Holding the red feather blade in his hand, and connected to the sky full of white flying feathers behind him, Yang Gu's figure turned into an afterimage and rushed towards the large number of attacking birds.

Even if the physical body that has been tempered by the Red Wheel Infinite Body has lost its mana and physical strength, its pure physical strength is not comparable to that of ordinary people.

Judging from the combat power that Yang Yu can exert now, I am afraid that even the Fu Shi monk who has been born with immortality can fight and even kill him.

Although there were many collapsed birds, Eucalyptus poplar was not afraid at all and quickly rushed towards the flock of birds.

The white feathers all over the sky turned into white shadows, stirring in all directions around the poplar eucalyptus.

Any Bengniao that was touched by Bai Yu would be chopped into several pieces by Bai Yu just by touching them, and they would fall down one after another, causing a bloody storm to spread all over the place.

Yang Yu held a red feather blade in his hand, and when some collapsed birds approached, he slashed at them at a rapid speed.

Bengniao was struck by the red feather blade, and the blood poison entered his body instantly. It began to decay in an instant, and soon rotted into a pile of rotten flesh, and finally turned into a puddle of yellow water.

These collapsed birds, which would frighten monks as soon as they enter the land of collapsed armor, are not even appetizers for Eucalyptus poplars now, just chopping melons and vegetables.

Before he could hold a stick of incense, he was hacked to death by poplars.

The remaining Bengniao merged together to form a big Bengniao, which was cut in half by Eucalyptus poplar, turning into fishy pus.

After getting rid of these Bengjia, Yang Gu continued to move towards the depths of Bengjia shrouded in natural disasters.

If Bengniao was the only one that existed in the Collapsed Armor Land, the old guy Minghe wouldn't be so serious about this difficulty, and would let the old monster fuse with him to open the sixth level.

This shows that the deeper you go into the Collapse Armor, the more dangerous it becomes.

This place is like a very strange isolated place, a twisted space.

If you cross it horizontally, you can go from one large domain to another, but if you walk vertically, you will go to the depths of Bengjia.

Often when monks enter the collapsed armor, they will soon be attacked by a large number of collapsed birds in the surrounding area.

Therefore, after solving this wave of Bengniao, Yang Gu is no longer in danger for the time being. The next wave of Bengniao attacks may not be noticed until further ahead.

Yang Gu tried searching nearby, and soon discovered the strange minerals in the collapsed armor.

The mineral as a whole is like many human bodies mixed together, all turned into gray stones with strange shapes.

And at the top of the mineral, where countless hands are trying to reach, there is a red crystal the size of a thumb.

This is the original stone!

Yang Yu recognized what this red crystal was at a glance. Gong Niang had previously described the appearance of the original stone to him.

While alert to the surroundings, Yang Yu reached out and removed the Original Stone from the mineral.

The moment it was taken off, the original large ball of minerals turned into fragments of sand and disintegrated amidst the clattering sound.

At the same time, an information box also appeared in front of Yang Yu's eyes.

"[Primordial Stone]: A unique product within Bengjia; after swallowing it, a gray barrier can be formed in the body, covering up one's own breath and not being detected by Bengjia. The duration is a quarter of an hour.

Cost of use: During the duration of the effect of swallowing the Primordial Stone, if an injury occurs during this period, all the blood in the devourer's body will coagulate to form a new Primordial Stone.

Status: Can be purified! "

Even in Collapse Armor, Yang Eucalyptus's special abilities can still be used and will not be affected by the rules of Collapse Armor Land. This is something Yang Eucalyptus knew when she first entered Collapse Armor.

So Yang Yu was not surprised at all when an information box popped up in front of him.

But after seeing the information description of the Original Stone, I was still a little surprised.

Sure enough, this thing can only blind Bengniao's perception. If there are other monsters, it will have no effect.

He just didn't expect that the Original Stone actually had a price. Gong Niang had never described it to him before, probably after blinding Bengniao's perception. The probability of such a thing happening was extremely small, and few people encountered it.

Coupled with the survivor bias, everyone he encountered died. Maybe the pile of minerals he took off the Original Stone were the ones who died after triggering the price.

Since he picked up the Original Stone, he didn't need to use it in vain. The purpose of Yang Yu's trip was to go to the depths of Bengjia to find Panyu, not to hunt Bengniao.

So he decisively chose the price of purifying the Original Stone, and then swallowed it into his mouth.

The feeling of the original stone in the mouth is like throwing a candy into the mouth, but the taste is detected by the taste buds on the tongue, there is a kind of hairy blood mixed with the bitterness of lime.

But Yang Gu doesn't care about this. This thing can prevent himself from being noticed by Bengniao, and can save him a lot of effort. That's a good thing.

He never stopped, he kept moving forward every step of the way.

The surrounding environment is becoming more and more desolate, like the deserted Gobi Desert.

After swallowing a Primordial Stone, Yang Yu walked openly and openly under the eyes of the sky full of collapsed birds, and even found more human-shaped minerals. He picked and collected all the Primordial Stones on them.

After collecting twenty primitive stones, Yang Yu temporarily lost interest in collecting this stuff.

These primitive stones were enough to prevent him from being noticed by Bengniao for at least two hours.

Without the attack of the falling birds, while Yang Gu was moving forward, his eyes were more focused on the surrounding scenery and the dilapidated buildings hidden under the sand.

As a modern man, he is very interested in these things and very curious.

I had passed through Bengjia several times before and had no time to check it out. Now that there were scenes like this along the way, Yang Gu also wanted to satisfy his curiosity.

Most importantly, he wanted to know why a place like the Land of Collapse of Armor appeared in this world? And why are there buildings and ruins from the modern world in the Land of Collapse Armor?

The place he was on seemed to be a street buried in yellow sand. The collapsed buildings looked like they would turn into fine sand with just a touch, but the landmark buildings in it could vaguely tell that this was once a high-rise building. .

A few hundred meters further on, there was a traffic sign with only half exposed on the ground. It seemed to be a triangular iron sign. It was already covered with rust, but a little trace of blue paint could be seen.

Thousands of meters later, Yang Gu saw a hill. Countless birds were resting on the hill. The wind blowing in front of them exuded an odor that made people feel dizzy.

But when he got closer, he realized that it was not a mountain, but a large amount of black material piled together, which looked like asphalt.

Countless birds stayed on the black material and screamed strangely. From time to time, they pecked at their feet with their sharp beaks, pecked out a few small red worms from the black material, and swallowed them casually.

Strangely enough, after swallowing the little red bug, a few strands of black material would wrap around and crawl into the bengniao's mouth and enter its body. These bengniao were like fools, turning a blind eye to this.

There are so many broken birds gathered on this pile of things, there are probably tens of thousands of them. They don't look like good things, so they need to be avoided.

Yang Yu just took a look and decided to walk around. There was no need to rush up to see what was going on.

But before he could get around the mountain, which was made of unknown material, the bird that was originally staying on it suddenly screamed strangely and flew away in all directions, scattering in a rush, as if it was struck by something. As if startled.

Seeing this scene, Yang Yu had a bad feeling in her heart, and immediately ran away, sprinting in the direction of the detour with all her strength.

But at this moment, on the mountain of black matter, red dots appeared one after another, becoming more and more dense. In just the blink of an eye, countless red bugs emerged from it.

These bugs climbed towards the top of the mountain, not very fast, but there were so many of them that it was jaw-dropping.

A large number of bugs were entangled together, and soon formed a strange shape. It looked like a huge humanoid, but it had many more limbs than the humanoid.

It looked like a guy whose upper body was human, with his lower body dragging a long body, and rows of arms sprouting from both sides of his body. At first glance, he looked like a giant centipede.

The surrounding temperature rose rapidly at this moment, and the smell in the air became stronger and stronger, as if it had been solidified.

Yang Yu was sprinting with all his strength, trying to get around this area as quickly as possible, but suddenly he found that his speed seemed to be affected, and he unknowingly slowed down a lot.

It was as if he was walking through the bottom of the water, the surroundings becoming thicker and thicker, and his movements becoming slower and slower.

Yang Yu, who noticed this situation, turned to look at the mountain. The giant centipede's body was connected to the mountain, and black mist was constantly spitting out from the human-like head of its upper body. It seemed to be sucking the black substance underneath it into its stomach. It spurted out from the mouth in the form of black mist, like a volcano erupting.

But after the black mist is dissipated, it will soon disappear in the air, becoming invisible and invisible, but a pungent smell will become stronger and stronger.

Countless thoughts suddenly flashed through Yang Yu's mind. Although his perception was disabled and he could only observe with the naked eye, he could roughly guess what was going on now based on his combat experience.

If he guessed correctly, I am afraid that the surroundings of this mountain have long been covered with traps, like a mass of invisible quicksand or invisible spider webs.

And his arrival alarmed the monsters hiding in the mountains.

Bengniao couldn't see him, but the Primordial Stone he swallowed would only attract Bengniao's attention, but other monsters could see him.

Suddenly, Yang Yu felt terrified, as if he was being stared at by something terrible.

This has almost never happened after he was promoted to the Qidao realm, except when he faced the old guy Minghe.

This is a strange feeling that only occurs when facing a very powerful enemy.


The monster that appeared on the mountain suddenly made Yang Gu feel like he was locked, like a bug trapped in a spider web waiting to be hunted by a spider.

But everything around him became sticky, hindering his movement, making him unable to rush or retreat.

Under this situation, once the monster approaches, it will definitely be a fierce battle, and the situation may even be very unfavorable to him. After all, this is the monster's home field.

what to do?

What else can be done? Of course it is to enter the sixth level of Qiyuan Land!

Yang Yu didn't hesitate at all. The old guy explained that when he faced an irresolvable crisis, he entered the place called Shangxiao on the sixth floor of Qiyuan Land to look for opportunities to survive in desperate situations.

He always wears a mask transformed from an old monster on his face. This mask is like a living thing, a separate individual that cannot make his special ability take effect to identify anything, but it has some kind of connection with him. It can be turned on with just a thought.

The big centipede on the mountain seemed to have sprayed enough poisonous mist at this time, and the poplar eucalyptus was already stuck in the quagmire. A large amount of black matter was inextricably entangled around the monster's body, forming a like-like formation on its body surface. Something like black armor.

The next moment, the countless arms on the big centipede's body moved quickly, and suddenly turned into a black shadow and struck towards the location of Yang Eucalyptus.

Yang Yu didn't waste any time and immediately felt the mask on her face.

Suddenly, the crimson flame on the mask burned fiercely. Where Yang Gu was, everything around him was like ashes being swept away, burning and changing layer by layer.

The place that was originally shrouded by natural disasters in the collapse of armor seemed dim. Under Yang Gu's gaze, it suddenly became brighter, and dazzling street lights lit up around him.

The change happened in the blink of an eye. Although Yang Yu was prepared in his heart, he still felt caught off guard.

This is like a method of time and space transformation, making the surrounding changes look like a large number of things growing crazily.

When the flames burned to the end and eventually turned into sporadic fires, Yang Yu suddenly found himself standing on a long street. The sky was already dark and cold.

Originally, he was still struggling to move forward in the sticky air a moment ago, but at this moment, all the restraints disappeared without a trace in an instant, but he was still unable to use any mana and rule power, exactly the same as when the armor collapsed.

here it is……

In a daze, Yang Yu suddenly had the illusion that he had traveled back to the modern world, but he soon realized that this was not an illusion. He had really arrived at night in a modern city.

Everything around him gave him a strong sense of familiarity that he had not seen for a long time.

But before he could take a closer look at where this place was, and before he had time to think about why he suddenly came here after entering the sixth level of the Land of Origin.

At this moment, several shrill screams and screams suddenly came from not far behind him.

Following the sound, Yang Yu suddenly looked back. At the end of the long street where he was, several figures came into view.

Two men in modern clothes were cut off at the waist and fell to the ground. Scarlet blood sprayed everywhere on the street with steaming heat.

There was a woman wearing a short skirt next to her. She was leaning against the wall with a frightened look on her face. She was violently frightened and screamed sharply.

But these are not the point. The point is that in front of the woman, a man with disheveled hair and blood all over his body appears to be lying on the ground. He is nearly three meters long and has seven or eight pairs of arms on both sides of his body. These arms support him crawling on the ground. , a long tongue stuck out of the man's mouth. It was this tongue that cut the two men in half, and it was also covered with blood.

The screaming woman unexpectedly did not attract the attention of this strange man. Instead, his eyes looked at Yang Yu through the messy and dirty long hair, and then his arms continued to draw across the ground, unexpectedly very quickly. He rushed towards Yang Gu.

This guy……

Seeing the strange appearance of this man, for some reason, Yang Yu's eyes overlapped with the giant centipede-like monster he encountered in the Land of Collapse Armor a moment ago. They were so similar.

The difference is that the big centipede monster can give him a strong sense of oppression and terror, but here, even though this guy is charging very ferociously, Yang Yu doesn't feel anything strange in his heart.

They seem to be of the same species, or they may have practiced the same methods, but their auras and coercion are completely different.

There will be another chapter later

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