Everyone is a demon, why are you covered in holy light?

Chapter 256 Is this the Buddha? horrible! 7077 words

Chapter 256 Is this...Is this the Buddha? horrible! "7077 words"

Yang Yu followed Zen Master Qingnan, and the two of them walked out of Mingxin Zen Monastery.

It was early in the morning, and the sun was rising. The fiery red sunlight shone on the earth, reflecting the splendor of the entire Dade Temple, and showing majestic vitality everywhere.

Guang'an followed the two of them respectfully.

"This is my new acolyte."

Yang Gu introduced Guang'an to Zen Master Qingnan.

Now that Guang'an has become his substitute, not only does he need to be taken with him, but also helping him obtain such opportunities is equivalent to obtaining the same opportunities for himself.

This is very conducive to concealing his true status in Dade Temple in front of old man Zhuan Yu.

To Guang'an, he was just a little Gami, and Zen Master Qingnan didn't take him seriously.

But since he was an acolyte of His Highness the Buddha, Zen Master Qingnan still smiled and nodded to him as a greeting.

Zen Master Qingnan's reaction flattered Guang'an.

As expected, becoming the acolyte of His Highness the Buddha is a great opportunity, and even Zen masters will pay attention to him.

In the past, a Zen master would not pay attention to a Gami. The status and status between the two were very different.

He must seize this opportunity firmly and cannot do anything to offend His Highness Buddha, otherwise it will be a huge sin for him.

Yang Gu and Zen Master Qingnan walked side by side, while Guang'an followed the two people. The three of them walked on the street in Dade Temple, with Zen Master Qingnan leading the way.

The place where the Zen Master's Dharma Conference was held this time was a square called Golden Lotus Terrace.

Because the Dade Temple was so big, the three of them walked for nearly half an hour before finally arriving, attracting the attention of many people along the way.

Everyone is curious about the new His Highness the Buddha who has entered Dade Temple. Whether it is the protection of the monks, Gami, or other people, many have never seen this new His Highness the Buddha.

When they learned that Guang An, who was walking behind, was an acolyte of His Highness the Buddha, many people suddenly looked envious.

What an honor it would be to be an acolyte of His Highness the Buddha.

When the three of them arrived at the Golden Lotus Platform, many people had already gathered in the square.

This Dharma conference was held jointly by many Zen masters.

It is a rare opportunity for everyone to be able to listen to the sutras and have a Zen master give sermons during this visit.

But even so, many people can only stand on the outside and watch quietly, and cannot enter the infield.

The people who can enter the inner court must be at least the guardians and abbots of Fu Shi or above, as well as the disciples of the Sacred Heart Monastery and the Holy Buddha Monastery of the disciple temple.

Watching the crowd gathered outside, he consciously opened a path and welcomed Yang Yu and the others in.

As Yang Yu's acolyte, Guang'an was able to gain entry even though he was just a Gami, which instantly made countless people look envious on their faces.

After entering the inner court, the inner and outer courts are completely separated, and there are many prayer buildings placed there.

In addition, there are also many monks controlling the space between the inner court and the outer court to prevent young people from entering.

Although no one has the guts to do this.

Yang Yu didn't recognize most of the people who had arrived in the infield, but he still saw one or two acquaintances among them.

It was the holy boy who was the reincarnation of Bodhisattva who entered Dade Temple with him.

Mingbei was placed in the Holy Buddhist Monastery by Haishu Bodhisattva, and was given the title of Guangbei. As the top-level Holy Buddhist Monastery in the disciple temple, it is a place that only reincarnated bodies can enter.

Therefore, before the arrival of Eucalyptus poplar, Singbeak also attracted the attention of many people. However, after the arrival of Eucalyptus poplar, everyone's attention instantly shifted to Eucalyptus poplar.

Between the two, although one is the holy boy reincarnated by Bodhisattva, the other is the new His Highness the Son of Buddha reincarnated by the true Buddha. It is clear at a glance which one is superior and which one is inferior.

Zen Master Qingnan invited Yang Eucalyptus in. Although Guang'an, as Yang Eucalyptus's acolyte, could enter the inner court, he could only stand at the edge of the inner court.

Yang Eucalyptus followed Zen Master Qingnan to the front position, where a place had been reserved for him. It was the closest position to where the Zen masters were preaching.

As a Buddhist, your status and treatment are naturally different from others.

Yang Eucalyptus sat down with a calm expression, ignoring the gazes of others, and quietly waited for the Dharma conference to begin.

There were some slight discussions from behind.

"Junior Brother Guangbei, this is His Highness the Buddha who entered the place of my great virtue and good deeds with you that day, right?"

A bald monk wearing a white monk's robe and a gold-rimmed collar asked Mingbei, with a curious look on his face.

Judging from his clothes, he was an abbot with a voluptuous cultivation.

Judging from the seats between him and Guang Bei, he is also a disciple of the Holy Buddhist Temple of the Disciple Temple and a reincarnated body.

This person's legal name is Deben.

Guangzui nodded lightly, but his eyes glanced at Yang Yu in front of him, and a trace of jealousy flashed away.

"Junior brother, you are the reincarnation of Zhenyuan Bodhisattva. You are the Bodhisattva who has true records in our Dade Temple. Zhenyuan Bodhisattva is also famous among the Bodhisattvas in the records, not much worse than the Buddha.

Junior brother will definitely be able to gain some insights from this Zen Master's Dharma Assembly, achieve breakthroughs in cultivation, and make others envious. "

De Ben on the side seemed to have guessed the dissatisfaction in Guang Bei's heart, and said pointedly.

His words immediately awakened Guangbei, who opened his eyes slightly.

I originally thought that as a holy boy reincarnated by Bodhisattvas, I would definitely attract a lot of attention when entering Dade Temple, and I would also get the attention of Bodhisattvas, and my career has skyrocketed since then.

But who could have imagined that the reincarnation of a true Buddha would come with him, and all his eyes would be taken away from him.

In comparison, he, the holy boy reincarnated by the Bodhisattva, pales in comparison.

How could he become the new His Highness the Buddha and be personally taught by Haishu Bodhisattva?

Why can I only enter the Holy Buddha Monastery and accept the teachings of the Zen master with a group of reincarnated bodies, without even being able to see the face of the Bodhisattva?

Is it just because the true Buddha in the previous life is nobler than the Bodhisattva?


The past life is the past life, and what it was in the previous life is not important at all. What is important is who can rise faster in this life!

If he can gain some understanding during this Zen Master's Dharma Assembly, his cultivation will break through faster, he can show his understanding and talent and suppress everyone.

With so many people watching, he must be the most dazzling.

This can also prove that his talent is no worse than this Buddhist disciple.

If this Buddhist disciple cannot even achieve a breakthrough in understanding this time, then in comparison, he will definitely shine.

Thinking of this, Guangbei looked at the back of Yang Gu who was sitting quietly in front of him, and a fighting spirit gradually emerged in his eyes.

This is definitely a rare opportunity for him! A chance to prove yourself!

He wants to prove that he is not weaker than the reincarnation of the true Buddha, he will be stronger than the Buddha!

Yang Yu shivered inexplicably, and there was a slight chill behind him. He turned his head and glanced, but found nothing strange, and looked away again.

There were so many people coming to this Dharma conference. The people sitting in a circle around him were basically Zen master-level figures, and there were only a few fleshy ones.

He even seemed cautious about letting go of his own senses, so as not to be noticed by others.

As a disciple of the Buddha, sitting among the Zen masters, his every move will be watched by others.

Dharma meetings of this level held in Dade Temple are usually straight forward without any twists and turns.

This Dharma conference was led by a Zen master named Qingxin, assisted by many Zen masters, and preached in a Buddhist way. Zen Master Qingnan was among them.

The time for the Dharma Assembly was set at Chen hour, which was when the purple energy came from the east. A few blue smoke rose up and merged with the glow of the sky. Soon the hour had arrived, and the scene that was still slightly noisy suddenly became quiet. Come down and you can hear the needle drop.

"From the heart, all kinds of dharmas arise..."

Zen Master Qingxin opened his mouth, and a lotus platform appeared. He sat on it with a lotus blossom on his tongue, making a Buddha seal. The sound of the Buddha immediately spread to every corner.

Regarding this kind of Dharma meeting, Yang Yu always imagined that it would be a debate on Buddhism, just like a debate among upper-class people.

They would debate the meaning of the scriptures, and they would argue about the depth of Buddhism. The people sitting below felt like they were listening to a lecture.

People with profound attainments can easily understand, but ordinary people can only be spectators.

Yang Yu thinks he is the latter, because he has not focused on the scriptures Haishu gave him these days.

However, this does not affect him. All he needs is to use this opportunity to remove the concealment seal on his body as quickly as possible and show stronger cultivation.

But when the Zen master in front spoke, Yang Yu slowly noticed something unusual.

On the prayer pillars surrounding the inner court, a series of sutras and mantras emerged, and a faint golden light began to emanate from them.

The smell of incense suddenly became stronger in the entire square.

The people present unconsciously took part in the atmosphere of Zen masters' lectures and debates, and a gentle wind blew gently.

At this moment, the invisible mana of heaven and earth began to condense rapidly, seeming to form an illusory storm in the entire inner field.

Observing the strange phenomena around him, Yang Yu suddenly looked confused.

These Zen masters are reciting very ordinary scriptures. Why do they cause the cohesion of the magic power of heaven and earth on a large scale?

Are these guys doing something secretly? No matter how you look at it, it doesn't look like it can cause strange phenomena in the world.

At this moment, there was a faint sound of discussion from behind, attracting Yang Yu's attention.

"This is called the long-lasting brightness of the Sanskrit sound! Whenever a Zen master or a Bodhisattva holds a Dharma assembly in my place of good deeds, it can attract gifts from the Buddhas and gather the magic power of heaven and earth, just to save and transform us Buddhas."

This voice seemed to be explaining to a monk who was participating in the Dharma assembly for the first time, and Yang Yu immediately understood.

Dare to be affectionate is not the problem of this Dharma conference, nor is it the problem of these Zen masters, but the problem of Dade Temple.

The Dharma conference is just a switch that triggers the vision, and it is very likely that the vision is not formed by heaven and earth, but by man-made phenomena.

Understanding this, Yang Yu couldn't help but smile.

This kind of sacred illusion is often just a little trick. These bald donkeys really like to deceive people the most.

Fortunately, this is not important, these mana powers are just ordinary mana powers, and Dade Temple did not do anything secretly.

He had no choice but to wait quietly for the opportunity.

It would be best for someone to break through in this Dharma Assembly first, and then look for opportunities to lift the concealment seal. In this case, it will appear to be logical and not too eye-catching.

"Get the Sasha precepts, accept and uphold the rebirth, and enjoy the ultimate happiness..."

Soon, as time passed by, more and more people participating in the ceremony closed their eyes and were completely immersed in it, while Yang Yu was still looking at the people around him.

He has to wait for someone to make a significant improvement and breakthrough in cultivation.

It wasn't until another cup of tea passed that some exclamations and admirations suddenly came from the backside.

At the same time, the magic power of heaven and earth gathered in the venue undulated slightly, like a wave, and a disciple in the Sacred Heart Academy who came to participate in the Dharma Conference was trembling all over.


Breakthrough from the early stage of Fu Shi to the middle stage of Fu Shi! A whole small realm!

Yang Yu's perception was on the verge of closing, and the other party's cultivation aura was completely exposed in his perception.

After seeing someone finally break through, I felt relieved. It seemed that what Qingnan said was true.

Then, next, he should prepare to lift the concealment seal on himself.

As a disciple of the Buddha, it is very reasonable for a true Buddha to be reincarnated, gain enlightenment in a Dharma assembly, and suddenly break through several levels of cultivation.

Just when Yang Yu was about to unlock a layer of seals first and proceed step by step.

Unexpectedly, there was another exclamation from the outside.

In an instant, the mana of heaven and earth condensed in the field was strange again.

"It's the Holy Boy Guangbei! He made a breakthrough! He just entered my Dade Temple a few months ago. I didn't expect to break through so quickly. He is worthy of being the reincarnated Holy Boy of Bodhisattva."

Yang Yu did not look back, but through perception, he also knew who had made the breakthrough.

It's Mingbei, but now its name is Guangbei.

He suddenly broke through from the middle stage of the Yuan Dynasty to the late stage. He is truly worthy of being the reincarnated holy boy of the Bodhisattva.

Compared to this true saint boy, this fake Buddhist disciple has not made any move yet, so it seems that it is time.

Yang Yu withdrew her perception and began to prepare to lift the concealment seal.

Just after he regained his senses, Guangbei, who was sitting behind him, slowly opened his eyes and looked at the back of Yang Gu in front of him.

It’s still the early days of Yuanqi…

A smile suddenly appeared on Guangbei's face.

He was able to break through from the middle stage of Yuan Feeding to the late stage of Yuan Feeding, but as a result, His Royal Highness, the Buddha, was only in the early stage of Yuan Feeding, and there was no movement at all.

Nothing more than that.

At the same time, there were some discussions outside the venue.

"As expected of the Sacred Heart Monastery and the Sacred Buddha Monastery, one protects the other and is able to break through so quickly."

"If we were also disciples of these two academies, we might also be able to enjoy this opportunity."

"With the blessing of such a strong magic power from heaven and earth, if we can enter the inner field, as long as we can gain some insights in the Dharma Assembly, our cultivation level will definitely be greatly improved."

"It's a pity that we are not reincarnated. We have no destiny in the previous life and can only cultivate in this life. We cannot compare with the Holy Child."

"That's not necessarily true. You see, His Highness the Buddha is also in the field. His Highness is the reincarnation of the real Buddha. Why is there no movement at all?"

Someone suddenly said, and everyone's eyes were attracted to look at Yang Eucalyptus in the venue.

It really is.

There was no movement from the Buddha. Could it be that the wisdom of the Buddha was not as good as that of the people of the Sacred Heart Monastery and the Sacred Buddha Monastery?

Deben sat in the infield with a smile on his face and looked at Guang Bei beside him.

"Congratulations, junior brother, for being able to understand something so smoothly and for having such a breakthrough is truly an unparalleled wisdom."

"Senior brother, you praise me."

Guangbei's face was full of humility, but he could not suppress his pride. He still looked at Yang Gu in front of him and snorted in his heart.

What about Buddha?

The past life is the past life, and this life is the present life. No one looks at the past, but only looks at the future.

Whoever can rise faster will be the strongest.

Seeing that Yang Yu has been silent until now, on the other hand, he has now broken through to the late Yuanjian stage. Taking advantage of the opportunity of this Dharma meeting, if he can directly break through to the Fu Shi, he will be able to form an overwhelming advantage.

From now on, at the Zen master's Dharma assembly, the saying that the Buddha is inferior to the holy boy will also be spread. That is when his real opportunity comes.

Thinking of this, Guangbei closed his eyes again, preparing to continue condensing his magic power in order to achieve a second breakthrough.

But just as he closed his eyes, he suddenly opened them again. He was still looking at the back of Yang Gu in front of him, with a trace of surprise in his eyes.

His perception was still on Yang Yu's body, but just when he was about to take it back, he suddenly sensed a sudden change in Yang Yu's cultivation aura.

The original cultivation level in the early stage of Yuan Feeding suddenly broke through to the middle stage of Yuan Feeding.

The mana of heaven and earth that filled the surroundings was also activated in an instant, spreading out like ripples.

De Ben, who was on the side, naturally noticed the strange phenomenon on Yang Yu's body. He was just slightly stunned, but he didn't take it seriously.

"As expected of His Highness the Buddha, he also realized the breakthrough during this Dharma conference, but he was just a little later than Junior Brother You."

It seemed that he was praising Yang Gu, but in fact, De Ben's words gave Guang Bei a warning.

Yes, Fozi's breakthrough was from the early stage of Yuan Feeding to the middle stage of Yuan Feeding, and he broke through from the middle stage of Yuan Feeding to the late stage of Yuan Feeding.

First of all, the difficulty of breaking through is not as good as his, and the time it takes to break through is also much later than him.

Looking at it this way, Buddha is still inferior to him.

Guangbei immediately felt as if he had received a reassurance, and a sneer appeared in his heart.

So what if he breaks through? If he completes another breakthrough, he will be promoted from Yuanji to Fushi, which will be a breakthrough in a big realm.


"His Royal Highness Fozi has also made a breakthrough! As expected of His Highness Fozi, he has achieved a breakthrough so quickly."

Yang Yu's breakthrough also attracted the attention of everyone in the court, and people outside the court talked softly.

As a Buddhist, his every move will be watched by those present.

Many people are very surprised, but there are still some discordant voices.

"Although His Highness Fozi has made a breakthrough, I would say that His Highness Fozi is still no match for Holy Boy Guangbei. Guangbei Holy Boy broke through earlier than His Highness Fozi, and the breakthrough was more difficult. His Highness Fozi just started from The breakthrough from the early stage of Yuan Feeding to the middle stage of Yuan Feeding is just a matter of time.”

"Even so, it is not something that we can compare to. Don't make any unreasonable remarks about Your Highness the Buddha."

"Hehe, what do you know? Although we are just spectators and have no chance of such an opportunity, if His Highness the Buddha cannot surpass the Holy Child Guangbei, do you think there will be a good show?"

Everyone present will naturally understand what the good show is.

His Royal Highness Fozi and Saint Guangbei entered Dade Temple together, but due to the difference in their reincarnations, their treatment and status were very different.

If the genius and wisdom of a Buddhist disciple cannot surpass that of a holy boy, wouldn't it be in vain?

After all, to these onlookers, none of them were reincarnated, and they were full of envy for these disciples who could enter the Sacred Heart Monastery and the Sacred Buddha Monastery.

But if you have fun, one thing will be proved at that time. No matter how powerful your previous life is, it does not have the wisdom and talent to practice in this life.

Regarding the fact that the resources of the reincarnated body are tilted in the temple, people at the bottom of the class may also benefit from this.

This is the impact this may have.

They're not just having fun.


Perhaps it was because the discussions outside the venue were too noisy and even had signs of vaguely affecting the Dharma session inside the venue, a supporter inside the venue reprimanded him.

At the edge of the infield, as an acolyte of His Highness the Buddha, Guang'an also glared at the group of people discussing.

It's just that it wasn't his turn to speak, otherwise he would have to stop these guys.

Seeing the guardian reprimanding him, Guang'an also breathed a sigh of relief, but turned back to look at Buddha, with some worry in his eyes.

In fact, he was also afraid of the discussion among these people.

If His Royal Highness Fozi's status is affected by this, then he will definitely become a joke.

After all, he was proud to be the acolyte of His Highness the Buddha.

In this way, he was able to enter the inner court under the care of His Highness the Buddha, and Guang'an was able to enjoy this opportunity, but now he became a little confused.

But at this moment, the mana of heaven and earth enveloped in the infield suddenly rippled slightly.

This vision once again attracted everyone's attention.

Someone has made a breakthrough again! who is it?

Everyone let go of their own perceptions and quickly locked in on the goal of breakthrough.

But when they saw that person, everyone present was stunned.

At the same time, Guangbei, who had closed his eyes and had already entered a state of cultivation and was rapidly condensing his magic power, suddenly opened his eyes again and looked at Yang Gu in front, with a look of astonishment on his face.

Another breakthrough? how come?

Didn’t he just break through not long ago? !

Calculating the time, it may not even be ten breaths.

Not long after the breakthrough, Yang Yu's cultivation level in the middle Yuanjing period suddenly jumped to the late Yuanjing stage, and it was actually equal to his cultivation level!


Guangbei's face suddenly became ugly, and even the mana that had just been absorbed into his body quickly dissipated due to emotional instability.

Not only Guangzui, but everyone inside and outside the venue, except for the few Zen masters who were still preaching in front, all looked at Yang Gu.

too fast! It's so fast!

Breaking through two small realms in a short period of time, from the early stage of Yuan Feeding to the late stage of Yuan Feeding.

Is this the power of the reincarnation of the true Buddha? Excellent wisdom and understanding!

Those who were still talking about Yang Yu just now were all dumbfounded at this moment.

Who would have imagined that what you were saying one moment would be slapped in the face the next.

All I can say is that he is worthy of being the son of the Buddha. The reincarnation of the true Buddha is indeed unparalleled in talent.

Guang'an's cultivation was only in the early stage of Yuanji, and he couldn't see through Yang Yu's cultivation at this time, but when he saw the eyes of the people around him, he naturally understood what happened instantly.

I was a little confused just now, but in an instant I changed from being confused to feeling at ease.

really! Sure enough, His Highness the Buddha is not comparable to others, so don’t try to mess with him!

Everyone in the venue looked at each other, and they were all very surprised, but those who could enter the venue were at least protected by Fu Shi, and they were relatively calm.

Being able to achieve two breakthroughs in such a short period of time may be due to the Buddhist disciple's daily accumulation, which happened to coincide with this Dharma conference.

Although this is the case, it is enough to make everyone sigh.

However, breakthrough is not an easy thing. His Highness Fozi can break through from the early stage of Yuan Feeding to the late stage of Yuan Feeding, but he may stop there.

The two breakthroughs were only breakthroughs in small realms. The difference between Yuanji and Fu Shi was a big realm. It was very difficult and not easy to overcome.

In addition, you will also suffer disasters from majoring in martial arts. When you make a breakthrough in a major realm, the price of the martial arts will explode.

It is difficult to break through from Yuanji to Fushi!

It seems that the next Dharma conference should be much quieter.

Someone once again yelled at the monks watching from the outside, asking them to quiet down, and everyone was soon immersed in the chanting of the Dharma assembly.

Guangbei exhaled a long breath, and Deben, who was sitting next to him, looked a little bad, but he still spoke to Guangbei softly:

"If junior brother can break through and advance to Fu Fu Stone faster, this will be enough to prove junior brother's intelligence and talent."

Guangbei slowly calmed down his emotions and nodded.

"Thank you, senior brother."

He also understands this truth. Now everyone is on the same starting line. It is extremely fair. It depends on who can break through and reach the Fu Stone first.

That’s when the real difference comes!

Guangbei slowly closed his eyes. He would go all out this time and strive to reach the threshold of breakthrough as soon as possible.

But when he just closed his eyes, he was ready to immerse himself in the state of practice and concentrate on concentrating his magic power.

In an instant, the rich mana of heaven and earth in the inner field surged again.

This vision of the magic power of heaven and earth is even more conspicuous than the previous visions.

Someone has made a breakthrough! And it’s a huge breakthrough!

The eyes that had just been closed opened again. Guangbei looked at the person who had made the breakthrough in astonishment, with an unbelievable look in his eyes.

It's a Buddhist! It’s the Buddha again!

Fu Shi Realm! He actually broke through to the Fu Shi realm!

How could it be so fast? ! How could anyone be so fast? !

Everyone present turned their attention to Yang Yu again. This time, not only the people outside the court were dumbfounded, but also the people inside.

This...is this the Buddha?


Before everyone could recover, they were all immersed in shock.

The next moment, a dark red fire suddenly appeared around Yang Yu, and the fire suddenly enveloped his entire body.

Yang Yu's face suddenly showed a look of pain.

At the same time, countless golden dust also escaped from the pores of his body, spreading like a bolt.

I wish everyone a happy Chinese Valentine's Day and a good sleep.

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