The sound coming from Populus eucalyptus seemed to be a Sanskrit sound calling for life at this moment.

As a Taoist, Xuanyou felt the pressure from a zombie for the first time, and it made him tremble slightly at this moment.

The moment he heard this voice, countless soul bodies rushed out of a large amount of black mist on Xuanyou's body, rushing towards Yang Yu one after another. At the same time, Xuanyou's body moved among the soul bodies. Chosen to dodge.

It's so ridiculous that he, a Taoist, would subconsciously dodge the attack from a zombie god.

At this moment, Xuanyou didn't even realize this, and was only focused on getting out of Yang Yu's attack range.

Sure enough, the moment he left, light erupted again, followed immediately by the screams of countless souls, and the disintegrating resentment of the souls rose into the sky, and was eliminated in the blink of an eye.

Under that light, no matter how powerful these souls are, they can't resist the instant.

The light dissipated again and was taken back into the body by Yang Yu. He was looking for Xuanyou's figure. At the same time, his body turned into a golden line and rushed towards Xuanyou instantly.

Switching between offense and defense, he now became the one chasing Xuanyou. On the contrary, Xuanyou looked more like a bereaved dog at the moment.

"Where can you escape?"

Yang Yu's figure appeared behind Xuanyou, and he was faster. He punched Xuanyou on the back, and then hit hundreds of punches in an instant.

Seeing that he could not dodge Yang Yu's attack, Xuanyou also counterattacked. The fists and kicks of both sides combined, turning into golden light and black mist in mid-air, one gold and one black intertwined, and a series of continuous sounds were heard from the sky. Explosion.

But after a few breaths, a figure fell from the sky and landed directly on the earth, once again shattering the devastated earth and sending the earth and rocks flying.

Everyone in the Jingtei Guild who had been beaten into the rocks by Xuanyou before was also dumbfounded at this moment.

In their perception, the person who was knocked down from the sky was Xuanyou, not Yang Yu.

Not only was he able to fight Xuanyou head-on, but he was also able to suppress Xuanyou to such a tragic point. What happened to this guy? How could he suddenly become so strong? !

If Yang Yu had this strength earlier, he would not be threatened by Xuanyou.

In other words, in just one hour, Yang Yu's combat power increased to the point where he could crush Xuanyou.

Everyone can no longer imagine what kind of means can create such a terrifying increase in combat power. This is too terrifying!

call out--

Countless rays of light fell from the sky like strong winds and rain, falling towards the place where Xuanyou fell just now.

Golden flowers bloomed on the earth, and the entire earth was shaking continuously, as if it was about to collapse.

No matter how hard the land is, it will only become more and more dilapidated under such intensive attacks.

Under the illumination of the light, Yang Yu looked down at Xuanyou who was driven into the ground, and the breath in his mouth was slightly messy.

Without using the power of rules, just using the spells and body-refining techniques you have mastered would consume too much mana in your body.

But the result was gratifying. With these methods alone, he was able to suppress Xuanyou throughout the whole process, making this guy feel aggrieved.

Just like a line from a previous life: If my roles were reversed, I would show you what cruelty is!

Xuanyou failed to catch him before and allowed him to use a trick to escape into the Demon Cliff. That was Xuanyou's mistake.

But now, Yang Yu will not give Xuanyou such a chance.

Come again!

Another round of light came with terrifying destructive power, and it was bound to completely beat Xuanyou, who was deep in the ground, to pieces.

But at this time.

"Earthly disaster and heavenly punishment!"

Suddenly there was a furious roar from beneath the ground, the sound was as loud as thunder.

The next moment, there were several explosions in succession, and clouds of blood mist burst out from under the ground.

Four huge black shadows instantly appeared in the four directions of Yang Gu's southeast, northwest, and surrounded him.

Black mist spread among the four earth disasters, forming a huge ball in the blink of an eye, filled with countless eyes and souls, as well as poisonous mist, completely shrouding Yang Gu.

A figure turned into rainbow light and rushed out from under the ground!

A forbidden weapon that was as round as a jade bead appeared on Xuanyou's forehead. The strike that shot up into the sky and turned into rainbow light seemed to shatter the entire encirclement, and also annihilate Yang Gu within it.

This is his ultimate move, which brings out all the abilities of Earth Disaster at the same time, and then uses the power of his complete forbidden weapon rules to achieve the effect of killing with one hit.

Even the extremely powerful Lord of Death will be trapped by Xuanyou's methods and eventually escape from his shell by committing suicide.

He didn't believe that Yang Yu was just a zombie. No matter how powerful his destructive power was, how could he block this blow.


Xuanyou transformed into rainbow light and submerged into the encirclement formed by the earthquake. At this moment, it was like a spark hitting the earth. As the fuse, he completely detonated the earthquake. Space cracks even appeared outside the encirclement. .

At this time, Yang Yu, who was surrounded by the earthquake, stretched out his hand in a leisurely manner. The forbidden weapon fragments that had merged with him also appeared on his forehead, and he entered the state of actinization in an instant.

"I've seen this move before, but do you think it can kill me?"

A smile appeared on his face.

It was also time to use his own unique new life technique. Originally, he wanted to use Xuanyou to sacrifice the flag. Faced with the menacing Xuanyou, Yang Yu no longer held back.

He has proven his current strength, and it is time to deal with Xuanyou next.

"Golden Yang! Light up the stars!"

Yang Yu struck out with a palm, neither too fast nor too slow, and his shot was straight.

But coincidentally, Xuanyou's rainbow light appeared right in front of him and was about to hit his body.

Once touched by Xuanyou at this moment, all the earth disasters surrounding Yang Gu will fall into madness in an instant and kill Yang Gu by self-destruction.

Xuanyou had a ferocious face, and his originally strong body had been distorted in the rainbow light, but the palm that followed instantly froze Xuanyou in place.

This palm did not carry any of the terrifying power that he imagined. It was like a very casual palm, quietly waiting for his arrival, and then printed in his eyes.

But just like that, at this moment, a large number of light spots appeared on Xuanyou's body, which were as dense as sesame dots. At a glance, it looked like ants were crawling all over his body.

These light spots are like the embellishments of the stars in the sky. Each one is reflected on Xuanyou's body with incomparable precision. What follows is that these light spots begin to tremble, trembling under Yang Yu's palm. .

In an instant, points became lines and lines formed surfaces. Before Xuanyou could touch Yang Yu, he himself was engulfed by an incomparably bright light emanating from his own body, suddenly erupting silently. .

"This is impossible! When..."

There was only time for a hint of shock to appear in Xuanyou's eyes, and he couldn't even stop his attacking posture at this moment, couldn't interrupt his own behavior, and watched helplessly as he turned into light.

One cent!

That's what the difference is.

As soon as Yang Yu's palm touched Xuanyou's body, in front of him, the rainbow light formed by Xuanyou's whole body was completely submerged by the light, and he himself was eroded and decayed in the light, falling quickly like debris. , turned into pieces.

At this point, Yang Yu was not even touched by Xuanyou's attack, but because the new technique he created had such a terrifying effect and was so unexpected, he had a smile on his face.

This is it, Starlight!

This new technique created by him was specially created for difficult enemies.

In the previous battle with Xuanyou, every attack he made would silently create and leave a star mark in Xuanyou's body.

These star marks will continue to grow in Xuanyou's body during the battle, and will eventually be directly detonated by him.

This ability derived from accumulated bursts will make it difficult for the enemy to detect during the battle, and then completely lose any possibility of survival during the burst.

The stars have accumulated on its body, and the final explosion will not give the enemy any possibility of escape, and it will be difficult to leave any flesh and blood behind.

This happened to be the inspiration from Di Mo Ya. After learning the true situation of the spiritual juice, Yang Yu began to conceive of this strange technique in his mind and realized it perfectly.

What seemed to be just head-on contact before, every move was preparing for the present.

When all the light spots erupt, Xuanyou will not be left with any chance to react.

Right in front of Yang Yu's eyes, in just a blink of an eye, Xuanyou's body turned into countless shiny ash.

With a single starburst, Xuanyou was killed on the spot!

But at this moment, Yang Gu did not relax at all. On the contrary, he became more vigilant.

Xuanyou had been killed by an ibis once before, but he mysteriously resurrected with the help of the monsters he controlled, which made Yang Yu guess.

Although Xuanyou died, the four earth disasters surrounding Yang Gu also collapsed instantly.

But at the next moment, one of the monsters with a dragon head and a tiger body broke away from the black mist and rushed towards the distance.

The other three monsters also broke away from the black mist, and all used their limbs to connect to the body of Earth Disaster Jin Xie, and then quickly merged together.

On the top of Jin Xing's head, a face exactly like Xuan You's opened his eyes quickly and took a sudden breath, his eyes filled with shock and fear.

The huge body was constantly exploring, and the flesh and blood retracted into its body, eventually forming a naked person.

It’s Xuanyou!

This guy really has the means to resurrect these monsters!

Black and cyan poisonous mist enveloped him, dragging a long line of thick smoke behind him.

Yang Yu locked Xuanyou immediately, but what he didn't expect was that Xuanyou didn't stop at all immediately after his resurrection, and flew quickly in a direction farther and farther away from him, as if I want to escape from here as soon as possible.

Want to run? !

Seeing Xuanyou's intention, a smile appeared on Yang Yu's face.

Once upon a time, when facing Xuanyou, he could only run away with all possible means, but now the positions between the two parties have been exchanged, and now the person running away has become Xuanyou, who was previously aloof.

A Taoist actually chose to run away when facing the Zombie God. If this spread, he would at least end up with a loss of face.

Even Xuanyou never thought that the thoughts in his mind were in chaos, and he just subconsciously wanted to escape from here.

After being resurrected twice in a row, he lost two Earth Disasters, Si Gu and Jin Xie, and his strength would also be greatly affected.

He had no power to fight back when facing Yang Yu, but now he became even weaker. There was no need to even think about the consequences.

It is not easy to refine an Earth Disaster. Each Earth Disaster is the product of thousands of years of accumulation. But just outside the Earth Demon Cliff, the loss of two in a row also represents his continuous Killed twice.

There are still three Earth Disasters left, which means that they are enough for him to be resurrected three more times, but at this time, Xuanyou has already felt deep fear in his heart.

He wouldn't even think about what kind of fate he would face if he returned to the head coach after failing the mission. It was better than dying in the hands of Yang Yu.

But at this moment, a golden light flashed!

Not only does the light have terrifying destructive power, but its speed is also unparalleled. Yang Yu's whole body was filled with golden light, appearing beside him, flying at the same level as Xuanyou.

"Where are you going? Aren't you going to kill me?"

The sarcastic voice reached Xuanyou's ears, but it still couldn't make him stop.

But what followed was a huge arm suddenly falling from the sky, pressing down on Xuanyou's body, and forcibly knocking him down.

The surrounding branches that originally blocked the world were rapidly decaying and falling apart. Faced with the choice of prohibiting all escape methods and protecting himself, Xuanyou decisively chose to protect himself first.

Countless branches formed a ball on his body, wrapping his body the moment Xuanyou fell, and forcibly blocked Yang Yu's blow.

But the man-made disaster is not the Four Bones after all. Without the ability of the Four Bones to weaken the strength, it was crushed to pieces by the sudden appearance of the Giant of Light in just a blink of an eye.

The eyes in the holes exploded one by one under the strong light, making a series of explosions, unable to block Yang Yu's attack.

At this time, Yang Gu was like a god who dominated the world. The bright light burst out from his hand again, turning into a huge sun and engulfing Xuanyou who was caught by him.

Although Xuanyou struggled to support himself in Yang Yu's hands, controlling Qingluo Soul Mother and Human Disaster to desperately resist the erosion and melting of the light, it was to no avail.

These lights were like burning terrifying flames, burning everything that belonged to him, including his life.

"Let me go! I will promise you whatever you want!"

There was no way to break free from Yang Yu's control. He could only watch his body being rapidly decomposed and dissolved. Xuanyou's pleading voice soon reached Yang Yu's ears.

But all he got in response was Yang Yu's sneer.

"You can't give me what I want, but there is one thing you can give me, and that's your life!"

"If you kill me, the leader will definitely not let you go. You can't stop the anger of the entire Fusheng Domain!"

Pleading was useless, Xuanyou turned into a threat. When facing death, he would use any method, almost roaring.

The giant clasped his palms together, tightly confining Xuanyou between his hands. The shining light became more intense, and the strong light illuminated the entire world.

"You'd better think about how to block my anger next."


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