The demon is gone!

Originally, the entire Shifang City was under siege. Countless demons receded like the tide and left as soon as they could, leaving only messes and deep scars all over the ground.

The city wall collapsed into fragments, rubble scattered on the ground, and smoke filled the air.

The surrounding vegetation has been ravaged into a desolate state, and the vegetation has withered and withered.

There were bloodstains and broken weapons scattered among them, and the smell of blood filled the nostrils, making people shudder.

The sky was still dark with dark clouds and lightning piercing the darkness.

The cold wind is noisy, howling and rolling up the dust on the ground, making this chaotic world even more desolate.

Looking back at the city, even the edge areas of Shifang City were completely reduced to ruins.

Houses collapsed, smoke purified the air, the streets became dilapidated, and the ruins exuded the smell of decay.

But from the inside out, I didn't see many corpses of monks and demons, only devastation.

Why are there no bodies?

If there is still flesh and blood left, monks and demons who have mastered immortality may be resurrected. Therefore, if you want to kill monks above the Fu Shi realm, you usually have to completely annihilate them.

As long as you are sure that you are dead, there will naturally be no body left behind.

This can be regarded as the only benefit that practitioners and demons bring to this world.

Most monks and demons die without leaving any corpses behind, polluting the environment, and come and go in vain.

The number of monks inside and outside Shifang City was much smaller than before the demons attacked.

At this moment, the remaining monks were cheering, venting their anger, and suffering the price of pain.

In the previous battle, they all used pain amplification to postpone the price without exception.

But it's not just the strength that's increased, there's also a price.

A monk smiled and fell to the ground. He used all his strength to dig the soil on the ground crazily, trying to dig out a hole to bury himself in. At the same time, his body was constantly festering, and yellow pus flowed from it. water.

Some monks' bodies became torn apart, and countless black insects crawled out of them, eating their flesh and blood.

There was also a man who was originally a man, but his flesh and blood began to twist, but after a while he turned into a woman, with bleeding from all his orifices. He fell to the ground and started to behave strangely, which made many monks on the side look at him with lust.

Many monks suddenly lost control and attacked others around them desperately.

Although the demons receded, the monks who had suffered different costs began to act like crazy demons, and they looked no different from those demons.

Of course, there were also many monks who took the initiative and chased the retreating demon.

But no one will stop him, he can die if he wants to, and no one can control anyone.

Shifang City was defended. This is a great achievement! Great work from all! As the overlord, Jinlu Pavilion will never be stingy.

Although they suffered pain, they were also happy because of it. They laughed and cried sometimes, and they did not take matters of life and death to their heart.

In Shifang Palace, many people walked in after a while.

Without exception, Yang Yu can't see through the cultivation of these people. Everyone who can enter here has a higher and stronger cultivation than him.

However, the expressions of these people are not very natural, and their behavior is also a bit strange.

Perhaps it was because he had taken action before, so he was also bearing the price now, but Zhuanyu chose to forcibly endure it in front of the old man.

Naturally, only Yang Yu, who was in the middle stage of his death, was standing behind the main seat and behind the old man Zhuan Yu, which immediately attracted the attention of many people.

However, when Old Zhuan Yu was present, the core was naturally Old Zhuan Yu. They all just glanced at Yang Yu in confusion and then looked away, saluting respectfully towards Old Zhuan Yu.

There was only one person, a hunchbacked man with white hair.

It was the person who had seen Yang Eucalyptus use light magic to kill the demons entering the city before in Shifang City, and had a relationship with Yang Eucalyptus.

He is actually Ding Luo, the head of Tianwei Prefecture adjacent to Tianjing Prefecture.

His eyes when looking at Yang Eucalyptus were full of astonishment. He did not expect that Yang Eucalyptus would appear here and stand in that position!

Damn, it looks like the relationship between Yang Yu and Elder Zhuan Yu is unusual. He sent Yang Yu to guard the city wall before and put himself in danger. He won't be blamed by Elder Zhuan Yu for this, right?

Ding Luo felt complicated, thinking about how to excuse himself if Elder Zhuanyu blamed him.

Although Yang Yu noticed him at this time, he didn't pay attention to what happened before.

At that time, he disguised his identity and sneaked into the city to fish in troubled waters. It is not incomprehensible that an ordinary monk was transferred to the city wall to defend against demons. Naturally, he would not take this kind of thing to heart.

If Ding Luo knew what Yang Yu was thinking, he didn't know what he would think.

"I came here this time just to deal with the demonic disaster. Now that the demons have retreated and Shifang City is out of danger, the rest is naturally up to you.

However, what happened here and the casualties this time will be reported to the Pavilion Master in detail, and the Pavilion Master will make the decision. You don’t need to quibble anymore. "

The old man Zhuanyu spoke slowly. No matter the elders, state leaders, or people with great influence below, they didn't even dare to breathe.

When they heard the words of the old man Zhuan Yu, everyone's expressions suddenly became extremely nervous.

Originally, resisting demons was a meritorious service to them, and if they could find and control the land of immortality, it would be even more of a great achievement.

But the demons invaded in large numbers, and the number exceeded everyone's expectations, putting Shifang City in danger. If it hadn't been for the intervention of Elder Zhuanyu, I'm afraid the demons wouldn't have retreated so easily.

For them, this matter is just a fault, and it is a big fault!

If the old man Zhuanyu really reports this matter to the pavilion master, then those in charge will suffer. The best result will be that the merits and demerits will be offset, and nothing will be gained.

But at this moment, the old man Zhuan Yu suddenly laughed and suddenly changed to another topic.

"Speaking of it, my visit to Shifang City this time was not in vain. I am quite pleased that I have received a very talented disciple. This is the only thing that makes me happy."

The old man Zhuan Yu put down the cup in his hand, pointed at Yang Gu behind him, and looked at everyone with a smile.

There was a smile on his face, but he didn't say such a good thing clearly. If he had anything to say, he should say it now, before he returned to Jinlu Pavilion.

Everyone below them all looked at Yang Yu in unison, and then at the face of the old man Zhuan Yu, and they suddenly woke up.

In the first sentence, he planned to return to Jinlu Pavilion and report what happened here to the pavilion master. In the next sentence, the conversation changed and he talked about his new disciple.

This is not introducing the disciples, this is giving them a chance!

"Congratulations to the elder on your new disciple. This is the demon heart of a six-year-old cedar demon. Consider it the elder's congratulations, and please accept it."

The person who reacted quickly had already taken out the valuables from the magic weapon and immediately came forward with a happy face.

The old man Zhuanyu laughed, pointed to the side table beside him, and asked him to place it on the table.

Where there is the first, there is the second. Even a fool knows what to do at this time.

"Congratulations to the elder, this is an ancient object I obtained from Dingwu Mountain. It is quite wonderful..."

Someone took out a piece of jade the size of a palm. The color was transparent and absolutely extraordinary.

"I got a picture scroll in my early years. When you enter it, you can see the fairyland on earth..."

Someone brought out a vivid painting.

"This is the Bihan Fairy that I collected from the flesh and blood of countless young women and spent two years refining it. It can be big or small. It has never been contaminated. It is just waiting to be presented to the elder today..."

Some people even took out an exquisite little man from the magical artifact.

The little person is only the size of a finger. He is wearing an antique long dress. He is light and graceful with a graceful figure.

Guazi's face has clear facial features and snow-white skin, making her look very charming.

Her black hair is like a waterfall, coiled on the back of her head, outlining her soft neck and noble and dignified temperament. The slender eyebrows are picturesque, and the watery eyes look extremely bright, as if they can penetrate people's hearts.

It is really like a fairy from heaven descending to earth, and it is absolutely impossible to be born in this world.

Can it still be like this?

Is this a doll?

Yang Yu stood behind the old man Zhuan Yu and stared blankly. Everyone else was giving gifts, but this guy was special and actually gave it to someone.

Pooh! So not ashamed!

After a while, a small mountain was piled up on the side table next to the old man Zhuanyu, and all kinds of spiritual objects and magic weapons were piled full of them.

The old man Zhuan Yu was even more happy and showed enough interest in these things.

At this time, Ding Luo, one of the state leaders, slowly walked forward and first offered something to the old man Zhuan Yu, then looked at Yang Yu and presented another thing from his hand. things.

It was a black scale armguard with countless bloodshot threads attached to it. It looked like it should be a magic weapon.

"This magical weapon was refined in the early years. As long as the spiritual object is offered up and swallowed, it can unleash a blow comparable to the early stage of the Zombie God. It can be given to the elder disciples to protect themselves."


The thing was handed to Yang Yu, who glanced at him in surprise. He remembered Ding Luo, but he didn't know why Ding Luo would please him together.

Could it be because he was transferred to the city wall before and he was afraid that he would be blamed by the old man Zhuan Yu?

This was the only reason he could think of, and he couldn't help but look at Old Man Zhuanyu.

"Since I gave it to you, I will accept it. If there is anything else you want, please tell me as well. This matter today is worthy of celebration, and it should be regarded as a meeting gift given to you by my master."

Zhuan Yu said with a smile, obviously in a good mood now.

Regarding the old man Zhuan Yu’s act of borrowing flowers to offer to the Buddha, Yang Yu was also happy to accept them, not wanting them to be in vain.

Since you have accepted the identity of this disciple, you should also enjoy the treatment that a disciple deserves.

But he was a little surprised by this. This new master seemed to be pretty good.

He then accepted the magic weapon sent by Ding Luo, confirmed in the information box that popped up in front of him that it was indeed a good thing, then put it into the flesh burial talisman, and then looked at the people below.

"I don't know which of the state leaders here is the state leader of Zichuan Prefecture. My sect is a newly built sect under the jurisdiction of Sangu City. I need a golden thread sect seal. I wonder if the state leader of Zichuan Prefecture can help me?"

Sacrifice a book so that everyone can read it.

One book tells the story of a male protagonist who works as an illegal worker on a monster hunting ship and can only leave after working for five years. The monsters and practitioners on the sea follow the path of restraint cultivation. Practitioners who want to obtain magic must go through extraordinary self-torture.

However, the male protagonist has a panel, and he can level up by gaining experience, and then obtain "skills". "Skills" are equivalent to spells that other practitioners have worked hard to obtain.

The novel is pretty good, you can read it if you like it

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