Everyone is a demon, why are you covered in holy light?

Chapter 259 The Zen masters at Dade Temple have many tricks!

Under the rule of Dade Temple, every state and every city has a glazed pagoda.

Sitting in the glazed pagoda is the nominal protector of the entire city, and therefore the entire city will be protected by Dade Temple.

It can be said that the Glazed Tower is the most important place in a city.

But now, even the guarding monks in the Glazed Pagoda are disguised as demons, so one can imagine what will happen to everyone in the city.

There was no need to think about it, the scene that appeared on the horizon at this time had already explained everything.

Yang Yu's face suddenly became solemn like Qing Xin's.

They didn't get the news before they came. There was a problem in one of the four Florida cities. This was a big deal.

This shows that this demon riot is more serious than they imagined.

Yang Yu completely let go of his own perception. The mortal auras he had sensed before entering the city disappeared without a trace at this moment.

The air was filled with the smell of decay and stench, forcing him to withdraw his perception to prevent his consciousness from being affected by this disgusting smell.

Countless blood flowed down from the huge crack hanging on the horizon like a waterfall, forming a smelly river that set off huge waves, seemingly waiting for them.

And in the smelly blood waves, figures flew out quickly, and they were monsters one after another.

Yang Yu subconsciously stepped back and glanced at Qing Xin beside him.

If Qing Xin planned to fight these monsters, he would have to stay away.

There are too many demons and their auras are mixed. Who knows if there will be any big demons in here.

He is a very "weak chicken" now, and at most he can only get beaten up once or twice.

You have to cherish your life.


But Qing Xin was certainly not a fool. She immediately shouted softly, grabbed Yang Gu, and quickly flew away towards the side where there was no demon.

Now that there are no living beings in the city, there is no need to take action against these monsters, because it is meaningless.

The prerequisite for taking action is that there are still people in the city, and there are a lot of them.

In this case, taking action to destroy these demons will highlight the kindness of Dade Temple.

Otherwise, who will destroy these monsters? Who can prove that it was he who destroyed the demon?

Qing Xin grabbed her and took her out. Qing Xin's behavior surprised Yang Yu.

Aren't you here to conquer demons?

As a zombie god, he is suppressed by the power of rules and weakened by forbidden weapon fragments. As long as there are no big monsters who are also zombie gods, is it not easy to destroy these monsters?

What does running mean?

Although he was thinking about it, Yang Yu didn't ask.

As a result, Yang Yu didn't ask, but Qing Xin explained casually.

"There are no living beings in the city, so don't waste your efforts here. Even if we get rid of all these monsters, we can't save anyone, so it won't be considered a meritorious deed.

This place has been occupied, and other places must be in dire straits. I am waiting to go to support as soon as possible. "


I have to admit that what Qing Xin said is very reasonable. Everyone is dead, and now he must find a way to save those who are still alive first.

If you only listen to the second half of the sentence, he is undoubtedly a master who is anxious for others and compassionate.

But the previous sentence has a completely different tone, and the image it conveys is another matter.

Yang Yu understood instantly.

Judging from Daitokuji's usual hypocritical style, it seems that the so-called subjugation of demons is actually just a show.

Usually these guys talk a lot about merit and compassion, but where in the world do they get any merit.

Some people see that in the eyes of living beings, they have destroyed demons and been witnessed, and that is merit.

No, it should be said that it is the merit.

Yang Eucalyptus expressed his understanding and did not make any rebuttal.

The world is like this. When the lower limits are low enough and weird enough, it's not surprising that someone does anything.

Just looking at so many monsters in the city, they are all the flesh and blood he needs.

Yang Yu resisted the impulse in her heart and even wanted to say to Qing Xin: How about you go and I'll do it?

The two of them quickly headed outside Sanxi City and flew out of the city in the blink of an eye.

The entire Sanxi City below was almost instantly occupied by countless demons that suddenly appeared. There were even many demons chasing the two of them, not wanting to let them go.

But in comparison, as a Zen master, Qing Xin's flying speed is naturally not comparable to that of these monsters.

Just as he was about to leave Sanxi City, the demon chasing behind him was also thrown away and disappeared.

Qing Xin's expression remained unchanged, and she was about to take Yang Yu in a different direction and head to the next city.

But at this moment.


Bursts of thunder suddenly sounded in the sky, red light flashed in the dark night, and violent winds suddenly rose.

"Don't leave once you're here!"

A strange sound sounded from all directions, as if it was everywhere, and it had already surrounded Yang Yu and the two of them.

The figures of Qing Xin and Yang Yu suddenly stopped, and in mid-air, their eyes immediately looked forward.

A figure slowly walked out of the red light. The flesh on his body was rolled up like rounded wood flowers. The red light emanated from his two huge eyes.

The demon was ten feet tall and looked ugly and ferocious. His face seemed to be wearing a ghost mask that had been fused with flesh and blood.

This is a big zombie monster!

Yang Yu looked at Qing Xin aside and saw that Qing Xin's expression had not changed much. It was obvious that he could handle such a monster.

"Buddha, please stay aside for a while and wait for me to solve the problem."

Qing Xin narrowed her eyes and said slowly, letting go of Yang Yu's hand.

But his words immediately attracted the scarlet gaze of the demon, and Yang Yu immediately realized that something was wrong.

"Buddha? This little bald donkey is actually a Buddhist? God help me! Hahahaha!"


You did it on purpose, right? This is definitely intentional, right?

Yang Yu suddenly looked at Qing Xin. He felt that this guy had evil intentions, so he deliberately revealed his identity openly.

But just when he turned his eyes, Qing Xin's figure had turned into an afterimage and was quickly dissipating.

In an instant, countless scriptures and mantras surged out of thin air, and Qingxin appeared behind the demon at some unknown time. His body swelled up a bit, and a palm fell on the demon's head.

"No self, nothing to hear, great compassionate palm!"

Qing Xin's mouth didn't move, but suddenly there was an angry rebuke that resounded throughout the world.

In an instant, a large amount of mantras from scriptures and mantras surged around and locked onto the demon, pouring them all into the demon's head in an instant.

The demon was caught off guard and let out a scream.

Even the demon never thought that Qing Xin would use Eucalyptus poplar to attract his attention and launch a sneak attack.

Yang Yu also didn't expect this. Seeing this scene, a trace of surprise flashed in his eyes.


As expected of a Zen master from Dade Temple, he is very good at playing.

Although using him as bait to lure enemies would just make him a little unhappy.

But as long as this big monster can be killed, it doesn't matter.

Along with the pouring of countless scriptures and mantras, in just the blink of an eye, countless scriptures and mantras appeared all over the demon's body like tadpoles.

These scriptures and mantras seemed to be integrated with his body, flowing crazily in his body and quickly devouring his flesh and blood.

The demon's figure shrank rapidly at a speed visible to the naked eye.

"The devil is evil, die!"

Qing Xin's eyes were filled with anger and ferociousness, without any restraint, and her figure seemed to be unable to restrain itself, growing more and more swollen.

In just a few blinks of an eye, it swelled into a little giant.


But at this moment, the demon suddenly laughed.

"Sneak attack?"

His body suddenly became like a balloon, becoming round and huge as quickly as it was inflated.

The two glowing red eyes actually moved to the back of the head due to the expansion of the head, trying to look directly at Qing Xin.


The swollen flesh and blood exploded in an instant.

Caught off guard, Qingxin stopped her hand and quickly retreated, but was still hit by the power of the explosion.

Scattered and splattered blood fell on his body, and streams of green smoke immediately erupted from the areas contaminated by the blood, and even one of his hands was blown off.

These injuries were nothing to a zombie god. In one breath, the broken arm was completely restored, and the parts of the body that were burned by the blood were also restored to the original state.

But looking at it now, there was no trace of the demon at all, and he couldn't even feel his breath. It really looked like he had died by self-destruction.

From a distance of more than ten feet, Yang Eucalyptus has been watching from the side.

The moment the demon self-destructed, he had already reacted and activated the Yujia Vajra Body, and his whole body was covered with a layer of golden dust.

A Zombie God Demon is not a vegetarian no matter what method he uses.

Even if Yang Yu shows his true strength, he still has to be cautious, let alone now.

Fortunately, the places where the blood spattered did not reach that far, and the poplar was not affected by the aftermath of the explosion.

But after the demon self-destructed, his traces and aura could no longer be found, which made Yang Yu slightly uneasy.

As it turns out, he was right to be uneasy.

Just as Yang Yu subconsciously wanted to move closer to Qing Xin as soon as possible to prevent the demon from taking action against him.

But the moment he flew up.

Yang Yu's eyes suddenly went dark!

A large amount of flesh and blood came from nowhere, and instantly condensed around him, pouring towards him from all directions.

Yang Eucalyptus was like a magnet at this moment, attracting these flesh and blood, covering his entire body.

In just the blink of an eye, flesh and blood condensed into a figure, but Yang Yu's entire body disappeared.

By the time Qing Xin reacted, Yang Eucalyptus had been integrated into the flesh and blood of the figure, and she couldn't even feel the breath.

"You devil dare me!"

After someone swallowed the Buddha's son in front of him, Qingxin instantly entered a state of rage, and suddenly turned into an arc of light and attacked the demon.

"Hahaha! Old bald donkey, this is the price for your sneak attack on me!"

The demon easily dodged Qing Xin's attack, and seemed to have expected Qing Xin's reaction as he smiled wildly.

"Once you enter this furnace body of mine, no matter who you are, you will fall into a state where the cost is out of control. You can just watch your Buddhist son being sacrificed and turned into a demon! Hahaha!"

"The Buddhist disciple of Dade Temple turned out to be a demon. This is really the biggest joke in the world."

Hearing the demon's words, Qing Xin's face became increasingly ugly.

It was just a meeting, and Buddha was caught by the demon, which was a slap in his face.

Haishu Bodhisattva arranged for the Buddha to accompany him to slay the demons. If anything happened to the Buddha, it would be his responsibility and he could not escape the blame.

If the Buddha's son was sacrificed and turned into a demon, it would make Dade Temple lose face.

He must rescue the Buddha!

"If you release the Buddha safely, I can let you escape unscathed, and I, the Dade Temple, will not hold you accountable, how about that?"

Qing Xin tried her best to restrain her murderous intent and calmed down her emotions.

But when the demon heard this, he just smiled coldly and ignored him.

To put it mildly, since he still attacked Qing Xin and Qing Xin despite knowing their identities, he naturally didn't care about Dade Temple.

To put it more seriously, there are currently a large number of demons rioting in the entire Four Buddha States. They have been determined to do something big from the beginning. They are already in a state of hostility with Dade Temple, so they will not care so much.

"Otherwise, old bald donkey, you will commit suicide. If you commit suicide, I will release your Buddhist disciples. How about that?"

The monster's ferocious face was full of sarcasm.

What he said was naturally impossible, it was just to anger Qing Xin.

But as soon as he finished speaking, the Qing Xin in his eyes turned into a dissipated afterimage, and the real Qing Xin appeared behind him at some point.

At this time, Qingxin had swelled to a figure of more than two feet tall, and the flesh and blood all over his body had turned black under the cover of a large number of scriptures and mantras. The raised veins were like thick earthworms. Yingran became The appearance of an Arhat with a golden body.

At this moment, the mantras on his face were as big as countless tadpoles, forming criss-crossing chains.

This made his face look like it was wrapped in chains, which was extremely weird.

"Still want to make a sneak attack? Haha!"

When he saw Qing Xin's afterimage disappearing, the demon had been tricked and was obviously on guard, so he couldn't help but sneer.

A large amount of red mist suddenly spurted out from his skin and flesh that curled up like rounded wood flowers.

At the same time, Qing Xin let out a loud Buddhist sound from his mouth.

At close range, the roar formed a violent sound wave that instantly penetrated the demon's body.

But at the same time, the large amount of red mist had condensed into a demon with a height similar to Qing Xin.

Qingxin collided with the demon formed by the red mist, and a large amount of red mist and mantras collided with each other.


Under the collision of the same tyrannical force, a thunderous sound suddenly erupted.

Qing Xin instantly fell back dozens of meters, and most of the red mist demon's body collapsed in an instant, almost unable to regroup.

Both of them had the cultivation level of Zombie God, and both were in the same advanced stage. For a moment, neither of them could do anything to the other.

But because Buddha was held hostage by demons, demons took a more active position.

Seeing Qingxin being beaten back, the demon suddenly laughed even more crazily.

"Old bald donkey, if you only have this little strength, you won't be able to save your Buddha. If you don't hurry up, he will turn into a monster soon, haha!"

He was still trying to anger Qing Xin, but Qing Xin was getting more and more anxious as he wished.

But what neither of them know now is...

In the demon's flesh and blood, Yang Yu looked at a loss.

He couldn't hear any sounds, and even his perception was blocked in this small space. He couldn't sense what was happening in the outside world. He was in a very cramped environment.

It's like he's trapped here by a demon, but nothing is done to him, and he's still fine.

It looked like the demon just wanted to catch him.

Although he cannot perceive the outside world, he can sense what is in front of him.

So soft, so slippery, so warm, even wet.

Isn't this all the flesh and blood that he has longed for?

I have something to do today and I owe you a chapter.

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