At the end of November, the entire Nirvana City was filled with joy and the whole city was celebrating.

People parading can be seen everywhere on the streets, it is a lively scene, and everyone has a happy smile on their face.

Jin E and Liu Feifei were in the temple, quietly listening to the noise coming from the city, with smiles on their faces.

A month and a half has passed since the war between Jinlu Pavilion and Dade Temple ended. As they guessed, after the Baosha Territory was unified, the situation in the entire state gradually began to stabilize.

The demons that were originally out in force were frightened by the Jinlu Pavilion and calmed down. Not only did the Baosha area return to its previous state, but demons were increasingly seen attacking at human gathering points.

It is precisely because of the safe shelter that the people in the city celebrated spontaneously today, holding high the statues of Ding Bodhisattva and Crane Immortal and parading through the streets of the city.

Now that Dade Temple has been completely destroyed, only Jin E and Hai Xin are left. Jin E is also considering whether to rebuild Dade Temple in Nirvana City.

But now that the entire Baosha area belongs to Jinlu Pavilion, any new force established at this time will definitely be under the jurisdiction of Jinlu Pavilion. The reconstruction of Dade Temple will definitely not be allowed, and it may even lead to disaster.

So this matter can only be discussed in the long term.

It has also been a month and a half since Yang Gu entered the Liuli Pagoda for retreat. There was no movement in the Liuli Pagoda, and Jin E could not feel the situation in the Liuli Pagoda.

Although I am a little worried about the situation of Eucalyptus poplar, there is nothing I can do about it.

Just as Jin E was chatting with Liu Feifei, a red light suddenly came quickly, fell from the sky, and fell into Nirvana City.

After discovering this scene, Jin E immediately appeared on the temple. Looking from a distance, he found that the red light was a crimson flame, which contained amazing power.

This power...

Ji'e was frightened. Just feeling the power fluctuation in the flame had already surpassed the Dao of Qi, and he couldn't stop it.

However, after entering Nirvana City, the flame did not directly attack anyone in the city. Instead, it flickered and flew into the Glazed Tower in the city, which was Yang Yu's retreat place.

Seeing this scene, Ji E seemed to be aware of it, and probably understood what was going on.

"Apparently, it's time for Donor Yang to leave."

The people in the city also saw the coming of this flame, and for a moment they mistakenly thought it was a demon appearing. When it came again, they were panicked.

Jin E took Liu Feifei to comfort everyone.

In the Liuli Pagoda, Yang Yu suddenly felt a strong fluctuation during his practice, and suddenly woke up from the state of practice.

He felt a familiar aura and immediately opened the restriction.

One more step later, and the restrictions he imposed will be broken.

What appeared in front of Yang Yu was a flame. He was very familiar with it. This was the flame from Minghe.

That guy has indeed returned safely!

As an immortal, he knew that Minghe would definitely be able to find him, and it would be strange if he couldn't find him.

The flame exploded in front of Yang Yu, but there was a force on it that deliberately suppressed its power. The flame finally collapsed and disappeared, and only two words came out of it:

"reply ASAP!"

This is the voice of Minghe, calling him to return to Jinlu Pavilion.

"Disciple, obey."

Regardless of whether Ming He saw it or not, Yang Yu maintained the posture that a disciple should have and responded, just in case the old guy was hiding in the dark.

After returning his heart to Jin E, Yang Yu said goodbye and left.

Although I'm a little reluctant to leave here, who wants to let a big mountain weigh on me?

Since realizing Jin'e, Jin'e's kind thoughts and three views have rarely made Yang Yu sigh with emotion when he met a normal person. The people in the city were protected and the place was peaceful, which was incompatible with this world.

The peace he had not seen for a long time would eventually leave, and he could only take care of himself.

However, although the time was rushed and a bit short, he did not gain nothing in this month and a half.

With the help of the forbidden rules, it really saved him a lot of effort. After purifying the price, this thing is like a plug-in that can make people understand their thoughts, and it is like having divine help in practicing.

During this period of time, Yang Yu successfully integrated Hai Xin's demonic thoughts and successfully integrated with the bones in his body.

But what is somewhat surprising is that the originally solemn and holy Buddha's Light Wheel changed after being fused with demonic thoughts and became sinister.

The Buddha's light turned into a magic light. Once it was deployed, the round wheel behind Yang Yu was no longer there, replaced by a circle of bone wheels, like white bones connected end to end, exuding a black evil light. .

Different from other lights he had mastered, Yang Yu felt an aura of death and destruction from the evil light emitted from the bone wheel, and even a certain aura of pollution.

He could imagine that anyone who was illuminated by this light would either turn into a demon or simply perish in the light.

Since the price of the bones and demonic thoughts have been purified by Yang Gu, this new bone wheel has no price and has no name.

Yang Gu gave it a new name - the Heretic Magic Ring!

In addition to the heretic magic ring, Yang Yu also successfully mastered the third physical transformation and tempering of the Yujia Vajra Body through the seven-color dust obtained, and with this, he successfully mastered the third level of the Red Wheel Infinite Body and attempted fusion Light other than the three spiritual lights.

Now that his physical body has truly reached the level of Qi Dao, he may be able to become invincible at the same level simply by relying on the power of his physical body.

I just don’t know how far away from being an immortal is when the magic and the physical body are combined into one?

But his current cultivation level is still in the early stage of Qi Dao, and he is still far away from the Immortal Realm, so he can't rush it.

With the help of the forbidden disaster rules, it originally took a lot of time, but it was finally shortened to just one and a half months.

However, before the news of Minghe's recall came, Yang Gu was still stuck.

He tried to use the Red Wheel Infinite Body to study how to fuse other lights besides the three spiritual lights. With the help of the Cauldron of Forbidden Disaster, Yang Yu quickly figured out the fusion principle of the Red Wheel Infinite Body, but he practiced the Red Wheel Infinite Body himself. At that time, each layer could only fuse one piece of magic light to temper itself, so if you wanted to fuse more, you would have to think of other ways.

He tried to use the same principle to fuse these lights with his own body, but he failed after several attempts.

Although with the help of the Cauldron of Forbidden Disaster, many things were gradually figured out, but the final result was not ideal.

Either these lights exploded inside his body, shattering his internal organs in one go.

Or they try to merge and then disappear silently, no longer exist, and their whereabouts are unknown.

Although I had a premonition that it would be very difficult for the lights other than the three spiritual lights to merge together to form a new light, the difficulty was still beyond Yang Yu's expectation.

Now that Ming He has summoned him, Yang Yu can only put it aside for the time being and return to Jinlu Pavilion first.

Jinlu Pavilion.

Yang Eucalyptus had an unimpeded journey and returned soon.

After entering the floating island of Jinlu Pavilion, all the monks they met on the road saluted and greeted them respectfully.

Not only is Yang Yu's current status as the internal affairs elder, but more importantly, after the war, the whole sect is spreading rumors about the feats of this elder Mu.

One man went deep into the enemy camp and destroyed the entire Dade Temple. All the bald donkeys in Dade Temple were not spared. They all died under the sun summoned by Elder Mu, and their body and soul were destroyed.

Not only that, in the subsequent encounter with the Golden Soul Sect, he easily killed Wu Sheng, the leader of the Golden Soul Sect.

Such achievements are sensational. It can be said that he ended this war with one person's efforts. His achievements are unparalleled.

What's more, when Yang Gu was secretly compared with the Pavilion Master Thirty-Level, everyone involved believed that the Pavilion Master was inferior to Elder Mu, at least the Pavilion Master couldn't do it to destroy Dade Temple.

It's just that I don't dare to discuss this matter, so it is only spread secretly, and no one will cause trouble for me.

But Yang Gu's fame has spread rapidly throughout Jinlu Pavilion and even the entire Baocha region. By now, everyone knows that there is a powerful person in Jinlu Pavilion who can summon the danger of the destruction of the sun.

After Yang Yu returned to Jinlu Pavilion, he responded to these people at first, but as there were more and more people, he didn't bother to pay attention and simply went straight to the back mountain.

Among the dojos in the mountains, when Yang Gu returned to his dojo, Minghe was already waiting here.

"Disciple has met Master."

Yang Yu saluted and secretly observed Ming He's condition, but saw that he was no different from before. It seemed that even if he faced three immortals alone, he would be fine.

He knew that the old guy wouldn't be that easy to deal with.

The crane head emerged from Minghe's head and looked at Yang Eucalyptus with a smile on his face.

This guy usually doesn't reveal himself to others, and I'm afraid even the 30-year-old might not know about the existence of Crane Head.

"Disciple, you have done a great job this time, and you have indeed lived up to my teacher's expectations. You are indeed a good disciple of my teacher.

If you work harder in your practice, and if you are obedient and obedient when your cultivation reaches a further level, your master may reward you with the next forbidden weapon of one of the three spiritual lights. "

They started drawing cakes as soon as they met, but the old monster was still the same as before. Yang Yu didn't dare to criticize, for fear of being seen, so she simply remained silent.

Seeing that Yang Yu didn't respond, He Tou chuckled twice and ignored him, but started communicating with Ming He.

"Old man, how have you considered the proposal proposed by Tian Ren and Qian Gu Shan?

Why don't you agree to them and take them to Middle-earth to see your masterpiece? Ha ha ha ha! "

Minghe's eyes turned cold, and he didn't know what he was thinking.

"Don't look at me with your eyes. I know you won't pay attention to these stupid guys, but don't you want to make the current situation in Central Continent public?

Let these people see that even the once holy land will one day fall. Let them feel despair and have no choice but to wait for death. When the world is in chaos and is completely swallowed up by natural disasters, isn't this our chance to save the world? "

When he said these words, Hetou's eyes seemed to be glancing sideways at Yang Gu.

Yang Yu was indeed attracted by Hetou's words, but in her heart she was a little cautious and remained calm.

I had met the Ibis in the Earth Demon Cliff before, and I had already learned that Central Continent had been betrayed by Minghe, the entire Central Continent was destroyed, and the five heavenly sects no longer existed.

But now He Tou said it in front of him, but it made him feel a little doubtful.

Whether Zhongzhou was destroyed or not is a mystery, and Hetou is not the kind of person who speaks freely. Now this mystery is even more foggy and elusive in Yang Yu's heart.

Why did Minghe prevent people from the Four Realms from entering Central Continent? Did he not want these people to see something?

Why did Hetou say that their chance to save the world would not be until the world is in chaos and completely swallowed up by natural disasters?


Minghe suddenly shouted angrily, interrupting Hetou's words, and turned to look at Yang Yu with a cold gaze.

What are you looking at me for? It's not me who made you angry.

Yang Yu's eyes evaded and he lowered his head slightly, like a student who was woken up by the teacher throwing chalk while sleeping in class. He suddenly had a bad premonition in his heart.

"You have the talismans of Dade Temple and the Golden Soul Sect, right?"

Minghe asked coldly.

"The Master wanted to prevent the Four Realms from entering Central Continent, and the disciples knew the advantages and disadvantages involved. Therefore, after destroying Dade Temple and killing Wu Sheng, they put away the command talisman first to prevent it from falling into the hands of others, and were about to submit it to the Master. Respect."

Yang Yu seemed to have been prepared for a long time. He took out both talismans from his arms, raised them with both hands, and handed them to Minghe.

He knew that he would not be able to hide it from this guy. When Nirvana City received the news of Minghe's summons, he had a plan in mind.

If Minghe didn't point it out, then he would keep the command talisman to wait for the opportunity, but since there was no chance to collect the command talisman, he would simply hand it over.

When Yang Yu got the command talisman, he considered handing it over to the shop owner. The boss's goal was also to get the command talisman belonging to the Golden Soul Sect, but in the end this idea was rejected by Yang Eucalyptus.

The talismans need to be collected in order to enter the Central Continent. Minghe is preventing others from entering the Central Continent, going around and around. In the end, the half of the talismans in Jinlu Pavilion is the key. In the end, you still need to get the half of the talismans from Minghe. Talisman will do.

In this case, if the command talisman obtained by him appears in the hands of the boss, the old guy Minghe will definitely be suspicious.

The old guy is like a fierce cat. If you want him to be happy and at peace, you have to follow his fur. If you go against him, you might do something.

And after learning that the old guy's cultivation level was already at the Immortal level, Yang Yu also felt that the possibility of the shop owner wanting to enter Central Continent was getting smaller and smaller, so he finally chose not to take the risk.

But to Yang Yu's expectation, after he presented the two talismans, Minghe did not take them. Instead, he threw something out of his hand and fell into Yang Yu's hands.

With the appearance of an information box in front of him, Yang Yu suddenly discovered that there was an extra command talisman in his hand, which was exactly the one owned by Jinlu Pavilion, named Zuo Er!

When the two command talismans on the left ear and the right ear touched together, it suddenly seemed like countless tendons and blood vessels extended from them, completely merging the two command talismans together, and finally formed a delicate and compact piece that made Yang Eucalyptus has a familiar face.

This face...why does it feel so familiar?

Yang Yu's gaze rested on the half-palm-sized talisman. The human face formed by the talisman had no eyes, and the eyes were hollow. The other talisman as hair did not merge with it.

Judging simply from the appearance of this person's face, it seems that she is a woman, and she is also a young woman.

The more Yang Yu looked at it, the more he felt like he had seen it somewhere. Countless people he had seen flashed through his mind, comparing them one by one with the talisman.

Until the blurry face of one of the people he had not seen for a long time appeared in Yang Yu's memory. Looking at the command talisman in his hand, Yang Yu's heart suddenly seemed to flash with thunder.

He remembered.

This face... is Panyu!

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