He is breaking through!

He instantly understood Yang Yu's current state. He didn't expect that his temptation could be easily blocked by him. This guy's current cultivation strength has improved very quickly. He has not yet reached the middle stage of the Zombie God, and it is just a final kick. The gap was enough to block his casual attack.

This guy is really a freak, we must not let him continue to break through, otherwise if we want to catch him, it will definitely take a lot of effort.

Thinking of this, He's attitude suddenly became serious and solemn, he raised his steps and slowly approached Yang Gu.

At this moment, Yang Gu also felt the crane's approach. When the crane approached him, a very strong sense of crisis was as sharp as the biting cold wind, making his hair stand on end.

He originally thought that the person who came to hunt him would be an ibis, but he didn't expect that the person coming was a crane, which surprised him.

Since Crane has been tracking him all the way here, he must have some plot against him. Judging from the way this guy used to sneak attack on the ibis before, he is a cunning and insidious person. If he falls into his hands, he will end up worse than if he falls into the hands of the ibis. miserable.

And for some reason, He's gaze and prying eyes always gave him a feeling of déjà vu. This guy might actually have some connection with his former master, Ming He, the old man.

But Yang Yu is now at the critical moment of breaking through the art of cultivating and merging life paths, and has no way to actively control his body to fight back or escape.

Once interrupted at this critical moment, his breakthrough will fail.

So when the crane approached, Yang Yu could only concentrate on condensing all his consciousness, speeding up the speed of integrating the art of life to improve his cultivation, clenching his teeth and causing veins to burst.


Just a little bit closer!

The fate technique he finally chose was the aura light technique. Compared to the blood disaster technique, the aura light net can concentrate all its light spells together to form a powerful field filled with light.

If combined with the fragments of the power of rules he just obtained, the combat power he can exert will be far greater than before.

Facts also proved that Yang Yu’s choice was not wrong.

The Fusion of Spiritual Light Technique, as a life-path technique, successfully fused the forbidden weapon fragments first. The net of spiritual light, which was originally only more than two meters long, quickly spread out under the fusion of the power of rules. At this time, he was at a distance from Zombie God In the mid-term, when there was only one final kick, the range of the aura network had extended to about thirteen meters, and was still increasing rapidly.

But his current situation is very dangerous. He, the world-repairing member of the Earthly Dao Sect, is pressing forward step by step. Originally, he was only a few meters away. For He, it was only the blink of an eye.

"Jue Tian Fire Sect!"

He made a seal with one hand. In an instant, the wind blew loudly. In the open wilderness, with Yang Gu and He as the center, a terrible storm suddenly rose. A red flame instantly emerged from the storm. It merged with the storm to form a huge crimson vortex, completely isolating the two of them.

From the sky at the top of the flame storm, like a divine fire falling to destroy the world, the crimson flames descended brazenly carrying the might of heaven.

When the storm and flames appeared, the clothes and flesh on Yang Gu's body had already begun to dry and crack. When the crimson divine fire fell from the sky, accompanied by a terrifying pressure, Yang Eucalyptus' whole body began to tremble involuntarily.

Although his physical body was not ignited, under this terrifying high temperature, the blood and water in his body quickly evaporated from the inside to the outside, becoming stiff and scorched, like dead wood.

Feeling that his vitality was draining very clearly and rapidly, Yang Yu became more and more anxious.

Not even close!

Just a little bit closer!

The terrifying divine fire falling from the sky suddenly fell on Yang Yu's body, and his consciousness instantly fell into a deep confusion. However, until this moment, Yang Yu still maintained the last bit of clarity in his heart that he wanted to break through. His body and soul were uploaded. The pain that came did not make him fall into the abyss of loss all of a sudden, and he desperately tried to hold his breath.

The spiritual light web that originally extended out was shrinking crazily, fitting every part of his body, desperately resisting this terrifying flame.

But even so, his body was disappearing quickly, and under the scorching and impact of the flames, he was quickly approaching death.

Just a little bit... obviously just a little bit...

Yang Yu still didn't give up hope in his heart, but a deep unwillingness spread in his mind at this time.

The integration of the art of fate is not an easy task. It can take anywhere from ten days to several months or even years. He has tried his best to integrate the art of life in such a short period of time. , but at the moment when the crane appeared, that little distance felt like a world away. He seemed to be stuck there, unable to move forward again at this critical moment.

Immortality was nothing to a person with such profound and unpredictable cultivation as He. It was also the first time that Yang Yu felt his vitality draining so clearly and quickly.

Is he going to die?



I want a breakthrough!

I absolutely can't die so easily!

Absolutely no one can kill me, and no one can kill me!

The obsession in his heart was roaring. Since he came to this world, he has passed through the difficulties of life and death countless times. It has been like this all the way. How could he fall here so easily? Absolutely not!


Seeing that it was still impossible to capture Yang Gu, although He did not intend to take Yang Gu's life, but just to capture him alive, he did not mind beating Yang Gu until he was dying first, and he could only let him feel the fear of death first. is the best to control.

"Death Fire Gate!"

He was originally holding a seal with one hand, but now his fingers were trembling rapidly, and he was creating a more complex seal at a dizzying speed.

The next moment, as the whole world seemed to be shaking, the isolated storm suddenly shrank, like a bullet being discharged, pressing down the divine fire that originally descended from the sky, and the crimson flames instantly engulfed it. Yang Yu's remaining body drowned all his obsessions and resistance in the flames.

But just at this moment!

Yang Yu, who was already in an extremely hot state and was already very close to death, felt a sudden cold feeling all over his body.

While his consciousness was blurred and trance-like, he suddenly saw a soft and slender hand stretching out from his chest.

The next moment, a large number of twisted souls poured out crazily from that hand, blocking Yang Yu's face, as if sending him to death, to help him isolate himself from the damage from the flames.

But those souls were too fragile. They only appeared for a moment, and as soon as they came into contact with the flames, they were instantly wiped out, their souls scattered, and they let out shrill screams.

At the same time, Yang Yu suddenly heard a faint hum in his heart.

"Gong...Gong Niang..."

Although Yang Yu was in a desperate situation and his consciousness was in a state of confusion, he still recognized the owner of that hand. It was Gong Niang who was helping him!

These souls were released to help him resist harm and die. Among them, you can even see some familiar faces. They were all souls that were once devoured by Gong Niang, but now they are regarded as disposable consumables by Gong Niang.

"Little Bi Zai...you remember to survive..."

Bow Girl's voice became weaker and weaker as these souls were released.

Hearing Gong Niang's voice, Yang Yu also guessed what Gong Niang wanted to do.

She wanted to sacrifice these souls to buy him enough time for him to break through and let him live!

Yang Yu's heart suddenly became angry, and he immediately shouted angrily at Gong Niang: "No! Gong Niang! You..."

"Stay alive... pay for my beautiful man... ugh..."


There was a hint of sob in Gong Niang's voice, and there was great reluctance, but she still gave up everything she had accumulated for Yang Yu.

Yang Yu's voice suddenly got stuck in her throat, and she almost choked.

At the moment just now, he thought of something terrible, and suddenly felt that if that thing happened, he would feel more desperate than if he could not break through and die here. But after hearing Gong Niang's words, he He immediately breathed a sigh of relief. Fortunately, it was not what he thought.

"Okay! I will compensate you! I will compensate you!"

There was a hint of joy in his tone.

Countless souls surged out from the surface of his body to help him resist the flames. In this very short period of time, with the help of Gong Niang, the pain from the engulfment of the flames was finally suppressed. , Yang Yu gritted his teeth again and gathered his consciousness and spirit.

The last little bit!

The last little bit!

The art of fate... fuse it with me! ! !

His ears kept hearing the miserable screams of those souls before they completely died and disappeared. These desperate voices and cries seemed to be every boost he had to break through.

These are all the beautiful men he once gave to Gong Niang. For these beautiful men, he spent a lot of effort and even experienced life and death. But now Gong Niang has released them all for him to help him prevent harm. Although it can be heard from Gong Niang's tone that she is still very relaxed, Yang Yu can imagine that such sacrifice will definitely hurt Gong Niang a lot.


He wants to break through!

Yang Eucalyptus was also shouting in her heart, shouting crazily!

He was like a fish desperately trying to reach the upper reaches, using all his strength to swim upstream in the ferocious river!

finally! finally!

break! ! !

In an instant, the network of spiritual light that was originally attached to Yang Eucalyptus stretched out and quickly extended towards the surroundings.

Fifteen meters!

Twenty meters!

Forty meters!

One hundred meters!

Countless threads continuously drilled out of Yang Gu's body, constantly intertwining in this huge network of spiritual light, penetrating the storm, covering everything within a hundred meters of it, airtight, like A colorful and dazzling ball was formed in an instant.

At the same time, Yang Yu's cultivation aura finally broke through from the early stage of Zombie God to the middle stage of Zombie God at this moment, and his aura surged!


Yang Eucalyptus took a deep breath. At this moment, all the pain he suffered in his body seemed to disappear. Even everything he saw in front of him began to become blurry and distorted in an instant.

He broke through!

Even the previous magical confinement from the Ibis made it impossible for him to escape from his lower body, and he disappeared the moment he broke through.

The connection that comes from pain and changes in consciousness comes back.

He can return to the shallow world from the deep world at any time now.

But at this moment, Yang Yu didn't want to leave in a hurry.

Gong Niang gave up all her soul for him, and at least her vitality was severely damaged. It was definitely not as simple as she said!


Yang Yu's eyes seemed to penetrate countless flames and saw the crane outside the flames. At this moment, the screams of souls disappearing in his ears all disappeared, and all souls were inside the flames. Next to annihilation.

Above Yang Yu's eyes and in his forehead, a gap suddenly separated from the flesh and blood, and a round bead emitting faint golden light appeared from it, as if it had become his third eye, which originally filled the whole world. The network of spiritual light also became more powerful the moment the bead appeared, like a huge sun.


A firm groan came from Yang Yu's mouth.

At this moment, he was like the only god in the field of this hundred-meter spiritual light net!

An extremely dazzling light condensed from his feet like a blowout, and instantly hit the flame falling from the sky.

Light and fire collided together, but at the moment of collision, the light turned into countless lines, spinning rapidly, like a drill bit breaking through the sky, suddenly tearing the flame into pieces, turning into a monstrous fire. Fire rain scattered in all directions, and the surrounding storm also disintegrated at the same time at this moment.

boom! ! !

A huge impact erupted towards the surroundings at this moment, and even the weapons originally inserted on the ground and the scattered debris were swept away.

Yang Yu's body was recovering rapidly, and his flesh and blood became full again. He looked at the figure more than ten meters away.

The masked crane was still standing quietly under the impact. The strong wind blew his clothes, but he did not take a step back. Under the mask, there was something that Yang Yu couldn't see. It was the changed look on his face, full of solemnity and shock.

This is... the power of rules!

Moreover, it is the power of light rules!

It was really taken and fused by this boy! !

"How did you do it?"

He's voice was very calm, but it was actually just a superficial cover-up. Yang Gu's eyes were already full of secrets.

This guy, he has to catch him!

Yang Yu did not answer, but responded with his own actions.

He stretched out his hand and shook it suddenly.

In an instant, countless rays of light burst out from the crane's body and suddenly exploded.


The moment the light burst out, the crane's figure disappeared from the spot. Countless flames were swallowed up by the light and annihilated by the light, but the crane's figure appeared in the mid-air a hundred meters away.

But at the same time as he appeared, Yang Yu's figure also followed closely, appearing ten meters away from him, standing opposite him with a cold expression.

At the same time, Crane's figure was once again penetrated by countless rays of light, and a large amount of blood mist suddenly burst out from his body, turning into a rain of blood all over the sky, and then all evaporated in the light.

Yang Gu knew that the crane's fire was very powerful and terrifying.

But at this moment, he also has fire, called... anger!

"Come on light!"

Please help me find the typos. I will correct them when I get home in the past two days. I have looked for them all, but there may be some omissions.

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