Everyone is a demon, why are you covered in holy light?

Chapter 294 New spell! It seems that there is time to be reasonable.

Chapter 294 New spell! It seems that there is time to be reasonable...

Previously in Grayscale, Fu Ming once said that the forbidden weapon fragments and the power of rules that merge with reality will not be able to break free from the soon-to-be-broken cage of the original world.

This means that there is only one way for Yang Yu to fuse the forbidden weapon fragments in the future, which is to find the forbidden weapon fragments of Yiyuan in the land of Yiyuan and integrate the power of rules in Yiyuan.

In this way, he will not be connected with the original world, and if something happens to the original world in the future, he will not be implicated or affected.

Even the cost of purifying the forbidden weapon fragments is to focus on the forbidden weapon fragments from different sources and devour the forbidden weapon fragments obtained in reality, so as to ensure that the hidden dangers are eliminated.

In this way, no matter what kind of rule power he obtains in the Land of Yiyuan, he can easily find it in the real world and will not be left without a clue.

Currently, he is in the Earthly Dharma Monument. Seeing the countless light spots on the barrier condensed into words because of his appearance, Yang Yu has already made up his mind.

Master the new technique first, and during the period of learning the new technique, wait for the arrival of Wenyin and other members of the Kei Rebellion Society, and then think of ways to obtain the Forbidden Device from the Land of the Origin.

Otherwise, once he enters the land of Yiyuan, he will have no way of knowing whether Wenyin has arrived, nor when he will find the forbidden weapon of Yiyuan.

There are many spells on the Earthly Dharma Monument. These are all derived from the old spells. In fact, they are mainly based on spirit, not turbidity.

In fact, Yang Yu has been thinking about a question for a long time. These spells were created by others. Why can't he create the spells that are most suitable for him?

Just like Minghe, who created the lamp-lighting technique, at the same time, in the early days of his practice, there were even many people who were not necessarily advanced in cultivation and created rather strange techniques.

But he has never been able to get a clue. What is the core of creating new techniques?

Is it the creator’s understanding? A sudden enlightenment, a thousand enlightenments after hearing something, and using this to draw parallels?

Or does it depend on some kind of rules, just expressed in the form of magic, but it does not contain the power of rules?

Yang Gu has a very good advantage, that is, he doesn't think about things that he can't figure out for the time being.

Putting aside the doubts in his heart, he began to observe and observe on the Earth Dharma Monument.

He is already the owner of the Earthly Dharma Stele and can see all the content displayed on the barrier.

Although I don't know if there is any magic to escape those blank spaces like the Summoning True Presence Curse, or there are other reasons.

But the number of spells that have been displayed is still quite large.

Yang Yu observed it carefully and found out that according to the records on the Earthly Law Monument, the spells recorded on it were divided into two categories.

They are the five rounds of magic and the magic of earth.

Among them, there are three types of Wulun Juju, namely the Lian Shen Chapter, the Rong Qi Chapter, and the Qi Jue Chapter.

The wonderful laws of earth are only a separate category.

For example, Yang Yu has mastered the Jisui Divine Aspect, which comes from the Shen Lian Chapter of the Five Wheels Jue Technique, the Summoning True Immortal Curse comes from the Rong Yi Chapter, and the shell cultivation technique taught to him by Zhuan Yu comes from the Qi Jue Chapter.

Compared to the techniques in the Five Rounds of Ultimate Techniques, Yang Yu was more interested in the techniques in the Earthly Magic.

With the word "Diyi", it is difficult for him not to think about whether this type of magic is directly related to the "Diyi" tablet.

Referring to what the boss said before, the Earthly Dharma Monument is the inheritance of the Earthly Dao Sect, which was once the head of the five major heavenly sects in Central Continent. Could this Earthly Magical Technique be the magic method originally practiced by the Earthly Dao Sect?

This possibility is very high, so the first thing Yang Yu looked at was the content of the Earthly Magic, and he put the Five Wheels Jutsu on hold for the time being.

He spent more than an hour searching all the barriers, and finally found the number of all the Earthly Magic Techniques and other spells, a total of thirteen.

These thirteen spells are all named "仚", which seems unusual.

For example, one of the techniques called "Qi Ren San Shi" requires mastering seven complex marks during practice and consuming a large amount of one's own essence and blood to form it.

Once this technique is activated, the dharma appearances of seven former practitioners can be summoned, controlled by the caster in a short period of time, and can unleash a large-scale strangulation.

The practitioner's appearance is determined by the practitioner's own cultivation level, which will be a small level lower than that of the practitioner.

In other words, if the cultivation level of Zombie God in the middle stage is activated and this technique is activated, the practitioner summoned can reach the cultivation level of Zombie God in the early stage at most.

However, the cost of this technique is also very high.

When this technique is not activated, the magic mark will consume the master's spirit and summon the uncontrollable practitioner's appearance to attack the master of this technique.

This means that outside of the time when the spell is not activated, not only will he fall into confusion and mental depression, but he will also have seven more enemies that can kill him at any time.

Another example is another technique called "Calling the Lord".

The name of this technique is very similar to the Summoning True Presence Curse that Yang Yu had mastered before, but the form of the technique is completely different.

Summoning the True Immortal Curse is similar to summoning a real or unknown body. It is said to be a body, but it is actually a practitioner who practiced old skills a long time ago. It may or may not be controllable.

But this technique turns oneself into a being similar to Yi. To put it simply, it means asking a god to come over.

After activating this spell, until the end of the spell, the caster has absolutely no control over himself. He can only choose a target when initiating the spell. After he comes, he will attack the target at all costs. kill.

The outcome is that either the target is killed or the caster dies, there is no other choice.

This is a technique of mutual destruction. Generally, no one will activate this technique unless they are in a truly desperate situation.

Because the price for activating this technique is... to sacrifice one's own soul.

After looking at the techniques in the Earthly Magic and comparing them with the techniques in the Five Wheels, Yang Yu finally chose a more pleasing technique from the Earthly Magic to practice.

Anyway, the entire Earth Magic Monument belongs to him. As long as there is enough time, he can even master all the techniques recorded on it. It is nothing more than a sequence.

At night, Yang Yu took out a set of formations from the magic weapon.

These are all the trophies obtained from killing the old man Xuanlong in Xiyue River.

This formation is made of thirty-six human bones and one demon bone. It is made of demon bones as the main part and human bones as the supplement. It is a set of formation flags.

He placed the formation flag on this ownerless mountain. Whenever there is a creature that enters the range of the formation, Yang Yu can sense it no matter how far away it is, and can exert the power of the formation to trap or kill it. Those who enter the array.

In addition, after the formation takes effect, it can also cover up part of the strange phenomena of heaven and earth, making it difficult for people to notice the movement in the mountains.

The power of the formation can reach the maximum level of the middle stage of flesh death, so it is very suitable to be used as a warning.

After the formation is arranged, he will be able to detect anything at the first time and respond in time.

At this point, Yang Yu began to practice his own magic, staying in the mountains wholeheartedly and concentrating on practice.

This practice has been going on for more than a month. With Yang Yu's current cultivation level, if he were allowed to practice the previous techniques, he would have already mastered them.

However, the spells recorded in the Earthly Dharma Stele are quite difficult in comparison.

More than a month passed before Yang Yu was able to master it. From then on, he began to deepen his proficiency after getting started.

Due to the shielding of the formation, no one would know what was happening in the mountain, but from time to time there would be a sound that shook the sky.

More than ten days have passed in the blink of an eye, and now it’s June.

Universal timekeeping in the four realms of outer continents. The way to distinguish the time is to refer to the movement of the sun and the moon, and the reference for calculating the month is to count the stars in the sky.

Each month, there are twelve star charts from the stars in the sky, and each month has a corresponding star chart that produces strange phenomena.

For example, in June right now, the Cansu star chart located due south on the dome will be brighter than other star charts, and contain the bright blood-colored aurora.

Yang Yu sometimes wonders whether these timekeeping methods were invented by predecessors or were caused by other reasons, because the star chart looks like a huge clock hanging high in the sky.

When the pointer reaches the star chart in the due south direction, which happens to correspond to six o'clock on the clock, it is June.

On this night, a familiar breath and air mark quickly passed by thousands of meters away. Yang Yu was practicing with his eyes closed, and suddenly he opened his eyes with a smile on his face.

Wenyin is here!

But at this moment, he suddenly frowned again.

The direction in which Wenyin appeared was not from Bengjia, but from Chongwen Prefecture, heading towards Bengjia.

Not only that, there are several auras chasing after Wen Yin, and the distance between the two sides is constantly shortening.

How did she escape from Chongwen Prefecture?

Yang Yu stood up, feeling a little confused.

He had been waiting here for more than a month and a half, but he had never noticed that the aura on Wen Yin's body had appeared, and now he was coming out from the opposite direction.

When this happens, the only explanation is that Wenyin took the wrong path again...

But what about the people chasing after her?

Yang Yu decided to save Wen Yin first and figure out what happened. His figure immediately disappeared in a flash.

At this moment.

Wen Yin's whole body was entangled in an evil ghost's body. The evil ghost intertwined with her body spread out a pair of huge wings and flew as fast as lightning, but she still couldn't get rid of the pursuers behind her.

She didn't know why she got into trouble with these people. She obviously followed her senior brother's instructions and struggled through the Bengjia amidst the dangers. However, on the way to find the Chongwen Prefecture that her senior brother mentioned, she was inexplicably chased by these people. .

She didn't even understand what was happening before these guys started attacking her, trying to kill her with their killing moves.

There was no way, these people were stronger than her in cultivation, so she could only try to get rid of these people by consuming her own essence and blood in exchange for a short-term increase in spells while being chased and intercepted.

But the speed of these people was not slow either. They chased her for a long time without giving up. Wenyin suddenly lost her mind.

If these guys are still chasing after them, then she will have no choice but to enter Bengjia again and continue to follow them if she has the guts.

call out--

A strange streak of blood suddenly struck from behind, very fast, and suddenly passed through one of the fleshy wings of Wen Yin's evil spirit body.

Green fire suddenly ignited on the flesh wings, and a sinister force penetrated along the veins and towards Wen Yin's limbs and bones.

Wen Yin saw that the situation was not good, and with quick eyes and quick hands, she directly controlled the evil ghost to forcefully tear off the wings behind her, thus avoiding the vicious power from entering her body.

But without her flesh wings, her speed suddenly slowed down.

Four figures chased after her very quickly and soon surrounded her.

"Want to run? Die!"

Several people didn't give Wen Yin any chance to react, and one of them immediately took action.

In an instant, five sharp screws streaked through the air, heading toward Wen Yin with a whistling sound.

Wen Yin was about to resist, but suddenly there was a glimmer of light in front of her eyes, and a familiar figure suddenly appeared in front of her, and casually knocked off the screws that were shot.

The screw deviated from its direction and fell to the ground below, and clouds of blood mist exploded on the ground.

Sensing the familiar figure in front of her, Wen Yin's face suddenly showed a look of surprise.

"Big brother!"

As expected, the senior brother did not lie to her, and they would meet again in the Fusheng Domain.

Yang Yu glanced at the people surrounding Wen Yin. In his eyes, one was in the early stage of flesh-eating and the three were in the late-stage of fu-shi. In his eyes, they were just minions and he withdrew his gaze.

"What happened?"

he asked Wenyin.

Although there were just a few rookies in front of him, he did not attack these people as soon as he arrived.

With all the lessons learned in the Baosha Domain, he didn't want to cause trouble. Who knew what these guys were involved in, so he wanted to clarify the matter first.

Otherwise, according to his previous behavior, these people would be dead before they saw him.

Hearing Yang Yu's question, Wen Yin was stunned for a moment, thought about it again, and then gave Yang Yu a very definite answer:

"I don't know either."


Yang Yu sighed helplessly and looked at these people again. At the same time, these people were also looking at him.

Several people could not sense any cultivation aura from Yang Yu, but with just that move, they easily destroyed their means. The person in front of them must not be underestimated.

"But how many people has my junior sister offended? Why are they chasing her? Is there any misunderstanding in this?"

Facing Yang Yu's inquiry, several people looked at each other and backed away slowly.

The fleshy cultivator quietly opened his fingers. Yang Yu immediately lowered his head and glanced at his chest. His heart trembled slightly just now, and there was a faint pain like a needle pricking on it.

A faint trace of blood appeared on his chest, as if his chest was being torn open and something was trying to escape from it.

Yang Yu frowned slightly, stretched out his hand suspiciously, and then inserted his hand into his chest. As the flesh and blood broke, he actually pulled out an unknown thing from his body, which looked like a slimy... shadow.

There is no information box, which means that this thing is just a manifestation of some kind of magic.


The strange thing was crushed into pieces in Yang Yu's hands, bursting out a large amount of plasma, and was immediately destroyed.

The bloody injury on Yang Yu's chest healed in the blink of an eye. He raised his head suspiciously and looked at the flesh-killing practitioner who attacked him.

"If there is any misunderstanding, can you clear it up?"

Seeing that Yang Yu was safe and sound, and even spoke again in a nonchalant tone, serious looks suddenly appeared on the faces of several people.

Especially the flesh-killing practitioner, the blow he just shot at Yang Yu, but his killing move, was solved by Yang Yu in such an understatement.

The atmosphere became delicate, and both parties fell into silence.

Perhaps he saw that Yang Yu had no intention of attacking them, and seemed to want to be reasonable.

After two breaths of silence, the flesh-killing practitioner slowly spoke.

"Senior, don't blame me. I must have misjudged the wrong person. I will apologize to senior and leave now."

He gave a subtle wink to several of his companions, who bowed slightly to apologize, and then quickly retreated in the direction they came from.

But seeing several people walking away at high speed, Yang Yu sighed helplessly.

He obviously wanted to reason with the other party, but these guys were a little ungrateful. It was obvious that they were going to bring in reinforcements.

Then there's nothing you can do, so let's try the new technique you just mastered.

He raised his hand slightly, and a complex curse seal suddenly appeared on his palm. The curse seal was peeled off from his hand and condensed in the void in front of him. Then Yang Eucalyptus punched the curse seal!

Bang bang bang bang——

Four heavy explosions rang out thousands of meters away. The four blood mists were like blood flowers that suddenly bloomed. They exploded strangely in the dark night. The bloody smell spread in an instant, and finally turned into several pieces. A blood line quickly flew back and merged into the curse seal in front of Yang Yu.

The curse seal was dyed scarlet and then disintegrated, and the four people died in an instant.

"It seems that there is time to be reasonable..."

Yang Gu sighed slightly.

"Gong Niang, swallow their souls. Since they won't tell me, I will check it out myself."

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