Everyone is a demon, why are you covered in holy light?

Chapter 372 Reincarnation of Dharmakaya


After hearing Sangliu's words, Yang Yu didn't realize the meaning of this sentence for a while.

If it's gone, it's gone. Where can such a big living person go?

And that guy is still a fairy. Who in this world can harm him?

Although Sanjuryu's appearance cannot be seen, one can still feel a sense of solemnity through Sanityryu's tone.

"I went to look for the Supreme Elder. I didn't see the Supreme Elder, but I found a message he left behind."

Having said this, Sanjiliu took out something from his hand, which looked like a piece of burnt black coal.

But Thirty Liu quickly injected mana into it, and the black carbon suddenly expanded and contracted like a living thing, as if it was breathing.

At the same time, Minghe's voice also came from it, giving people the feeling that he was standing in front of them.

"If I'm not here, go find Yang Gu. He will know what to do."


Hearing the voice of Minghe, Yang Yu couldn't help but fell into deep thought.

So it was this Sansanryu guy who went to find Minghe, and found that Minghe was not there, leaving only a message, Minghe asked him to come to him?

The Sanshiliu knew Yang Yu's real name, so whoever Minghe was talking about, he would look for immediately, so he came here.

But what does this sentence left by Minghe mean?

Will I know how to do it?

Countless thoughts suddenly appeared in Yang Yu's mind.

Judging from the words Minghe left, he should have known that he might not be there and that Sansanliu would look for him, so he left such a sentence.

If Minghe disappears suddenly and leaves nothing behind, it means that he disappeared passively, which is a good thing for Yang Gu.

Without the control of Minghe, he can do many things.

But the message he left for Sanjiliu was different, so Minghe might have left on his own initiative because of something, so he asked Sanjiliu to find him by name.

Although he disappeared, he was also warning Yang Yu not to have other ideas.

As for what to do, Yang Yu soon had a plan in mind.

From the beginning, Minghe wanted to prevent people from other continents from entering Central Continent, so what Yang Yu had to do was to help him accomplish this goal and inherit the old guy's legacy... long-cherished wish.

Apart from this, Yang Yu really couldn't think of anything else.

"So, Elder Mu, what are you going to do?"

Thirty-six Liuzhi looked at Yang Yu blankly, and saw something through the change in Yang Yu's expression.

It seemed that his previous guess was correct. The relationship between Yang Yu and the Supreme Elder was indeed extraordinary. It was just a word without beginning or end, and Yang Yu could quickly understand the meaning.

On the other hand, this also gave Sangliu a sense of crisis.

The Supreme Elder specially left this sentence. In a sense, it was equivalent to elevating Yang Yu's status. Even he, the master of the pavilion, wanted to ask Yang Yu for his opinion.

But he couldn't help but listen to the words of the Supreme Elder.

After hearing Sansiliu's question, Yang Yu thought about it secretly, and a smile suddenly appeared on his face.

"Pavilion Master, you don't have to ask me. It's not my elder's turn to decide what to do. Pavilion Master, just do whatever you want and just fulfill the Supreme Elder's instructions.

As for me, I probably need to go away for a few days. "

Yang Yu just needed to leave here and go to Nirvana City to meet Jin E. He also understood that Ming He's words had suddenly raised his rights a lot.

Regardless of whether Sanjiliu was hostile to him because of this, he didn't want to have any conflict with this guy until Sanjiliu didn't take the initiative to provoke him.

In this case, simply use the authority given by Minghe and leave openly, and the Sanjiliu will definitely not stop him.

"Okay, elder, just come back as soon as possible. The current battle situation requires your combat power."

After hearing Yang Yu's answer, Sansanliu felt a little relieved, and he really agreed happily.

Sansiliu left quickly, but Yang Yu did not leave immediately. Instead, he was thinking about where the old guy Minghe would go inexplicably. What is he going to do?

This time period is very important for the entire Jinlu Pavilion.

Minghe, as the supreme elder of Jinlu Pavilion and the strongest combat force in Jinlu Pavilion, suddenly disappeared. If this matter were to be known to the entire Jinlu Pavilion, people would definitely be panicked.

As the master of the pavilion, Sanliu definitely didn't want this matter to be exposed and cause suspicion among his subordinates.

But as Jinlu Pavilion's opponents, if Dade Temple knew about this, this would be the best opportunity for them to take advantage of it.

Is it possible that the old guy Minghe was restrained by the immortals from the other two regions who came to support him?

Yang Yu thought of this, because if the sudden disappearance of Minghe was most beneficial to anyone, it was undoubtedly Dade Temple, the enemy.

If this is the case, then the next situation may become increasingly unfavorable to Jinlu Pavilion!

We have to speed up!

If Yang Eucalyptus is allowed to follow Minghe's order, it will prevent people from other continents from entering Central Continent.

If he had to choose between letting people from other continents get the complete order and enter Central Continent, Yang Yu would rather choose the former.

Because at least by following Ming He, he would have more opportunities.

But if the four unrelated domains enter Central Continent, he will have no other chance.

In Nirvana City, it was dawn, and the bells suddenly rang in Nirvana City, which meant that there was another demon invasion.

Liu Feifei, who had a bronze tripod with eyes on his head, took action one after another among the many invading demons, forcibly driving them away.

However, the strength she can display is still somewhat limited, and it is difficult to face these monsters. Once there are more and more monsters, she will be unable to support herself.

"There are more and more demons. When will Master come back?"

Liu Feifei thought to himself.

Although Yang Yu did not admit that he was her master, she already regarded Yang Yu as her master. After all, this was the wish she made for the Cauldron of Forbidden Disaster.

"Don't be distracted."

Ji E warned her.

As the host of the Jin'e Cauldron, Jin'e is now trying to give part of the control to Liu Feifei, hoping that Liu Feifei can grow.

If Liu Feifei had an accident or even died, he would also be implicated.

However, he can take over Liu Feifei's body at any time and exert his powerful strength. As long as there is no Qi Dao among the demons, there is no need to worry about this for the time being.

While the two were talking, a bright light suddenly flashed in the distance, and at the same time, a familiar breath suddenly came quickly from far to near.

In an instant, a blood-red light flashed past, as if a strange flower bloomed among the invading demons, and disappeared as quickly as a flash in the pan.

The next moment, each demon disappeared silently, and even its breath disappeared completely.

Seeing this scene, the remaining demons in twos and threes fled in a panic and lost all their fighting spirit.

"It's Master!"

"The donor is back!"

Liu Feifei and Jin E said in unison, with surprise in their tone.

Soon Yang Yu's figure appeared in front of Liu Feifei, looking at the bronze tripod on Liu Feifei's head.

"Master Jin E, you are well."

Yang Eucalyptus still wore a mask on his face. Whether on the way here or in Nirvana City, he did not want his identity and aura to be exposed.

I just tried the power of the Tide Fire. Although it is not a life technique, it is powerful enough. A flash of blood can kill countless demons in an instant, including many zombie demons.

"Did the donor succeed?"

Jin E could no longer figure out Yang Yu's cultivation aura at this time, but he was once a Bodhisattva at Dade Temple, and he could tell at a glance that Yang Yu was different.

Yang Yu didn't say anything, but returned to Nirvana City with Jin E first.

The return of the Crane Immortal made the entire Nirvana City calm down again, and there were bursts of cheers.

In the temple in the city, Yang Gu expressed his intention to come.

"Master, do you still remember what I said before?"

"The donor forced her to leave when she wanted to, and I couldn't stop him. I felt guilty, but seeing that the donor was fine, I finally felt relieved.

Now that the benefactor has returned, it is time for the old man to fulfill his promise and need the benefactor's help. "

Jin E naturally knew the purpose of Yang Yu's visit, so he simply got straight to the point.

He still had to rely on Liu Feifei's body to speak, and his big mouth kept opening and closing on Liu Feifei's fair belly, which was very strange.

"The person whom Lao Na needs a donor to help him is a former disciple of Lao Na. His name is Qing Xin, but he has achieved the status of Bodhisattva, and his name is changed to Hai Xin.

After Lao Na passed away in Dade Temple, he was imprisoned in the Infinite Prison by Haishu.

If the donor can help him out, the seven-colored motes of dust promised to the donor will be given to the donor. If the donor needs help, I will definitely help him with all his strength. "

"In Eternal Prison? Bodhisattva?"

After hearing Jin E's words, a picture flashed in Yang Yu's mind.

That was when he was still a Buddhist disciple of Dade Temple. He was taught the Yujia Vajra Body by Haishu in the Hall of Ten Thousand Buddhas and entered the Infinite Prison. He unexpectedly saw a Bodhisattva imprisoned in the Infinite Prison.

It seems that the Bodhisattva he saw at that time was the Hai Xin that Ji E mentioned.

"Does the donor know the person that I'm talking about?"

Ji E seemed to see something.

"We had a chance encounter."

Yang Yu said truthfully, which surprised Jin E a little.

"Jinlu Pavilion attacked Dade Temple because the four round gate pavilions guarding Wujian Prison in Dade Temple were destroyed. The demons imprisoned in Wujian Prison rioted. Hai Xin was able to take this opportunity to leave, although he did not know who it was. Yes, but it just happened to help me."


Yang Yu was speechless, but the eyes of Liu Feifei and Tongding looked at him strangely.

"Could it be..."

"I am right. To be honest, Master, I was also a Buddhist disciple of Dade Temple before."


This time it was Jin E's turn to be silent.

He once saw in Gong Niang's consciousness that Yang Gu was destined to Dade Temple, but he never thought that Yang Gu would be a Buddhist disciple of Dade Temple.

But as a Buddhist, he destroyed the four round gate pavilions guarding the Infernal Prison. This is not something a Buddhist can do, and the content contained in it may be somewhat intriguing.

"So what should I do?"

Yang Eucalyptus chose to skip this topic with other topics, which has no meaning in the discussion.

"Lao Na told me when he passed away that he would welcome the return of the reincarnated dharma body in the future. I will hand over a dharma body to the donor, and the donor will escort him to Dade Temple. With this dharma body, the donor can enter safely, and Hai Xin will automatically contact the donor. It just responds.”

Jin E said slowly, but this made Yang Yu feel a little embarrassed.

"To be honest, I was once a Buddhist disciple of Dade Temple, but I have defected. If I go back again, I am afraid that Dade Temple will be alerted immediately, and this plan may not work."

If he goes back, Hai Shu will definitely target him immediately. Although he is not afraid of Hai Shu now, in addition to Hai Shu, there must be people from Qiangu Mountain in Dade Temple, and there may even be monks from heaven and man.

These two forces are not like Dade Temple. They have Qidao and they also have immortals. What if the immortals come to support Dade Temple?

After all, now that Minghe is gone, this possibility may not be impossible.

"Donor, don't worry. Although there are dangers involved, I will not let the benefactor put himself in danger."

As Jin E said that, something flew out of the bronze cauldron.

That's a human face.

His face is translucent, and his appearance is that of an ordinary person.

"This is the remnant of a reincarnated dharma body of Lao Na. The donor only needs to wear it on your mask.

The donor's mask should be a magic weapon that can deceive the secrets of heaven. Coupled with this face that contains Buddhist charm, you can sneak in without being aware of your true identity.

It's just that this face needs to be taken off and left alone for half a moment every moonrise, otherwise the donor will fall into a state of memory confusion. This requires the donor to act with caution. "

Jin Eyan understood the function of this face, and Yang Yu took the face in his hand and appraised it, so that he could rest assured.

Indeed, as Jin E said, this face is a remnant of one of his reincarnated dharma bodies. If it is worn for a whole day without being taken off, the face will be completely integrated with the wearer and cannot be taken off again, and the wearer himself The memory of the person will gradually be lost, and he will have the memory of the reincarnation of Jin E in this life.

This matter may be risky for others. If you are noticed when you take off the mask, your identity will definitely be exposed.

But for Yang Yu, he only needs to eliminate this price, and there will be no hidden dangers.


Yang Yu nodded and agreed, this was not to ban disaster, but to get the seven-color dust, which was very important to him.

"This is the reincarnated Dharma body of Lao Na. I leave this matter to the donor."

A large amount of flesh and blood soon emerged from the bronze cauldron, squirming and flowing down from the cauldron, and finally gathered into a body.

But it's not a human body, but...a pig.

A half-meter-long, white and fat little piglet even had two black spots on its ears.


Unexpectedly, the old monk's reincarnated body was so unorthodox. Forget it, it was not a human being, but a pig. Yang Yu didn't know what to say for a moment.

However, the reincarnated dharma body released from the bronze tripod by the ban was just a corpse, and it did not contain any life breath. It seemed that it had been dead for a long time.

But they saw Jin E controlling Liu Feifei's body, raising his hand and tapping Liu Feifei's forehead, and then tapping the dead pig on the ground.

The next moment, the dead piggy stood up from the ground as if sleepy-eyed, shook its head and two big ears, and suddenly looked at Yang Gu in horror.

Hum hum hum - hum hum hum -

"She said: Huh? How come I turned into a pig? Master Jin'e, what did you do?"

Gong Niang took the initiative to act as an interpreter and explained to Yang Yu in a strange tone.

"..." (End of this chapter)

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