Everyone is a demon, why are you covered in holy light?

Chapter 211 The earth revives, the land of immortality!

If there were no monks and demons in this world, would the people at the bottom still be like this?


Wherever there are people, the rules are made by the strong.

Good and bad are opposites, and they also appear in everyone in this world.

Even in a peaceful world, oppression and suffering will occur due to various differences.

But this world is too extreme and weird.

The resulting situation is that people at the bottom have no ability to resist and can only be lambs to be slaughtered.

The difference between the strong and the weak has become as big as a chasm, and there is no way to balance it.

So after Yang Yu left, he was also thinking, if someone is willing to save them, can they really save these ordinary people?

But after thinking about it, he still had no answer.

You can save them temporarily, but you cannot save them forever unless they strengthen themselves.

But once one enters cultivation, another polluted and distorted person will appear in the world, and the situation of these ordinary people will remain unchanged.

The strong will remain strong, and the weak will remain weak.

This is a major environmental factor that applies to the entire world and cannot be changed overnight.

If you want to save them, you can't save people, but the world.

How could he have the ability to save the world?

In other words, who is the strongest in the world?

He didn't know, but since there was cultivation, the strongest one must exist.

Even so, the world is still the same, without any change or salvation.

Even those things that strong men can't do or don't want to do, he is just a meat now, so how can he do it.

Now that he saw it, it was all he could do to help, but there was nothing else he could do.

Putting all these messy thoughts behind, I couldn't figure it out anyway. The most urgent task was to take advantage of the demonic disaster to absorb a little more flesh and blood, so that the Earthly Dharma Monument could be revived as soon as possible.

It's not far from Tianjing Prefecture here. On the way to Shifang City, you can encounter other cities, as well as some scattered villages or gathering places.

It would be best if we could collect all the flesh and blood needed for the revival of the Earthly Dharma Monument along the way.

Even if he couldn't gather them all when he left, there was still a way back. Anyway, Yang Yu couldn't let go of this rare opportunity.

The Earthly Dharma Monument contains not only exercises, but also spells, and is even related to the forbidden weapon fragments that the old guy has. There must be some secrets hidden in it.

Yang Yu didn't care what the secret was, what he wanted was the spells and forbidden weapon fragments inside.

For future practice, spells and forbidden weapon fragments are indispensable.

Mastering the Earthly Dharma Stele is equivalent to mastering a huge treasure house. In the future, you may no longer have to worry about finding new destiny techniques.

In the dark night, a black shadow flashed from mid-air and disappeared quickly.

An hour later, the sky was still dim, and Yang Gu had arrived at a new city.

As expected, this place has been swept away by demons. It is even worse than the previous city. It is already empty of people.

He didn't feel the breath of mortals or monks here, only monsters. The city was already a doomsday scene, and everything was in ruins.

It seems that the closer you get to Shifang City, the fewer the monks are and the more demons there are.

But this is good news for poplars.

Without sensing the presence of the Zombie God Demon, this place can be regarded as his slaughterhouse.

Yang Yu's figure slowly fell in the city, and many demons had noticed his aura and were rushing towards him.

There was no panic on his face, just a smile.

Let’s kill!

Two hours later, Yang Yu left the city with satisfaction.

The city was originally filled with demons, but now there are very few left.

Everyone who could be killed was killed, and some of them escaped.

As long as there is no Zombie God, no matter how many monsters there are, they are just like chickens and dogs to him.

However, in order to absorb as much of the demon's flesh and blood as possible, the mana in Yang Yu's body was exhausted, so he stayed for half an hour to replenish some of his mana before leaving.

When he left, although the silver bead in his hand had not changed in size, it was still only the size of a thumb, but its weight already weighed a thousand kilograms.

If you throw this bead out, there is no doubt that it can easily penetrate a cow.

If it weren't for the magic power to lift it, he might not be able to pick up the bead so easily.

Among the beads, the aura of the Earthly Dharma Stele became more and more intense. Not only did it exude light golden lines, but there was also a layer of looming aura emanating from it, which even distorted reality to a certain extent.

He didn't know if it was Yang Yu's illusion, but he felt that the Earthly Dharma Stele might emerge from the bead at any time.

This also means that perhaps the recovery of the Earthly Dharma Monument is not far away!

This is a good sign!

Then go ahead! Next city!

Shifang City.

As the main city of Tianjing Prefecture, Shifang City has the name Shifang. It is naturally the largest city in Tianjing Prefecture and covers an extremely vast area.

In the past, the city would have been a prosperous scene with endless traffic and traffic.

But at this time, there was a solemn and desolate scene in Shifang City. The doors of every household were closed and everyone was hiding in their houses. On the streets outside the city, a large number of monks could be seen coming and going at any time.

An aura of imminent rain permeated the entire Shifang City.

There is no smoke, but the smoke is coming.

In the center of Shifang City is an extremely luxurious mansion with numerous attics. The highest one is called Shifang Palace.

It is majestic and magnificent, and is the center point of the entire mansion.

There are monks patrolling and guarding everywhere within a kilometer radius of the mansion. At least they are all Fu Shi's cultivation level. No one can get close even if the monks don't get permission.

At this time, in the lobby on the first floor of Shifang Palace, many people gathered here and were discussing something.

In order to resist the outbreak of this demonic disaster in Tianjing Province, Jinlu Pavilion transferred several state leaders and forces from surrounding states to this place.

Among the people present, except for the six state leaders, the rest were strong men from many big forces in the neighboring states. Only they were qualified to discuss with the people of Jinlu Pavilion. But still at the bottom.

In addition to the state leader, Jinlu Pavilion also sent two elders.

This time, the discussion about the demonic disaster was decided by the two elders of Jinlu Pavilion. They were jointly in the chair, listening to the discussions between the state leaders and various forces below.

According to the order of status in the hall, each power is at the bottom, the state leader is the second, and the elder is the main.

"Demon disasters broke out and became more frequent. Although the scale of the disaster in Longzhou a year ago was not as large as it is now, we still vividly remember it. Not only mortals, but also monks like us suffered numerous casualties.

We cannot allow this group of demons to continue to grow, otherwise sooner or later, there will no longer be a place for us and others in the Baosha Domain! "

"Of course it is, but to this day we still don't know why the demonic disaster broke out. Can't the state leaders and elders reveal some information to us?"

People from various forces below were discussing endlessly, but the points of contention were the same.

They were dispatched by Jinlu Pavilion to resist the demonic disaster. Not only the various forces in Tianjing Prefecture, but also the major forces in nearby states came.

But in addition to resisting the demonic disaster, he didn't even know why the demonic disaster broke out. It was as if he had been kept in the dark by Jinlu Pavilion. He was confused and took advantage of today's discussion to boldly ask.

When this question was asked, it was immediately echoed by those present.

The heads of the six states above them all looked at the two elders on the throne. Indeed, even they couldn't answer this question.

Perhaps only the superiors of Jinlu Pavilion can know the reason.


The discussion in the lobby was too noisy, and one of the elders couldn't help but frown and drink lightly.

As soon as he finished speaking, everyone present was as silent as a chill, and you could hear a needle drop.

As an elder of Jinlu Pavilion, his cultivation level is at least at the top level among the zombie gods. Although he has no intention of suppressing him, the aura of just opening his mouth can shut up everyone present.

The elder who spoke lightly glanced at the crowd, and then a sneer appeared on his face.

“Even if you don’t ask, I, Jinlu Pavilion, will make this matter public.

The outbreak of the demonic disaster is related to the overall situation of Jinlu Pavilion, and it is naturally closely related to you.

But since you asked, so what if I just revealed it in advance. "

"The outbreak of the demonic disaster is actually to find the land of immortality that is about to open!"

"The land of immortality?"

Everyone present immediately looked at each other.

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