Everyone is a demon, why are you covered in holy light?

Chapter 243 Burning fingers to worship the Buddha Kingdom! Great virtue is good! 8439 words

Chapter 243 Burning fingers to worship the Buddha Kingdom! Great virtue is good! "8439 words"

It was said to be a performance, but in fact he didn't need to do anything, the visions would appear on their own.

This also had to make him a little doubtful. Could it be that he was really the reincarnation of a true Buddha?

The highest level of being able to deceive the enemy is to deceive oneself, but at this time, Yang Yu felt that this was not impossible.

What is the difference between his magic and the legendary Buddha's light?

In the future, we may not be able to cultivate to a higher state, or even move towards the true Buddha.

"Zen Master, please be optimistic. This boy is the reincarnation of the true Buddha! He is so virtuous that he will never lie!"

Dehou said swornly, and when he clasped his palms together, the green rosary beads in his hands immediately spread out, and one of them turned into a secret seal and landed on Yang Yu's head.

It was the same as when I went through the third level in Yan'an Temple.

The facial features on Dehou's face were twisted and instantly turned into a radiant mirror. A large amount of green light emitted from the mirror and enveloped Yang Yu's body.

At that time, enveloped by this layer of green light, Yang Yu subconsciously wanted to activate several of the techniques he had mastered, just in case he could not reproduce the scene when he passed the third level.

But before he could make any move, those magical auras suddenly condensed into visions one after another, emanating from his body.

First, the solemn and holy Buddha's light formed a halo of Buddha's light and appeared behind him, shining brilliantly.

Then came the cyan colored glaze light from the Baoguang Glazed Purity Technique. Its brightness and clarity instantly overshadowed the cyan light that shrouded his body, making it even more eye-catching.

Immediately afterwards, countless brilliant golden lights condensed into a tall golden shadow of the true Buddha, shrouding him. This was the golden Zen mantra of the Great Bright Buddha.

Finally, there is the magical method of releasing the golden body from Dongfo Temple, which instantly forms an even larger golden shadow of the true Buddha, like a matryoshka doll again.

There is a round wheel of Buddha's light hanging on the back, and the body is illuminated by glazed green light. It is protected by the golden bodies of two giant Buddhas. One Buddha is taller than the other.

Even in order to make his plan to enter Dade Temple foolproof, under the shroud of these lights and shadows, Yang Yu showed a face of piety and compassion, put his palms together, and really looked like a real Buddha appeared in the world.


A cluster of dark red flames suddenly erupted from Yang Yu's clasped palms. The strange fire burned his hands, but made him even more majestic and mysterious.

"Burn your fingers to make offerings to the Buddha's land! This is the burning finger to make offerings to the Buddha's land!!"

On the side, among the people who were always paying attention to Yang Yu, Dechan beside Deyu suddenly screamed out of control.

Even Dehou, who was surrounded by a major cause and effect, could not help but tremble.

He didn't expect that there would be visions that had never appeared before!

What is the purpose of burning one's fingers to offer sacrifices to the Buddha's country?

That is the legendary vision that can only be produced by Buddhas and Bodhisattvas who have great cultivation, great motivation, great wisdom, and great diligence.

This is not a state that those of them who are still practicing can achieve.

But such a vision appeared in a person who only had fake food cultivation.

What is this if not a holy child? !

Recall that this person once said that in a dream, there was a great practitioner’s fingerprint on his previous life, which was the true Buddha named Ran Deng.

Burn the lantern...burn the lantern...burn your fingers to worship the Buddha Kingdom!

Based on this alone, no one can doubt that this boy is the reincarnation of the true Buddha! Not even Zen Master Qingnan!

What is your identity as Zen Master Qingnan? What is the reincarnation of the true Buddha?

Of course, Dehou couldn't say these words out loud. Just thinking about it was already a big sin, but his heart suddenly felt very happy.

"Zen Master! Brothers! This is the Holy Boy! This is a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity for our Qinglian Prefecture!"

There are some things that cannot be said, but there are some things that Dehou can't wait to say.

The three Deyu people standing there were all dumbfounded at this time, and they completely lacked the demeanor of the third master of Liuli Pagoda.

At the same time, the face of Zen Master Qingnan on the side looked at Yang Eucalyptus with the same shock.

But as a Zen master, he is very calm and must be calm.

A holy boy who was the reincarnation of the true Buddha appeared in Qinglian Prefecture. This is not a trivial matter. Any mistakes will be a big sin for them, and Dade Temple will not tolerate such mistakes.

Regarding the strange phenomena that appeared on Yang Gu, the first thing that Zen Master Qingnan thought of was magic. These might be caused by magic.

But it was just doubt, and it disappeared in an instant.

Because this suspicion does not hold true.

This child only has the cultivation level of the middle stage of fake food, and there is no way to hide from his perception.

As a Zen master, his cultivation is at the level of a zombie. Unless his cultivation is higher than him, no one can hide from him.

What he was certain of was that what he saw was not an illusion.

But if it is not an illusion, such a sophisticated and profound technique is not something that a monk in the middle stage of Fake Eating can do, and even he can't do it.


Because these visions would be terrible if they were magic!

If it is a spell, it means that each of these visions is an absolutely forbidden spell, a light spell!

Just one light spell can kill you. It is impossible for someone to practice so many forbidden spells at the same time and maintain it for such a long time.

After all, a few breaths of time have passed since Dehou performed a major cause and effect method, but there has been no abnormality in this child. From this, it can be seen that these are real anomalies.

In this way, he is really a holy boy!

Unknowingly, Zen Master Qingnan, who had always been sitting in the Glazed Pagoda, faintly noticed that his breathing began to become rapid.

"This son's name is Zhang Wuji. He comes from Wudang Mountain. He practices the Nine-Yang Divine Art. When he was young, he entered a secular temple called Shaolin. There is also a great practitioner who guided him in his previous life in his dream. He was a The true Buddha named Ran Deng..."

Before Zen Master Qingnan could ask, Dehou was the first to give Yang Yu's answers in the third level.

What else can Yang say about this? Is it possible to give Dehou a thumbs up for his wit? In this regard, he could only nod his head under the gaze of everyone.

He is still shrouded in the azure light and secret seal of a major cause and effect, which is equivalent to being tested from the side again.

Seeing Yang Yu's response, there was nothing unusual either. Not to mention Dehou, even Zen Master Qingnan took a deep breath.

"Good! Great good!"

Then several people saw Zen Master Qingnan's face showing uncontrollable joy, and he even shouted that he was doing well.

Dehou was also overjoyed and immediately withdrew the magic of Karma from Yang Yu's body.

The strange phenomenon on Yang Yu's body disappeared quickly like a bubble, and returned to normal in the blink of an eye.

The light on the glorious mirror dissipated, and Dehou's old face reappeared. This time, he couldn't help but look at Deyu and the others with a thick smile.

The faces of Deyu and the others were still unconcealed with shock at this time, but when Dehou turned his eyes, their expressions suddenly became ugly.


They didn't give Dehou a chance to explain before. Instead, they regarded this incident as a sin and completely broke up with Dehou.

In the end, who would have imagined that the destined person Dehou brought here turned out to be a holy boy reincarnated by the true Buddha? !

Even Zen Master Qingnan couldn't think of it, so how could they think of it.

When Zen Master Qingnan saw the visions all over this boy, he kept exclaiming how good he was, which shows that Zen Master Qingnan couldn't find any fault with him.

This is really a holy boy!

Thinking of this, the three of them could only clasp their hands together and shout: Amitabha!

"It's a sin, it's a sin. I didn't expect that my junior brother would extradite a holy boy this time. It's because we have no eyes for the Dharma and have no eyesight."

What can I do now? Of course I can only choose to bow my head and apologize.

Today, they failed.

Dehou laughed happily at this, venting the frustration in his heart, but he ignored Deyu and the others at all.

He knew that he had turned defeat into victory, so Zen Master Qingnan's arrangements for him just now were countless, and the next step was the most important moment.

It is clear at a glance who has contributed and who has failed.

He had been unjustly accused just now, could not defend himself, and was almost sent back to Dade Temple. Now, Deyu and the others have to taste this.

"Zen Master!"

Dehou immediately looked at Zen Master Qingnan. Although he said nothing, the meaning was self-evident.

"Amitabha! You are so good! You have made great achievements this time, but I did not find out just now, so I have wronged you."

Zen Master Qingnan was also a person who could take things up and let them go. He had dealt with Dehou before giving him a chance to explain, and he did not hesitate to apologize at this time.

As a Zen master, being able to take the initiative to give in has given Dehou a great deal of face, but this lost face will naturally have to be recovered from another person.

Zen Master Qingnan turned to look at Deyu and the other three people standing aside. Under the embarrassed expressions of the three people, he slowly spoke:

"From now on, Deyu, Dechan, Desheng, you and the other three will guard Yan'an Temple for Dehou, cultivate your virtues again, and return to the Glazed Pagoda when your merits are complete."


From the moment Dehou confirmed that the person he brought was a holy boy, the three of them could no longer refute any arrangement.

If they had known that it was a holy boy and had maintained good relations with Dehou when he came to the Glazed Pagoda, maybe each of them could have shared part of the credit.

I regret it!

"Go quickly, don't delay."

Zen Master Qingnan obviously didn't want to see these three people anymore. He waved his hand to let them go, and the three of them had no choice but to leave the quiet room respectfully.

After they left, Zen Master Qingnan looked at Dehou and Yang Yu.

At this time, Dehou's face had calmed down, but not to mention how happy he was in his heart.

Since Zen Master Qingnan has arranged for these people to guard Yan'an Temple for him, it is self-evident for him to make the next arrangements.


"Dehou is here."

Upon hearing Zen Master Qingnan's call, Dehou responded immediately without any delay.

"There is also a post of Jingyu in the Glazed Pagoda. I have asked Deyu and the others to guard Yan'an Temple for you. From now on, you can serve as the Jingyu in the Glazed Pagoda."

"Dehou Jing obeys the Zen Master's order!"

Dehou replied respectfully, but at this moment he was ecstatic.

The position of Jingyu is in charge of all the scriptures in the Glazed Pagoda, which also means that the Zen Master will give him most of the resources in the Glazed Pagoda to help him practice.

Since then, his career has skyrocketed, and he may even be promoted to a Zen master one day.

Of course, this is just the arrangement of Zen Master Qingnan. When the holy boy is sent to Dade Temple, he can still get the reward from the temple, and that will be the real big head.

With joy in his heart, Dehou looked at Yang Yu even more enthusiastically than before.

After all, without Yang Yu, he wouldn't be where he is now.

Moreover, as a holy boy, this child will definitely get the best training and growth when he enters Dade Temple. Sooner or later, he will become a big shot in the future, so he must establish a good relationship as soon as possible.

After arranging the arrangements for Deyu and Dehou, the next thing will naturally come back to Yang Yu.

"Zen Master, Dehou will take the holy boy to the State of Ten Thousand Buddhas to welcome the reincarnation of the true Buddha back to the land of good deeds!"

In the minds of these monks, although they have never heard of the Buddha who lights the lamp, as long as it is a Buddha, it is the real Buddha of Dade Temple. There is no doubt about this.

But after Dehou said this, Zen Master Qingnan hesitated.

"Wait a minute, the Holy Child's matter is not a trivial matter. The road from Qinglian Prefecture to Ten Thousand Buddhas Prefecture is far away, so I will personally send the Holy Child to a place of good deeds. You can keep an eye on the Glazed Pagoda here and wait for my return."

"Ah this..."

Dehou's expression changed instantly.

Anyone who is not a fool can understand the meaning of Zen Master Qingnan’s words. This guy is blatantly trying to grab the credit!

"What? Could it be that Dehou still can't trust me and can't protect the holy boy?"

Zen Master Qingnan raised his eyebrows and said softly.

"If that's not the case, Dehou will follow the Zen Master's instructions."

Dehou had no way to object to this. He could only watch Zen Master Qingnan smile on his face.

He is just an abbot, while Qingnan is a Zen master, with a high official rank that is overwhelming.

"Don't worry, I will make it clear to the temple about your contribution. This is not the result of me alone, but also the contribution of you Yan'an Temple, and it is the joy of the entire Qinglian Prefecture."

Zen Master Qingnan said with a smile.

You are the only one who can do it... Haha, whatever you say is what it is.

"What the Zen Master said is absolutely true!"

Dehou could only smile helplessly and nodded in response.


Seeing these two bald donkeys fighting for credit, Yang Yu felt contempt in his heart and almost laughed out loud.

Who would have thought that a Zen master from Liuli Pagoda and an abbot from Yan'an Temple, both of whom are compassionate and compassionate monks, would actually fight over this kind of thing? It's really funny.

If the people of Tianfo City were to see this scene, I am afraid that the persona established by these bald donkeys for a long time would collapse in an instant.

Those who have not become true Buddhas are all ordinary people and cannot be exempted from the world.

Dehou had a look of reluctance on his face, but he could only obey Zen Master Qingnan's arrangements. His eyes when he looked at Yang Yu were full of reluctance, which simply made Yang Yu feel cold in his heart.

Fortunately, Zen Master Qingnan opened his mouth and looked at Dehou.

"This matter is of great importance. I will immediately take the Holy Boy to the place of good deeds. I will entrust the Glazed Tower to you for the time being."


The two of them chanted the Buddha's name in unison, and Dehou had no choice but to retreat no matter how unwilling he was.

Only Zen Master Qingnan and Yang Yu were left in the quiet room, and Yang Yu pretended to be uneasy, like a person who was inexperienced in the world.

"Saint boy, don't worry. I will protect you when you go to Ten Thousand Buddhas State, and you will be safe all the way."

Zen Master Qingnan said kindly. Compared with the majesty he showed when he faced Dehou and the others just now, he now looked like an approachable bald monk with no airs at all.

"Everything will follow the Zen Master's arrangements."

Yang Yu immediately nodded in agreement, feeling extremely happy, and the stone that had been hanging fell down.

Although there was an accident in the first step, fortunately the process went very smoothly and did not arouse anyone's suspicion. The next step was to enter Dade Temple and start his undercover career.

Zen Master Qingnan walked out of the Glazed Pagoda with Yang Eucalyptus. He took off the red cassock on his body, held it in his hand and tossed it gently.

The cassock immediately curled up and turned into a dragon several feet long in the blink of an eye. The blessed field above the cassock seemed to have turned into scales on the dragon's body at this moment, majestic but ferocious.

The dragon appeared and respectfully laid its thick scaly claws and stout body on the ground. The breath in the dragon's head even formed a layer of scorching mist.

Zen Master Qingnan immediately grabbed Yang Eucalyptus and took him to the dragon's back.

Compared with the old man Zhuanyu's mount, the mount of Zen Master Qingnan was so normal that it made Yang Yu look at it with special eyes. It was so powerful and domineering.

When his feet stepped on the dragon's back, it didn't feel like he was actually stepping on the dragon's back. Instead, it felt very soft, as if the dragon only had an appearance but was actually hollow inside.

After all, it is not a real dragon, but just a cassock.

Carrying the two of them, the dragon took off on the wind, flew into the air in the blink of an eye, and quickly left in the night.

By the time the two arrived at Wanfo State, it was already Xu time on the second day, and it was already after nightfall again.

Not to mention the long distance between Qinglian Prefecture and Wanfo Prefecture, it is indeed so.

Even Zen Master Qingnan, who is the zombie god, took Yang Gu and spent a lot of time to finally reach here.

Getting closer to Dade Temple, Yang Yu felt more nervous.

Regardless of the previous grievances and grudges with Daitokuji, after all, it was just a matter of Minghemen, and Daitokuji would not pay attention to a little miscellaneous fish like him.

Just the thought that he would be an undercover agent in the power of the number one overlord of the Baosha Region, any mistake would put him in a desperate situation.

This is what worries him the most.

Therefore, Yang Yu has already made a decision in her mind. In Dade Temple, she must be careful and careful, cautious and cautious. In everything, her own safety is the priority, and she must not be careless.

As for the task of old man Zhuanyu, it would be useless if the others were gone.

Soon, the dragon below him and Yang Yu fell from the sky, and the wind whistled in their ears.

After passing through the clouds, I saw the so-called Land of Goodness below. The lights were bright and peaceful, and the mysterious Sanskrit sounds resounded between heaven and earth.

Dade Temple has arrived!

When he saw the true appearance of Dade Temple for the first time, Yang Yu felt an uncontrollable sense of amazement in his heart. Until Jiaolong took them to the ground, he still hadn't recovered yet, still immersed in the majestic and spectacular scenery. Among the scenery.

The so-called Dade Temple is actually more vast and majestic than a big city.

In the eight directions of the southeast, northwest and northwest, there stand a hundred-foot-tall golden Buddha statue, covered with brilliant colored glaze, dazzling and majestic, as if lifelike and majestic, pointing straight to the sky.

From a distance, you can see the various houses forming a huge city around various temples. This is a religious holy place that attracts everyone's attention.

When you are high in the sky, you can see in this holy land, countless Buddhist cultivators wearing various monk robes walking through the streets and alleys. There are countless of them, their faces are full of piety, just like pilgrims.

When I arrived outside the city at this time, I saw four large golden characters "Great Virtue and Goodness" written on the entrance, as well as countless solemn and mysterious ancient Sanskrit characters.

Every Sanskrit word seems to be filled with the aura of infinite majesty.

Just looking at it can make people breathless, as if they are under great pressure.

The shock that Dade Temple gave Yang Yu was even far greater than the first time she saw Jinlu Pavilion.

If Jinlu Pavilion is said to be a floating city in the sky, it is also a spiritual island.

Then this Dade Temple is a pilgrimage place on land, a true Buddha land for thousands of years.

"Come in with me."

Zen Master Qingnan put the dragon away, turned it into a cassock and put it on his body again, and then walked towards Dade Temple with Yang Gu. While his face was full of piety, his eyes were also full of incomparable expectation.

He was like a wanderer who had been away from home for many years and finally returned to his hometown.

It's also like he wants to use Yang Gu's status as a holy boy to gain praise from the Holy Land.

Countless monks in monk's robes stood neatly at the entrance. Each monk's face was extremely pious. They were waiting here quietly, as if they were waiting for someone.

Among them, Qingnan even saw some familiar people. They were the highly respected abbot and Zen master of Dade Temple, with prominent status and respected status.

In Dade Temple, everyone's status and status are also different according to their different cultivation levels.

The fake food can only be used by the lowest level of monks, while the original food is called Gami, the fu stone is the protector, and the flesh is the abbot.

When he reached the level of cultivation in Qingnan, Zhan Shen was respected as a Zen master.

Those who go further up the path are even called Bodhisattvas, and are considered to be the agents of Bodhisattvas in the Buddhist world.

At this time, at the entrance of Dade Temple, there were hundreds of abbots coming to greet them at a glance, and there were also more than a dozen Zen masters wearing black monk robes and various colored cassocks.

Seeing this scene, not only Yang Yu's face showed doubts, but also Qingnan's face.

Could it be that some big shot is coming?

Yang Yu couldn't help but think about it, but she didn't ask any more questions and followed Qingnan silently.

Taking Yang Gu with him, Qingnan walked closer and first recited the Buddha's name, which immediately attracted the attention of many monks and also the Zen masters.

Every three years at this time, the Dade Temple Buddhist Conference is held. The main cities in each state will select suitable people through the Buddhist conference and send them to Dade Temple.

So when they saw Qingnan appearing here, many people had surprised looks on their faces.

However, no one has appeared in Qinglian Prefecture for nine years. It is natural for Qingnan to come here at this time.


Among the leading monks, a Zen master named Qingyuan walked out and seemed to be an old acquaintance with Qingnan.

"Junior brother Qingnan, we haven't seen you return to the Holy Land for ten years, and today we finally see you again. It seems that there must be many people who are destined to stand out in Qinglian Prefecture this time, otherwise it would not be worth your visit in person. Come."

After hearing what Qingyuan said, many people nearby looked at Qingnan and Yang Yu who was following him.

"Huh? Why is there only one? Could it be that Junior Brother Qingnan has hidden other people who are destined to be together?"

Qingnan's face suddenly turned ugly, but only for a moment he became happy again.

Not only did he come this time, he also came with a holy boy who was the reincarnation of the true Buddha. He was not vain at all.

This Zen master named Qingyuan had an old grudge with him, but now he was the first to stand up when he saw him, so impatient.

"Yes, our Qinglian Prefecture has only one destined person this time, but..."

Qingnan is preparing to directly state Yang Yu's identity so that these people will know the profound blessings of Qinglian Prefecture this time.

But just in the middle of the words, the atmosphere at the scene suddenly became solemn, and the monks in front of them all clasped their palms together and fell silent.

"Junior brother, it is better to welcome the holy boy with us first. This time, our Jinlian Prefecture not only gave birth to thirteen destined people, but also gave birth to a holy boy who was reincarnated by a Bodhisattva.

Such a big event only happens once in a thousand years. If Junior Brother has anything to say, let's talk about it later. "

At this moment, Qingyuan suddenly said, with an unstoppable smile on his face.

"The holy boy reincarnated by the Bodhisattva!"

Qingnan was stunned for a moment.

Jinlian Prefecture is where the Glazed Pagoda guarded by Qingyuan is located. This place is truly blessed with profound blessings. Among the Buddhist gatherings in the past, the number of destined people sent to Dade Temple is also among the top. This time, a person actually appeared. A holy boy reincarnated as a Bodhisattva!

Another holy boy!

He couldn't help but look at Yang Yu behind him. While he was jealous of Qingyuan's luck, he couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief.

If it had been before, let alone the Holy Child, even the number of thirteen destined people would have been enough to render him speechless.

Compared with Qinglian Prefecture and Jinlian Prefecture, there is no comparison in this kind of blessing.

But now, he has sent a holy boy.

What about the holy boy who is the reincarnation of a Bodhisattva? Behind him is the reincarnated holy boy of the true Buddha!

But since it is time to welcome this holy boy, there is no need to rush and wait and see before he finishes speaking.

Thinking of this, Qingnan had no choice but to stand to the side with Yang Gu, planning to explain later.

When Yang Yu heard the word "Shengtong", he also felt strong curiosity in his heart.

He, a holy boy, couldn't even tell himself whether it was true or false. There was a high probability that it was false.

After all, even the "Burning Finger Offering to the Buddha's Kingdom" was just disguised with his own blood using the lighting method.

But now there is a real holy boy. If he can find something to learn from this holy boy, it will make his future disguise even more perfect.

Joining the queue to welcome this so-called holy boy, Yang Yu looked forward to it.

Not long after, I heard a burst of Sanskrit chanting coming from the distant sky from far to near. At the same time, a gorgeous carriage pulled by three thick dragons came speeding from the mid-air. fell to the ground.

The dragon and the carriage disappeared from the void, but a dozen people appeared out of thin air and were heading towards Dade Temple in neat formation.

The leader was an old monk wearing a white monk's robe and a gold-rimmed collar. Judging from his clothing and aura of cultivation, he was a fleshly abbot.

Behind the old monk, there was a young man who looked about twenty years old slowly following. Although he had long hair and a crown, he was also wearing gray monk robes, with a pious look on his face.

Walking at the back were more than a dozen monks with curious faces, presumably the destined people from Jinlian Prefecture who had passed through the Buddhist Association.

Yang Yu's eyes immediately locked on the young man behind the old monk. As expected, this man was the holy boy mentioned by Zen Master Qingyuan just now.

This guy turned out to be a monk who was about to enter Fu Shi. He looked very young, but he had such talent, which was indeed extraordinary.

However, Yang Yu didn't see any difference in this so-called holy boy, so he could only wait and see.

When this group of people came closer, Zen Master Qingyuan and the others greeted them enthusiastically.

"Zen Master, De Shuang has brought the holy boy and thirteen destined people together."

The old monk said respectfully to Zen Master Qingyuan.

"Excellent! My nephew has traveled thousands of miles to bring the holy boy and the destined people. It is really hard work. If you are tired, you can go to the Golden Wheel Hall to rest first, and then I will welcome the holy boy and the destined people to the Ten Thousand Buddhas Hall to pay homage to Haishu Bodhisattva. Let’s get together again.”


The old monk named Deshuang immediately responded, stepped aside, and entrusted the holy boy and the destined people to Qingyuan and the others.

All the monks and monks who came to greet him began to chant scriptures. This seemed to be the highest Buddhist ritual to welcome the holy boy.

The young man enjoyed such a standard of treatment, but did not have any stage fright. He followed Zen Master Qingyuan with a smile and walked towards the huge Dade Temple.

Everyone followed behind them and welcomed the Holy Child into the Holy Land.

Yang Eucalyptus had been watching all this silently, but he didn't see anything surprising, but he keenly heard a sneer from the mouth of Zen Master Qingnan next to him.

This old monk... Yang Gu was speechless.

How long have you been smiling like this? Look at me.

In order to welcome the holy boy, they prepared such a grand pomp, so many Buddhist cultivators came, and three real dragon chariots were used just to travel.

Look at him again, he is alone, following this old monk, and the dragon he rides is still a cassock. He has not even finished a sentence when he comes here, and he is ridiculed as soon as he comes.

Compared to the holy boy who was greeted, he was like a marginal passerby.

How could this old monk from Qingnan be looked down upon by others? He deserved it. His service attitude was completely different from others.

Of course, complaints are complaints, and Yang Yu will not show these thoughts on his face.

But even though he didn't say anything, Qingnan was still very self-aware and realized his problem.

"It's my fault that I was negligent. Such important matters should be reported to the temple first, and you should be treated with the ceremony of welcoming the saint, but you have been treated coldly."

He whispered to Yang Eucalyptus. In fact, it was mainly because he was too eager. After learning that Yang Eucalyptus was the reincarnation of the true Buddha, he couldn't wait to bring Yang Eucalyptus directly, neglecting the courtesy in this regard.

There is nothing that can be done about it. After all, Qinglian Prefecture has not even seen a destined person in nine years, so it was a moment of negligence.

"Follow me. Let's go to the Hall of Ten Thousand Buddhas to pay homage to Haishu Bodhisattva. You don't have to worry too much about these red tapes. If your identity is known, the Bodhisattva will definitely compensate you."

He comforted Yang Yu, then took Yang Yu to follow these monks, and also walked towards Dade Temple, and was about to go to the Hall of Ten Thousand Buddhas.

Monks like Qingnan who possess the cultivation of Zhenshen are called Zen masters. It is self-evident how powerful a person who can be called a Bodhisattva is.

That must be a powerful person!

It is not that easy to enter Dade Temple. Not only do you have to pass the test of Yan'an Temple, but you also have to pass through the Glazed Pagoda, and finally Dade Temple.

It's not easy to be an undercover agent, and it's even more difficult to be an undercover agent for a dominant force.

But now that we have come here, there is no way back, we can only succeed and not fail.

Yang Yu couldn't help but take a deep breath and quickly followed Qingnan.

As I walked, I looked up at the countless Sanskrit and Buddha statues on the top of the mysterious roof, as well as the four golden characters "The Great Virtue Suggests Goodness" that are eye-catching with infinite Buddhist rhyme, and the majestic temple in front of me. The sect of Buddha.

Deep in Yang Yu's heart, there seemed to be a burst of surging spirit.

Dade Temple! I'm here!


I will update more if I can. In order to order evenly, it can only be one chapter. However, the content of one chapter is the previous two or three chapters. In the future, there may be large chapters with more than 10,000 words.

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