Everyone is a demon, why are you covered in holy light?

Chapter 237 Extraterrestrial changes! Knock on the head and settle the soul!

After receiving the new news from the shop owner, Yang Yu felt a little uneasy.

what to do?

Finally got to this point.

Although the boss’s real purpose for establishing the Keitaikai is unknown, the members of the Keitaikai without exception are born with a fleshy constitution. Being born with fleshy bodies is the only way to break through the limitations of death and advance to the fleshy body.

But it is impossible for Yang Yu to confess the fact that she is not born with flesh and blood. That would reveal her biggest secret. This is absolutely impossible!

Otherwise, why don't you just say that you have already broken through the flesh and blood, but you don't know how you managed to break through without any harm, and then throw the blame to the Jinlu Pavilion and the new master, Zhuan Yu, the old man?

It doesn’t seem to work either!

He could not predict the true strength of the boss, and it seemed that the boss knew the outer continent very well. If there was any interaction with these forces in the outer continent, it would be easy to verify.

If he really pursued this matter to the end and found that his breakthrough had nothing to do with Jinlu Pavilion, he would also be exposed.

Then the only choice is to continue to hide it... But once the boss's plan succeeds and can really help the members of the Keikei Society break through the flesh, sooner or later he will face this step...


As he thought about it, Yang Yu's eyes suddenly lit up.

He suddenly thought of his own hidden seal.

Before being sent out of Jinlu Pavilion, Old Man Zhuanyu placed a hidden seal on him, sealing his cultivation to the middle stage of fake food.

He can completely use the opportunity of hiding the seal to get through!

Moreover, he also has the ability to purify. If the shop owner's method of targeting the innate flesh can be purified and eliminated, then his chances of using purification and concealment seals to get through will also be greatly increased.

This plan works!

After thinking about it, this is the most feasible plan that Yang Eucalyptus thinks is the most feasible.

Ability plus opportunity, I am really a genius!

Yang Yu suddenly felt happy, and the stone that had been hanging in her heart suddenly fell.

In the Tree of Flesh, I got the news from the shop owner, and everyone sent a reply.

To Yang Yu's surprise, after disappearing for more than half a year, almost every member of the Jingtei Society has achieved the cultivation level of the late Fu Shi.

Among them, the severed hand, white bird and goat's horn are all in the late stage of Fu Shi, and are only one step away from the flesh.

Broken Hand was the first to bear the brunt. After reporting on his own cultivation, he took the initiative to stand up and be the first to take advantage of the situation.

"My cultivation is currently at the late stage of Fu Shi, and it will take some time to reach perfection."

Yang Yu sent a message, setting his cultivation level at the late stage of Fu Shi, which has not yet been completed.

In this way, he would have enough time to wait and see first, and at the same time, it would also be convenient for him to gradually unlock his hidden seal after entering Dade Temple and reveal stronger cultivation.

Of course, this requires good timing and no negligence. When it is your turn to be the test subject of the boss, your cultivation will be revealed at the perfect level of the late Fu Shi.

When the time comes, you can successfully unlock the hidden seal and reveal your ruthless cultivation, and you will be able to get through.

Yang Yu's answer did not arouse anyone's suspicion, and the broken hand's self-recommendation was also approved by the owner.

"Then the severed hand will be the first to come!

If you can safely break through the restrictions and reach the point of death, it is best to leave where you are and enter other continents. Places outside continents are becoming increasingly unsafe and are not a place to stay for a long time. "

The boss once again sent new news, which immediately attracted everyone's attention.

Among the members of the Economic Rebellion Association, currently only Shiratori and Yang Yu are in the outer continent, Yang Yu is in the Baosha region, Shiratori's location is not yet known, and the others are only in a corner of the continent.

"What happened outside the continent?"

The white bird sent a message and asked, asking the question that Yang Gu also wanted to ask.

"Part of the land outside the continent bordering the Tianlong Territory has disappeared. It is rumored that it was swallowed up by some unknown terrifying existence!"

The person who replied to the message was not the boss, but the severed hand of one of the members of the Keihekai.

The outer continent is divided into four regions, namely the Tianlong Region in the east, the Baosha Region in the west, the Fusheng Region in the south, and the Senluo Region in the north.

Judging from Broken Hand's reply, he should be located in a land outside the continent bordering the Tianlong Domain. No wonder he was the first to stand up, hoping to break through the flesh with the help of the boss.

“Not only that, there are also new situations emerging in the lands outside the continent bordering the Fusheng Territory.

There was a change in a state called Dingzhou, and the center point of the change was near a small sect named Sansong Mountain.

If there are members who are in Dingzhou and its surrounding states, please leave as soon as possible and do not enter Dingzhou! "

This time it was the news from the boss. From the tone of voice, it could be heard that the situation seemed to be serious.

Then he sent another message, warning everyone:

"In short, the places outside the continent are becoming more and more dangerous. If you can enter the outer continent as early as possible, come in as early as possible. Don't delay. With your current strength, you cannot access higher-level secrets. There are some things that even I cannot intervene to understand the situation. I That’s all I can say.”

At this moment, the conscious body was standing in front of the Tree of Flesh. Hearing the information exchanged between the members of the Keijihui and the boss, Yang Yu felt extremely horrified in his heart.

The state bordering the Tianlong Territory was swallowed up by a terrorist entity?

What kind of terrifying existence is it that can directly engulf the state?

That's a state territory. The distance between a state and a state is at least a thousand miles!

And something happened in Dingzhou?

Dingzhou was the state where he had just come to this world, where his former hometown of Jiunan Town was located.

And...Sansong Mountain?

Isn't that the sect where Brother and Sister Panshi and Panyu belong? !

What happened there?

Unexpectedly, only half a year after entering the outer continent, something big happened in the place where I was once.

After receiving this news, Yang Yu suddenly felt a little uneasy, as if some kind of danger was approaching unknowingly.

"It will take at least three days to prepare the broken hand. I will inform you after three days. Also, try not to use magic power during these three days!"


The owner of the workshop said to Broken Hand when he sent a message, and then there was no new news from the Tree of Flesh. Apparently everyone dispersed.

Yang Yu was thinking about the news he had just heard. The amount of information in it made him unable to recover. It was not until a while later that he realized that the show was over, and he also exited the Tree of Flesh and returned to reality. .

However, not long after he exited the Tree of Flesh and was still immersed in some premonition of danger, a scream suddenly came from the distant house, waking him up immediately.

It was a woman's scream, and the place where the sound came from was not very far away. It seemed to be in the house next door.

what happened?

Yang Yu frowned slightly, and then carefully let go of his own perception.

Perception spread slowly and silently along the surrounding space like air, and soon spread to the place where the scream came from just now.

At the first moment, Yang Yu noticed that there were two more monks with cultivation in the Jia family's house.

Two yuan feed!

It’s a monk from Daitoku Temple!

The two men were wearing gray monk robes and had no facial hair. One of the monks restrained a woman who looked to be only seventeen or eighteen years old with one hand.

The woman was half-kneeling on the ground, her hands wrapped around her back, and she was tightly grasped by the monk. She screamed hoarsely while struggling.

The monk's other hand was gently patting the woman's head, and at the same time he was reciting scriptures in a low voice.

There was also a monk standing aside and reciting something at the same time, but it sounded like the content of what they were reciting was different.

Next to him, Jia Fugui and a woman beside him just stared blankly, with nervous expressions on their faces. There were also a group of servants around them, who were afraid to get close.

Recalling what the servants told Jia Fugui when they first came to Jia's house, the woman caught by the monk should be Jia Fugui's daughter.

So what is happening in the house now, it is no surprise that Jia Fugui invited the monks from Dade Temple to treat his daughter.

Yang Yu understood the whole story instantly, and at the same time he became curious, wanting to see how the people from Dade Temple saved people.

These monks have a variety of ways to kill, but Yang Yu has seen very few of the ways to save people, so he can just take a look.

He remained calm and secretly snooped in the room with his own senses. With the cultivation of the two monks, there was no way to detect his presence.

In the courtyard, the woman was half-kneeling on the ground and struggling constantly, trying to break free from the monk's control, but to no avail.

The roar coming from her mouth was like a deep roaring beast, very crazy.

Her long hair covered half of her face, and the half of her face that was exposed was as pale as paper, with a ferocious expression, and raised veins bulging on her forehead and temples.

The woman next to Jia Fugui was crying, and Jia Fugui held her hand to prevent her from running over in excitement, but Jia Fugui's face was full of haggard, and she had not had a good rest since she came back from her business trip.

The two monks finished reciting the scriptures and looked at each other.

A monk made several secret seals in his hand and suddenly touched the woman's forehead.

"All the knowledgeable monks come down, hum, all the monks, the monks, the monks, the monks, the monks, the monks, the monks, the monks, the monks. Sai Zhi is familiar with the Bo Sai Tuo Di Jie Li Majituo Monk Duofu is Saru as instructed..."

He was holding the prayer beads with his other hand and chanting some obscure scriptures in almost a second.

As the secret mark was placed on the woman's forehead, the woman's struggling and crazy movements stopped instantly, as if she had turned into wood, motionless.

The monk who grabbed the woman's hands let go, but the woman had no reaction.

His hand continuously patted the woman's head while he was also reciting obscure scriptures. After two breaths, he suddenly raised his hand, curled his middle and index fingers, and suddenly struck the woman's head.


There was a cracking sound from the top of the woman's head, and blood spurted out from the top of the woman's head and flowed down along her hair.

Seeing this scene, everyone around them was dumbfounded. The woman Jia Fugui was holding was even more frightened, her eyes became distracted and she fainted.

For that section of the scripture, don’t worry about the word count. That section exceeds the word count, so it doesn’t count.

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