Everyone is a demon, why are you covered in holy light?

Chapter 287 Which one will come first, the flood or the boat?

"Senior...don't you want me to follow you?"

After hearing Yang Yu's words, a look of disappointment suddenly appeared on Mu Zhen's face.

But she also seemed very knowledgeable.

"I understand."

What do you unserstand?

Yang Yu glanced at her through the mask. It was hard to imagine what was going on in Mu Zhen's mind, but she was too lazy to explain.

The world is bustling, and everyone is going there for the benefit of others.

Let go of the need to help others and respect the fate of others.

Once the kindness was repaid, everything was settled. He had important things to do and just wanted to get out as soon as possible. What he needed was someone who could help him, not be a burden.

"I will complete the unfinished business for senior, and I will definitely see senior again in the future."

Mu Zhen seemed to have made some kind of determination, after all she had made an oath.

"That's great. See you again if we are destined."

Yang Yu nodded and didn't take it to heart.

Now that things were over, he decided to use his last moment to visit Sansong Mountain to confirm his suspicions.

After saying hello to Mu Zhen, Yang Gu left Golden Egg Yuqiong Island and disappeared in the distance under Mu Zhen's eager eyes.

Yang Yu entered Dingzhou according to the direction in his memory, heading towards the location of Sansong Mountain.

Flying at full speed, Zombie God's aura was completely released, so that no one dared to come forward and ask for trouble.

Not long after, Yang Gu entered the territory near Sansong Mountain.

You can't feel the breath of other creatures here at all. Indeed, as Mu Zhen said, the area nearby has become a forbidden area. No one will come here when they are free, and it's not like they are hiding any treasures.

Populus eucalyptus fell in a relatively open place, and finally came to a very obvious boundary.

When they were more than ten meters apart, Yang Gu stopped and did not move forward.

He could already sense that the area in front was an unreachable area, and even his senses couldn't penetrate it.

This must be the edge of the range affected by the Sansong Mountain mutation.

From his perspective, although the area in front seemed unobstructed, it was filled with a very strong sense of unreality.

This feeling is like standing in front of a transparent glass and being able to see the scenes behind the glass, but in fact those scenes are fake.

Yang Yu lowered his head and looked at a big stone at his feet, then kicked it away and headed straight towards that area.

When the stone touched the limit of Yang Gu's perception, it could no longer move forward and made no sound. It was as if it had collided with cotton and then fell to the ground.

Yang Yu tried several times in succession, not just with stones, to make sure that nothing could enter this invisible area and that he did not feel any danger. Then he slowly approached and finally stopped in front of the invisible barrier.

He slowly raised his hand, ready to try it with his own hand. Maybe he could identify some information with his identification ability, and he was already prepared to give up this hand at any time.

His fingers slightly touched the invisible barrier, and Yang Yu's face suddenly seemed to be filled with ripples. Circles of ripples spread out, but there was no way to move forward, and it just stopped like this.

The feeling from the touch did not make him feel like he was touching anything real, but he could clearly feel an invisible barrier preventing his hand from moving forward.

What puzzled Yang Yu was that when he touched this invisible barrier, no message box popped up in front of him.

He can rely on his own ability to identify information about anything related to practice. This is the first time that there is no information.

If there is such a reaction, does it mean that the invisible barrier in front of us actually has nothing to do with spiritual practice?

This reminded Yang Yu of the Collapse Land between the four realms of the Outer Continent. When passing through that layer of barrier, there would be no information.

This is more of a manifestation of something, just like he cannot obtain the information of the spell through the enemy's spell and contact with himself through the opponent's ability, because it is not a physical object.

But what is certain is that this invisible barrier can be touched, and there is no danger for the time being.

This makes Yang Yu want to try other methods. For example, can the invisible barrier in front of her be destroyed?

A large amount of dust came out of Yang Gu's pores, all attached to his hand, and he punched forward.


When the fist touched the invisible barrier, it only made a small sound, and then the force of Yang Yu's punch was like a mud cow entering the sea, without any feedback.

He immediately tried using magic again, and a bright light burst out from his hand. All the power of the magic light was compressed into one hand, and the surrounding light began to be greatly distorted.

But when the light fell on the invisible barrier in front of him, Yang Yu was suddenly startled.

His fist could no longer move forward, but the light extended infinitely forward, seemingly passing through the invisible barrier, forming an endlessly extending light with no end.

This feeling……

Yang Yu was stunned for a second. It seemed as if he was very close, but the space on this level was extended infinitely, forming this kind of barrier.

He seemed to understand.

But in this case, how can we know what happened in Sansong Mountain?

After hiding the light, Yang Yu began to think.

He eagerly wanted to know whether the changes in this place were related to Panyu, or even whether it had anything to do with Zhongzhou, but he couldn't think of any way.

After thinking for a long time, Yang Yu's eyes suddenly lit up and he thought of something.

She had previously told Mu Zhen to kill the Ding Chong Taoist at Wuwei Peak. Yang Yu remembered the thing she had obtained at Wuwei Peak.

Eyes with wings.

When Yang Yu entered the Diqing Dharma Monument for the first time, that thing appeared, allowing him to see the content of the exercises at the back of the Diqing Dharma Monument.

When he first entered Xiyuejiang Ancient Treasure, that same winged eye appeared, and he saw the wonderful karma on the seventh level on the fifth level.

It's been a long time since that happened, and I almost couldn't remember it.

This seems to be the only way, and Yang Gu even doesn't know how to use it, nor does he know what it is.

We can only give it a try. If there is no other way, we can only give up.

He immediately recalled his actions before the winged eyes appeared. It seemed that as long as he kept staring, they might appear.

So Yang Yu looked forward and stared without blinking.

Since the barrier in front of him was invisible and invisible, what he saw was the same as the surrounding scenery.

I watched this for more than half an hour, but nothing happened.

But just when Yang Yu sighed and was about to give up, he lost consciousness for a moment, and the scene in front of him suddenly changed.

A huge, winged eyeball filled his entire field of vision, and quickly disappeared in an instant.

That's what it feels like!

His gaze seemed to have passed through countless barriers at this moment, and the surrounding light and shadow were also changing rapidly, and then countless black threads appeared.

These threads extend from everywhere on the earth, like a large amount of fluff growing on the surface of this world, and they continue to extend outside the world, all the way to a vast galaxy.

The next moment, Yang Yu's entire field of vision was filled by a huge, trembling planet. He was like a grain of dust in front of this huge planet, feeling his own insignificance.

Those threads are connected to the planet, and the threads seem to have turned into blood vessels, greedily absorbing something from this world.

And Yang Gu was at the place where the two worlds were about to meet, as if he would be crushed into powder by the collision between two huge spheres in the next moment. A deep feeling of powerlessness suddenly surged into his heart, and his body could not restrain it. He shivered, and a strong fear was born in his mind.


A large mouthful of blood was mixed with something that looked like stomach acid, and Eucalyptus Yang couldn't help spitting it out from her mouth. Her stomach was churning, and she felt extremely uncomfortable.

"Little bitch! What's wrong with you?"

Gong Niang's voice reached Yang Yu's ears very weakly, as if there were countless obstacles in it, and the sound was like a mosquito or fly.

Yang Yu was also unable to answer her question.

He fell back to the ground with a plop, everything he saw in front of him disappeared, leaving only big mouthfuls of fresh air to breathe, and his whole body was weak.

I don't know how much time passed, but when Yang Gu no longer felt so uncomfortable, her mind gradually sobered up, and she let out a long breath.

Only then did he realize that his clothes were soaked through, and his head and face were covered with sweat.

A breeze blew, and he even shivered involuntarily.

This was the first time that he felt a deep sense of powerlessness and despair. In front of that huge world, and even the impending collision of the two worlds, he was caught in the gap. He was not even an ant. .

He rubbed his eyes and sat up from the ground, feeling an indescribable soreness in his eyes.

Gong Niang's anxious voice continued to call him, but Yang Yu didn't know how to describe what he saw to Gong Niang. It was something that ordinary people in this world could not understand.

"I'm fine..."

He could only respond feebly.

Although he didn't know why this happened, the results he saw were still good. At least he could confirm that the changes in Sansong Mountain were consistent with one of the ways to escape from this world mentioned by the boss.

The things he saw that looked like threads and blood vessels not only pulled another world over, but were even absorbing some unknown energy from this world.

If what the boss said is true, then this is undoubtedly Nakasu's handiwork.

What Yang Yu couldn't figure out was that Zhongzhou was obviously closed, so how could it be connected with the existence of Sansong Mountain?

And...why choose Sansong Mountain?

After getting a very likely answer, not only did it not solve Yang Yu's doubts, but it actually caused him to have more questions.

If his guess is correct, the source of all this is Sansong Mountain because of Panyu.

If he remembered correctly, her senior brother Pan Shi once told Yang Yu about the skills that Pan Yu practiced.

The secret biography from Sansong Mountain is a fragment of a former martial arts technique, the third volume of one of the seven volumes of "Charming Records", called "Micro Dream Sutra".

The price of practicing this technique is to enter the hallucination, through which Panyu can see the products of another world.

As for the so-called illusion world, Yang Yu was lucky enough to enter it once because Pan Yu was trapped in the illusion when she broke through.

It seemed at the time that if he hadn't known that it was an illusion, Yang Yu would have even thought that it was the real social world, because everything was too real.

But after experiencing the scene he just saw, Yang Yu couldn't help but think again.

Is that world real or fake?

As a modern person who has traveled through time, of course he knows very well what his original world was like.

But what he just saw through his winged eyes was that because he was too close, it seemed that he would be crushed at any time. In that situation, there was no way to get a glimpse of the whole world.

If he were to try again now, he would not dare to take the risk again.

Yang Yu had reason to suspect that if he saw that scene again, his whole spirit would completely collapse in an instant.

It’s hard to imagine, if this road in Central Continent is feasible, what will it be like when another world comes?

This world is already in the midst of collapse. Will it be the most terrifying doomsday?

Will only the strongest people in this world be able to escape from here, and all other living beings will be buried with them?

When the world-destroying flood comes, there will be Loya's Ark, but the only people who can board it can only be the fire of this world.

After determining that this was most likely the road to Zhongzhou, Yang Yu faced one more choice.

But there is no doubt that if he does not have enough strength, all three paths will fail him.

If he wants to become the Fire, he must prove his worth in order to be the one to board the ship.

No matter which ship it is.

There were only so many things that could be seen, and there were only so many clues that could be obtained. After waiting for some more time, he felt that he was already recovering. At the same time, Yang Yu also noticed that the area covered by Sansong Mountain had expanded a little bit.

A trivial point, but it touches a tree that has not been touched before. The tree is here, but it is already in two different worlds.

Which one will come first, the flood or the boat?

Still unknown.

Yang Eucalyptus took a deep breath. There was not much time left. He originally wanted to, if possible, go and see the state that the shop owner said was swallowed up by unknown existences, and take a look at it from a distance. You may have a bottom line in your heart, but right now I'm afraid there's no way to get there.

The sense of crisis in his heart is getting stronger and stronger. He is very lucky that he made the timely choice to leave the undercover. If he continues to be so passive, sooner or later he will die in the coming crisis and become cannon fodder.

A few hours later, when the tree had completely entered the other end of the barrier, but it seemed extremely distant and unreal in front of us, Yang Gu left here under the forced activation of the magic weapon.

He finally took a look at Sansongshan from a long distance, but he couldn't see clearly, and he could no longer see anyone inside. The Sansongshan that looked like a righteous sect at first was extremely silent.

"Set a goal and go to Central Continent. The answer to everything may be in Central Continent!"

"Before that, let's get out of the Baosha Realm!"

"There is also the Miaodao Gate. It doesn't matter if it is open or not, Junior Sister Wenyin is still there..."

If Yang Yu remembered correctly, Fu Ming had said that You Hong'er and Wen Yin were special. They were an attempt by the old guy Ming He, and they might be related to the land of Qiyuan.

My dad had an angiogram today and also had a stent surgery. He will be in the intensive care unit for observation for the next few days. He will be transferred to the general ward when there are no problems. I can feel relieved.

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