Everyone is a demon, why are you covered in holy light?

Chapter 225 I don’t need it! are you crazy?

Is the fit so high? !

When you see the little white mist snake wrapped around the true feathers of the spinal cord, it is like a person who has been hungry for a long time and encounters delicious food, refusing to let go.

Although Yang Yu had already expected that the Spinal Cord Zhenyu itself, as a part of his own body, must be very compatible with him and would not be weaker than the technique he mastered.

But when he saw the white mist little snake's reaction, it was still beyond his expectation.

You know, after testing so many things and spells in the past, none of them can make the white mist snake have such a strong reaction.

Looking at the spinal cord feather in his hand, Yang Yu immediately made a decision in his heart.

With something that fit so well in front of him, he was no fool, so he naturally chose the Spinal Cord Feather as the body for the Shell Raising Technique.

The little white mist snake reluctantly dispersed, and Yang Gu collected everything on the ground, leaving only the true feathers of the spinal cord.

If you want to practice the shell-raising technique, it is different from ordinary techniques. This technique is more complicated than other techniques. The preliminary preparations alone require a lot of materials.

Materials such as biqiu rat eggs, wood soul essence, and magic energy stones have never been heard of by Yang Gu.

But this is not a problem. Since the old man Zhuanyu passed this technique on to him for him to practice, and all his disciples also practice this technique, it means that the materials are all available here, and he only needs You should be able to get it by asking for it from your fellow disciples.

In addition, after choosing the body for the shell-raising technique, you also need to carve a special formation with your own blood, and place the body into the formation for sacrifice.

These can all be done step by step and slowly.

Yang Yu decided to go to his fellow disciples first to ask how to get these materials, so he immediately went downstairs.

But when he walked out of his attic and was about to let go of his senses and look for his fellow disciples nearby, he unexpectedly discovered that two figures were walking quickly towards him.

Here are two women!

The two women are tall and well-proportioned, with roughly the same body shape. They both wear the same long white and blue skirts but have very different temperaments.

One person is dignified and elegant, with brilliant eyes; one person is full of charm, and one can feel the fragrance just around the corner.

The former is calm and confident, while the latter is charming and charming, seeming to arouse endless imagination.

Both of them are only in the middle stage of Fu Shi cultivation, and are not considered strong.

Yang Yu was stunned for a moment, of course not because of the beauty of the two women, but because he had never seen these two people before. Even among the fellow disciples he had seen in Jin Chong Tower, these two people did not exist.

I saw the two women approaching and bowed respectfully to Yang Gu. When she bent down, the neckline was looming, so full that it aroused people's imagination.

"Greetings to Senior Brother Yang Gu!"

"What do you two junior sisters want?"

Yang Yu's attitude cannot be said to be enthusiastic, but rather subconsciously resisting, appearing indifferent.

"We are three-star disciples of Tieshan Tower. According to the rules of Tieshan Tower, elder disciples will have dedicated personnel to serve them. We are here to serve our senior brother."

One of the female disciples said.

"Senior brother, you can call me Huiyu."

"Senior brother, you can call me Miao Shuang."


Is there such a rule?

Yang Yu was a little surprised. Otherwise, how could Jinlu Pavilion be one of the overlords of Baosha Domain? Even his disciple could enjoy such treatment, which was simply not comparable to other sects, let alone Minghe. The door is closed.

There are only corpses in Minghemen.

This couldn't help but remind him of Fugui. Fugui's body was still in his flesh burial talisman, and he hadn't found any good way to resurrect it yet.

As for now...

"I do not need!"

Yang Yu chose to refuse.

There are already many secrets in him, and they cannot be pried into by outsiders. If there are always two people around him, or two living people, it will only make him more defensive.

It doesn't matter if he is a corpse slave like Fugui and can only obey orders.

Living people, no!

Who knows if they will betray him or cause him trouble.

Seeing Yang Yu's direct and sharp refusal, the two women did not expect this.

As the leaders of the three-star disciples in Tieshan Tower, they have a certain status compared to ordinary disciples, and are generally not arranged to serve the elder disciples.

But this time is different. This time it was arranged by Elder Zhuanyu himself. It was only because of their good looks that they were chosen by Elder Zhuanyu.

The two had no choice but to explain the matter to Yang Yu.

"If senior brother refuses, the two of us will not be able to explain to Elder Zhuanyu, nor to Tieshan Tower, and we will most likely be expelled from Jinlu Pavilion."

The two of them seemed to be begging Yang Yu, their eyes looking a little pitiful.

Master arranged it?

When he heard that it was arranged by the old man Zhuanyu himself, although he didn't know what the new master was up to, Yang Yu knew that he couldn't refuse, so he had no choice but to nod.

"In that case, there is a mansion over there. You can live there on weekdays. I will tell you if anything happens."

Yang Yu pointed to a small uninhabited house a few hundred meters away and said.

When the two girls saw Yang Yu nodding in acceptance, they immediately started to smile. However, when they heard that Yang Yu asked them to stay so far away, they suddenly felt a little disappointed, and a trace of sadness could not help but appear on their faces.

Yang Yu pretended not to see him at all, but the two people arrived just in time to save him from making a trip, so he asked them to help him find a fellow disciple, ask where to get the magic materials, and help him get them by the way. .

The two women immediately responded and left according to Yang Yu's instructions, while Yang Yu turned around and returned to his attic.

Two quarters of an hour later, the two women came back, standing respectfully outside the door downstairs, and successfully brought the materials Yang Yu needed.

As he expected, these things were all available, and there was no need to spend any more time looking for them.

Yang Yu put away the materials and was about to let the two of them go back to rest, but at this moment the female disciple named Huiyu said:

"Senior brother, Senior Brother Yin Zhou wants to visit you, and asked me to ask you for your opinion. Should you meet him?"

Huiyu is a dignified and elegant woman, while Miao Shuang is charming. Both of them are stunningly beautiful.

"Senior Brother Yin Zhou? Who is this?"

Yang Yu asked doubtfully as he had no impression of this name at all.

"Senior Brother Yin Zhou is a five-star disciple of Tieshan Tower."

Huiyu replied, and explained to Yang Yu the status among the disciples in Tieshan Tower.

Yang Gu understood.

Five-star disciple? In other words, he is only one level below his elder disciple.

If, as a disciple of Elder Zhuanyu, he is a core disciple in Jinlu Pavilion, then this Yin Zhou is a leader among the inner disciples and has the opportunity to be promoted to a core disciple.

But... what does this have to do with him?

"No! Just say that I am busy practicing and have no time."

Yang Yu replied, after giving instructions to the two women, he turned around and returned to the attic.

It is true as he said, he now wants to practice the art of raising shells, and the materials have been prepared, so there is no time to meet someone he doesn't know.

In the face of practice, no matter how big the issue is, it is not as important as practice. This is related to the improvement of his own strength, which is extremely important.

What Yang Yu did always surprised people. Huiyu and Miao Shuang didn't expect that he would refuse. They looked at each other in confusion and watched Yang Yu leave, so they had no choice but to do so.

Soon, outside the dojo of Jin Chong Tower.

Yin Zhou, who is dressed in white and blue shirt and is extremely handsome, is waiting here. He cannot enter without permission.

The two women brought back the news, brought Yang Yu's words to Yin Zhou, and prepared to leave.

But at this time, Yin Zhou stopped the two of them again.

"Can I trouble you two junior sisters to send a message to Senior Brother Yang for me? Just say that I will wait for him here. Whenever Senior Brother Yang is free, I will wait until I see Senior Brother Yang."

Yin Zhou's face was calm, and he didn't seem to be discouraged by Yang Yu's rejection.

Huiyu and Miao Shuang looked at each other, and seeing Yin Zhou's resolute attitude, they had no choice but to nod.

In the small attic.

It took Yang Yu more than two hours to use his own blood to successfully carve out a complete formation in the quiet room.

This is one of the steps in practicing the shell-raising technique. The formation is not very complicated, but because he has little experience, he tried many times and failed.

Once there are any mistakes or omissions when depicting the formation, it will lead to failure.

It wasn't until the eleventh time that he barely succeeded.

The entire formation is fan-shaped, composed of countless lines drawn by the blood drawn from his body. It seems simple, but it must be completed in one go without interruption.

After the formation is formed, it looks very ordinary, but there is nothing unusual about it. It is just a composition formed by a pool of blood.

Next, he only needs to input mana into it to activate the formation.

But at this moment, Yang Yu discovered through perception that Huiyu and Miao Shuang had been waiting outside the attic, with doubts on their faces.

Fortunately, now that the formation is completed, there is no need to rush to input mana to start it in a short time, so I went downstairs to ask the two women.

"You won't leave until you see me?"

When the two women reported Yin Zhou's words back, Yang Yu couldn't help but raise her eyebrows.

Seeing this man begging for nothing, is there something urgent?

So I decided to meet him to see what he wanted to do.

Not long after, a figure was led into the attic by Hui Yu and Miao Shuang, and finally stopped three meters away from Yang Gu.

The two women resigned and left immediately.

Yang Yu looked at the man in front of him, and Yin Zhou also looked at Yang Yu.

"I've met Senior Brother Yang."

Although Yin Zhou has been a disciple of Tieshan Tower for a long time, if he becomes a disciple of a certain elder in the future, it will indeed mean that he started later than Yang Yu, so he needs to call Yang Yu his senior brother.

"What did Junior Brother Yin do?"

Yang Yu went straight to the point, not bothering to waste time with him being polite.

What surprised him was that this person's cultivation level was actually higher than his, at least he was in the late stage of Roushang.

It seems that even though he is not a disciple accepted by the elders like him, this five-star disciple of Tieshan Tower is not an ordinary person.

Facing Yang Yu's inquiry, a smile suddenly appeared on Yin Zhou's handsome face.

“Junior brother is here to issue a challenge to Senior Brother Yang!

At noon three days later, I hope to see Senior Brother Yang in Qiushuiting, and we will have a showdown! "


Yang Yu's face instantly froze, and her mind was filled with confusion.

"are you crazy?"

I recommend a book, written by a girl. It’s a very nice book. Judging from the title, I’m quite looking forward to it.

Introduction: The world Jiang Zhao lives in is chaotic and absurd.

At first, no one cared about the boxer.

He just won a community game, became the youngest district champion, and tried to challenge the federal supremacy with his mortal drive.

It was not until the end that Jiang Zhao stood above the clouds holding the glorious trophy, and people realized that unknowingly, this young man had become the idol of the whole people.

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