Everyone is a demon, why are you covered in holy light?

Chapter 282 The Seal of the Spirit! You forced me to do this!

Yang Yu had played against him and was quite impressed by this guy.

This is the only guy who escaped from him in Dade Temple.

But Yang Yu never thought that the back of this guy's head, which had not been fully formed before, would be so similar to Hai Shu at this moment.

Could it be that...he is Hai Shu's illegitimate son? !

A bold idea appeared in Yang Yu's mind like a whale jumping in the sea, but then sank again.

It's impossible. If all the Bodhisattvas in Dade Temple do this, then it would be a bit ridiculous.

What's more, once you step into practice, you don't have to look at what kind of things you can come into contact with except for ordinary people.

Yang Eucalyptus can understand the practitioners of this world very well. No one wants their partner to suddenly change or suffer consequences when they are intimate.

Then there is only one explanation left.

This guy is related to Haishu Bodhisattva himself!

Yang Yu suddenly remembered the clone of an abbot he had met in the ancient Tibet of Xiyue River. At that time, the monk named Delan used the clone to cast the Great Light Buddha Golden Zen Mantra to avoid light spells. price.

This guy……

While Yang Yu was guessing, the ugly man who came at a very fast speed stopped a hundred meters away from Yang Yu and the two of them, looking at Yang Yu with eager eyes.

Yes, the face he looked at Yang Yu had no facial features, but Yang Yu had a very clear feeling of being watched, and there was also a hint of... creepiness.

This shouldn't be right.

This guy's cultivation level is the same as his, in the early stage of the Zombie God. Why does it give him this feeling?

Is it because of Hai Shu?

Guang'an beside him was trembling for some reason.

"Your Highness..."

"If you want to live, just run."

Yang Yu said that he definitely couldn't care about Guang'an and didn't want to care about him. If a war really broke out, Guang'an's substitute would die as well.

After hearing Yang Yu's words, Guang'an no longer hesitated and flew away immediately, not wanting to stay here any longer.

"Does Bodhisattva have something that Deji needs to do?"

Staring at this ugly guy, Yang Yu said tentatively.

But after waiting for a breath, I didn't get any verbal response. Instead, the surrounding temperature dropped rapidly as if frost had suddenly formed.

The murderous intent that was as solid as ice condensed.

Yang Yu understood that regardless of whether this guy was directly related to Hai Shu, it was because Hai Shu wanted to kill him.

Why do you want to kill him?

It was definitely not because of the destruction of the Fourth Round Gate Pavilion, because he had dealt with this guy before, and this guy gave him a very strange feeling.

After almost killing him, this guy's current cultivation level is only equal to his, but he still comes to his door.

If not for someone else's instigation, Yang Yu would have dared to write his dharma title upside down.

As for why Haishu wanted to harm him, Yang Yu thought about it. Haishu was very kind to him before the Huanban meeting, and this ugly man only appeared at the Huanban meeting.

If it wasn't because Huanshui wanted to attack him for no reason, it might have something to do with the ungraded Buddhist niche he got.

As for the undercover's identity being exposed, Yang Yu never thought about it. He didn't feel that he had been exposed in any way.

The biggest difference between him and the other people in Dade Temple was that he was able to obtain a gradeless Buddhist niche. Moreover, this matter was exposed to the public, and everyone in Dade Temple knew it.

Only this reason.

In this case, we have to talk about the purpose of holding the shrine party.

At first, when Yang Yu heard the explanations from Guang'an and Qingxin, he thought that the altar meeting was held to let the monks in Dade Temple vent their inner demons.

But when he went on a killing spree at the Huanban Meeting and broke through from a fleshly corpse to a zombie god, this idea changed.

The rules obviously serve the upper levels and do not take into account the lower levels. There are so many lower levels in Dade Temple that it is not an exaggeration to describe them as numerous as ants.

What he wanted at that time was to use the Huanshuihui, a ritual gathering of wanton killings, to increase the growth rate of the stronger people in Dade Temple.

But now, when this guy shows up here and comes for him.

Yang Gu thought of more things.

He thought about the current situation in the Baosha region. On the surface, Dade Temple was more powerful than Jinlu Pavilion, so Jinlu Pavilion was on the suppressed side.

But he ignored something more crucial.

Jinlu Pavilion has the legendary Immortal Temple, which Dade Temple does not have.

Although it is rumored that Dade Temple has many more powerful people in the Qidao realm than Jinlu Pavilion, no matter how the forces fight, only the strongest ones have the strongest truth.

Without the existence of the powerful Immortals, Dade Temple would sooner or later be counterattacked or even swallowed up by Jinlu Pavilion.

Dadeji longs for the birth of Immortal Temple!

This is the ultimate meaning of the existence of the Huanshui Society, and it is also a sign that Dadeji has a premonition of the situation and will do whatever it takes.

The status of Bodhisattvas in the Taoist realm in Dade Temple is transcendent, and no one can shake their position.

So when all the power becomes a demonic obstacle and is concentrated on one person, coupled with his unique and unqualified Buddhist niche, this is the factor that makes it possible for the Immortal Temple to be born.

Even if all the middle and lower levels of Dade Temple are destroyed, if there are Immortals and more Taoist temples than Jinlu Pavilion, Dade Temple will exist forever.

The bottom layer, for the general trend, is always a renewable recycling resource.

After thinking about all this, Yang Yu also understood a little bit why Hai Shu chose to take action against him at this time.

I thought I could become stronger with the help of the Huanqian Club, but I didn't want to remain just a pawn in it.

This Dade Temple is indeed not a place where you can stay for a long time. Even if you are a disciple of Buddhism and have the blessing of having the body of a true Buddha in your previous life, it is only a part of it that can be used.

Fortunately, he had already developed a desire to break away.

On one side is Jinlu Pavilion and on the other side is Dade Temple. Both sides are using him. Who wants to be the undercover? Anyway, he doesn't want to be one anymore.

The entire original world is in danger, and these guys are still thinking about internal fighting.

In this case, Yang Yu felt that his decision was extremely correct.

He wants to run! Run out of this world, get away from here, and don't have the illusion of saving this world. The people here are completely sick and there is no cure. Trying to save them will only drag yourself into the abyss.


There were bursts of mournful sounds in the air. In the blink of an eye, the ugly man appeared in front of Yang Yu and stretched out one hand.

At the same time, in an instant, Yang Yu's figure appeared a thousand meters away and escaped in an instant.

The hilltop he was originally standing on, when he appeared a thousand meters away, the entire hilltop was cut into by a huge mantra, and instantly collapsed into countless earth and rocks, as if it was pushed directly by an invisible big hand. flat.

For Yang Yu to suddenly appear a thousand meters away, the ugly man seemed not surprised at all. He immediately turned into a black shadow again and appeared in front of Yang Yu in the blink of an eye.

In the realm of Zombie God, the speed has become unparalleled, but simply moving a thousand meters is only a matter of seconds.

Yang Yu's former master, Minghe Old Man, was able to take him from Xiyue River back to Minghemen in a few breaths, although that was probably through the use of the power of rules.

If someone with a lower level of cultivation than the two of them was standing aside, they would not be able to see clearly the movement of the two of them, and could only see their shadows like ghosts.

Yang Eucalyptus did not dodge, and instantly entered the physical transformation of Yujia Vajra Body, expanded her body, and punched out.

The ugly man with Hai Shu's face was also not to be outdone. One of his arms was covered with countless black mantras, turning into a black arm and intersecting with Yang Gu's fist.

The two of them fired dozens of punches at each other in the blink of an eye, and then separated at the first touch, each retreating hundreds of meters.

Thick black smoke was emitting from everywhere on the ugly man's upper body, which was the smoke emitted by the dust filled with Eucalyptus poplar's body.

But the black smoke dissipated quickly, and the black mantras on the ugly man were still as dense as airtight armor, leaving no trace.

On the other hand, Yang Gu's body had more than ten dents, large and small, and his body, which looked like copper skin and iron bones, also had dents.

The two seemed evenly matched, but Yang Yu frowned.

The power of the mantras on this guy was even stronger, and he couldn't even break through the defenses of these mantras and really land the attack on this person's body.

He had obviously thrown dozens of punches, and almost half of them landed on this guy, but they were all blocked by the mantras, so that he was unharmed.

Those mantras don't look like the power that Zombie God can possess.

This guy was able to escape under his hands before because of the defensive ability of these mantras. He had long noticed something was wrong, but he didn't expect that he could become stronger.

If it weren't for Hai Shu's fault, Yang Yu would not only be able to write the Buddhist title backwards, but also dare to write his name backwards.

The Yujia Vajra Body was given to him by Haishu, so Haishu should know very well how much power the Yujia Vajra Body can exert.

But what Haishu didn't calculate was that he restored the Infinite Body of Red Wheel through the Yujia Vajra Body. His physical body was not only tempered by the dust, but also tempered by the stronger light of magic.

Otherwise, it was just a confrontation, and Yang Yu would probably be at a disadvantage.

His body was as if it was inflated, it was just dented, and it recovered in the blink of an eye.

At this moment, the guy rushed over again, and the mantra on his body was more comprehensively covered. In an instant, his whole body turned black, as if he was soaked in ink.

The air seemed to be squeezed by a strong force at this moment. When this guy appeared in front of Yang Eucalyptus, the force of air generated even made Yang Eucalyptus take a step back.


The next moment, the two figures flew out again.

One person knocked down a mountain, and the other fell to the ground, leaving a huge deep hole in a dense forest like a thousand waves.


Yang Yu flickered from the deep pit and immediately reappeared in the air. He watched as his white hand bones sharply emerged from the crook of his arm, and a fist-sized depression appeared on his chest.

His body refining method was actually suppressed by this guy's curse seals!

The smashed mountaintop suddenly exploded, and the ugly man covered in black reappeared from it. Some dust was left on his chest, but the dust was unable to corrode the curse marks, leaving only some black marks. trace.

Yang Yu waved his hand slightly and reset the drilled hand bones. His body recovered instantly, but he felt that the situation was a bit tricky at this time.

The next moment, the two people disappeared from the same place again, and they were bombarded one after another in the invisible mid-air.

I saw two black shadows flickering, and even caused a fierce wind to blow around. Even the clouds in the sky were blown, and the sky became a little gloomy for a while.

Suddenly, countless white feathers flickered like a gust of wind and rain, creating countless sparks on the body of another figure.

But the next moment, a foot suddenly kicked Yang Yu's side at a weird speed, and a terrifying force suddenly hit him. Yang Yu's figure flew backwards again, and did not stop until he was six hundred meters away.

The countless white feathers behind him were like sharp blades. Each white feather bloomed with dark red fire, more like a peacock spreading its tail, but it was unable to break this guy's defense.

On the other hand, the ugly man actually gave Yang Yu the feeling of getting stronger with each fight.

It has only been a short period of time since it first appeared, and both its combat power and the defense of the curse seals on its body have been growing at a strange speed.

This is very wrong!

Is it the power of rules?

After three rounds of fighting, Yang Yu finally realized something.

Only the power of rules can explain this guy's improvement in combat power in a short period of time.

Even if he now has the idea of ​​​​breaking away from his undercover status, he cannot use light magic unscrupulously because he is in the Ten Thousand Buddhas State.

Otherwise, you won't be facing this guy, but the real Hai Shu.

Tricky, very tricky!

Maybe every time he fights against this guy, his combat power will be greatly improved. The power of rules is weird and changeable, which is the most difficult to guess, so Yang Yu thought of a way.

That means...Run!

If you don't continue to fight with this guy, keep delaying it until this guy is at his weakest, which may be the easiest time to deal with him.

This method is applicable to almost any enemy, but this is the first time Yang Yu has thought of using this method in actual combat. In the past, he relied on his own hard power to crush them.

Sure enough, it was different to have a backstage, and it was able to force him into such a situation.

call out!

The two disappeared at the same time and collided with each other again, but just when they were about to touch, Yang Yu's body flashed, and the whole person suddenly appeared a thousand meters away.

The terrifying force hit the empty space, and the powerful impact formed instantly penetrated a mountain.

Seeing Yang Yu running away without a fight, this ugly man without facial features obviously didn't expect it. He was stunned for a moment before he realized what he was doing.

The next second, his figure disappeared from the spot, chasing Yang Yu.

At the same time, Yang Yu took out something from the flesh burial talisman.

It was a chain made of many demon fang rings, exuding a stench unique to demons. This was a magic weapon that Qing Xin had given him before, called the Chain of Demon Fangs. .

The chain disappeared from Yang Yu's hand in an instant, turned into a white light and shot out like a bullet from the barrel, hitting the guy chasing behind him.

Chains formed by sharp teeth bloomed on his body in an instant. These teeth suddenly pierced his body, but when they fell on those black mantras, they actually collapsed one by one, and the same It is impossible to break through the defenses of those mantras.

A magic weapon only lasted less than the blink of an eye before it suddenly turned into countless white ash and disintegrated.

Yang Yu didn't expect this magical weapon to have much effect. He just wanted to try it for a while to block this guy's pursuit.

Although the effect was not good, in just a moment, his position was once again two thousand meters away.

As long as he keeps this distance and doesn't get caught up, the price in that guy's body will explode. When his price explodes, it will be Yang Yu's best chance to fight back.

But what Yang Yu never expected was that he had already opened the distance, but when he continuously used the light and shadow escape method, huge Buddha statues suddenly appeared in the void within thousands of meters in all directions. film.

The phantom of the Buddha clasped his hands together, and countless black mantras spread out to cover the sky and the sun in an instant, blocking his way forward.


The light and shadow escape method was unable to jump beyond the range of the black mantra. Yang Yu punched the black wall like a barrier in front of him, but the power rippled on the barrier, and there was a dull explosion. , they were scattered like mud cows into the sea.

Can't get out!

call out!

It was only blocked for a moment, but the chasing guy had already closed too much distance.

Yang Yu saw with his own eyes the ripples of his power that fell on the barrier, and finally converged into the ugly man's body in an ethereal escape, so that the black on his body became even deeper.

it is as expected! Fighting against him will make him stronger and his power will be absorbed by him!

Yang Yu immediately activated the light and shadow escape method and dodged the blow from the person behind him.

The ugly man's punch landed on the barrier, but there was no reaction. It seemed that there was no match between the two. Only the power created by Yang Yu would be transmitted out and eventually fall on him.

At this time, seeing that everything within a radius of several thousand meters was shrouded in a mantra that blocked the sky and the sun, the face of Hai Shu on the back of the ugly man's head seemed to reveal a strange smile, as if he was mocking Yang Gucai. Wings cannot escape.

Even the blow failed to hit Yang Gu, which made the ugly man's movements less eager, trying to catch a turtle in a jar.

Yang Yu's breathing became a little rapid. He didn't expect this guy to have such a method, but he was relieved immediately.

Rather than fighting this guy, he is fighting Hai Shu. As a Bodhisattva of Dade Temple, it is not surprising that Hai Shu can show any kind of power.

So besides light spells, is there any way he can guarantee that he can deal with this guy?

The most important thing when fighting this guy is not to fight him frequently, otherwise all these powers will be absorbed and used by him, which will increase his combat power.

In other words, unless he can kill with one strike, once he is dragged down in this trapped situation, he will only fall into an increasingly disadvantageous and dangerous situation.

So, does he have any means that can guarantee that this guy will be killed in one blow?

Of course there is.

I had saved up for so long and didn’t want to use it.

Yang Yu slowly stared, looking straight at the ugly man and the face on the back of his head.

call out!

The ugly man disappeared again, and when he appeared, he was already in the sky above Yang Eucalyptus. His body showed countless illusory connections, connected with the entire black barrier.

He clasped his hands together, as if he was the only god in this barrier space at this moment.

"Seal of the Spirit!"

This was the first time Yang Yu heard this guy's voice, and this voice came from some kind of Sanskrit chant coming from the face behind his head.

In an instant, the whole world seemed to be squeezing towards Yang Gu at this moment, compressing his position layer by layer like a crushing force.

It seems that there is no change in the entire barrier space, but in fact, in just an instant, the barrier space will shrink infinitely, and the poplar will turn into pulp in an instant.

Yang Yu's whole body was trembling violently as he endured the merciless crushing from heaven and earth.

But he wasn't trembling with fear.

On the contrary, he was shaking with excitement.

His eyes were instantly filled with bloodshot eyes, and the originally swollen body of his body also swelled again. Dense veins appeared on the surface of his body. Even during the breath of the dust, the flesh, flesh and blood vessels exploded everywhere.

"You forced me to do this!"

Nine Powers Shock the Dragon!


Yang Yu concentrated all the power he had accumulated for a long time into one punch, as if the river and sea poured out endlessly from his body, instantly submerging everything into silence.

Facing the power that seemed to be the entire world, this punch even sounded a huge dragon roar, and at the same time a dazzling light bloomed.

But everything was spent calmly and slowly, as if there was sound but no sound.

The force of this punch easily crushed the ugly man's body and all flesh and blood, and still shot straight into the sky unstoppably, landing on the black barrier.

The next moment, all the huge Buddha statues in all directions collapsed at the same time.

An invisible but seemingly tangible dragon shattered all the clouds in the sky.

The wind suddenly rose.

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