Everyone is a demon, why are you covered in holy light?

Chapter 234 117 OK, OK, so neat, right?

Chapter 234 「117」Okay, okay, so complete, right?

"The donor is also going to Tianfo City? Is he also preparing to participate in the secular practice of the Buddhist Association?"

Yang Yu took the initiative to chat, and some of the monks accompanying him asked.

Needless to say the identity of the person who spoke, the smell was too strong to be called authentic.


Yang Gu replied immediately.

Although he didn't know what the Buddhist association this person was talking about was, he thought that the word "Buddha" must be related to Dade Temple, so he naturally would not refuse these people's definition of his identity.

There were six monks accompanying the caravan, three yuan feeders and three fake feeders.

Although Yang Yu's cultivation was suppressed, his perception did not have any restrictions. It was obvious that these were low-level monks.

Perhaps it's because Yang Gu's cultivation level is also very low in their opinion. He is only in the middle stage of fake food and can't make any waves, so the vigilance just now has also been reduced.

"If the donor wants to accompany him, he has to ask the owner of the caravan. I can't be the master."

The monk who spoke said to Yang Yu, and then looked at an old man who was being protected behind him.

It can't be said that he is an old man, but the man's face looks a bit older, but in fact, from the physical point of view, he is in the prime of life.

"If the immortals on the road can protect us, we will be happy."

The owner of the caravan saw that none of the monks cared about Yang Yu, so he immediately spoke.

"It's natural."

Seeing that the other party agreed, Yang Yu immediately replied. At the same time, he also understood that these accompanying monks were probably the same as him.

The caravan continued to march, but there was one more person, Yang Yu, who intervened midway.

He didn't expect to be able to go with these people so easily. Yang Yu also felt a little wary, thinking that these people would refuse.

None of these monks paid too much attention to Yang Yu. It was obvious that they didn't take him to heart after noticing his cultivation.

Little did he know that in Yang Yu's eyes, he also didn't take these people to heart, just to get relevant information about Dade Temple.

"Where did I talk about just now?"

Yang Gu was walking at the end and heard the monks and monks in front of him asking.

"It's about the Buddhist Association. Master, tell me quickly." One of the monks said impatiently, and everyone also focused on the monk.

"Okay, what I'm talking about is the Buddhist meeting held every three years by the Great Virtue, the Revered, the True Buddha, and the True One. We need to go to the Buddha Respecting Glazed Pagoda in Tianfo City first..."

The caravan was traveling neither too fast nor too slowly, and everyone was chatting while following the caravan.

Yang Gu, on the other hand, remained silent on the side, only listening to the exchange between them, and finally got some information.

These six monks were all casual cultivators with no sect or sect. Five of them met the caravan on the way and joined the caravan midway.

Only one person was hired by the caravan to protect the safety of everyone in the caravan along the way, and he was also a Yuanji monk.

This is why Yang Yu was able to join the accompanying team so easily, because there were already five people in front of him.

Unexpectedly, the monks here would accept the employment of mortal caravans. Yang Yu originally thought that these monks were aloof and regarded ordinary people as ants, but now it seems that this is not necessarily the case.

The Buddhist meetings that these people are talking about will be held in the states under the rule of Dade Temple, and the places where they are held are in the main cities of each state.

Once every three years, he is regarded as a great virtuous, good, and true Buddha and listens to the scriptures.

Legend has it that during this Buddhist meeting, there will be eminent monks from Dade Temple teaching sutras and teachings. Anyone who has the understanding is destined to Dade Temple and will be met by the eminent monks from Dade Temple.

If you can seize the opportunity, you may become a member of Dade Temple.

For many casual cultivators, this is undoubtedly a leap of faith. After all, there is no doubt about the dominance of Dade Temple in the Baosha area.

Of course, Dade Temple welcomes all those who can attend the Buddhist meeting, whether they are casual monks, well-established monks, or ordinary people.

Therefore, every Buddhist meeting is a major event among the states and regions under the rule of Dade Temple.

Anyone who participates in Buddhist meetings is also called a believer.

After hearing the exchanges between these people, Yang Yu immediately understood that it was no wonder that Zhuan Yu chose to let him wait for two months before sending him here. It turned out to be so that he could participate in the Buddhist meeting.

This opportunity is naturally great for Yang Gu. At other times, it would not be so easy to enter Dade Temple.

"If we can prove our wisdom in the Buddhist association, then we will be one of ten thousand people. Entering Dade Temple will open the door to becoming a Buddha. We must cherish this opportunity."

"Aren't the two great masters reciting mantras not practicing Buddhism at Dade Temple? Is it possible that in addition to Dade Temple, there are other Buddhist temples in this Buddhist temple?"

Someone asked, and it was the two monks who asked. In fact, this was what Yang Yu was puzzled about.

"Amitabha, although we are also monks, we are just small temples and small Buddhas. How can we compare with the real Buddha of Dade Temple? As far as Dade Temple is concerned, we are just lay practitioners like you."

"Is there still such a thing?"

"Of course, although we are also monks, what we practice is actually the Tao, and what we become becomes immortals. It is neither fish nor fowl. Only the true transmission is found in Dade Temple. What we practice there is Sutra and what we achieve is Buddha."

"What is the difference between Tao and scripture, immortals and Buddhas?"

This question seemed to have stopped the two monks, and they were speechless for a moment.

Looking at the expressions of these two people, Yang Yu suddenly felt a little funny in his heart. I am afraid that these two people are also hearsay, because the existence of Dade Temple has denied his own existence.

As for why this is the case, it is actually because of the transcendent status of Dade Temple in the Baosha territory.

Whoever is the biggest will naturally make the most sense.

This is actually the same as the strong man making the rules.

Yang Gu still just listened silently, and accompanied the caravan's march, wandering for most of the day, and arrived at the foot of a mountain just as the sun was setting.

There is a monster!

With Yang Yu's true sense of cultivation, he immediately noticed that there were demons lurking in the distance, and there were quite a few of them, but none of the monks in front of him noticed it.

However, these monsters hiding in the dark are just small minions, there are only about a dozen in number, and the strongest one is Yuan Ji.

"This is the boundary of Yinfeng Mountain. There are many monsters here. Please be careful."

At this time, the monk who was hired by the caravan immediately gave instructions to everyone in the caravan to make everyone be vigilant.

Several monks who were communicating with each other suddenly stopped talking and looked around.

There are overgrown jungles on all sides, but the road under our feet has the shape of a road because more people walk on it.

This is the only way to go to Tianfo City, so many people take this route at their own risk. Otherwise, it will take at least ten days to take a detour. Naturally, no one is willing.

The caravan moved forward cautiously under the monk's instructions. Although they could try to avoid making any noise, they could not control the horses carrying the goods in the caravan.

The horse's hooves tap on the ground, sometimes stepping on dead branches and leaves on the ground, making a louder noise.

The surrounding environment became quieter and quieter. There was no chirping of insects and birds in the jungle, and it became increasingly colder.

In Yang Yu's perception, the demons gradually started to move, and they noticed the movement of the caravan, and were approaching the caravan quietly.

But the distance between these monsters is still quite far, and the other monks following the caravan still haven't noticed them yet and are scanning everywhere.

Since he promised to follow the caravan and rescue the caravan when it encounters danger, Yang Yu will naturally not break his promise.

Looking at the direction in which the demon was approaching, he moved his feet slightly, and immediately kicked out a stone without leaving a trace, heading towards the direction of the demon and falling into the forest.

Everyone only heard a slight snapping sound. Although the movement was very small, it was immediately noticed in the unusually quiet environment in the jungle. All the monks' eyes were immediately turned to the direction of the movement, and they were alert.

Several monks gathered in the middle of the caravan, and the owner of the caravan was also on the carriage in the middle. He was sweating coldly as if facing a powerful enemy, and he did not dare to say anything.

Attracting the attention of these monks, Yang Yu thought that he had reminded these guys that with three Yuanqi among them, they could barely cope with the upcoming demon.

If that doesn't work, he can definitely ensure the safety of the caravan if he takes action secretly.

Even though his current cultivation level is only in the middle stage of Fake Food, don't forget that the entire outer continent is suppressed by the power of rules. Under the suppression of the power of rules, neither Fake Food nor Yuanfeed is actually stronger than a mortal. How many.

But he is different. He is not affected by the suppression of the rules of other continents. If he uses Jiashi's cultivation level to deal with Yuanji, he will have no problem beating at least ten of them.

But what Yang Yu never expected was that just when he thought that it would be easy to deal with if these people were on guard, he found that several people's eyes were looking at him in unison.

"The demon is attacking. It's difficult for us to know where we are. There was unusual movement there just now. Please ask this benefactor to go check it out. I'll wait behind to look after the caravan. How about that?"

The one who spoke was one of the two monks, the one who communicated with Yang Yu before joining the caravan.

These monks all respected the two monks as masters, as if in the area under the jurisdiction of Dade Temple, the status of the monks seemed to be higher than that of other monks, regardless of whether they were monks of Dade Temple or not.


Yang Yu was speechless and took a deep breath.

I thought these guys looked normal and there was nothing unusual in their words or deeds, but now they were suddenly targeting him.

Okay, okay, so neat, right?

The reason can be guessed. It is simply that his cultivation level is the lowest among these people. Naturally, those with low cultivation level have no human rights in front of those with high cultivation level.


He nodded in agreement readily, with no change in his expression.

So under the gaze of several people, Yang Yu slowly left the caravan and walked slowly towards the direction where the demon was attacking.

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