many elders, who are all very interested in him.

The visitor first congratulated Yang Yu, praised his outstanding cultivation talent and fighting talent, expressed his closeness, and then revealed his intention.

One of the elders of Emei Mansion, the famous Elder Chang Wong wanted to accept him as his direct disciple.

Being able to be accepted by an elder in the Immortal Mansion and become the elder's personal disciple is something that all disciples in the Immortal Mansion can only ask for. No other benefits are needed. No one will refuse this alone.

Because once you become a direct disciple of an elder, it means that you have a lot of practice resources to allocate, which is completely different from being a formal disciple.

But to everyone's surprise, Yang Yu refused. Without any careful consideration, he just said:

"I don't want to be anyone's disciple."

This sentence not only rejected the future people, but also rejected other elders who were interested in him.

The visitor was shocked, his face quickly turned cold, and he couldn't help but sneer at Yang Yu's ignorant compliment.

If Yang Yu only rejected him, it would be understandable. Maybe there is an elder he likes and wants to join someone else, but rejecting everyone with just one sentence would be really audacious and ungrateful.

"In that case, I wish my junior brother success in his cultivation and promotion. We will have a long future."

With a single word that was neither negative nor positive, the visitor left on the spot.

Yang Yu ignored him and didn't say anything. After the others left, he closed the cave directly because he was going to break through the golden elixir and rebuild his physical body. (End of chapter)

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