Everyone is a demon, why are you covered in holy light?

Chapter 214: The flesh of the dirty Taoist priest pleases you, please wake up!

The influx of a large number of heads was just the demon's first offensive. The purpose was probably to cause riots in Shifang City, and it did achieve this effect.

The next offensive will not be so easy.

These monsters are coming in force.

Those that walk on the ground, those that fly in the sky, those that swim in the water...

There is already a three-way encirclement by sea, land and air, and it seems that they intend to surround the entire Shifang City.

Rotten rain began to fall from the sky without anyone noticing, and black raindrops fell on the ground.

Yang Yu's body suddenly glowed with a green light. He had already taken precautions and activated the Baoguang Glaze Purification Technique to block all the rain falling on his body.

A burst of black smoke erupted from the green light attached to the surface of the body, and when it came into contact with the dense raindrops, the green light continued to dim.

Fortunately, a single spell does not consume a lot of Eucalyptus poplar, and it can be maintained continuously, so there is no big problem.

Just looking at the rain so close, I feel that every drop of rain is not actually black, but is filled with a large number of black living creatures, like little tadpoles.

These living creatures hidden in the rain bared their fangs and claws. Although they were very small, they opened their fangs. Once they landed on a person, they would crazily eat their flesh and burrow into the flesh.

Many monks have ways to deal with it.

Some downplayed it, just making a seal, and suddenly the skin and flesh on the body seemed to have hardened, like stone, unable to be eroded by the rain.

Some seemed panicked and in a hurry to deal with it. When there was no other way, they simply dug their hands into the skin and dug out the black things that had penetrated, leaving blood on their bodies. The hole made Yang Yu frown.

He originally thought that these guys looked normal, and maybe the people he knew in Minghemen were just exceptions.

But now it seems that it is just a matter of fifty steps and a hundred steps.

Although most of the monks on this city wall have flesh bodies, there are also many internal organs stones, and everyone is immortal.

Without immortality, Yuan Ji can only be cannon fodder and can only do chores. He cannot stand on the front line.

Without knowing whether the rain will affect immortality, it's better to avoid being touched.

However, Yang Yu's actions attracted the attention of many people. After all, although the green light on his body was light, it was indeed eye-catching.

Many people looked at him in confusion.

"What are you looking at? You've never seen moldy flesh, right?"

Not to be outdone, Yang Yu shouted coldly, concealing his own light magic.

The strange green light on his body did indeed look like it was covered in mold spots.

The main reason is that he really has no other spells to use.

It is indeed urgent to practice techniques other than light, otherwise you will not know how to hide your true identity in the future, and it will not be good if others find out.

Hearing Yang Yu's scolding, no one argued with Yang Yu. They all smiled coldly and looked away.

Of course, if the monsters take action, the monks will naturally not be idle. Otherwise, when so many monsters break through the siege and break into the city, everyone will be affected.

If the demons had a plan and launched means that could cause a large amount of damage, the purpose was to cause panic among the monks and make these people panic.

The monks just count every one they have and use whatever they can.

"Raining? Haha! Let the Taoist open the eyes of these monsters and show you what a storm is! Humph!"

Not far from Yang Eucalyptus, a Taoist wearing tattered robes spoke coldly, which immediately attracted the attention of many monks.

Yang Yu heard what he said immediately, and when she looked at his clothes, she was suddenly startled.

Damn it! Dirty Taoist!

Why are there such disgusting guys among the monks in Shifang City?

No, you have to run farther!

Having met dirty Taoist priests, you will know how disgusting these guys are. Yang Yu didn't want to stand here and still be disgusted, so she quickly stayed away from that guy and put as much distance as possible.

But what Yang Yu didn't expect was that even though it looked like the demons were approaching the city, these guys showed enough panic, but now they seemed more and more excited.

It was as if they were obviously scared in their hearts, but their actual actions became very excited, as if they couldn't get what they wanted and were hungry and thirsty.

Until now, he has not seen anyone take the opportunity to slip away, nor has he found a chance to leave here.

These guys are not really going to have a head-on fight with the monster, are they?

Just as Yang Yu was thinking about it, the dirty Taoist priest who had just spoken had already flown up and walked into the mid-air above the city wall.

"Master Dao has been saving up the meat for half a year. Today, let these monsters have a good taste! Hehe!"

In an instant, as soon as this guy finished speaking, the monks standing on the city wall below him suddenly changed their expressions and ran away to the side. A gap with not many people immediately appeared on the city wall.

Although everyone practiced the shadow of the famous tree in a mess, it was not too disgusting.

As soon as they heard the word "meat joy", the image of a dirty Taoist priest immediately appeared in everyone's mind.

These disgusting guys are not only disgusting enemies, but also disgusting friends. I don’t know how the people in Jinlu Pavilion let the dirty Taoist priests come in this time.

Fortunately, Yang Gu ran fast and stood far enough ahead to watch the fire from the other side.

After the dirty Taoist priest finished speaking, he chuckled, then put his hands into his mouth and forced it open.

The mouth was as if it were made of rubber. It was easily stretched several times without being torn apart. Then, the hair on his head that had been condensed and intertwined due to dirt quickly floated up and suddenly penetrated him. in the nostrils.

The dirty Taoist priest raised his head with an uncomfortable look on his face.

"Ah...ah...ah owe!!!"

He sneezed suddenly like a thunderous sneeze.

The next moment, there was a crashing sound, and a large amount of intestines spurted out from his stretched mouth.

Each intestine is as thick as an adult's wrist, and each intestine segment is clearly visible. It is obvious that the intestines are almost white and translucent, but it seems that there are many black things blocked inside. It looks very fat, even to the point of being bloated.

At a glance, there were dozens of intestines, which looked like long, evil snakes.

Just after these intestines were sprayed out, the folded mouth suddenly opened, spraying out a large amount of black and stinky mucus, heading towards the monsters below the city.

Although they were far enough apart, the many monks on the city wall couldn't help but close off two of their five senses.

It’s so disgusting!

At this moment, there were many people who wanted to kill this guy, but no one would do it. In addition to the reason that the demons had already invaded the area with an army, it was also because killing this guy would definitely be more disgusting.

I didn't want to make myself sick, so I simply stopped paying attention to this guy.

The dirty Taoist priest took action, and the black, foul-smelling slime also formed into a large amount of rain, and poured heavily towards an area outside the city.

All the demons that were touched by the black mucus fell to the ground one after another without even taking a breath, like onions falling upside down. They fell one after another. It was unknown whether they fainted from the stench.

Although the method was a bit disgusting, it was indeed effective. While the dirty Taoist priest was spitting out mucus, wanton laughter could be heard.

"These are all the work of Master Dao. None of you are allowed to compete with Master Dao, otherwise don't blame Master Dao for being rude!"


On the other side, when one person takes action, the second person will naturally take action, and everyone also launches an offensive.

Although there are many demons, it is precisely because of them that this is the time to perform meritorious deeds, and the monks are even a little bit scrambling to be the first.

They are now at the front, with Jinlu Pavilion and the leaders of the major forces watching behind them.

Not to mention the great achievements, even if you just let those powerful people pay a little attention, you might be able to get a lot of benefits.

A large group of monks rushed out, showing off their magical powers. They used any means that could cause mid-range and long-range damage.

What's more, it seemed that they had already hit the top, and they actually jumped off the city wall and ran towards the demons. They rushed into the pile of demons and immediately exploded into a large amount of flesh and blood, and were quickly overwhelmed by a large group of demons.

This was the first time that Yang Yu had witnessed such a large-scale war between so many monks and demons. In comparison, the battles he had experienced before seemed like trivial fights.

Seeing the monks around him rushing forward one after another, even Yang Yu had an extremely strong impulse in his heart. He wanted to follow these guys forward, and he must make sure that the monsters never come back. .

He subconsciously reached out and held the bow girl. If he fired an arrow at so many demons, the effect would definitely be explosive.

But at this moment, there was a sharp pain in his soul, and he screamed involuntarily.

The pain came and went quickly, but it made Yang Yu feel that his whole body was not well. He immediately looked at the bow girl who was wearing it.

It was Gong Niang who suddenly bit him just now.

"Little Bi Zai, please wake up and stop talking!"

Gong Niang's voice suddenly reached Yang Yu's ears, and he realized something, and cold sweat instantly broke out on his forehead.

The uncontrollable impulse in his heart just now was not at all what he really thought in his heart.

He was obviously thinking about how to leave here just a moment ago, but just now he was thinking about following the others, making sure to stop these monsters and hit them hard.

Damn it!

Yang Yu looked sideways at the Shifang City, and immediately noticed something strange in his perception.

He said why these guys who looked a little panicked just now suddenly became extremely brave and their morale was greatly increased.

This is……

Someone is doing something secretly in the city!

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