"Fellow Daoist Yang..."

Panyu's voice came from behind Yang Yu.

From the perspective of Pan Yu and Pan Shi, Yang Yu stood alone and had been silent for a while, which made them a little at a loss.

Yang Yu came to her senses and looked back at the two of them.

"I'm fine, I'm just thinking about something and need some time alone."

"In that case, senior brother and I should go back to the room first so as not to disturb fellow Taoists."

Panyu and Panshi were very knowledgeable and said immediately.

Although she couldn't see Yang Yu's face, she could feel that Yang Yu was a little worried now, so she simply didn't disturb him.

Yang Yu nodded:

"Good work."

It wasn't until Brother Panyu and Panshi left that Gong Niang's voice continued to reach Yang Yu's ears.

"Little Bi Zaizi, if you just want to clean up these City Gods, it will be easy for you to do it, but above the City Gods is the Immortal Mansion. Those powerful practitioners are in the Immortal Mansion, facing They, you would be in great danger.”

This is a warning from Gong Niang. Judging from the information obtained from digested memory, although Yang Yu is now an invincible existence in Qidao, once he faces Hedao monks with the same level of cultivation on earth, those who have mastered the laws of heaven , I’m afraid it’s not something he can deal with easily.

Once he leaves the area controlled by Panyu, Yang Yu's strength will be limited. Let alone Hedao, it will be very difficult even against the monks who transform gods.

Secondly, this place is not the original world, this is the home ground of these earth monks, and the laws of heaven will only become more terrifying. Even if Yang Yu can release all his strength, those strong ones are still not easy for him to deal with, and they are also very dangerous.

Yang Yu also knew this truth very well, but he had to do this.

If we want to solve external problems, internal problems must be solved first, so that we can have no worries at all.

But purging is not as easy as saying. He must first consider how many monks in this world have been contaminated with turbidity.

First of all, what is certain is that Emei Mansion and its various city gods.

The elixir containing turbid energy in the hands of the City God was given by Emei Mansion. There is definitely something wrong with Emei Mansion.

Regardless of everything else, the problem of Emei Mansion is right in front of us. This is something that needs to be solved first.

He had to figure out why there was turbidity in Emei Mansion's hands, so that he could find the source of the turbidity and extinguish it.

"Although these City Gods are only at the Golden Core level at most, there are quite a few Nascent Souls and Divine Transformation monks in Emei Mansion. They have avoided the world and devoted themselves to cultivation. If you want to eliminate them, you must Approach them first, which means you need to enter Emei Mansion."

Gong Niang reminded that these are all information obtained through the memory of the City God.

How to enter Emei Mansion? This is a big problem.

Although Yang Yu is now on the earth, if it weren't for Panyu devouring the Shanhe Order and turning part of the illusion here into reality, he would actually be outside the earth and out of place.

Moreover, Emei Mansion has already put him, Pan Yu and others on wanted list and considered them to be evil spirits. Once they get close to Emei Mansion, they may be exposed soon.

"Or you can take over the position of City God. Since it is difficult to enter Emei Mansion, then wait here for them to appear."

Gong Niang made a good suggestion.

As long as Panyu devours the Mountain and River Order here, he can control the entire city. This is equivalent to their stronghold, and they can exert their full strength here.

After hearing this, Yang Yu fell into hesitation, and finally shook his head.

"It's too passive."

There is no denying that this is a good idea, but whether you can reach the people in Emei Mansion depends on whether and when they will come.

If those guys stayed in Emei Mansion and couldn't leave even an inch, he would have absolutely nothing to do with them.

And in this critical moment, everything must be done quickly and not waste too much time. Yang Yu doesn't want to be so passive.

Gong Niang was silent now, and she couldn't think of any other good ideas.

Yang Gu thought quietly for a while, and suddenly heard a noisy sound in the distance, which sounded like the sound of a vehicle horn.

It was already nighttime, and the noise in the surrounding area was getting louder and louder.

Looking at the messy scene around him, Yang Yu also realized something. The noise caused by the battle between him and Cheng Huang had attracted the attention of ordinary people around him, and the police were quickly arriving.

Soon the surrounding lights lit up, and a group of ordinary people approached here, but no one could see Yang Gu, even if they stood in front of them, they turned a blind eye.

In the eyes of these ordinary people, this thing was very strange. Many surrounding buildings were damaged, but no one was seen from the beginning to the end, whether from the surveillance cameras or the eyes of those who were awakened at night.

Soon a cordon was set up around the area, and the police began investigating the scene.

Yang Yu stood there quietly, silently watching the actions of these people. A bright light suddenly flashed in his eyes, and he suddenly thought of a possibly feasible idea.

"Gong Niang, after death, will the soul of a mortal float to the immortal mansion on its own?"

"So, the reason why the Immortal Mansion is an Immortal Mansion is because they control the place of reincarnation of mortals. The souls after death will go to the Immortal Mansion when they are confused."

Gong Niang replied that these are all things in the city god's memory.

She also immediately realized what Yang Yu wanted to do, and couldn't help but wonder:

"Do you want to follow the path of the City God and worship in the Emei Mansion?"


Yang Yu nodded.

"This is not feasible."

Gong Niang said immediately.

In her opinion, Yang Yu is not from this world. Even if his soul leaves the body and goes to the Emei Mansion, he is afraid that the Emei Mansion will find out his identity on the spot and destroy him directly.

"I think I can give it a try. What if it works?"

But Yang Yu disagreed with Gong Niang's view and gave an ambiguous answer.

If he wasn't sure, he wouldn't say this method, so he was actually confident about this matter, but he couldn't explain the reason to Gong Niang.

Because he was originally a native of the earth, but he just traveled to the original world.

What he can be sure of is that his body belongs to the original world, but his soul still belongs to the earth.

Once the body is separated from the body and only the soul is left, he is the person here.

If he only relied on his soul, he would be very confident that he would be able to enter Emei Mansion and become one of the practitioners in this world.

"This is too risky. Once your soul dies, you will die as well."

Gong Niang didn't agree with Yang Yu's idea and wanted to dissuade him.

There was no way to explain this matter to Gong Niang, so Yang Yu could only find other reasons.

There is a saying that is most appropriate, that is - wealth can be found in danger.

If you do it, you won't necessarily fail, but if you don't do it, you won't get anything.

Under Yang Yu's hard work, Gong Niang finally agreed and decided to help Yang Yu separate her body and soul.

The separation of soul and body needs to find a suitable place, which is at the boundary of Panyu's control area.

At the moment of separation, the soul needs to leave this area after leaving the body, otherwise the activation of immortality will result in failure.

The physical body must stay in the area to maintain immortality and wait for the soul to return.

Yang Yu left here, returned to the old residential building, and found Pan Yu and the others.

He used seclusion as an excuse to find a room on the edge of Panyu's control area. Before preparing to separate his soul from his body, he warned Panyu and Panyu in advance that if a new incarnation came, they would have to face it alone. .

As long as they don't leave the area under their control, with the strength of the two of them, as long as the opponent is not too strong, there should be no problem in dealing with them.

Before the separation, Yang Yu used his own methods to set up a barrier in the room to prevent anyone from approaching or noticing.

Soon, with the help of Gong Niang, Yang Yu's body and soul were separated, and Gong Niang was once again stuffed into Yang Yu's body... no, it should be said that it was into her soul to cover up her breath.

Yang Yu tried it. After using Panyu's hard work, perhaps because Gongniang is a soul body, even if she leaves Panyu's control, Gongniang can still remain conscious and use the ability to devour souls. It's just that the bow body cannot be released.

If Gong Niang was missing from this journey, it would be too lonely to be alone.

Moreover, Gong Niang's ability has a great effect on him, and Gong Niang's help will be indispensable in the future.

After leaving the body, only the soul is left, and the senses of the whole world begin to become blurred, giving a hazy feeling.

However, after Yang Gu stabilized his mind, everything quickly returned to what it was before.

After all, his cultivation level is already at the level of Qi Dao, and this is not the first time that his body and soul have been separated.

The Earthly Dharma Stele he owns will automatically separate the body and soul after entering the Land of the Origin, and Yang Yu has become accustomed to it.

Gong Niang told him the location of Emei Mansion, and just as Yang Yu expected, after his soul left the body, he could feel a very powerful attraction coming to him in a daze, just in time. It is the direction of Emei Mansion that Gong Niang said.

Being able to feel this attraction means that his soul is still the same soul as before and has not changed due to time travel, just as he thought.

Emei Mansion, as the name suggests, is in Mount Emei, and all fairy mansions are named after famous mountains and rivers.

Where he is, Ya'an is only more than a hundred miles away from Emei Mansion, which can be said to be very close. If something unexpected happens, he can return to his physical body quickly.

Soon, Yang Yu left here and headed towards Emei Mansion.

Even after being separated from the physical body, Yang Yu can still rely on the aura to use spells and the power of forbidden weapons. It can be said that it is not much different from before being separated from the physical body, but he did not act on his own, but allowed the attraction to Lure him to Emei Mansion, just like an ordinary wandering soul.

After traveling more than a hundred miles, it took about two hours to rely on pure suction. Yang Yu felt that the attraction was getting stronger and stronger. If he did not actively resist, he would even be dragged directly into a certain place.

It was still dark at this time, and there were still a few hours before dawn. Yang Gu landed in a place, looked up, and saw the majestic mountain at a glance.

He has never been here, so he only heard about it. When he saw it now, he couldn't help but sigh, it is indeed a famous mountain in the country.

Through the clouds in the darkness, you can vaguely see the peak standing above the sea of ​​clouds.

According to Gong Niang's digested memory, it was for this reason that the City God came to the Emei Mansion. He was noticed by the people of the Emei Mansion and led up to the mountain.

Yang Yu walked along the path that Cheng Huang once walked, and soon noticed someone approaching him quickly.

"Where did you come from as a wandering spirit? Why did you stop here?"

Before anyone could see him, a voice came first, and then two men in white fell in front of Yang Yu.

Both of them have young faces, but they have combed temples, crowns, and white clothes. They seem to have an air of immortality and aloofness.

"Little Bi Zai, if nothing can be done, leave now."

Gong Niang's voice reached Yang Yu's ears, and she was on guard. She still didn't think Yang Yu's attempt would be successful, so she immediately greeted Yang Yu.

Yang Yu, who was separated from his physical body, did not have a mask on his face at the moment, so he could see his every move and expression change. When the two people arrived, he immediately entered the state.

He didn't respond to Gong Niang's words, with a look of confusion on his face. When he saw the arrival of the two people, he subconsciously took a few steps back.

"Who are you? What is this place? Why am I here?"

This is the reaction that a normal ordinary person would have when their soul consciousness wakes up after death. At this moment, Yang Yu seemed to be possessed by a drama queen.

After hearing Yang Yu's words, the two people in Emei Mansion looked at each other and immediately understood what was going on.

Immortal Mansion is the place of reincarnation for mortals. The souls of ordinary people after death will be led to the land of Immortal Mansion, and then step into the soul.

But not everyone will be like this, and some people will wake up halfway and wake up from the confusion, but they can't tell what happened.

This group of people, in the eyes of practitioners, have a certain amount of inspiration.

The so-called resources of inspiration are those who can keep the spiritual platform clear, quickly regain consciousness after death, and break away from the gravity of reincarnation.

This means that these people are innately qualified to embark on spiritual practice. Once they begin to practice, they will get twice the result with half the effort.

This kind of thing is not uncommon in the Immortal Mansion. Even most of the practitioners in the Immortal Mansion have gone through this process before they entered the practice. This is also an important condition for the Immortal Mansion to screen new practitioners.

After understanding Yang Yu's situation, the two men's expressions also relaxed a little.

"This is the Emei Immortal Mansion. The two of us are disciples in the Immortal Mansion, responsible for receiving the souls of mortals after death. If you can come here, it means that you are finished with the mortal world and you are qualified to enter my Immortal Mansion."

One of them explained his doubts to Yang Yu.

Yang Yu was shocked after hearing this and stood stunned on the spot.

"I...I'm dead? You mean I'm dead?"

Both nodded.

Yang Yu suddenly squatted down slowly holding his head, looking like he had a splitting headache.

This is actually a pattern. In Gong Niang's digested memory, the city god's behavior before entering Emei Mansion is similar, and it is not exaggerated at all.

"I remembered... I seemed to have been in a car accident, and then I came here..."

Yang Yu's "memory" quickly woke up, and he began to remember what happened before he came here, with a look of pain on his face at this moment.

"Birth, old age, illness and death are matters of destiny and cannot be violated. But you are different from others. You are lucky. You have the qualifications to enter the spiritual practice. You can refuse to enter reincarnation and enter my immortal mansion to practice."

The behavior shown by Yang Yu was common for the two people in the Immortal Mansion, and they didn't find it strange. One of them explained to Yang Yu.

"Practice? You mean, I can become a god?"

Yang Yu raised her head in surprise and asked.

"Follow us to the Immortal Mansion. As long as you pass the assessment, you can become a disciple of the Immortal Mansion, enter the practice, and be the same as us from now on."

The two of them didn't say much, they just gave these people with inspiration a promising choice as usual.

Gong Niang had been silently watching the actions of these two people from the Immortal Mansion from beginning to end, but she did not notice anything strange about them. Her attitude towards Yang Yu was normal, and it seemed that she did not see through Yang Yu. identity.

This made Gong Niang feel a little suspicious. Could it be that Xiao Bizai had made some disguise that she didn't know about?

But this is just the beginning, it is not that easy to enter the Immortal Mansion.

"Little Bi Zai, don't take it lightly, be prepared to run away at any time.

One of the so-called assessments in the Immortal Mansion is to check the lives of dead people. Every dead person has a record of his past life in the Immortal Mansion. If you don’t think of other methods, this level is basically It cannot be passed. "

Gong Niang reminded Yang Yu solemnly. (End of chapter)

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