Everyone is a demon, why are you covered in holy light?

Chapter 195 What’s going on? Why do you feel like crying?


Between the mountains, under the shroud of light, it seemed like a colorful sun was burning, engulfing everything.

In the light.

At this moment, Yang Yu had already put the fragments of the forbidden weapon in his hand into the flesh burial talisman, and there was no look of pain on his face.

But the skin and flesh all over his body seemed to suddenly become dull, dry and dull, and even his hair suddenly had a hint of crystal silver.

Wrinkles suddenly appeared at the corners of his eyes, wrinkles appeared on his face, and his face flashed a hint of paleness and fatigue.

Just using the ability of the forbidden weapon fragments hundreds of meters away, the magic to activate the old guy only lasted a moment.

But the price is really huge!

In just one breath, he felt that his life span had been affected invisibly.

At least five years of being absorbed! !

Fortunately, although his lifespan was gone, the abnormalities in his body only recovered in an instant, leaving no trace.

Without fusion use, he can temporarily use the power of the forbidden weapon fragments, but only one-tenth of it at most.

If he hadn't relied on the power of the rules of the forbidden weapon fragments, he wouldn't have been able to touch the old guy.

But now, although his attack has landed firmly on the old guy, Yang Yu still feels unsure.

He knew very well that he had the strength to fight the Zombie God, and he might not lose. Even if he couldn't kill the opponent, he could still escape safely.

But if you want to completely kill the Zombie God, you can only achieve it by using the power of the unused arrows.

After a battle with the old guy, he failed to kill him when he was bearing the price. Old Man Minghe had recovered after this battle and was out of the state of bearing the price.

In addition, the probability that he can kill the old guy is probably very slim when he is unable to use his arrows.

But Yang Yu has already understood the gap between himself and the old guy.

The biggest gap is not realm or strength, but the power of rules in your hands!

This is also the biggest difference between Zombie God and Roushang.

If the fragments of the activated forbidden weapon in his hand have been purified and can be used without restraint, he will definitely have a chance to kill the old guy.

And he was killed without using unused arrows!

After all, the old guy majored in magic, not the physical body.

just now

In his perception, the aura left on the old guy's body still existed, but the aura of the old guy was very weak, but not to the point of death.

As long as one breath remains, it is equal to being alive and active.

Yang Yu flew out of the light in an instant, and was out of the range enveloped by the light in the blink of an eye.

An ugly mouth opened on his hand, and he slowly spit out a long arrow with a slight silver light.

Not an arrow!

This arrow is connected to the forbidden weapon of Nandou Tianzong, but because of the previous killing of the Zombie God of the Golden Soul Sect, the power in it has been consumed and it is still in a "charged state".

At this time, there was a lot of silver light on the arrow, but there was still a long way to go before the energy accumulation was complete.

This is his most powerful method. If the old guy is still alive and still wants to cause trouble for him, he will have to use it even if the arrow is not in perfect condition.

Holding the arrow in his hand, Eucalyptus poplar stimulates the Moro Buddha's orifice in his body to quickly accumulate mana in order to deal with the situation that may arise next.

He looked towards the center of the burst of light. Although this was a spell he had activated, it was difficult for even him to look directly at it.

The light is like the blazing sun, the sun is eternal!

The light lasted for several breaths before quickly dissipating.

And when the brightness between heaven and earth dimmed quickly, the whole picture of the Jade Flesh Sect was revealed, which had already undergone earth-shaking changes.

The entire Jade Flesh Gate is located between mountains, like a basin.

Destroyed by a large amount of light, countless rocks, vegetation and trees have been completely melted, and everything above the Jade Flesh Gate no longer exists.

If we want to say who is the biggest winner in this battle, it is definitely Wen Yin and Zhou Quan.

Because they don't have to clean up anymore.

The entire Jade Flesh Gate has turned into a semicircular sunken terrain.


Countless pieces of mud and stone collapsed and slid down along the edge of the semicircular depression.

At this moment, in the very center of the depression, there is a strange thing floating there quietly and motionless.

It was a strange meat ball that looked like a round shape!

A large amount of black ash fell from the meat ball and fell to the ground.

There was a shadow on the ground, slowly spreading towards the surroundings, and looming barriers seemed to appear in the surrounding air.

With the surrounding skylight, a very shallow rainbow light was refracted between the layers of barriers, like a prism.

But when Yang Eucalyptus saw this scene, her heart sank.

This is... the Earthly Dharma Monument!

What the hell! Can the old guy still use the Earthly Dharma Stele to block his damage?

Doesn't this mean that the old guy actually didn't receive much threat at all, and the reason why he couldn't detect the old guy's weak aura was just because the earthly monument blocked the old guy's aura from leaking?

Yang Gu was a little suspicious and immediately activated the Great Bright Buddha's Golden Zen Mantra.

Several rays of golden light appeared and suddenly headed towards the strange flesh ball in the depression.

Within ten feet of the meat ball, the golden light suddenly stopped, unable to make any progress.


I looked at the unused arrow in my hand that had not yet been fully charged. I wonder if the Earthly Dharma Monument could block this arrow?

At this moment, the flesh ball in the depression began to change.

A small hole slowly appeared on it, and a burst of thick black smoke erupted from it.

There were layers of wrinkles on the edge of the hole, and they slowly bulged, as if something was about to come out from inside.

With the rolling of the folds of flesh and blood, like an inflated skin bag, the flesh and skin rolled over layer by layer, and soon a head appeared.

It's the head of old man Minghe!

His face was ugly, and his neck was pressed tightly against the crane's head. As his skin and flesh rolled, his chest, abdomen, arms, and legs also slowly recovered.

Soon, old man Minghe appeared in Yang Yu's field of vision.

While Old Man Minghe was recovering step by step, the looming barriers around him were gradually disappearing.

When Yang Yu saw the old guy's appearance at this time, he was surprised again.

I originally thought that the old guy used the Earthly Dharma Monument to block his attack and did not suffer any damage, but that didn't seem entirely true.

At this time, old man Minghe's body was covered with shriveled flesh and blood, as if only a layer of surface flesh was left. All the flesh and blood inside had disappeared, leaving only a skin.

It doesn't look like... the condition is very good either.

Yang Yu breathed a sigh of relief now, fearing that the blow he just made had no effect at all.

If it has no effect at all, this is nothing.

If it is effective, it means that his attack is useful.

Although it is impossible to kill the old guy for the time being.

However, when his condition returned to perfection and he began to practice physical training, the arrows were not fully charged.

Can the old guy stop it for the first time? Can you still stop it the second time?

Of course, the premise is that the old guy can't be killed before that, and the old guy can't be aware of the existence of the arrow.

Otherwise, how could we be surprised in the future!

Thinking of this, Yang Yu immediately put away the unused arrows.

At this moment, a voice slowly came from the field.

"Okay! Very good! I'm just looking down on you, my disciple!"

Old Minghe stood in the field, his skin-skinned body recovering rapidly, and his tone was full of appreciation and joy.

Even he never thought that Yang Yu would actually possess a fragment of the forbidden weapon.

Although the power of the rules was very weak, it still dealt him a heavy blow unexpectedly.

But that's all.

As long as there is no fatal blow, even if it is a fatal injury, it is just insignificant and can be recovered quickly.

However, at this time, the old man Minghe had completely changed his view of Yang Eucalyptus.

If he was just curious before, curious about why Yang Gu could break through the flesh with his natural flesh, and curious about what he saw in the Earthly Dharma Monument.

Well now appreciation and affection have outweighed curiosity.

This disciple looks so much like him once!

But that's what I thought in my heart. On the surface, Old Man Minghe wouldn't do this.

"Although I have underestimated you, that's all. The gap between you and me is like a chasm. If you want to kill me, you are not qualified!"

"But remember, you were just deceived by that traitor in the wild. I can spare you this time. If there is another time, I will never forgive you lightly!"

Old Man Minghe snorted coldly, his voice becoming extremely cold.


Yang Yu sneered in his heart. People who really don't know how much favor he has received would think that he has been greatly favored. In fact, the old guy is quite weak now, right?


Then let this old thing pretend for a while.

Before the Xie arrows are fully charged, it's the old guy's death!

Yang Yu already had some confidence in his mind. Judging from the color attached to the unused arrow, it would only take a month at most to fully charge it.

next time!

Kill you!

Yang Gu's expression remained unchanged, and he already had a plan in mind.

The biggest gain from this battle is to know how powerful the old guy can be in this foreign continent.

Before that, the old guy was absolutely invincible in his heart.

Now it seems that it is nothing more than that.

Sure enough, people should be brave and proactive. If they don't test it, they will never know these things.

On this point, Ye Ban actually did the right thing, but he couldn't compare with Yang Gu at all.

"Thank you, Master, for forgiving my disciple's recklessness. I am very grateful!

It is truly heinous to imprison this child! Fortunately, the disciple's strength is low, otherwise if the master were to meet him, the disciple would have become a sinner. "

Yang Yu seemed to be really grateful and could only cry and repent. However, there was something in his words and he no longer tried to hide it. He mocked the old guy fiercely.

Old Minghe could naturally hear it and just snorted coldly.

"The task of rebuilding the sect will be left to you. I will only give you ten days!" He immediately ordered, and then the figure quickly disappeared from the place.

The qi mark left on the old man Minghe quickly disappeared and was out of Yang Yu's range of perception.

Looking at the direction in which old man Minghe left, Yang Yu's heart moved.

"Gong Niang, do you think I could have killed him if I had used unused arrows just now?"

"I think...little Bi Zai, you might die miserably."


No ivory comes out of a dog's mouth, although that may well be the case.

Yang Yu didn't ask again. This is the case now, but it may not be the case when the Xie arrows are fully charged!

Soon! Soon!

Withdrawing his gaze, Yang Yu looked at Wen Yin and Zhou Quan, who were hiding in the distance and could barely see their figures, and called them over.

When approaching Yang Gu, there was nothing unusual about Wen Yin, but Zhou Quan looked very frightened.

And when Yang Eucalyptus looked at him, he didn't dare to look directly at Yang Eucalyptus and hurriedly lowered his head.

"The old guy told me that the sect will be rebuilt within ten days, and this matter will be left to Junior Sister Wen Yin and Junior Brother Zhou Quan.

I'm afraid the news that the Jade Flesh Gate has been occupied by the Hemen Miemen will soon spread. If you two can't handle it, go to the nearby city to recruit workers. "

After conveying the old guy's order to the two of them, Yang Yu was also ready to leave here and come back after the sect was rebuilt.

He wanted to wait for the arrows to be recharged while improving his strength again.

Although it is currently impossible to start with the new Fate Technique, Nine Powers Shocking Dragon is also a good direction for improvement.

As long as this body-refining method is improved, the increase in his combat power will definitely not be weak, and it may even exceed his imagination.

After explaining to the two of them, Yang Yu quickly left here and disappeared quickly.

Seeing their master and senior brother leaving one after another, Wen Yin and Zhou Quan's expressions were filled with confusion.

"Senior Sister Wenyin...did I hear it wrong? The senior brother was talking about the old guy just now, right?"

Zhou Quan asked with some suspicion.

But as soon as he finished speaking, a black shadow instantly knocked him to the ground.

"It's not your turn to discuss how to call me Senior Brother!"

After coldly leaving a word, Wen Yin also left here.

Zhou Quan was lying on the ground, feeling the burning pain on his cheek. He suddenly felt... so innocent...

what happened? Why do you feel like crying?

Zichuan Prefecture is hundreds of miles away from the former Yuroumen.

In a cave.

Two demons are doing something indescribable, and the scene is extremely cruel.

It's obviously a normal thing for people, but in terms of behavior and form, it looks more like fighting each other.

But at this moment, an invisible ripple spread, and the two demon bodies were immediately imprisoned in place.

A figure appeared at the entrance of the cave. The bird-like head suddenly opened its mouth and swallowed both monsters in its belly.

But even so, Crane Tou was still full of dissatisfaction and madness. The black and gray fur all over his body stood up straight, and his eyes were filled with bloodshot eyes.

"Not enough! Not enough! Old man, hurry up and look for it again! I want flesh and blood! A lot of flesh and blood!"

"Let's go to the city! No... we can't go there! Ahhh! Flesh and blood!"

"The Dharma Monument is damaged. If you don't repair it as soon as possible, you won't be able to feel better even if I die, old man!"

"I'm going to kill him! I'm going to kill him! That bastard! Don't even think about stopping me!"

"If you dare to stop me, you will never be promoted to Qidao in this life!"


"I won't stop you!"

The report about participating in the advanced research class today has come out, in The Paper.

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