"Master, something happened!"

Right in front of the sealed ibis, Yang Gu directly immersed his consciousness into the tree of flesh.

Anyway, as long as he is within the range of Dimo ​​Cliff, the ibis can detect his actions and cannot hide them. There is no need for Yang Yu to cover up, and he can only treat him specially under special circumstances.

And the ibis may not be able to detect the existence of the tree of flesh.

"Huh? You killed another Qidao?"

It took a while before a reply came from the shop owner.


"That's not true. Something happened to the rebel group."

Yang Yu was stunned for a moment and replied, it seems that the incident of him killing Ji Shan shocked the owner quite a bit.

"We were caught, and now we are all in the hands of the Golden Soul Sect."

Before Yang Gu could explain what had happened, a new fruit appeared on the tree, but this fruit came from the heart.

Yang Yu has already sensed the aura outside Dimo ​​Cliff, and there are five people captured by Xuanyou, namely Pifa, Heart, Black Egg, Ram Horns and Zhiying.

White Bird is in the headquarters of the Golden Soul Sect, safe and sound.

Unexpectedly, Duan Shou and Wen Yin were not caught by Xuan You. Instead, others suffered, and Heart was among them.

Unexpectedly, this guy still had the consciousness to communicate through the Tree of Flesh. He must have been unable to use the ring given by the boss in front of Xuanyou, so he could only use the Tree of Flesh to send messages.

"Is it Xuanyou?"

The boss's reply came very quickly this time. At this time, he also noticed the message that Shiratori had sent before.

The heart and the future have been told in detail, how they fell into Xuanyou's hands, and now Xuanyou uses them as bargaining chips to blackmail Yang Yu.

"Are you actually at Earth Demon Cliff? Have you received the protection of the Lord of Death?"

The shop owner turned to Yang Gu and was surprised by Yang Gu's current location.

At this time, he suddenly realized that Jishan's death was caused by Yang Yu who was assisted by a powerful person, and it was not his fault alone. This powerful person was obviously the master of death!

"The Lord of Death has completely turned against the Golden Soul Sect. The enemy of my enemy is my friend."

Yang Yu didn't explain much. Regardless of whether the owner knew the true identity of the deceased, he shouldn't say it out of his mouth.

Because he still doesn’t know who is right and who is wrong between the boss and the ibis.

"Stay away from that guy, he's not a good guy."

The message from the shop owner was a bit cold. This was the first time Yang Yu saw him commenting on a person like this. Maybe the two had some unpleasant interactions.

But this is not important to the current situation. What is important is how to rescue the people who rebelled against Xuan You.

At present, the members of the Keikeihui have been forcibly dispersed, and the previously planned plan to destroy the Golden Soul Sect can only be terminated.

Even the Golden Soul Sect, the weakest among the Four Domains, is not as simple as it seems on the surface.

At this time, whether it was Yang Yu or Xinxin and others who fell into Xuanyou's hands, they could only count on the owner.

But the subsequent reply from the shop owner was disappointing.

"Now that I am outside the country, I can't escape and distract others for the time being. I can't even provide any help. I can only rely on you to do this."



Yang Gu and Xin suddenly fell into silence.

Outside the continent?

Isn't it already devoured by natural disasters?

Yang Eucalyptus noticed this keyword.

Perhaps because of this, the boss cannot even use the container's ability to teleport.

The first thing he thought of was wonderful karma.

The ancient treasure house where Miaoye is located is located outside the continent, and the boss and Miaoye have known each other before. Therefore, the boss is now outside the continent and may have something to do with Miaoye.

It's just that the boss can't get involved in this matter, and he can't get away, so now he's in trouble.

Yang Gu secretly thought that if he couldn't rely on the shop owner to solve the problem, he might have to ask for help from the ibis.

"Perhaps we can use the strategy of diverting the tiger away from the mountain, if the container teleportation can be used."

At this time, news came from his heart, and his opinions came out.

But it’s not that Yang Gu has never thought about this problem.

Although the forum owner cannot intervene now, the forum owner also gave him the authority to enable container transmission, and he can also enable container transmission.

It's just that if you really do this, it won't be as simple as what your heart says.

Xuanyou is a Qi Dao, a powerful late stage Qi Dao, and he has several terrifying monsters under his control.

It will not work in the face of such a powerful force to use the strategy of driving the tiger away from the mountain.

If Yang Yu is strong enough to fight Xuanyou head-on and force Xuanyou to deal with him with all his strength, then he can try this strategy.

But he can't defeat Xuanyou at all now. Without the support of strength, such a strategy can only be a piece of paper and a castle in the air. The probability of failure is too high.

There was no absolute certainty. In front of Xuanyou, Yang Yu didn't want to take risks.

"Is there any way to quickly improve your strength?"

Yang Yu asked. He could only ask this question. Maybe the owner knew something. This was the only help the owner could convey through the message.

But just after Yang Gu asked this question, a new fruit was born on the tree of flesh. This fruit came from the White Bird in the Golden Soul Sect.

"If you want to quickly improve your cultivation level, the Earth Demon Cliff where you are is a good place. You can quickly condense your mana by absorbing the spiritual juice from those monsters."

Spiritual juice is not a secret. All the sect forces who come to Earth Demon Cliff to practice know about it.

However, this method was opposed by the owner of the workshop.

"Inappropriate! The spiritual juice contains a lot of pollution. Even if you are born with fat, once you take too much, it will cause backlash again and cannot be suppressed.

If it really doesn't work, give it up, but I will use the tree of flesh to try my best to save your souls.

As long as the soul is still there, you can use the container to condense the physical body and rebuild it, and your physical constitution will also exist.

But if this happens, our plan will have to be suspended, and we don’t know how much time we have left..."

The boss rejected Shiratori's suggestion and proposed another method, then sighed softly.

It sounded cruel, but the time was wrong and there was nothing he could do.

Miaoye and the members of the Keihekai are equally important, both are indispensable to his plan, and he cannot give up anyone.

Even if they can regroup their bodies and rebuild, they won't be completely killed by Xuanyou, but now that a natural disaster is imminent and the entire world is in danger, how much time do they have to practice again.

Several people fell silent again when they heard the words of the boss, but there was no other better way besides this.

But Yang Yu was lost in thought at this time. If Shiratiao's proposal was really ineffective, then abandoning the captured person would be a way.

However, the shop owner said that the fleshy juice cannot suppress the pollution in the spiritual juice and will cause backlash. This is only for natural fleshy flesh.

He was not born fat.

Maybe he can really give it a try, but Xuanyou is really in a hurry. Even if this method is feasible for him, it will take a certain amount of time.

"I'll think of other ways. Maybe there's a better way to rescue you, but I need time. Can you think of a way to hold that guy back?"

Eucalyptus poplar This is a question about the heart.

"I can open the container teleportation for you."

"You can only try your best. If there is no other way, just cut it off. The boss is right."

The heart reluctantly agreed. Everyone knew very well that they fell into Xuanyou's hands and their lives were beyond their control.

When Xuanyou kills them depends on Xuanyou and Yang Yu, not on them.

Why did Yang Yu try to save them instead of choosing the boss's proposal first?

Firstly, it was because he guessed the importance of natural fat to the boss's plan.

Once the plan is shelved and suspended, it will be impossible to verify the current situation in Central Continent. Time is getting increasingly urgent and we cannot wait any longer.

Secondly, this incident also started because of him, so other people were involved.

Although the Economic Rebellion Society had taken action against the branch of the Golden Soul Sect before and was targeted by the Golden Soul Sect, everyone had been hiding in the small forbidden area of ​​​​the Golden Soul Sect, and the Golden Soul Sect could not find them.

It was he who killed Jishan, the third elder of the Golden Soul Sect, and this attracted the more powerful Xuanyou.

Sanlai Shiratori's proposal has certain feasibility for him, and he also wants to take this opportunity to try it. If he can get a promotion, this is also an opportunity.

He also knew very well that Xinxin and others could not buy him much time, so this matter must be done against time.

Regardless of whether the shop owner or the others had any other opinions, Yang Yu immediately left the Tree of Flesh and returned to reality after activating the ability of container teleportation for everyone in the Rebellion Association.

The ibis among the stone tablets was looking at him with squinting eyes, obviously sensing something.

Yang Yu didn't care what he saw and said it bluntly.

"It is said that the demons in the Earth Demon Cliff have something called spiritual juice in their bodies, which can quickly improve their cultivation?"

"Ang? Do you want to try?"

A lazy smile appeared on the ibis' face, and he was even a little surprised that Yang Gu would be interested in the spiritual juice. It seemed that he was forced by the guy outside the Demon Cliff to think of this method.

"You also have spiritual juice?"

Yang Gu looked directly at the ibis.

He was different from the others. Others were eyeing the spiritual juice of ordinary demons, but Yang Gu was eyeing the spiritual juice of the ibis.

This kind of thing generally has a certain relationship with the owner's cultivation level. The stronger the cultivation level, the better the effect may be.

Now that time is running out, he will naturally choose the one with the best effect without hesitation.

"You can take it if you want it, but do you know what the spiritual juice is? How to get it?"

The ibis smiled at him.

"How to get it?"

Yang Yu doesn't care what the spiritual juice is, as long as it can be purified by his ability, it is a good thing for him.

"To put it bluntly, the spiritual juice is the bone marrow of us people. There is a saying that knocking on the bones and sucking out the marrow. If you want to get the spiritual juice, you have to kill us first. Can you do it?"

It's ironic to say that Eucalyptus poplar can certainly kill all the demon cliff demons including the ibis.

But unlike others, once he takes action, he will truly kill them completely, which is equivalent to directly digging out the roots.

Every time these monsters die, spiritual juice will appear in the bones.

But if it is killed by Eucalyptus poplar, it is completely dead and there is no possibility of resurrection.

Rather than saying that Ibis was asking Yang Yu if he could do it, he was actually asking Yang Yu if she dared to take action against him.

As long as Yang Yu dares to take action, he dares to die.

The ibis's answer really made Yang Gu take action against rats.

Unable to guarantee absolute trust in the ibis, he really did not dare to take action against the ibis. There was no guarantee that this guy would give up all resistance and actively seek death.

As long as the ibis dies and loses his protection, Xuanyou will dare to rush in the next second. Even if he gets the ibis's spiritual juice by then, he will have no chance to use it.

But that doesn't mean he doesn't have other options.

Although he didn't dare to take action against the ibis, he could take action against other monsters.

In addition to the ibis, there are many zombie gods among the other monsters in the Demon Cliff. Even if they cannot compare with the ibis's spiritual juice, as long as there are enough, it will be very useful.

Yang Eucalyptus immediately issued an order for all the demons to gather at the location of the stone monument, leaving no one behind.

Ibis didn't stop him. He guessed Yang Yu's rat-defying weapon correctly. This kid really didn't dare to attack him, but he also wanted to see what Yang Yu really wanted to do.

It didn't take long for a large number of demons to gather together in such a dense manner that it was impossible to see the end. From a high place, it looked like a dense mass of darkness, occupying all the nearby hills.

"Are you going to take action?"

The ibis became more and more looking forward to it, and couldn't hide his smile at all. Maybe he could still take advantage of this opportunity...

Looking at the large number of demons in front of him, no matter how weak the demons were, Yang Yu did not waste any time.

"Ibis, come and kill them."


"I won't kill."

"No, you have to kill. I don't have time to argue with you. This is an order! It's also a request!"

Yang Eucalyptus looked directly at the ibis without fear. He did not intend to give the ibis any chance to take advantage of it. If he did not want to do it himself unless necessary, the ibis could do it.

If the ibis does not agree, then he will leave here. At worst, he will abandon the protection of the ibis and let these guys wait to be destroyed along with the world. It is not that he has no chance to escape from Xuanyou's hands.

The ibis looked as if he wanted to eat someone, but he finally chose to agree.

"What a damn guy."

He spat casually, and suddenly grasped the exposed palm on the stone tablet.

Click - click -

It was like a series of shattering sounds coming from the crisp glass, which spread out instantly after bypassing the poplar eucalyptus.

The large number of demons didn't even have time to react, and even the screams were not heard. Along with the mountains, rocks, grass and trees, everything on the ground within a radius of several thousand meters shattered in an instant.

Seeing this scene, Yang Eucalyptus could even give the ibis the title of "crusher" in his heart. The method this guy has mastered is obvious, and it is most likely some kind of space-related ability.

Such a powerful ability was actually secretly sealed here...

Too much to think about, as all the demons were killed by the ibis in an instant, the entire Earth Demon Cliff was instantly filled with a thick and foul smell of blood, which was nauseating.

Yang Yu frowned slightly and spread his own perception. Then he stretched out his hand, and countless strands of viscous liquid as black as ink gathered together. They all condensed together in his hand, forming a black ball that could be seen by the naked eye. .

Until all the demonic juices were attracted, the final size of the sphere even reached a diameter of nearly one meter.

The liquid black ball was continuously compressed in Yang Yu's hand, turning from liquid to solid, and finally became the size of a fist. Its whole body exuded an aura that was vaguely like smelly socks wrapped in a strong milk fragrance.

Such a large amount of spiritual juice is the essence of the entire Earth Demon Cliff, and it can be collected again after the demon is resurrected. It is truly inexhaustible.

However, there is definitely an upper limit for the absorption of this thing, and the effect will become weaker and weaker. Yang Yu knows it without thinking. The point is how far it can help him improve.


The sphere fell from the floating state into Yang Yu's hand, and it turned out to be as heavy as a stone.

At the same time, a long-lost message box immediately popped up in front of Yang Yu's eyes.

"[Spiritual Juice]: It comes from the body of the demon on Earth Demon Cliff. It is actually the marrow fluid in the demon's body. It is a product accidentally born due to the combination of spirit and turbidity. It is restricted by the seal and can only reproduce indefinitely in Earth Demon Cliff. It can be directly used for cultivation. Those who improve their cultivation.

Cost of use: Taking a small amount of this substance will cause the user to be unable to control his or her spiritual consciousness for a short period of time, and the soul will be contaminated, and there is a certain chance that the mana in the body will be converted into spiritual juice; if you take an overdose of this substance, the mana in the body will definitely be converted into spiritual juice. juice, and will be sealed and recalled to the Demon Cliff, and cannot escape the seal without complete death.

Status: Can be purified! "

It can indeed be purified!

Yang Eucalyptus was overjoyed. It was a pity that she didn't know about it earlier, but she still had a chance now.

The ibis described the spiritual juice as the bone marrow in the demon's body, but looking at the content described in the information box, Yang Yu felt a strong sense of déjà vu in his mind.

From a modern perspective, this is not so much the bone marrow in a demon's body as it is the cancer that is born in a practitioner's body due to the combination of spirit and turbidity!

That's right, it's cancer cells that can multiply indefinitely!

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