"How are you?"

After he was safe and sure that Wu Sheng was gone, Yang Yu opened the copper ring on his hand and contacted everyone in the Economic Rebellion Association.

In the situation just now, he couldn't protect those guys. Fortunately, he informed them in advance to run away, otherwise they wouldn't be able to escape if he did.

The copper rings are equivalent to the castrated version of the tree of flesh. As long as the distance between the copper rings does not exceed three states, they can receive messages from each other. Obviously, they cannot cross three states in such a short period of time. Statewide.

Soon the news came from the people in the heart that they were all safe and nothing happened.

"where are you?"

At this time, the sound of severed hands suddenly sounded in the bronze ring.

Among the few people caught by Xuanyou, Broken Hand was not among them. He somehow escaped Xuanyou's pursuit and now finally contacted everyone.

In the Tree of Flesh, he had already received the news that Xuanyou was using people from the rebel society to threaten Yang Gu, so he had not shown up before when everyone was unsure of their safety.

Now that we have received the news that everyone is safe, the news comes.

At the same time, he was also shocked. He did not expect that Yang Yu could really save several people from Xuanyou's hands.

I thought that the final destination of these people was what the boss said, and I was lucky to be able to save their souls and rebuild them.

I especially remember that when Yang Yu first joined the Economic Rebellion Association, he needed their guidance and help when performing the tasks assigned by the boss for the first time.

It has only been a short time, but it already possesses such terrifying strength.

If Broken Hand had the idea of ​​competing with Yang Yu before, he has completely given up the idea now.

How does this compare? Compare it to what?

Everyone told the Broken Hand the general location, but after thinking about it, Yang Yu still asked the Broken Hand not to come, and told the people in the Economic Rebellion Association to hibernate for the time being.

The current situation is that he is the only one who is really useful. The strength of the others is too low. If this situation happens again and everyone is caught, Yang Yu will probably end up trying to save them. Go in.

After fighting against Wu Sheng, he also understood how powerful Wu Sheng was. Both Jishan and Xuanyou were killed by him. The next time the person who takes action will not be an elder or the like, if Wu Sheng takes action, if the shop owner does not come out, Yang Eucalyptus really doesn’t know how to save it.

Rather than letting them hold you back, it is better to hibernate and practice first, and the main thing is to improve your strength as soon as possible.

Everyone also understood what Yang Yu meant. Indeed, they played the opposite role in this incident. If it weren't for Yang Yu, it would be hard to say what everyone's current fate would be like.

Therefore, everyone also expressed compliance with Yang Yu's order.

After all, they are born with flesh and blood. Although they are not as good as Yang Yu, they are still extremely talented compared to other practitioners.

As long as you give them time, they will be able to develop if things go well.

In short, in one sentence, the future is promising.

"Is there any news about Wenyin?"

After explaining everyone, Yang Yu asked about Wen Yin.

If he was a little surprised that Broken Hand could escape Xuanyou's capture, then he was surprised that Wenyin was not caught by Xuanyou.

Wen Yin's strength is the weakest compared to everyone in the Kei Rebellion Association. Logically speaking, who is most likely to be caught, Wen Yin must be the most likely to be caught.

As a result, when everyone else was caught, there was no news from Wen Yin. Not only Yang Yu was surprised, but also other people in the rebel society were very surprised, and even felt a little frustrated.

Forget it if you can't compare to Yang Yu, Yang Yu is a freak, they can't compare, but even they were caught, the weakest Wen Yin was not caught, this is a bit unreasonable.

"No news."

Everyone said.

Wenyin was not born with flesh, so he could not send messages regardless of distance through the flesh tree, but could only pass through the bronze ring.

There is no news about Wen Yin in Tong Ring. Excluding the fact that Wen Yin does not want to contact them proactively, it is most likely that her location is beyond the range that Tong Ring can contact.

Yang Yu couldn't help but feel a little worried. In addition to worrying about Wen Yin's safety, there was also the fact that Wen Yin was a road fool.

Run so far? Does she know the way?

"You go into hibernation first and contact her as soon as possible along the way, but the prerequisite is not to be discovered by the people of the Golden Soul Sect."

After giving the final explanation, Yang Yu put down the copper ring on his hand.

Thousands of miles away, the head teacher of the Golden Soul Sect.

In a splendid palace, there are more than ten people standing in rows below. Everyone's aura is very powerful. Everyone present is a powerful Taoist in the Golden Soul Sect, but they are all quietly talking at this time. Waiting for a response from the leader.

The leader has been silent for a while. The incident happened suddenly. No one dared to leave or chat in case the leader would blame him. They could only wait obediently.

Until half an hour later, under the flickering lights and the roar of the wind, a sneer suddenly came from a high position in the hall.

The people below immediately bowed their heads slightly, and the sound of needle dropping could be heard in the hall.

Wu Sheng suddenly called a person named Ya Zhong.

"From today on, you are the great elder of our Golden Soul Sect!"

After being appointed by the leader, the man named Yao Zhong immediately fell to the ground in fear. Although he was excited, he did not dare to express it at all.

It was a good thing for him personally that he could suddenly become the great elder of the Golden Soul Sect, but everyone present also knew what it meant.

The former Great Elder Xuanyou has died!

In the entire Golden Soul Sect, the cultivation strength is second only to the leader. I didn't expect that one day he would fall.

Coupled with the death of the third elder Jishan, the Golden Soul Sect lost two strong men in the Qi Dao realm in such a short period of time.

This is not a good thing and will have a great impact on the overall combat power of the Golden Soul Sect, especially at this juncture.

"Reporting to the leader, the formation of Chongwen Prefecture's Collapsed Armor Land has been completed!"

So many people gathered here today to support the Dade Temple in the Baosha area in preparation for the imminent war.

Even if the Golden Soul Sect has lost two Taoists, it cannot affect the scheduling of this matter.

But what no one expected was that in just a moment, the leader Wu Sheng waved his hand.

"Don't go. Tell Dade Temple that our Golden Soul Sect is in trouble and cannot support us. Let them find another way."


No one thought that the leader would not go if he refused. This was an agreement he had made with Dade Temple long before.

But what surprised them even more was another sentence spoken by the leader: The Golden Soul Sect is in trouble right now!

Two elders were killed one after another, and the situation in the Fusheng Domain suddenly seemed like a storm was coming.

Could it be that people from the other two domains were eyeing their Fusheng Domain?

Everyone can only think of this possibility now.

But Wu Sheng didn't have an explanation, and only he understood that a big rat had been fattened in the Fu Sheng Domain.

"Give me the order to search for traces of these people in the area with all your strength. Once discovered, kill them on the spot!

Also, send people to guard the Demon Cliff. No matter who approaches or leaves the Demon Cliff, they will be killed on the spot! "

As he spoke, Wu Sheng raised his hand, and a large amount of water mist condensed in the air, quickly condensing into the heads and faces of several people.

Among these condensed heads, Yang Gu is clearly the leader and the most eye-catching.

Suddenly revoked the agreement with Dade Temple, gave up supporting Dade Temple, and chose to kill Yang Gu and others first. Wu Sheng didn't care about the attitude of Dade Temple.

From the beginning, it was not the Golden Soul Sect that was solely involved in this matter. The other two domains were also adding fuel to the fire from behind, with the purpose of assembling the talismans as quickly as possible.

Therefore, even if the Golden Soul Sect gives up support, it can be said that it will have little impact on the subsequent situation.

Even if the Golden Soul Sect does not take action, the other two domains will secretly take action. The future of the Baosha Domain can basically be said to be a foregone conclusion. In the future, only the obedient dog family of Dade Temple will dominate.

But the current situation is that if those rats continue to be allowed to grow secretly, it will definitely become a disaster for the Golden Soul Sect.

Choosing to send out all the troops to support Dade Temple at this time is the most unwise choice.

If trouble arises in the domain, it must be settled first.

"There are two types of complete forbidden weapons, one is called the moon forbidden weapon, and the other is called the flower forbidden weapon."

"What's the difference between these two forbidden weapons?"

On Dimo ​​Cliff, Yang Yu is standing in front of the stone tablet at this moment, asking the ibis for information about Qidao.

If Zombie God wants to break through the Dao, he must at least integrate a complete forbidden weapon as the core. It was also from the ibis that he learned that the complete forbidden weapon was also divided into two types.

"A normal, complete forbidden weapon with the same power of rules is a lunar forbidden weapon.

The flower forbidden weapon is different. It is forcibly pieced together and fused by the rules of different forbidden weapon fragments. It consists of a main forbidden weapon and other secondary forbidden weapons.

The biggest difference between the two is that the Qi Dao fused with the Flower Forbidden Device will only be weaker than the Qi Dao fused with the Moon Forbidden Device, and there are great limitations. In addition to the power of rules other than the core of the Flower Forbidden Device, other patchwork rules The power can only be consumables.

If you don't break through to the Immortal Barrier before the secondary forbidden weapon is completely consumed by the main forbidden weapon, the final outcome will be death! "

Ibis said solemnly that for him, this old man who has lived for many years and even spanned an era, no one knows this information better than him.

When Yang Yu heard this, he fell into deep thought and reacted immediately.

"So, Rujishan and Xuanyou are the ones that broke through the fusion of the Flower Forbidden Weapon, and Wu Sheng, the leader of the Golden Soul Sect, is his forbidden weapon the most powerful Moon Forbidden Weapon?"

The ibis smiled and said nothing, obviously acquiescing to Yang Gu's guess.

Yang Yu suddenly realized that it was no wonder that the same pressure he felt when Wu Sheng took action was completely different from when he faced Xuan You.

Previously I thought it was a gap in cultivation, but now it seems that the gap in cultivation is only one aspect. The most fundamental reason is that the fused complete forbidden weapons are different.

Yang Yu is in urgent need of breaking through the Qi Dao. His current cultivation level is only one step away from the Qi Dao.

In other words, there are only two choices before him now, either to find the incomplete parts of the forbidden weapon fragments that have been fused with themselves, and finally form a complete lunar forbidden weapon.

Or you can only use other forbidden weapons to piece together to form a weaker flower forbidden weapon to allow yourself to break through the Tao.

There is no doubt that the difficulty of the latter will be much easier than that of the former, but in this case, it will have a great impact on his combat power after breaking through the Dao.

When it was possible to fuse the Moon Forbidden Device, no one would choose to fuse the Flower Forbidden Device.

But his biggest problem is, where to find the remaining fragments of the forbidden weapon that he fused?

The forbidden weapon fragment he fused was a top-quality one, and only a very small part was missing. This forbidden weapon fragment came from the land of Yiyuan. The greatest possibility is that the incomplete part was also in Yiyuan. among the land.

"Generally speaking, forbidden weapons are differentiated from the great avenues of the world. All forbidden weapons will be complete. The key point is whether you can find the missing part."

"How can we find the missing fragments of the forbidden weapon as quickly as possible?"

Yang Gu asked.

The only people he can turn to for help are the ibis and the shop owner. Although he is asking the ibis about these things about the Tao at the moment, it does not mean that he completely trusts the ibis's statement. He will also ask the shop owner again later to confirm each other and make sure it is feasible before taking action. .

The ibis made no secret of this.

"The forbidden weapon you have integrated is your guide. Whether you can get the incomplete part depends on your luck."

The meaning of the ibis is very simple. It can be summed up in one sentence: if you want to find the incomplete part, the key point is to find the fused part, and find guidance from there.

Yang Yu immediately understood what he was going to do next. It seemed that he had to enter the deep world of Qiyuan Land.

In fact, he didn't really want to enter there, because compared to reality, that place gave Yang Yu the most dangerous feeling.

Those are all products of the previous era. Powerful figures such as Ibis and Crane are among them, and the five heavenly sects also exist. Moreover, he has been targeted by Crane. Maybe that guy is still guarding the corpse waiting for him at this moment. Appear.

But in order to get the incomplete fragments of the forbidden weapon and allow himself to break through the Dao, he had to do it.

Of course, there is another possibility.

Maybe there is another identical forbidden weapon fragment in the real world.

The land of Yiyuan belongs to the yang side of this world, and yin and yang have always been in opposition. If he can get the golden yang from the land of yiyuan, he may also be able to find another golden yang from reality.

While Yang Yu was thinking about these things, there was a sudden knocking feeling in his mind.

Someone in the Tree of Flesh delivered new news!

Yang Gu immediately disappeared in front of the ibis, found a relatively remote place in the Demon Cliff, and immersed his consciousness into the tree of flesh.

The fruit hanging on the tree showed that it was the white bird that had sent the message.

"Something is bad! The leader has issued an order, and we have been targeted! Now the Golden Soul Sect has given up its plan to go to the Baosha Domain, and is preparing to uproot our traitorous sect! Kill them all!"

At this moment, even Shiratiao, who was safe and sound among the headmaster of the Golden Soul Sect, felt danger.

The leader Wu Sheng personally targeted them, and even canceled his support for Dade Temple, and instead wanted to attack them first.

The people of the Rebel Association are all in the Fusheng Domain at the moment, and what they have to face next is the full-scale manhunt and pursuit from the ruling forces of this Fusheng Domain.

After getting the news about Bai Bird, Yang Yu was also stunned.

On the other hand, this has actually achieved the goal of the Keijikai.

That was to thwart the Golden Soul Sect's plan and cause chaos in the entire Fusheng Domain, but I didn't expect it to come so quickly.

He had indeed already had a premonition of this possible situation, which was why after facing Wu Sheng, he immediately found the Ibis to learn the information about breaking through the Tao.

But he still underestimated Wu Sheng's courage. He gave up the plan he had prepared long ago and wanted to catch them all first.

Fortunately, the rebels can choose to stay in hibernation for the time being. This is also the most appropriate method at the moment. They can only seek their own blessings.

As for Yang Yu himself, if he wants to break through the Qi Dao, he can't stay at Dimo ​​Cliff, and it's not absolutely safe here.

But for now, as long as Wu Sheng doesn't come forward in person, given his strength, it's not very dangerous.

But Wu Sheng's ability to be so determined to target the Economic Rebellion Society in the first place meant that he had already set his sights on this group of people, and there was no telling when he would be found.

Just want him to sit there and wait for death? impossible!

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