Everyone is a demon, why are you covered in holy light?

Chapter 196 Someone is coming from Jinlu Pavilion! No, sir?

"I only have one premise!

You can kill a person, but his soul must be left behind! "

"No! He must die! He must die!

He must have lured something out, otherwise the stele would never have been damaged! You can't stop me, old guy! "

"Hurry and help me find flesh and blood. I want flesh and blood. I want to repair the monument and then kill him! I want to refine that bastard's soul into a forbidden weapon!"

"He was born with flesh and blood. He has not suffered a calamity, has never seen the source of death, and cannot achieve the forbidden weapon!"

"I don't care! If you don't kill him, don't expect me to refine forbidden weapons for you in the future! And don't expect me to let you see the follow-up techniques!"


"Okay." Old Minghe suddenly smiled coldly.

"Then I'm not going anywhere, and don't expect me to find flesh and blood for you. Just go and die!"

Anyway, without you, I will still be a zombie! hehe! "


"I¥#%\u0026*you old bastard@¥..."

A burst of continuous and crazy curses suddenly sounded in the cave, as unpleasant as it was to be heard. Eighteen generations of ancestors who were not even aware of the existence of Minghe were also brought in.

It wasn't until a long time passed that the yelling gradually subsided, and the figure of Old Man Minghe quickly disappeared from the cave.

at the same time.

A hundred miles away from the Jade Flesh Gate in Zichuan Prefecture, a figure quickly fell from the sky, but its feet touched the ground silently without making any movement.

Yang Yu quickly glanced around. Within a few thousand meters, he could only sense the aura of some demons, but even if all these demons came over, he would not be afraid.

Next, he planned to find a quieter place, and before completing the reconstruction of the new mountain gate of Minghemen, he would first accumulate as much light as possible from the celestial dial and the Nine Powers to Startle the Dragon.

At present, there is no clue about the new fate technique, and there is no time to find it. Only these two can increase the combat power in a short period of time.

And it's a ceiling he hasn't yet reached.

Perhaps when quantitative changes lead to qualitative changes, there may be even more unexpected gains for him.

Soon, Yang Yu's figure turned into a black shadow and quickly disappeared. He sensed a suitable place.

In the blink of an eye, more than ten days passed like this.

On this day, Yang Gu returned to the new mountain gate of Minghemen, which was the former site of Yuroumen.

Among the mountains, a new platform has been built, and a large amount of earth and stone has been accumulated to refill the platform.

A number of lofts and residences have been built on the platform, and are decorated with many flowers, plants and trees. The overall style is more garden-style, but the structure looks a bit familiar.

This seems to be the style of Minghemen in the past, and it continues now.

The old guy only told the task of rebuilding the Minghe Gate. Wen Yin and Zhou Quan naturally built it according to the original Minghe Gate. Apart from a few more unfamiliar buildings, there was not much difference overall.

On the contrary, the construction speed of these craftsmen surprised Yang Yu. It only took more than ten days to achieve such speed and completion in this era, and he did not know how many people were recruited.

But first of all, this is an order from the old guy, and it must be completed within ten days.

Secondly, as long as more money is given, there is indeed no shortage of labor in this era and this environment, and there will only be many people who want to live for a better life.

Even if they are building houses for demons, as long as they can afford the money, there are still many people who will take the risk.

When Yang Gu entered the new Minghe Gate, Wen Yin's figure quickly appeared and greeted him.

"Didn't the old guy come back?"

Yang Yu frowned. He didn't feel the aura left on the old guy's body.


Hearing Yang Yu's question, Wen Yin didn't know how to answer for a while and stopped talking.

Good guy! You don’t hide it now, do you?

"Master hasn't come back yet."

Wen Yin replied, and then immediately said: "A few new disciples followed the news. The Jade Flesh Sect was destroyed, and the news that we ordered the He Sect to be established has spread like wildfire."

Yang Yu nodded, but didn't say anything.

If it was before the showdown with the old guy, he might listen to the old guy and give these new disciples a good test.

But now he is too lazy to care. He has this little time, so he might as well use it on his own practice.

In the past ten days, he has been working hard to accumulate the light of the celestial dial and the Nine Powers Shocking Dragon. After becoming more and more proficient, the speed is faster than before.

But even so, the time was too short and he had not reached the upper limit of both. More time would be needed.

In addition, more than ten days have passed, and the charging of the undang Xi arrows is still far away, and it will take time to reach perfection.

The reason why he chose to return to the rebuilt Minghe Sect at this time was also to be able to observe the old guy's movements at all times, otherwise he would be too lazy to come back.

"Have all the residences been repaired?"

Yang Gu asked.

Wenyin immediately nodded: "All the residences have been completed. Senior brother can choose the residence at will."

"Okay, then I'll leave first. I'm going to be in seclusion for the rest of the time. I'll leave it to my junior sister to test the new disciples."

Yang Yu decisively left what the old guy said to Wen Yin, and kept his own time to improve his strength. Anyway, Wen Yin could do this kind of thing, it was no different.

Without waiting for Wen Yin to respond, Yang Yu walked towards the newly built Minghe Gate, first to find a suitable residence for himself.

But just when Yang Yu had not gone far, several strange figures suddenly ran out from inside.

There were three people in total, all three were men.

When they saw Yang Eucalyptus, they seemed to feel the aura emanating from Yang Eucalyptus, and they immediately stopped and looked at him.

Among the three people, two had relatively ordinary figures and average faces. They looked at Yang Yu blankly.

Only the other one looked frail, and his complexion was a little dry and sallow. He obviously looked young, but his face looked a little older. He also avoided looking at Yang Yu, not daring to look directly at him.

Is this a social terror?

Yang Eucalyptus just took a casual look and made some judgments in her heart.

Perhaps because of his sensitivity, the other two people didn't leave much of an impression on him, but they made him remember this weak-looking guy.

Yang Yu did not stop, but glanced at the three people and continued walking into Minghe Gate.

But when he first entered it, he immediately heard whispers from those people.

"Who is this guy? Is he the senior brother that Senior Sister Wenyin mentioned?"

"Whoever he is! So what if he is the senior brother? We are here to become a disciple, not to see the faces of these guys. Could it be that the senior brother is greater than the master?"


Yang Yu stopped walking for a moment, stood there, thought for a while and then turned around.

"Junior sister!"

Hearing Wen Yin in the distance, he immediately came to Yang Yu's side.

"Just keep one!"

Yang Yu glanced at the thin new disciple and quickly looked away.

What looks weak may not be the weakest.

There are too many old cunts like this.

"Yes! Senior brother!"

Wen Yin understood what Yang Yu meant and nodded lightly.

The so-called "retention" refers to those who can survive in the end. Only those who are alive can become the true disciples of the Minghe Sect.

It's so cruel!

Those people also heard what Yang Yu said. Yang Yu did not avoid them, but before they could react, Yang Yu had already left.

I chose a residence at random. The newly built environment was much better than the broken eaves and broken walls of the original Minghemen. At least it was no longer full of depression and looked much more comfortable.

After entering the room, Yang Yu did not waste any time and began to practice the Nine Power Jinglong and the Dial Body non-stop.

While absorbing the light of the celestial dial, he accumulated strength.

The two do not affect each other and can go hand in hand, which can save a lot of time.

Based on the current progress, since Yang Gu has not yet reached any limit of the two, there is no way to judge the extent of his current savings.

It’s just that the time is too short. If we really want to fight to the death with the old guy, judging from the current progress, it will definitely not be enough!

Far from enough!

He continued to plunge into practice without being disturbed. In the blink of an eye, another five days passed.

While Yang Gu was still practicing diligently, an uninvited guest came outside Minghe's door.

"Eldest brother! Someone from Jinlu Pavilion is here to summon you. Master has not returned yet. Please come forward, senior brother."

Wen Yin's voice sounded outside the residence, and Yang Yu immediately stopped what he was doing.

Someone from Jinlu Pavilion?

"According to the rules of Jinlu Pavilion, if a new sect is established, it needs to be reported to Jinlu Pavilion, little bitch!"

Gong Niang's voice appeared in Yang Yu's ears at the right time.

"So that's what happened."

Yang Yu knew it, so the person coming was probably someone from Jinlu Pavilion's influence in Zichuan Prefecture.

I don’t know where the old guy went. Now he has the highest status in Minghemen, so he can only take part in this matter.

Damn old guy! If I had known he wouldn't come back.

But it doesn't matter if he doesn't come back. If the old guy and he are no longer in Minghemen, there will only be Wenyin in the door. Whether he can handle it or not is one thing.

In fact, after all, Yang Yu has stayed in Minghe Clan for so long, and still has a sense of belonging to Minghe Clan.

He cursed fiercely in his heart and saw that he had been beaten thousands of times. His broken clothes could hardly hang on, so Yang Yu had to change his clothes first.

The only disadvantage to him in practicing Nine Powers Shocking Dragon is that he wears out his clothes very quickly.

There happened to be a bow girl beside her. Although the bow lady was just a bow, practicing without clothes was too revealing.

After changing his clothes, he went out and saw Wen Yin waiting outside.

Although he guessed why the people from Jinlu Pavilion came, he still asked if the other party had anything to say.

Wen Yin just shook his head. The other party did not explain. He only explained his identity and wanted to meet the person in charge of Ming Hemen.

With Wen Yin leading the way, the two of them headed towards a lobby in Minghe Gate.

This was built to facilitate discussions. It is also far away from the core area of ​​​​Minghemen. It is located on the edge of the area to protect the core from being threatened immediately.

After walking through various buildings, the two of them arrived at the lobby after a quarter of an hour.

This is a simple attic that has not yet been named. We can only wait until Old Man Minghe comes back.

When entering the lobby, Yang Yu immediately saw a figure standing with his hands behind his back facing them.

The person who came was a man, with a broad build and a powerful appearance. He quickly turned around, allowing people to see his front.

He was wearing a loose black suit with gold embroidery on the collar and cuffs, and his eyes were sharp.

Flesh or zombie?

Yang Yu couldn't judge the opponent's cultivation just by sensing the breath. After all, he was still just a human being.

But what is certain is that this person is definitely not simple.

The eyes of the two sides met, and just for a moment, Yang Yu suddenly felt as if he was being targeted by a tiger or a wolf.

While he was sizing up the other party, the other party was also sizing up him.

"I am the eldest disciple of Minghe Sect, Minghe Old Man. What important matters do fellow Taoists from Jinlu Pavilion come here for?"

Yang Gu bowed her hands and said politely.

Although it is not applicable in this world not to hit someone with a smiling face, but given the status of Minghemen, he can only maintain a low attitude in front of Jinlu Pavilion.

Let's see how the other party responds.

But as soon as his words came out, the man suddenly frowned, his face showed disdain, and he snorted coldly.

"What I'm looking for is your sect leader. You, a disciple, are not qualified to talk to me!"


No, sir? Were you so pretentious right from the start?

Yang Yu also frowned secretly. Based on the first impression, he immediately judged this person as a fool in his heart.

"The master of the sect is not in the sect because he has something to do. If you have any questions, fellow Taoist, just tell me."

Yang Yu was too lazy to be polite to him, and suddenly said in a cold tone.


The man still looked disdainfully at Yang Gu.

"You, a disciple, can't make the decision regarding the sect's affairs, so you should go and find your sect leader."


If we can find the old guy, do you still need to tell me?

Yang Yu's heart froze, but then he thought of something, and his eyes suddenly lit up.

"Then fellow Taoist, just wait here. We ordered the master of Hemen to come back. As for when he will come back, hey, it depends on his mood, just let it happen!"

After saying that, Yang Yu winked at Wen Yin and immediately left the lobby without looking back.


The man obviously didn't expect Yang Yu to be so decisive, and walked away regardless, leaving him here to dry, his face suddenly turned ugly.

But looking at the backs of Yang Yu and Wen Yin leaving, she couldn't take back what she just said. She could only clenched her fists, and a fierce look suddenly appeared in her eyes.

Wen Yin followed Yang Yu out and didn't understand why Yang Yu said that.

After the two of them walked a certain distance until they could no longer see the lobby, Wen Yin asked in confusion:

"Senior Brother, we don't know the whereabouts of Master. If Master cannot come back, won't we offend Jinlu Pavilion?"

Yang Yu chuckled.

He suddenly realized just now that the sense of belonging is one thing, but after all, Minghemen is not his, but the old guy's.

It was the old guy who offended Jinlu Pavilion, but not him. What does it have to do with one of his disciples?

And I haven't seen the old guy come back for a long time, which is exactly the same as the other party's purpose.

Then why should he be such a standout?

It's a good opportunity to use this matter to force the old guy out.

He didn't believe that the old guy would just watch as Minghemen offended Jinlu Pavilion and had no place in Baosha Domain.

If the old guy doesn't show up, the worst he can do is run away with Wen Yin. I don't believe the old guy won't look for them.

Either Minghemen will be destroyed again, or he and Wenyin will run away.

No matter what you do, the old guy will definitely appear.

You want to hide, right?

Then I will threaten you with the entire future of Minghemen! Let’s see if you can get out!

Yang Yu sneered in her heart.

"Don't worry, he will come back!"

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