He was indeed acting, but the moment he actually saw Minghe appear, he felt his scalp tingle from the bottom of his heart.

All the emotions towards this guy were not fake, and he couldn't fake them in front of Ming He.

Especially after getting the real Jin Yang, the information obtained through the identification ability confirmed that his previous guess was correct.

Because the content displayed in the information box is the forbidden weapon from the Yang side, not the forbidden weapon from the original world.

This shows that the Golden Yang in Minghe's hand is indeed the missing part of the Golden Yang that he fused, and they all come from the deep world.

It was Minghe who took away this part before, but now he returned it.

There is really a connection between the deep world and the real world!

Gong Niang was so shocked that she couldn't control herself for a long time. When Minghe appeared, she also didn't expect that Minghe, who had been killed by Yang Gu, would appear again and be more powerful than before.

But she never thought that Yang Yu had anticipated all this and had obtained the exact answer based on various clues.

It seemed that Minghe was planning to use the fragments of the forbidden weapon to lure Yang Yu here, but Yang Yu had already guessed everything. He was not attracted, but came on his own initiative.

The more she thought about it, the more Gong Niang felt that her thoughts were in chaos. Why couldn't she think of these things?

"Little Bi Zai, when did you become so smart?"

However, the first thing Gong Niang suspected was not her own stupidity, but her suspicion of Yang Yu.

Yang Yu could only smile at this. If he came without any preparation, he might not know how he died.

Minghe can choose to kill him or not, and this depends not only on Minghe's thoughts, but also on his reaction.

If you come rashly without knowing anything, even if you can avoid Minghe's initial temptation to use Yueying, you may not be able to avoid the subsequent crisis when Minghe appears.

If he has any intention of not going well with Minghe, this level will not be easily passed.

"Then what are you going to do next?"

Gong Niang quickly returned to the topic. Even if Yang Yu had guessed in advance that Minghe would make a comeback, if there was no next plan, the future life would definitely not be easy.

Yang Yu fell into deep thought, and he was also thinking about this issue.

Before seeing Minghe, I couldn't be completely sure, but now I really have to think carefully about my next action.

This brings us to the question just now, which is: Why did Minghe think of saving the world?

Recalling what Minghe said to him before, Jinlu Pavilion is now fighting against Dade Temple, and with Dade Temple colluding with the other three regions, it is equivalent to Jinlu Pavilion fighting three and a half regions alone. Big force.

The reason for this is that Sanyu and Dade Temple want to get half of the talisman in the hands of Jinlu Pavilion to form a complete talisman and enter Zhongzhou.

However, Minghe did not want them to collect the complete command talismans and enter Central Continent, so he resisted.

Recalling what Ibis once said, it was Minghe who betrayed the Earthly Dao Sect and destroyed the entire Central Continent.

All these can be connected in series.

Why does Minghe prevent people from other continents from entering Central Continent?

Was Zhongzhou destroyed by Minghe as the ibis said?

There is also the most critical point, which perhaps even Ibis doesn't know, that is, as he must be the last person to leave Central Continent, what exactly did Minghe do in Central Continent? What did you see?

There is no doubt that the reason why he wanted to save the world and why he came up with this idea is that the answer is likely to be in Central Continent!

Yang Yu has no idea of ​​saving the world. He would rather follow the trend and escape from this world like the masses, rather than save the world, because the water in it is very deep, and it has only been a few years since he came to this world.

He doesn't know enough about this place, and he even has contact with and knows only a handful of people.

Under this situation, what he wants is to be alone and protect himself.

Regardless of whether Minghe's idea of ​​​​saving the world is true or not, Yang Yu and he will not be on the same page. Finding a way to get rid of Minghe's control is the most important thing.

So the biggest problem is strength, which is also a problem that Yang Eucalyptus has always faced.

Even if the fully integrated Jin Yang breaks through the Qi Dao, he will not be a match for Xian Minghe.

But if Jin Yang Taoist is real, then the three spiritual lights must also be real. If he can master the three spiritual lights, he will not be afraid of Minghe in terms of strength.

But if he does this, he will fall into a strange circle.

Minghe wanted him to accompany him to save the world, and maybe he could help him collect the three spiritual lights. Whether it was for him or for other purposes, the three spiritual lights were necessary.

And those who master the three spiritual lights can have the ability to save the world. The three spiritual lights are created by Jinyang Taoist, the creator, using all his power. There may be limitations in it.

He doesn't want to save the world, but to get rid of Minghe, he needs three spiritual lights.

To get the three spiritual lights, if you can't get rid of Minghe for the time being, you must rely on Minghe.

If you rely on the Ming Crane to gather the three spiritual lights, you must save the world.

It is self-contradictory and runs counter to Yang Eucalyptus’s philosophy, but it forms a perfect closed loop.

If you want to get out of this closed loop and do what you want to do, unless the three spiritual lights are a power that overrides everything else, even Taoist Jin Yang and Ming He cannot resist it.

But this kind of thing beyond control is definitely not what Minghe wants to see, and it may not even be what Taoist Jinyang wants to see, and it is also not what the still-unknown World Destroyer wants to see.

Putting all his hopes on the three spiritual lights seemed to be his only option, but it was the least secure.

So...he must have something that can break the situation!

What is the game-breaker? That is something that no one can imagine, something that is beyond everyone’s expectations.

Does he have it?


His biggest secret, the ability to identify the true information of all things, and the special ability to purify and eliminate all the costs of all things related to practice in this world, is known to no one except himself.

This is something beyond everyone’s knowledge and expectation.

This is the key to his victory!

So what to do next? Based on this key, the thoughts in Yang Yu's mind soon became clear.

Since Minghe and Jinyang Taoist want him to gather the three spiritual lights and become the savior of this world, then obey them.

In his previous life, one of the thirty-six strategies was called: build the plank road openly and use it secretly!

Because of his special abilities, he can become the only person in the world who can control the forbidden power, and even the only person who has the qualifications to fuse the three spiritual lights.

Then you will definitely be able to use your own special features to find a more special path.

Having made up his mind, Yang Yu put away the emotion on his face, dug out the buried futon from the pile of rocks, and sat down on it.

The next step is to prepare to integrate the complete Jinyang and advance to Qidao.

"Little Bizi, you haven't answered me yet? Have you figured out how to deal with that old guy?"

Gong Niang didn't get a response, she was really curious and didn't know what kind of medicine was sold in the poplar gourd.

"Of course I've thought about it."

Seeing that Gong Niang was really curious, Yang Yu had no choice but to answer.

"Then what are you going to do?"

"I'm going to...be an obedient and good disciple."


Gong Niang sneered at this, but when she thought of Ming He's current level of cultivation, it was indeed not something Yang Yu could resist. It seemed that she had no other choice but to obey.

Unless...unless Minghe died in the hands of others, but judging from the old guy's cunning style, this possibility was unlikely.

What is more powerful than Xianzhi in this world? no one knows.

"It seems like that's all."

Gong Niang also knew that Yang Yu was helpless now, so she sighed deeply and said.

Hearing Gong Niang's sigh, Yang Yu smiled in his heart, but he would not say anything that was not absolutely sure, and it was also related to the biggest secret in his heart, which could not be exposed even in front of Gong Niang.

In front of the powerful Xianzhi, everything he did was in vain, everyone would think so, and it was best for him.

Putting aside these thoughts, let’s first fuse Jinyang.

Looking at the soybean-sized bead emitting golden light in his hand, Yang Gu quickly integrated it into his body and quickly entered a state of practice, shielding himself from all interference from the outside world.

Judging from the information on this object, this fragment was taken away by Minghe a long time ago and has even been contaminated.

Even one of the three spiritual lights that Taoist Jinyang said can purify all pollution in this world is actually polluted. The turbidity is really terrifying.

But since Yang Gu has fused most of the Jinyang fragments, this Jinyang fragment does not need to be purified because it comes from the same source. It only needs to be fused, and he will not bear any price.

This is the benefit of his special ability. Any thing of the same origin, as long as it is purified once, does not need to be purified again in the future.

This is definitely something he can take advantage of if he wants to break the situation.

The missing part of the golden sun integrated into Yang Yu's body, and soon became attracted to the golden sun in his body. It turned into light in his body, like flowing water, and finally merged together.

But this does not mean that his fusion was successful, because at this time, Taoist Jin Yang appeared again.

Yang Yu's consciousness was dragged into an illusory space surrounded by golden light, and seeing Taoist Jin Yang again did not surprise him.

The moon shadow was copied and disguised as Jin Yang, and even the projection of Taoist Jin Yang was also copied without any flaws.

After meeting the real Taoist Jin Yang this time, nothing unexpected happened. Just like before, Taoist Jin Yang explained his identity to Yang Yu, explained the existence of the three spiritual lights, and wanted Yang Yu to become Savior.

Taoist Jinyang seemed to be mechanically executing the order to explain all this to Yang Yu. Although he had a certain amount of self-expression, it was not much.

If you want to use an adjective to describe the Jinyang Taoist Yang Yu saw, it would probably be similar to a modern AI robot. Everything he did seemed to be a predetermined program and was only responsible for execution.

Does the real Jinyang Taoist still exist? Are you still alive?

Yang Yu couldn't help but think about this problem. The possibility was very high. He had only obtained Jin Yang, one of the three spiritual lights, as well as Jade Mirror and Taibai. Maybe the real Jin Yang Taoist was waiting for him.

Finally, under the projection of Taoist Jinyang, Yang Yu began to actively integrate.

This integration took more than two months to complete.

Unlike how quickly Yang Yu merged with Jin Yang for the first time, not to mention that it was under a life and death crisis, facing the threat of Renhe who made up the world at that time, he could only succeed and not fail.

Now, he is only part of the progress in integrating the complete Jinyang. He still needs to break through the Qi Dao, which also requires a new Fate Dao technique.

It's just that now he no longer needs to specifically look for light spells. With his control over the power of rules combined with Jin Yang, it is not difficult to create a brand new spell.

In general, the power of rules is higher than skills and techniques, and his practice system connects the three into one. The power of rules is still the most powerful force, but it can feed him back to create his destiny. The technique forms a cycle.

It took two and a half months for Yang Yu to successfully fuse the purest lunar forbidden weapon and advance to the early stage of Qidao, which was not much different from the time set by Minghe.

There is still half a month left, and he still needs to adapt to the power he now has.

Originally, in the Earthly Dharma Monument, Yang Yu had obtained all the techniques to reach the Immortal Realm. Therefore, after being promoted to the Qi Dao, the new realm information naturally popped into his mind.

After being promoted to Qi Dao, all the Fate Techniques he mastered have been strengthened and increased, and his physical body under the body refining method has also been improved. It is not what it used to be.

More importantly, the full power of the rules under the complete forbidden device is far beyond the state of incomplete fragments.

All in all, his combat power has been greatly enhanced. This is correct as he had guessed before. Once he enters this realm and masters the power of this complete rule, he already has a battle that is completely invincible in this realm. force.

Different from the Zombie God Realm, the Zombie God Realm can fuse unlimited forbidden weapon fragments, but it can only rely on a complete forbidden weapon to break through the Dao.

After reaching the Qi Dao realm, you can still fuse other forbidden weapon fragments without any limit on the number. However, if you want to break through the Qi Dao realm and advance to the Immortal Realm, you need to have three moon forbidden weapons or nine flower forbidden weapons.

This may be the reason why Taoist Jinyang created the power of three spiritual lights and three light rules. As long as the three spiritual lights are gathered together and successfully integrated, they can break through the immortal barrier.

It sounds easy for practitioners to break through the immortal barrier using the three moon forbidden weapons or the nine flower forbidden weapons.

Because there is no upper limit for fusing forbidden weapon fragments, that is to say, it does not have to be a pure moon forbidden weapon. As long as different forbidden weapon fragments are used to fuse them into a flower forbidden weapon, only nine are needed to achieve the Immortal Weapon.

It sounds simple, but it's actually very difficult.

If it were so easy to reach the Immortal Palace, there should be many Immortal Palaces in the world, and Yang Yu would not have only seen the Minghe Immortal Palace until now.

The first is the limitation of mana. Breaking through the realm requires not only the fusion of forbidden weapons, but also the accumulation of mana, which is the most time-consuming.

The second is the risk of fusion forbidden devices.

Don’t forget the price you need to bear to practice. Fusing a forbidden weapon fragment requires a price. The more forbidden weapon fragments you fuse, the more the price you bear.

This alone has blocked most of the practitioners, leading to the current situation in the outer continents where there are no immortals and not many worms. On the contrary, under the worms, there are as many zombies as ants. .

Bearing the price is one thing, integrating success and failure is another.

Even if Yang Yu fused the fragments of Jin Yang and understood the power of this rule deeply enough, he was not absolutely sure whether he could fuse the complete Jin Yang. Fortunately, with the help of the projection of Jin Yang Taoist, it was very smooth.

If he is like this, other monks can see how difficult it is.

Once the fusion of the forbidden device fails, it will mean death. There is no other way and the risk is huge.

In this way, another vast majority of practitioners were eliminated.

It can also be seen from this that Jishan Xuanyou and others who had fought against Yang Yu before had actually reached the middle and late stages of Qi Dao with the help of the Flower Forbidden Weapon. Such practitioners are unique among thousands.

But it was precisely because what they fused was the impure Flower Forbidden Weapon and could not be compared with the Moon Forbidden Weapon, they were all killed by Yang Yu in the end.

If given a choice, who wouldn't choose the Moon Forbidden Device, but would choose the Fusion Flower Forbidden Device instead?

This is how it is when practicing Taoism. Every step is difficult, and there is nothing easy about it.

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