In the dilapidated temple of Dade Temple, the voice of the old monk reciting scriptures was once again interrupted by a sudden pain.

A huge hole appeared in his chest, as if it had been torn open.

A black shadow quickly emerged from it, appeared in front of the old monk, and was about to leave.

But suddenly, the black figure suddenly stopped.

Yang Yu led Gong Niang to escape from the black hole that appeared in Infinite Prison, and in the blink of an eye he appeared in the Dade Temple where he came from.

He felt the powerful aura behind him and immediately took Gong Niang away from here quickly.

He didn't know who this old monk was, even if he had never seen him before when he was an undercover agent at Dade Temple, but this guy's aura was terrifying, and it was incomparable to Hai Shu at this time.

Now that you have left the Infernal Prison, of course you can go as fast as you can, and it is best not to confront the old monk.

But what Yang Yu didn't expect was that when he wanted to hold Gong Niang's hand tightly, he activated the light and shadow escape method and moved away.

For an instant, I felt empty behind me.

Gong Niang, who originally followed him to leave the Infinite Prison, disappeared without a trace at some point.

He stopped and turned to look.

In the temple, there were dots of lights burning, but there were only him and the old monk, and there was no figure of Gong Niang.

how so? !

Yang Yu was stunned immediately.

He had obviously brought Gong Niang out a second ago, why did he suddenly disappear?

Could it be that this old monk did it?

The pain on the old monk's face due to the blood hole in his chest quickly disappeared and turned into a smile. He was looking up and down at Eucalyptus poplar.

"Donor, you killed a large number of demons suppressed by my Dade Temple in Infernal Prison, and also killed my junior brother Hai Shu. Since you have left Infernal Prison, why didn't you leave quickly instead of stopping?"

His smile seemed to have seen through Yang Yu's psychology, knowing the ins and outs of everything, and it was inexplicably meaningful.

Yang Yu also looked at him, confirming that he had never seen this old monk in Dade Temple.

And for some reason, the old monk's eyes turned out to be very pure. Yang Yu didn't see any desire to attack on his face, but it looked like true compassion.

"Did you do it?"

he asked.

Although the other party's cultivation aura was very strong, Yang Yu had to face the other party hard when faced with the sudden disappearance of Gong Niang.

But after hearing Yang Yu's question, the old monk slowly shook his head.

"It's not me, it's you."

"What's the meaning?"

Yang Yu frowned, this guy seemed to be doing some kind of Zen trick.

"What I mean is that the donor can't take her away."

The old monk said with a smile. He raised his hand and wiped it on his chest. The torn flesh and blood, together with the torn cassock and monk's robe, were restored to their original state.

"What if I have to take her away?"

Yang Yu's face suddenly darkened. He had to help Gong Niang get out of her misery.

"Donor, you have misunderstood. What I mean is...all this is just the moon in the mirror. Everything in the past is illusory and real. Isn't the benefactor not clear in his heart?"

The old monk's sudden words immediately stunned Yang Yu again.

What happened next made Yang Yu even more confused.

“Everything here is a fact that has already happened and cannot be changed. Wherever it comes from and where it goes, it is all cause and effect.

If she comes, you shouldn't come.

If you leave, she shouldn't leave either.

Even if you come here for a short time, it is just like this. This place cannot be changed. "

The old monk recited the Buddha's name, and every word seemed to poke into Yang Yu's heart.

"Since I'm already here, why can't I take her away?"

Yang Yu actually knew very well that everything here had happened before. He accidentally entered this place from Gong Niang's consciousness field because of that eye, and perhaps the reason why it could block this forbidden weapon fragment. .

He just wanted to take his former Gong Niang away, and didn't want her former Gong Niang to suffer those hardships, but he couldn't imagine where to go next after taking Gong Niang away.

Now these contradictions were expressed by the old monk, but Yang Yu was unwilling to accept them.

He had obviously left Wujian Prison with Gong Niang.

The old monk shook his head again.

"You can't take her away, even if I release her now, she won't remember what happened just now.

Moreover, if my guess is correct, your time should be up soon.

All of this is just illusion after all. A glance at it is already precious. "

Yang Yu fell into silence. He could not refute the old monk's words, but he still didn't want to believe it.

From the perspective of Dade Temple, the people here are not good people, and he should not choose to lean towards what the old monk said.

But the old monk seemed to have understood everything he said, and it was even clear that he should not be from this time period.

In addition, what the old monk said was not false. From the moment he escaped from the Infernal Prison, Yang Yu had already felt a force of rejection in his heart.

It was as if everything here was repelling his existence and wanted to force him away.

This is also the reason why Yang Yu is anxious but unwilling.

Seeing Yang Yu fell silent, the old monk smiled slightly.


He suddenly called Haishu's Dharma name.

Hai Shu, who had been killed by Yang Yu in the Infernal Prison, appeared on the old monk's body safe and sound the next moment.

The same head emerged and formed like a ball of flesh, and then opened its mouth.

Soon, a figure appeared in front of Yang Yu.

It's Gong Niang.

Seeing Gong Niang's appearance, Yang Yu subconsciously wanted to hold her back.

But the first time she saw Yang Eucalyptus, Gong Niang seemed to be frightened. She shrank back in a completely unfamiliar and confused manner, as if she had never seen Yang Eucalyptus before.

Seeing Gong Niang's movements, Yang Yu's outstretched hand stopped in mid-air and put it down helplessly.

Seeing Gong Niang's eyes and subconscious actions, he already understood that what the old monk said was true.

Everything just now was nothing but illusion.

Even Haishu, who had been killed by him, reappeared, and everything he did was just an insignificant wave of ultimate thoughts.

The waves have passed and the water surface has finally returned to calm.

"The person you are looking for is not here, so you can leave peacefully."

The old monk took back the bow again, and Yang Yu's eyes became empty again.

At this time, the repulsive force he felt was getting stronger and stronger, as if he would be separated from this place in the next moment.

Yang Gu took a deep breath and looked at the old monk.

He has already felt that the old monk is different. Whether it is temperament or cultivation, it is not comparable to the people he has seen in Dade Temple.

This old monk seems to be a truly compassionate person.

"I have a question, and I would like to ask Master to clarify it."

Yang Yu said, his attitude softened.

"It doesn't hurt to ask, donor."

The old monk didn't mind.

"May I ask what the master's name is?"

"Lao Na's law prohibits misfortunes."

The old monk replied.

Forbidden disaster?

Isn't it the Dharma name named after Haizi?

Yang Yu was chanting this Dharma name in his heart. Indeed, he had never heard of the existence of this old monk in Dade Temple. It seemed that many secrets happened during this time period and subsequent time periods.

This was the only question Yang Yu wanted to ask. When he got a response, he raised his hand and bowed to the old monk.

At this time, the old monk seemed to have thought of something and suddenly said:

"Before the benefactor left, I suddenly wanted to form a good relationship with you, just as a deal. I wonder if the benefactor can agree?"

"What deal?"

Yang Yu was confused.

Logically speaking, the old monk himself said that everything here is an established fact that has already happened and cannot be changed. How can they make a deal?

"I observe that the benefactor has a destiny with my Dade Temple, and may have some connection with my Dade Temple in the future. I just saw that the method you used in Infinite Hell is in the same vein as a body training method that I improved some time ago. , and also mastered the original method.

I don’t know what body-training method the donor practiced, but the "Yujia Vajra Body" and "Red Wheel Infinite Body"? "

The old monk said slowly.

As soon as he finished speaking, a look of surprise appeared in Yang Yu's eyes.

Suddenly, he seemed to think of something.

In Dade Temple, the body-training method of Yujia Vajra Body was obtained from Haishu. At that time, Haishu once said that this new method originated from the old method and was taught by a former master of Dade Temple. It was improved by the Buddha himself.

Could it be...that this was the true Buddha who once lived in Dade Temple? !

Yang Yu swallowed secretly and took two steps back.

No wonder I felt that the old monk was different, whether it was his aura or temperament, even his Buddhist name was different from others.

"It seems that I was right. The donor has indeed mastered these two body-refining methods. I have never seen such talent before."

Eucalyptus poplar's reaction said it all.

"I make a deal with the donor. The donor only needs to answer one question from me, and I will give him the seven types of dust for practicing the "Yujia Vajra Body". How about that?"

As the improver of this body-refining method, Old Monk Jin'e naturally has the training resources for this body-refining method. After all, it is the product of countless experiments.

It's just as reasonable as a car mechanic who carries a wrench and hammer with him.

Faced with the deal proposed by the old monk, Yang Yu had no reason to refuse, nor did he want to refuse.

Perhaps it was during this time that the entire world had not suffered unprecedented pollution, and Dade Temple was not like the Dade Temple of later generations. There were still normal people here.

The old monk's every move does not seem to be the kind of person who repeats himself.

As for the practice of one's own body training method, due to the lack of resources in Dade Temple, it is currently only at the stage of the second mote of dust. Even the Akamaru Infinite Body cannot understand the subsequent practice methods on this basis, and it is stagnant. Not forward.

If we could get practice resources directly from the old monk, a reformer, it would be a qualitative leap for Yang Gu.

"Master, please speak."

Yang Yu immediately responded that he didn't have much time, and it would only take a moment before he would be completely ostracized and left.

"I have a question, has the donor ever seen or heard of my existence in later generations?"


Yang Yu shook his head.

If the old monk hadn't personally said that he was the improver of the Yujia Vajra Body, he might not have guessed the old monk's identity. He had indeed never seen or heard of it before.

After receiving Yang Yu's answer, the old monk nodded.

"I understand, thank you so much, donor."

“I will honor the deal between you and me, but not here, and here the donor can’t get what he wants.

One day in the future, those things will be delivered to the donor. The donor can just wait patiently for some time after returning. "

Such a simple transaction brought huge rewards. Although it was temporarily unobtainable, Yang Yu preferred that the old monk had no reason to deliberately deceive him.

It was just a very simple question. Even if the old monk lied to him, he would not lose anything, so he nodded.

Soon, under the watch of the old monk, Yang Gu disappeared suddenly, as if he had never appeared before, leaving no trace.

But after Yang Gu disappeared, the old monk suddenly turned his head and stared at Hai Shu's head, but he didn't say anything and quickly looked away.

On the contrary, after the old monk turned his head, something strange immediately appeared in Hai Shu's eyes, and it was fleeting without the old monk noticing.

"Qing Xin!"

The old monk called a monk from the temple.

"Recently, a weapon refining workshop appeared in the southern region. Go search for some materials and send them to the weapon refining workshop to make a magic weapon."

"Great Bodhisattva, what kind of magical weapon can you build?"

The monk named Qingxin asked doubtfully.

The old monk was silent for a moment.

"Let's build it into a cauldron."

Everything around him rippled like ink. Unknowingly, Yang Gu, who was originally in the dilapidated temple of Dade Temple, seemed to be completely isolated from the world.

Nothing had changed in front of him, and the old monk was still sitting quietly in front of him.

But he knew that at this time, he had returned to Gong Niang's realm of consciousness, and everything he had just experienced seemed like nothing had happened.

Sure enough, the old monk did not lie to him, and the established facts could not be changed.

Although he didn't know whether the old monk would still remember his existence and the transaction with him, Yang Yu didn't want to think about it for the time being.

He still couldn't find Gong Niang.

And after he left that period of illusory time and space, everything began to speed up.

The memory about Yu Ni was changing rapidly, flowing away like a turbulent stream of water.

Gong Niang was still in the Infinite Prison, being repeatedly killed by those demons and reappearing, but as everything became very fast, all these sufferings also passed quickly.

There are more and more demons in the Infinite Hell, but because of the long journey, Hai Shu no longer has any effect on the cakes drawn by these demons.

No demon can really kill Bow Girl, they have lost interest in it.

Until one day, Gong Niang left Wujian Prison inexplicably.

Turning his head again, Yang Yu was surprised to find that a familiar figure appeared in front of him, and the surrounding buildings had also undergone great changes.

A man wearing a white robe and a mask on his face was holding a white bow and looking up and down, seemingly very proud.

That person is the boss!

And that bow is Gong Niang!

The picture changed again, and in the new picture, the bow was handed into the hands of another person.

A young monk with only Yuan Ji.

It's him.

But what Yang Yu saw next was just that, everything seemed to be stagnant and frozen.

The scene stays in the past where he looked at the bow in his hand, frozen at this moment.

Just when Yang Yu was confused, a voice suddenly came from behind him.

"Long time no see, little Bizai."

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