Soon, less than half an hour passed.

After not discovering Gong Niang's aura, Yang Yu began to search around this place, but still could not find Gong Niang's presence.

She seemed to have disappeared in this world, as if she had evaporated.

There is no doubt that this is Nandou Tianzong. When looking for Gong Niang, Yang Yu saw the traces on the broken eaves and broken walls, as well as some words of Nandou Tianzong.

Black smoke-like flames were falling from everywhere in the sky. Many monks died when they touched it. Tragic scenes could be seen everywhere.

The whole world is undergoing great changes.

If Gong Niang is just a remnant soul, where can she go in this dangerous situation? Yang Yu couldn't help but start thinking.

Logically speaking, if the five great heavenly sects are destroyed, then the current location of the five great heavenly sects should be within Central Continent. In other words, this is Central Continent?

As Ibis said, the outside world has no idea that the five major heavenly sects have been destroyed, so it can be explained from the side that Zhongzhou is already in a closed state at this time.

Since the entire Central Continent has been sealed off, Gong Niang's remnant soul should still be in Central Continent.

But that is a real situation, but this is in the field of Gong Niang's consciousness, and it begins to change with Gong Niang's consciousness and memory.

Yang Yu suddenly thought of something.

He thought of the strange behavior of Gong Niang in the Hall of Ten Thousand Buddhas when he was at Dade Temple.

He had asked the shop owner before, but the shop owner had not given any relevant reply.

"Dade Temple..."

This is not reality, so we should not think according to the logic of reality.

Yang Gu felt that it was necessary to go to Dade Temple. Of course, she was talking about Dade Temple in Gong Niang's consciousness.

How to get to Daitoku Temple?

It's very simple, just leave from Zhongzhou!

Yang Gu didn't waste any time. After determining the direction, he quickly flew towards the west, because the Baosha area where Dade Temple is located is directly west of Zhongzhou.

Yang Gu didn't know how big Zhongzhou was. He had never been to Zhongzhou, and this was just the Zhongzhou in Gong Niang's memory.

After quickly leaving Nandou Tianzong, Yang Yu also discovered something was wrong.

Everything around him started to slow down.

Flowers and trees, the sound of wind and birds, the running water on the ground, and the speed of foreign objects falling from the sky.

Everything was getting slower and slower, as if as he left Nandou Tianzong, time was gradually slowing down. The farther away he was, the slower it became, until it stopped.

Sure enough, when Yang Yu crossed thousands of miles away, everything he saw had completely stopped.

Everything he could see was like a suspended picture, all frozen.

After a little thought, Yang Gu guessed a possibility.

In Gong Niang's memory, it is very likely that she can still remember what Nandou Tianzong looked like, or remember the period when her original body was still alive.

But after her original body died, this perception no longer existed.

Therefore, beyond this range, she would not know what happened no matter how far away, and Yang Yu would naturally not encounter it.

This makes sense.

If this was in reality, Yang Yu couldn't help but want to go to the Five Heavenly Sects to see for himself and find out what was happening in this time period.

This is simply a perfect place to explore, and it may be able to solve all the doubts in his mind.

But it didn't work here. He wanted to save Gong Niang and couldn't abandon Gong Niang for these things.

His figure turned into a flash of light. I don't know how much time passed. From Yang Yu's perspective, it seemed that very quickly, he walked to the edge of the land, and what he saw was an endless black sea.

A stormy wave swept over the sea, as if just one wave could swallow up the entire world.

The black seawater continued to evaporate black mist, and the entire sky was dyed into a breathless black.

Silver snakes danced, lightning flashed and thunder thundered.

The demon god who controls thousands of thunders seems to be hidden in the endless darkness, making people afraid to approach.

Just at the first sight of the ocean, Yang Yu felt that his heart was beating rapidly and uncontrollably, and he also felt a strong sense of heart palpitations and fear.

There were even some weird thoughts in his mind.

This is the forbidden sea, I can't cross the forbidden sea!

The Forbidden Sea is very scary. Anyone who tries to cross the Forbidden Sea will eventually die in the Forbidden Sea!

This is the scariest place in the whole world!

It’s better to go back. No one will pass by such a scary place. It’s better to search carefully in Zhongzhou...


Yang Yu shook her head fiercely.

This isn't right.

These thoughts should not be something that can arise in his mind.

He knows his own character very well. Even if he is afraid, he will not have such thoughts. If he is afraid, he will retreat immediately and will not stay in such a dangerous place.

This is Gong Niang's memory. She must have been instilled in her the idea that the Forbidden Sea is terrifying and impossible to cross, so she has these fears.

In other words, what Yang Yu feels is the fear from Gong Niang, not the fear generated by himself.

Now Yang Yu has more reason to be sure that Gong Niang may be on the other side of the forbidden sea, in the outer continent.

The remnant soul belonging to her has left Central Continent.

Looking at the place that was like an abyss, where the sea and the sky met like a ten thousand-foot-long devil's cave, Yang Yu quickly got rid of the messy thoughts in his mind.

He was just a bystander here, unable to interfere with everything here, and things here should not be able to harm him.


The next moment, Yang Gu's figure disappeared from the spot and rushed towards the forbidden sea area.

Facing the black shore and the suffocating unknown, he chose to move forward indomitably.

Just as he entered the area of ​​the Forbidden Sea, the heaven and earth suddenly began to vibrate. The entire Forbidden Sea began to boil crazily, and a terrifying sense of oppression instantly came over him.

The sky and the sea were the same color, and the heaven and the earth were closed, as if they were going to crush him into a meat pie.

The forbidden sea seemed to be roaring, warning him, the trespasser, that it would swallow him up and eat him until no bones were left.

But Yang Yu still didn't care. Faced with this terrible situation, she rushed forward with all her strength, constantly using the light and shadow escape method.

In an instant, a huge wave crashed down, threatening to drown him.

When a drop of seawater fell on Yang Yu's face first, a cold and fast burning stinging sensation suddenly came. Yang Yu's spirit was suddenly shaken, and everything in front of him changed in an instant.

For some reason, he came to a place that seemed familiar to him. He had just passed through the forbidden sea without knowing it.

Sure enough!

Yang Yu breathed a sigh of relief in his heart. It was impossible to say that he didn't have any waves in his heart when facing that terrifying forbidden sea.

But as he thought, this was only Gong Niang's memory after all. Everything came from everything Gong Niang had experienced and felt, not his feelings, nor what he needed to experience.

So where is this place?

Yang Yu glanced around. He was sure that he might have been to this place in reality, but everything here looked so strange.

This absurd feeling made him stop on the ground and try to find it.

There seemed to be a kind of guidance in the dark, and soon, Yang Eucalyptus discovered a temple in a barren mountain.

The temple was on the top of the mountains. From a long distance away, he heard the faint sound of chanting, which immediately made Yang Gu react.

Yang Gu was very familiar with the sound of chanting.

That was the sound of chanting sutras.

The sound of chanting sutras coming from the temple is a very normal thing, but it is this temple that is abnormal.

Dade Temple!

Yang Gu immediately thought of Dade Temple.

It is said that when Central Continent was closed, the five major powers had not yet appeared in the outer continent. At this time, Dade Temple should be in its twilight years.

No wonder this place seemed familiar yet strange to him. Unexpectedly, he came to Dade Temple without knowing it.

Now Yang Gu is 100% sure that the remnant soul belonging to Gong Niang is in Dade Temple.

As a bystander, Yang Yu flew into the temple without any scruples.

Looking at the golden plaque hanging high, it seems that this is not yet the place where great virtues will be worshiped in the future. It is just a slightly dilapidated temple, but it is indeed called Dade Temple.

There is only one main hall in the temple, and dozens of monks are reciting scriptures in the main hall. No one noticed the arrival of Yang Gu.

The leading monk looked unfamiliar, not the Haishu Bodhisattva that Yang Yu had imagined.

Although he didn't know what happened at Dade Temple, it didn't matter to him. What he was looking for was where Wujian Prison was, and Gong Niang was there.

In the real Dade Temple, Infernal Affairs was suppressed under the Hall of Ten Thousand Buddhas.

But Yang Yu searched around the Dade Temple in front of him, but could not find the location of Infernal Affairs.

At three o'clock in the morning, the monks in the main hall had finished chanting sutras and retreated. Only the leading monk in his prime was left in the hall. He was still burning incense and chanting devoutly.

But just when Yang Yu was about to search elsewhere, the monk's body began to undergo strange changes.

A head split from his body and opened its mouth.

Countless resentments and evil breath suddenly emanated from the mouth, and a disgusting stench came from it.

Yang Yu was shocked when she saw the split head.


So this guy is here!

The split head looked exactly like Hai Shu's, but there was no vitality between the brows, instead it looked like a simple skin.

Yang Yu immediately realized something.

Now that Hai Shu has appeared, the Infernal Prison that has been suppressed by Hai Shu should be in his mouth, and his open mouth is the passage to Infernal Prison.

The next moment, Yang Yu's figure instantly appeared behind the monk, and a hand suddenly inserted into Hai Shu's open mouth.

The monk summoned Hai Shu, and he must have said something, but at this moment, Yang Eucalyptus had already flawlessly spied on the communication between them.

When his hand fell into Hai Shu's mouth, he immediately felt a huge suction force. His whole body was spinning and fell into layers of black mist.

It’s Gong Niang’s breath!

Yang Yu stabilized his figure and immediately sensed Gong Niang's presence. The aura that was so familiar to him suddenly made him excited.

She was indeed here, and everything was just as he thought.

He crossed the forbidden sea and came to the outer continent. This time period must have been skipped.

In other words, during this time period, Gong Niang's remnant soul also experienced all this. After crossing the forbidden sea, it may have been caused by an accident, and thus fell into the hands of Dade Temple.

In addition to Gong Niang, Yang Yu also sensed other auras here.

That kind of obscure and evil atmosphere, as well as the filthy stench, there is no doubt that a large amount of evil spirits and filth have been suppressed here.

The existence of Infinite Prison actually belongs to the same period as Dade Temple, and Haishu is specifically responsible for suppressing it. Dade Temple may be planning something.

However, Yang Yu has no intention to explore the details of Dade Temple now. He just wants to take Gong Niang back.

Pursuing Gong Niang's aura, Yang Yu passed through layers of black mist, and finally saw the figure.

She was wearing a black dress, which was the same as the original one Yang Yu had seen before, but it had been dyed black.

Gong Niang's appearance is exactly the same as her original body, but she also lost the crescent-shaped mark.

She sat quietly leaning against a wall, her eyes empty and lifeless, looking particularly lonely.

Yang Yu walked up to her and subconsciously wanted to pat her shoulder with his hand, but his arm passed through Gong Niang's body and the pat was missed.

Yang Yu frowned immediately.

Being unable to touch her meant that the Gong Niang he saw now was still just a part of his memory, not the real Gong Niang.

Although he had guessed that Gong Niang's remnant soul had entered Dade Temple, he still could not find where the real Gong Niang was.

Looking at the absent-minded Gong Niang in front of her, Yang Yu decided to see what else happened to her body. Maybe the real body would appear soon.

But not long after, a figure emerged from the black mist and appeared in front of Gong Niang.

"Are you from Central Continent? You must know a lot about Central Continent, right?"

Looking at the person coming, Yang Yu stood quietly next to Gong Niang, watching what happened.

This guy is Hai Shu. At this time, Hai Shu doesn't look much different from the real Hai Shu. He is still as old as before, but there is an evil spirit between his eyebrows.

Gong Niang didn't respond at all to Hai Shu's question and turned a deaf ear.

Hai Shu smiled softly, as if he was not in a hurry to get the answer he wanted so quickly. He came and left suddenly.

But at the next moment, countless ghost-like screams sounded from all directions, and twisted figures approached here in the black mist, like wild beasts that smelled blood.

In an instant, the place where Gong Niang was was surrounded by countless demons and filth, all of them rushed towards her.

Yang Yu immediately realized something. The time Gong Niang spent in the Infernal Prison was not a good memory. This was a place where a large number of demons were suppressed, but the so-called suppression only meant that they were imprisoned here. In fact, Hai Shu did not treat them. They make no restrictions.

Although he was just a bystander, he couldn't just watch when he saw Gong Niang was about to be in danger, so he subconsciously activated his magic to protect Gong Niang.

But it's no use!

The light spells that had been invincible in the past were, after all, on two levels with these demons in this realm of consciousness that belonged to Gong Niang.

His attacks couldn't touch these evil spirits at all, and there was no way he could protect Gong Niang.

The next moment, the demons swarmed up and cruelly tore Gong Niang into pieces and devoured her in an instant, leaving not even the dregs behind.

Damn it!

Yang Yu stood aside, clenching his fists hard, veins bulging on his forehead.

Gong Niang was brutally killed in front of his eyes. Although he knew that this was a memory that belonged to Gong Niang and he could not interfere, the anger in his heart kept boiling.

Gong Niang disappeared, and these monsters lost their target and quickly dispersed.

But soon, Gong Niang's figure appeared again next to Yang Yu.

She was still sitting leaning against the wall, with a confused look in her eyes, as if nothing had happened.

"A remnant soul? Is your spiritual wisdom not yet developed?

It’s okay, you’ll say it one day. "

In the void, a voice belonging to Hai Shu suddenly came, seeming far and near, until it calmed down.

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