Everyone is a demon, why are you covered in holy light?

Chapter 268: Your Highness, Your Highness, lies on the firewood and tastes courage. He is truly a go


In the land of Immortal Origin, there was a thundering roar.

But after the anger, the demon quickly calmed down.


There were two things that were manifested by the rules just now, an iron lump and a demon dragon. There must be more than one of them, and there is another person hiding here! "

"Find them quickly! Find them quickly! I will crush them to ashes!"


Yang Gu took a breath of cold air and woke up in an underground cave where he couldn't see his fingers.

Gong Niang stood quietly against the wall, watching for him.

Fortunately, no demons or others have come near here during this period, and it is safe for now.

Yang Yu moved the muscles and bones all over his body, and there was a crackling sound. He felt that every part of his body was in pain.

It was as if he had been fried in a frying pan and had his bones broken into pieces that had become crispy.

I didn't expect that I would still experience such pain after using my container body to commit suicide and return to my true body.

But compared to being killed by others and not being able to return to one's own body, the pain is just painful, not unbearable.

It wasn't until a while later that he finally took a breath and recovered.

The rewards of simply venturing into the Land of Immortal Source this time were huge. Not only did I see what the Land of Immortal Source was like, but I also got the fragments of forbidden weapons in it.

And this is a fragment of a medium-grade forbidden weapon!

Before he was promoted to Zombie God, he had mastered two fragments of middle-grade forbidden weapons, which was a good sign.

The fragments of the forbidden weapon were quietly placed in the flesh burial talisman, and Yang Yu did not take them out to prevent others from detecting the smell of the forbidden weapon fragments.

Put the bow girl back on her body.

"Little Bitzi, where are you going next?"

Gong Niang asked curiously.

"Go back to Dade Temple."

Yang Eucalyptus has already considered it.

He could just leave the matter of the demons in the Four Floridas to Qing Xin. What he wanted to do has been done. The Earthly Dharma Monument was revived, hiding it from the owner, and he also got an unexpected harvest.

This time he also tried his best and destroyed the demon's lair with one arrow, but he couldn't talk about it and had to find a reason to escape.

The reason why I didn't go to Qing Xin was because I was worried that what I saw in the demonic vision would happen. It was better to go back to Dade Temple in advance and report the evil ones first... Bah! It’s about taking the initiative.

If he was alone, it would be easier to explain any suspicions he encountered, and Qingxin would not take action against him as seen in the illusion.

On the seventh day of April, Yang Gu returned to Dade Temple in Wanfo Prefecture.

When he was about to enter Dade Temple, he was stopped. A group of monks surrounded him and sent him to the Hall of Ten Thousand Buddhas.

There was something wrong with the atmosphere in Dade Temple. The monks, who were usually cautious in their words and deeds, now had cheerful smiles on their faces.

In the Hall of Ten Thousand Buddhas, Haishu Bodhisattva is already waiting.

After Yang Gu was sent into the Hall of Ten Thousand Buddhas, he knelt down with a plop and cried with joy:


What is supposed to come will still come, and what will greet him is a great cause and effect.

Everyone in Dade Temple has great faith in Karma, because it is a powerful means to distinguish between true and false, and can reveal all the true facts of the world.

Little did he know that Yang Gu was not afraid of this thing at all and was already prepared in his heart.

"Qing Xin said you were kidnapped by a demon."

Facing Yang Eucalyptus, who was still doubting at this moment, Haishu Bodhisattva did not have the kindness and kindness of the past. In this extremely silent Hall of Ten Thousand Buddhas, filled with incense and under the gaze of Ten Thousand Buddhas, he was full of pressure.

"Yuan Ji was indeed kidnapped by the demon, but the demon was injured by Zen Master Qingxin, so he did not have time to attack Yuan Ji and only threw Yuan Ji into the blood sea mountain."

Yang Yu knew what Hai Shu wanted to ask. On the way back, he had thought through all the reasons and answered fluently without any hesitation.

"How did you escape?"

"Yuanji doesn't know why, but a large number of demons came out of the Blood Sea Mountain, leaving an emptiness inside. Yuanji happened to have a lot of understanding during this period, and when he had a breakthrough, he forcibly escaped with Roushang's cultivation level."

There was no response from Karma. Seeing this, Haishu Bodhisattva nodded.

Yang Gu didn't know why the demons came out in force, he knew.

The demons that were dispatched were all looking for the land of immortality. Several big demons even entered the land of immortality, leaving the demons' lair empty.

Without the threat of the Zombie God and Demon, with Yang Yu's cultivation level that can break through the body, and the top body training method such as Yujia Vajra Body, escaping is not difficult.

"Then why didn't you go find Qing Xin instead of returning to the land of Shang Shan?"

"Yuan Ji knew nothing about the Four Buddhas and the whereabouts of the Zen master, so he had to look for directions in the mountains and did not dare to slack off and reach the place of good deeds."

"I didn't expect Yuan Ji to have such a harvest. He is diligent in the face of crisis. It is truly an unparalleled blessing."

Haishu Bodhisattva quickly restored his former peace and kindness, and took back the cause and effect of a major event. There was no flaw in Yang Yu's answer. He had verified his integrity and passed the test.

At the same time, Yang Yu felt relieved.

It is good to have the identity of this Buddhist disciple as a cover. No matter how fast the progress is, it is normal, otherwise it will be unworthy of the reincarnation of the true Buddha.

Soon, Haishu Bodhisattva summoned a Zen master named Qingzong.

"If we continue with the arrangement, this time Buddha Zi Yuanji will be successful in slaying demons. He and Zen Master Qing will cooperate with each other to destroy the Blood Sea Mountain Demon Cave in four Buddha states. He will slay tens of thousands of demons and return with success. A great achievement!"


In the audience, Yang Yu was speechless, but admired in his heart.

Okay, okay, worthy of being a Bodhisattva, worthy of being a monk, this skill is really skillful and unexpected.

He also wondered why Hai Shu didn't ask him about the destruction of Blood Sea Mountain.

Logically speaking, Hai Shu should have gotten the news about this matter. He had wiped out the entire demon lair with one arrow. It was impossible that the Qingxin Society in Sifuzhou would not have discovered it. Even Yang Yu had already prepared a speech.

It's a shame that this guy took the credit for this on Dade Temple, and at the same time gave him, the person who really destroyed the demon's lair, a share of the credit.


The dignified Buddhist disciple of Dade Temple was abducted by a demon and sent to the demon's lair. This incident was not good for the reputation of Dade Temple when word spread.

But if the Buddha takes advantage of his plan and puts himself in danger to enter the lair of demons, he cooperates with the Zen master to coordinate inside and outside, go straight to the Yellow Dragon, annihilate the demons, and win a great victory.

The whole thing sounds completely different.

Why do you say he is a Bodhisattva? One look at this old guy's bare forehead, and he is indeed full of wisdom.

Zen Master Qingzong received the decree and quickly left the Hall of Ten Thousand Buddhas. Hai Shu looked at Yang Yu again.

"You are going to the Four Buddha States this time to reward you based on your merits. It's time to change your dharma title."

Yang Yu was speechless. Even if he had to change the Buddhist title, he could not change it on his own initiative. The change had to be made by the old monk Hai Shu.

This is a very sacred thing for monks.

"Now that your cultivation level has reached the level of Lu Qi, your dharma name will be called De Ji from now on."

"De Ji thanks Bodhisattva!"

Although he is a disciple of the Buddha, Yuan's name is just an ordinary monk's name in Dade Temple, while De's name is the abbot's name.

He has the title of this generation, which means that he can control the real power, at least he can sit in the glazed tower of a city and protect the land of a city.

Okay, Deji sounds better than Yuanji, Yang Yu happily accepted it, although it sounds a bit like KFC, but who in this world can think of KFC.

"Deji can go to Daguan Cave to meditate in exchange for resources for practice. Don't slack off in practice."


Yang Yu stood up and resigned, preparing to leave the Hall of Ten Thousand Buddhas. He really needed the materials for the transformation and tempering of the second physical body of the Yujia Vajra Body, in order to deduce the second level of the Red Wheel Infinite Body.

But just when he was about to leave the Hall of Ten Thousand Buddhas and the heavy bronze door had not yet been opened, Hai Shu seemed to remember something again.

"Today is the seventh day of the lunar month, and in a few days it will be April 15th, which is my great virtue's place of good deeds. Don't worry about anything you want to do, and let go of the demonic obstacles in your heart."

A banquet party?

Yang Yu found that he couldn't understand what the old monk was talking about.

Forget it, find someone to ask after you leave.

He nodded respectfully, excused himself and left the Hall of Ten Thousand Buddhas.

In Mingxin Zen Monastery, Guang'an had been waiting for a long time in the Zen room. When he saw Eucalyptus poplar appearing, he was overjoyed.

"His Royal Highness Fo Zi, news came from the Four Buddha States a few days ago that His Highness Fo Zi had been harmed by demons. Unexpectedly, His Highness Fo Zi actually broke into the demon's lair on purpose, cooperated inside and outside, and killed him in one battle!

His Royal Highness, the Buddha, lies on firewood and tastes courage. He is truly a divine man! "


Yang Yu felt that she made the right choice when she chose him as her acolyte.

This is so true, I love hearing it!

Smiling and waving his hand, Yang Yu asked about the shrine meeting.

Various Buddhist rituals are often held in Dade Temple, once every three or five, but it must not be easy for the old monk Haishu to explain it to him personally.

As soon as he talked about this, Guang'an's face unconsciously showed a hint of excitement and expectation, which was visible to the naked eye.

"Your Majesty the Buddha, you don't know that the wedding ceremony is a big day for our Dade Temple every three years. Every time this day comes, we and all the monks in Dade Temple can release the depression in their hearts on this day. The long-standing demonic barrier has no scruples and no taboos!"

Yang Yu carefully thought about what Guang An said, but still didn't believe it.

"You mean, you can do anything on this day?"

Guang'an nodded excitedly.

"You can do whatever you want!"

"Murder and arson?"

"Okay!" Guang'an's eyes flashed with an obvious bloodthirsty look.

"Robbing a common girl?"

"Okay!" Guang'an's face showed a trace of blush.

"Demolish the temple?"

"Okay!" Guang'an's body began to tremble with excitement.

"Kill Zen Master Bodhisattva?"

"But... uh!" Guang'an almost agreed, but luckily he reacted in time and trembled all over.

"Your Highness Buddha, no one in general would dare to do such a rebellious and unethical thing, besides..."

Guang'an hesitated to speak. His meaning was very clear. Even if you are a disciple of Buddha, you cannot kill the Bodhisattva.

If a Bodhisattva can kill anyone, how can he still be called a Bodhisattva?

Of course, if someone really wants to find the Bodhisattva that day, no one will stop him.

After all, the Bodhisattva is also a participant in the shrine gathering.

Yang Yu nodded slowly. No wonder when he returned to Dade Temple, he felt that the atmosphere in Dade Temple was a little different. It turned out that these guys were waiting for the arrival of April 15th to let go.

But when Yang Yu thought about it, this wasn't right either.

He looked at Guang'an.

"If you can do anything, why are you so excited? Aren't you afraid that the Bodhisattva Zen Masters will come up and kill everyone?"

Guang'an suddenly laughed.

"Your Highness, Lord Buddha, please listen to the arrival of Guang'an. Although it is said that there are no taboos, there are also three prohibitions on the shrine meeting."

"Come quickly!"

Yang Yu really wanted to slap this guy, but this was too much.

"Prohibition No. 1: No one is allowed to take action against the weak and weak in a place of kindness."

"Does this mean that only when people at the lower level take the initiative to provoke the superior can the superior take action? And as long as you leave Dade Temple, this prohibition will not count?"


"Prohibition Two: No one is allowed to use the power of rules."

This Yang Gu understands that the power of rules is a big killer. If a lower-ranking person takes action against a higher-ranking person, such as Rou Shang running to find Zombie God, once the power of rules is unleashed, he or she will be seeking death.

"Prohibition Three: Everyone will get a Buddhist niche. If the Buddhist niche lights up incense, you must stop and you must not continue to vent your evil spirits."

No wonder it was called the Huanqian Hui, Yang Gu finally understood.

But when he thought about it again, something suddenly occurred to him.

Everyone will get a Buddhist niche...the shrine gathering...could it be that the purpose of the shrine gathering is to collect something for the Buddhist niche?

Yang Yu hesitated about this question, but finally did not ask Guang'an.

This matter may be a secret from the upper echelons. Guang'an is just a Gami and may not know about it.

When the happy niche will arrive, he may be able to identify it with his special ability.

At the same time, Yang Eucalyptus was also looking forward to this banquet.

He originally planned to use the contribution he received from this trip to the Four Buddhas to go to the Grand View Cave Zen in exchange for materials for practicing the Yuga Vajra Body. He now needs these materials to complete the advancement of the Yuga Vajra Body and the Red Wheel Infinite Body.

But now I have given up this idea.

The niche meeting is here, so why waste the hard-earned contributions? Why not just wait for a few days and grab it directly during the niche meeting.

He didn't believe that at that time, none of these bald donkeys in Dade Temple would not think of resources for practice.

Without any instructions, Guang'an withdrew, leaving Yang Gu alone in the meditation room.

Then again, I wonder if Jinlu Pavilion knows about such a big thing as the Huan Ni Association?

If Jinlu Pavilion knew about this, he should take the initiative to contact him and take this opportunity to do something. He shouldn't have no news at all.

Four days passed quickly.

On this day, Qing Xin came back.

It was like a great victory. When Qing Xin came back, many people in Dade Temple were celebrating.

A demon riot in a state is no small matter.

But Qingxin relied on this opportunity to almost destroy all the demons.

Through his own dictation, he annihilated six great zombie monsters and countless other monsters. He also destroyed the demon lair in Blood Sea Mountain and completely wiped out more than 90% of the demons in four Florida states.

Such a record should be regarded as a great achievement!

This almost gave him a powerful boost to advance to the position of Bodhisattva in the future.

After Qingxin returned to Dade Temple and met with Haishu Bodhisattva, she went straight to Mingxin Temple to visit Yang Gu.

"It was Qingxin's misstep that put the Buddha in danger. Qingxin felt guilty, so he used this gift to make up for it, hoping that the Buddha would forgive him."

After hearing Qing Xin's words, Yang Yu knew that the old monk was here to deliver something, so there was no reason why he should not accept it.

Not only did you use me as bait, but I was abducted by demons, you also wanted to attack me in the illusion, and then you attacked me again in the Land of Immortals.

What a great sin you have committed!

Yang Gu cursed in his heart.

But if Qing Xin hadn't done this, he wouldn't have had the chance to escape Qing Xin's sight and accomplish what he wanted to do.

It can be said that one drink and one peck are all determined.

Of course, on the bright side, Yang Yu still gave Qing Xin a good look and obeyed and accepted what Qing Xin handed over.

The thing Qing Xin sent was a magic weapon made of countless demon teeth.

The demon's teeth are also filthy things. Yang Yu took it in his hand and immediately smelled a stench, as if countless demons opened their stinking mouths at him at the same time.

But the information box that appeared in front of Yang Yu told him that this thing was a good magic weapon.

This magic weapon is called "Chain of Magic Fangs" and it is a functional control magic weapon.

As long as you input magic power, you can control the person, and the filth from the demon on the magic fang will be transferred into the body of the controlled person, causing the controlled person to endure unbearable pain.

Otherwise, these bald donkeys were having fun, and even the chains came out.

The price of using this magic weapon is that once any wound appears on the user's body, there is a half chance that the dirt on it will come back to bite him after using this magic weapon.

The thing was a good thing, Yang Gu easily purified the value on it and then collected it.

He is also a bald donkey now. He just does as the Romans do, and it doesn't matter if he spends a lot of time having fun.

"Thank you Zen Master for your kindness. This is also a sign of carelessness, which has dragged down Zen Master. I hope Zen Master will not feel too bad about it."

The two complimented each other, reflecting the friendly, harmonious and beautiful atmosphere in Dade Temple, and the guests and hosts enjoyed themselves.

Qingxin then talked about the wedding ceremony.

Seeing that the banquet was about to take place, it was precisely because of this that he returned to Dade Temple as soon as possible.

"The time of joy is coming soon. Is there anything you want to do, Your Highness?"

Qingxin asked.

But Yang Gu was already wary of this guy and just smiled and shook his head.

"It's too late for Deji to enter the temple, but he doesn't have many demonic obstacles in his heart. He just wants to participate and have fun with everyone."

"One thing that Buddhist disciples may not know is that the Buddhist niches obtained during the Huanban Meeting are also divided into grades, from one to nine. The lower grades of the third grade are spiritual niches, the lower grades of the sixth grade are Zen niches, and the lower grades of the ninth grade are holy niches.

If a Buddhist disciple can get a Buddhist niche of a third grade or above by then and light the incense, he will get a lot of benefits. "

"Is there still this matter?"

Yang Yu was a little surprised. Sure enough, Guang'an, who was a Jia Mi, could not know about this kind of thing. If Qing Xin hadn't said anything, he wouldn't have known about it before the Huanqin meeting arrived.

"How do you get the Buddhist niche? Isn't it allocated directly?"

"What kind of Buddhist niche you want to get depends on the demonic obstacles in each person's heart. The stronger the demonic obstacles in your heart, the higher the quality of the Buddhist niche you can get."

Qingxin explained.

"It seems that De Ji can only get a low-grade shrine at best this time...

Speaking of Zen masters, has there ever been a situation where you were unable to obtain a Buddhist niche at a shrine gathering? "

"This... has never happened before. We are all Buddhist practitioners. Under the Buddhist teachings, we will inevitably accumulate demonic obstacles. The worst is a first-class spiritual niche."

Qingxin shook her head.

Yang Yu sighed slightly. He had just assumed an attitude of being aloof from the world, focusing on letting things go, not fighting, and focusing on participation.

that's the truth.

He is in the Cao camp and his heart is in the Han Dynasty, and he doesn't really want to be a bald donkey. How can he accumulate any demonic obstacles like these bald donkeys.

In addition, I have never been contaminated. I don't think there is such a magic barrier. I wonder if I can squeeze out and get the lowest-grade shrine?

If you can't even get a first-grade spiritual niche, wouldn't it be too embarrassing for a dignified Buddhist?

Yang Yu did not continue to ask Qing Xin any more questions. The two chatted casually for a few words before Qing Xin said goodbye and left.

"Buddha disciples must remember that the time to ask for a shrine is the day before the shrine reception. In addition, during the shrine reception, you must take good care of the Buddhist niche in your hand and do not let others take it away."

Before leaving, Qingxin left a warning, which was slightly meaningful.

This old bald donkey is so arrogant, why don't you wait until you pass away to talk about this?

One day passed peacefully, and it was April 12th, and there were only three days left before the wedding ceremony.

Late that night, Yang Yu was practicing the Nine Power Jinglong and the Dial Body as usual. During the period of time when he was temporarily unable to practice, this had become a habit.

After a long period of accumulation, the Nine Power Jinglong and Tiandial Body have accumulated to an exaggerated level.

Yang Yu didn't know what kind of astonishing effect would be achieved if the light of the celestial dial and the Nine-power Shocking Dragon were released now. It must be very impressive.

Even when he was in crisis in the land of immortality, Yang Yu never used it because he couldn't bear it.

The Light of the Celestial Dial is nothing more than the Nine Power Jinglong, but it is a one-time consumable item. You have to save it again after using it. Unless it is really a critical moment, Yang Yu does not intend to use it.

And just when he was punching himself hard, a familiar voice suddenly came to his ears.


Yang Yu immediately stopped what he was doing, not surprised by the arrival of this voice.

It’s the voice of the foolish old man!

The wedding reception was coming soon, Yang Yu knew about such a big event, Jinlu Pavilion couldn't possibly not know about it, Zhuan Yu took the initiative to contact him, it must be for the wedding reception.

The facts were indeed what Yang Yu expected. Zhuanyu asked about the shrine party as soon as he opened his mouth.

At this time, Yang Yu was still an ordinary monk with a low status in the understanding of the old man Zhuanyu.

"Have you ever heard about the April 15th shrine gathering at Dade Temple?"

"Reporting to Master, this disciple has received some rumors and already knows part of the news."

"Okay, okay, this is a rare opportunity to act openly and honestly. You have been dormant these days, and you must have been hungry and thirsty. It's time for you to show your skills. I have a task for you as my teacher."

No! I do not want!

Yang Yu remained silent and did not answer.

Silence is a silent resistance.

But as an undercover agent of Jinlu Pavilion, what else could he say?

"By the way, before we talk about the mission, I still want to ask you something."

"Master, please speak."

"Master, I heard that you have been promoted to Gami and have become an acolyte of the new Buddha at Dade Temple?"

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