Everyone is a demon, why are you covered in holy light?

Chapter 290 Running away is not a good option!

As soon as Hai Shu's words came out, the entire Ten Thousand Buddhas Hall was shocked, and an evil aura suddenly became thicker and filled the air, which was even weirder than the black energy emanating from the cracks in the ground.

The golden statues of Buddha fell down one after another, and the ground behind Hai Shu gradually rose, as if something was about to come out of the ground.

Guang'an was originally trembling with fear on his face. Seeing this scene, he subconsciously stepped back.

The next moment, his eyes widened and his breathing seemed to stop at this moment.

The ground cracked, and a huge bulge rose up, with holes all over it, like a honeycomb.

From those huge holes, a strong scent of incense was escaping, a large amount of green smoke poured out from them, and then a large amount of black and sticky stuff was sprayed out.

A hand stretched out from the hole and grabbed the edge.

There are strings of Buddhist beads on his arms, which have been embedded in the flesh, and even the nails have turned black.

Then a face slowly poked out from the hole, its dark eyes met Guang'an's frightened gaze.

Guang'an was so frightened that he collapsed on the ground, his mouth opened wide but he couldn't even make a sound, and his whole body started to tremble uncontrollably.

It wasn't until that terrifying gaze slowly moved away that Guang'an felt as if a huge mountain had been removed from his body, and he felt completely powerless.


The man walked out of the hole and broke free of countless sticky black substances adhering to his body, revealing his full appearance.

He is tall and very strong, wearing cassocks but not monk clothes. From his face, you can see piety, but more of an inexplicable madness, giving people the impression that he is spitting out black letters. snake.

His feet landed on the ground, creating a black ripple. This ripple continued to extend outwards, sweeping through the bodies of everyone present, except for Hai Shu, and continued to spread outside the Ten Thousand Buddhas Hall.

As Haiyun walked out, the honeycomb-like bulge melted quickly and finally retracted into Haishu's body.

"Senior Brother is so impatient? Junior Brother is in a critical moment of seclusion, can't we find someone else?"

Haiyun was obviously smiling, but in his words he was very dissatisfied with Haishu.

"The Sea of ​​True Nature is at stake. It's in the common interest of all of us. If you don't want to go, I'd be happy to see someone else take action."

Hai Shu didn't make any move, didn't even look at Hai Yun, and the flesh and blood on half of the skull slipped away a lot.

"Okay, junior brother, I agree."

Haiyun had no objection, and then his eyes suddenly turned back to Guang'an.

Guang'an instantly realized that something was wrong, but he couldn't resist at all. Haiyun had appeared in front of him in the blink of an eye, and just reached out and gently touched his head.

The next moment, Guang'an's body seemed to be suddenly hollowed out, leaving only the soft skin bag that suddenly fell to the ground, and a black rosary appeared in Haiyun's hand.

He casually threw the rosary beads into his mouth, seeming to taste them carefully, and the smile on his face became wider.

"The tribute prepared by senior brother for me is really good. Thank you very much, senior brother."

"Go back quickly."

Haishu said plainly that it was just a protection, and he would be happy to dedicate everything to a Bodhisattva.

Haiyun smiled, turned into a black lotus, and left quickly.

Guang'an is dead.

This is the news that came back from Dade Temple.

In the Jinlu Pavilion, the old man Zhuanyu looked ugly. He was summoned by the Pavilion Master Sanliu and told him the news.

Others didn't know it, but Zhuan Yu knew very well that when his disciple entered Dade Temple, his religious name was Guang'an, and he was the acolyte of the new Buddhist disciple of Dade Temple.

Now the pavilion master told him that Guang'an entered the Hall of Ten Thousand Buddhas and never came out again, and his breath disappeared.

"This is impossible, the rule seal is still there..."

Having said this, Zhuan Yu paused.

A possibility suddenly occurred to him.

That Guang'an may be fake, just to deceive others.

The real Eucalyptus poplar has long since shed its shell.

But the rule seal cannot contact Yang Yu. Could it be that someone has tampered with the rule seal?

Apart from those guys at Dade Temple, he didn't believe that Yang Yu could know more powerful existences.

This incident made him increasingly unpredictable.

At this moment, Pavilion Master Thirty Liu mentioned a new piece of news.

"It is said that the banquet party has ended long ago, but the new Buddhist disciple of Dade Temple has not returned yet..."

Zhuan Yu narrowed his eyes, his originally ugly face was suddenly filled with anger, and the sea of ​​blood in his chest was stirring, causing boundless waves of blood.

The pavilion master's words suddenly awakened him.

Someone really tampered with the rule seal on Yang Yu's body, and his disciple Yang Yu defected!

His identity is not Guang'an, an acolyte, but the new Buddhist disciple of Dade Temple. He was deceived from beginning to end, and was actually played around by a little guy.

At the same time, Old Man Zhuan Yu also suddenly realized something, and the expression on his face relaxed slightly.

"Since such news has come out of Dade Temple, it seems that Buddha has defected, and Dade Temple will not sit idly by."

"So even if your disciple defected, he did one last good thing for us. At least it can attract a Bodhisattva to leave Dade Temple temporarily."

Sansiliu smiled and said, this is the only gratifying thing.

In this case, the plan can be advanced.

"Is it true? Can he have such ability?"

The old man Zhuan Yu had some doubts. If he could really lure away a Qi Dao, this would indeed be a great thing for Jinlu Pavilion.

But his disciple was only at the level of flesh and blood at the beginning. Even if he had a new breakthrough, he would still be a zombie.

Why would Dade Temple send a Taoist priest for him?

Even when he was assigned the task of the Four Pavilions of the Round Gate, old man Zhuan Yu actually didn't have much confidence in him.

"Zhuanyu, you don't know, right? That disciple of yours killed a lot of zombies at this banquet.

The guardians of the Four Pavilions of the Round Gate were known as the strongest zombies in Dade Temple. Didn't they also die under his hands? "

Hearing the words of the pavilion master, the sea of ​​blood in Zhuan Yu's heart stirred up again.

He treated such a young man so well that he even thought about defecting. It was a waste that he had never noticed it before.

At the same time, Zhuan Yu also wanted to know who was the guy who helped Yang Yu manipulate the rule seal?

Someone with such abilities must not be an unknown person.

"Let's let this matter go. If Qi Dao takes action, your disciple's fate has been determined. No matter how strong he is, he cannot be the enemy of Qi Dao."

Even the 30-year-old Liu felt sorry for Yang Yu. If Yang Yu could wait until they destroyed Dade Temple and return to Jinlu Pavilion, not only would it be the first achievement, but he would also be a big contributor.

However, he chose to defect. Even if Jinlu Pavilion wanted to take action, it would be beyond its reach whether to kill him or save him.

The pavilion master was right, Zhuan Yu nodded thoughtfully.

Before Yang Yu left Jinlu Pavilion, he gave him a piece of body protection with the power of rules, which allowed him to die for him at most once when a monk in the middle stage of Qi Dao took action.

But so what?

It was just a substitute death. If Qi Dao could kill him once, he could kill him countless times.

Unless the strong man Yang Yu knew could take action in time to save him.

But Zhuan Yu was very doubtful about this matter. How could such a strong man be at his beck and call, and risk offending both Dade Temple and Jinlu Pavilion at the same time?

If that were the case, Zhuan Yu would suspect that the so-called strong man had ulterior motives for Yang Yu. In the end, Yang Yu would end up with the same fate.


Zhuan Yu sighed in his heart. Yang Yu was originally a seedling that he was very optimistic about, but since it was Yang Yu's own choice, he couldn't be blamed.

No matter what kind of end he suffered, he had brought it upon himself. Sometimes, if he made a wrong step, he would have to pay the price with his life.

call out--

A black shadow flashed quickly under the bright clear sky, and Yang Gu finally landed on a hilltop, looking into the distance.

It was already noon. Under his full speed, he had passed through more than ten states without stopping, and now he finally arrived at the last state.

As long as you pass through this state area, you can reach Bengjia, and then pass through Bengjia, which is the Fusheng area.

Yang Yu couldn't guarantee that the Fusheng Domain would be safe, but if someone came after him, it would definitely alert the forces in the Fusheng Domain, which would be very beneficial to him.

The journey was not without its twists and turns. Yang Gu also encountered trouble when he came here, and unexpectedly passed by a demon's lair on the way.

The situation was very dangerous at that time. Just a little bit, he... almost failed to destroy all those disgusting monsters, and almost let some scattered monsters escape.

It's not because Yang Gu hates the demons and wants to kill them.

But if someone was chasing him from behind, these monsters might reveal his whereabouts, so he couldn't blame him, so he had to spend some time to erase the traces he left.

But for some reason, Yang Yu felt inexplicably uneasy as he was about to cross the last state territory.

The only time there is such a subtle premonition is that it means there will be danger later and we have to guard against it.

Yang Eucalyptus did not stop and continued to move towards the direction of Bengjia. It would be best to leave here as soon as possible.

Just as Yang Gu's figure disappeared into the distant sky.

After a stick of incense.

A black lotus suddenly flew quickly from a distance, and a large amount of sticky material surged, finally revealing Haiyun's figure.

Although his body was obviously strong, he fell to the ground very lightly.

As his feet stepped on the ground, a layer of black ripples suddenly spread out with him as the center, spreading out in all directions, spreading thousands of meters in an instant.

On a mountaintop a thousand meters away, a black shadow soon appeared where the ripples had spread.


Haiyun's figure appeared on the top of the mountain in the next moment, and his dark eyes looked at the black shadow in front of him.

He searched all the way and finally locked in on this person. Only his whereabouts were the most suspicious, and he left from Wanfo State and rarely stopped along the way.

Although he was not sure that this was the missing Buddha, as long as he caught him, everything would be revealed.

Soon, I watched this black shadow leave in the distance. In that direction, if it passed through this state, it would be Bengjia.

Haiyun already had a good guess in his heart, and he immediately transformed into a black lotus and chased after him.

Just a hundred miles away!

At this time, Yang Yu was using the light and shadow escape method at full speed, and the remaining distance was getting closer and closer. As long as he entered the Collapse Armor, he could escape from the Baosha Realm.

But he became increasingly uneasy, as if some unknown danger was approaching him.

Fortunately, the remaining distance is not far, all we need to do is work harder...

However, at this moment, a voice suddenly appeared.

"Stop! Who are you? Why are you trespassing on the border?"

The sound was like thunder, deafening, and a figure appeared in front of Yang Yu, blocking his way.

Yang Yu had just activated his light and shadow escape method to travel a thousand meters and appeared. The person who came was just a zombie. He immediately raised his eyebrows and glanced around, discovering that there was a glazed tower in the distance.

When she came, Yang Gu deliberately avoided the area with the glazed tower, just to avoid her own aura being discovered.

But what he didn't expect was that he couldn't sense the glazed tower in this place in advance.

Is it because this place is close to Bengjia and is a border land, so it is different from other places?

However, the other party is just a dead god. Yang Yu just wants to leave the Baosha Domain as soon as possible and is too lazy to pay attention to him.

He didn't stop, and immediately activated the light and shadow escape method again. The whole person disappeared and appeared thousands of meters away. He didn't even want to waste time taking action against the zombie god.

Originally, the Zen Master Zhanshen who guarded the Glazed Pagoda here only followed the rules and advised those who strayed into this place to return.

Unexpectedly, this person fled a thousand meters away, ignoring him at all, and suddenly felt that something was fishy.

Want to run?

The monk immediately chased after him without hesitation, trying to intercept Yang Yu.

Yang Yu didn't want to pay attention to him at first, but he didn't expect that just when he continued to use his escape technique, the monk turned into a giant bird and caught up with him in the blink of an eye.

The bird opened its beak and shot out a large number of black dots, which were about to land on him.

court death!

Yang Yu became murderous and planned to make a quick decision.

In an instant, countless golden lights appeared out of thin air, instantly penetrating the giant bird's body and turning him into a hedgehog.


Each spike-like golden light exploded suddenly, swallowing up all the incoming black spots.

But right in the center of the explosion, a black lotus with a new evil nature suddenly flew out from it, not even affected by the explosion.

The black lotus transformed into a strong monk, his dark eyes staring straight at Yang Gu, with a smile on his face.

"Sure enough, I found the right person, Your Highness Mr. Buddha!"

Seeing the sudden appearance of the person, Yang Yu didn't even feel his terrifying aura until right in front of him.

In comparison, those zombie gods that could be killed by him are not even worth mentioning. This guy... is Qi Dao!

Dade Temple actually sent a Bodhisattva to chase him. No wonder he had been feeling uneasy before.

Without any hesitation, Yang Gu instantly disappeared on the spot and headed towards the direction of Beng Jia desperately.

Seeing Yang Gu disappearing quickly, Haiyun paused in mid-air but didn't look anxious at all.

He chuckled, and another ripple spread from his body. Where Yang Eucalyptus had stopped just now, his black shadow appeared again.

Compared to before, this black shadow appears more solid.

"You can't escape."

Haiyun took one step forward and appeared in front of the black shadow in an instant. He took out a Buddhist bead from the flesh and blood on his arm and slapped it into the shadow with one palm of his hand.

at the same time.

Yang Yu, who had already used the light and shadow escape method to appear thousands of meters away, felt a shock all over his body, and a sharp pain hit him inexplicably.

His body seemed to be suddenly solidified in this space, and his whole body was decomposing in distortion. Even the bow girl on his body was in the same situation.

In just the blink of an eye, his body was broken down into countless black lines, heading backwards towards the place he just left.

In front of Haiyun, a huge suction force was generated from the black shadow. Countless black lines flew from the distant horizon, eventually filling the black shadow and re-condensing into Yang Yu's body.

"What you may not know is that running away is not a good choice when facing a Qidao."

Looking at the horrified and stunned look in Yang Yu's eyes, Haiyun smiled with great satisfaction.

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