Everyone is a demon, why are you covered in holy light?

Chapter 186 Forbidden weapon fragments, the power of reverse rules!

Could it be that being connected to the Forbidden Weapon really carries the power of the Forbidden Weapon’s rules?

Otherwise, if there is no power of rules on this arrow, if that guy uses the power of rules, wouldn't it also be activated and controlled?

But there was no reaction after the Xie arrow was shot, and the guy died so quickly.

Yang Yu couldn't help but have reasonable doubts.

Unfortunately, the information box only said that the unused arrow was connected to the forbidden weapon of Nandou Tianzong, stained by Kui's blood, and had become one with Kui.

He still knew too little about forbidden weapons and couldn't analyze anything.

Of course, shooting this arrow out almost sucked out all the mana and the light of the celestial dial in Yang Gu's body.

That's right, even the light of the celestial dial was consumed.

He just tried to integrate other powers into this arrow, but it was sucked clean in just a short moment.

Once it comes into contact with this arrow, there is no room for maneuver at all, and it can only passively endure the force being absorbed.

So he had to take a breather. After asking Gong Niang, he waited for Moro Buddha's orifice to recover a little mana, and then quickly flew to the place where the man disappeared.

"Gong Niang! Is his soul still there?"

Ten miles away, they arrived quickly. When they arrived, Yang Yu immediately asked Gong Niang.

This is a zombie god after all. If Gong Niang can swallow his soul, the memory contained in it will definitely be helpful to him.

Gong Niang seemed to have recovered at this time, but her voice was still a little weak, and she looked like she was not in a good condition.

"No more, everything about him has been sealed and decomposed."

Yang Gu secretly sighed a pity, looked over, and saw the unused arrow lying quietly on the ground for the first time.

In addition, there is an irregular fragment.

When seeing the latter.

In an instant, Yang Yu suddenly became a little excited.

Is this... that guy's forbidden weapon fragment?

Walking closer, Yang Yu first picked up the unused arrow.

After this arrow killed the Zombie God, the original silvery luster on it had dimmed, and it looked like it had turned into an ordinary arrow, with nothing surprising about it.

However, when Yang Eucalyptus touched it, the information box still appeared in front of him, and the content in it did not change.

Yang Yu instantly understood that this arrow seemed to need to be recharged, and he might not be able to use it in a short time.

He had no choice but to put the unused arrows into the flesh burial talisman, and then looked at the fragments of the forbidden weapon on the ground.

This fragment is about the size of a palm. Except for half of it having irregular edges, the other half has a very sharp-looking edge.

There are some complicated lines on it, like it's part of a sharp blade.

Carefully picking up the fragments, an information box immediately appeared in front of Yang Yu's eyes.

"[Living Barrier·Fragment]: A fragment of a medium-grade forbidden weapon, derived from the forbidden weapon [Living Barrier], which contains part of the power of rules that can activate and control dead objects; therefore, the object is not complete, and the time limit and scope of being driven by the power of rules It will be restricted; if the object is forcibly fused in the realm below the Zombie God, it will be counterattacked by the power of the rules until it dies; when used without fusion, it can only drive up to one-tenth of its power.

Cost of use: Each time this object is used, the power of the rules will absorb part of the user's lifespan depending on the time and scope; fusing this object will automatically activate the inner demons and flesh of the fusion person, and the inner demons will be fused. If the person cannot suppress the inner demons, he will be devoured by the inner demons.

Status: It cannot be purified yet; it can only be purified by swallowing the power of the corresponding reverse rules! "

It wasn't until a while later that Yang Yu finally read the content in the information box.

This was the first time he saw so much content in the information box.

This is also the first time I have seen the result "Not yet purifiable" appearing in the status column.

Unexpectedly, a forbidden weapon fragment contains so much information that it even requires the power of other rules to be purified.

The power of reverse rules?

Yang Gu fell into deep thought for a moment.

What does the reverse rule of activation mean?

die? Annihilation? Erase?

Or something else?

From this point of view, it seems that you need to find another forbidden weapon fragment that also contains the power of rules before you can use purification.

Maybe it's because the price you have to bear for using the forbidden weapon fragments also belongs to the power of rules?

It is different from Kung Fu, so it needs the power of other rules for hedging.

Thinking of this, Yang Yu, who was very excited just now, suddenly calmed down.

Just now, he was still thinking that if he could possess the power of activated rules, he might try using Fugui's corpse to animate Fugui's dead corpse.

What he learned about Jiang Hechuan's method of manipulating corpses from Fu Ming was too cruel for him, so there was no need to try it.

As a result, it seemed that using this forbidden weapon fragment would involve great risks and costs, and it was impossible for him to use it for the time being.

He can only wait until it is purified and there is no cost, then he can rest assured.

The fragments of the forbidden weapon were also included in the flesh burial talisman. To be on the safe side, Yang Yu even isolated them from other things.

After doing all this, he asked about Gong Niang's current situation.

After all, this ancestor is now the number one killing weapon in his hand. It has multiple functions. Only when he uses it as an arrow can it exert its powerful power.

After being together for so long, they have become indispensable.

Don't shoot an arrow and it will wither. It will be a huge loss to him.

"Gong Niang, are you feeling better?"

"Little bitch, what are you talking about? Do you think I can't do it with just this little effort? Do you look down on me?"


I don’t know who was moaning and groaning just now.

Yang Yu couldn't help but rolled his eyes.

"But speaking of which, little Bi Zai, I really like you more and more now!

If your arrows can still be used, don’t hold back in the future and shoot as much as you like! Play with my mother's strings to your heart's content! "

"Okay, okay."

Yang Yu nodded and dealt with it casually.

It seemed that Gong Niang was fine, so he was relieved. Time could not be wasted. It was time to leave here and go find Wen Yin and Zhou Quan.

I wonder where those two guys are now?

In the blink of an eye, Yang Gu used part of the mana recovered from Moro Buddha's orifice to fly quickly towards the western Baosha region.

Both Wen Yin and Zhou Quan have his aura marks on their bodies, and their positions can be sensed as long as they are close to a certain range.

I hope nothing happened to these two guys.

He didn't fight that zombie god for a long time, and because he was suppressed by the rules, Wen Yin's flying speed couldn't be very fast. He also had Zhou Quan with him, so he shouldn't have gone very far.

Sure enough, after Yang Yu flew more than a hundred miles again, he quickly sensed the air marks on the two people.

When Yang Yu got closer, he found that Wen Yin was fighting several ugly monsters, while Zhou Quan had fallen to the ground, unconscious, and was still vomiting blood from his mouth.

Those were a few Fu Shi realm monsters. They could be considered big monsters outside the continent, but in this foreign continent, they could be seen everywhere.

Wen Yin used all his firepower to fight one against three, and suppressed all three monsters without falling behind.

But Zhou Quan's end was not so good.

Yang Yu's worry is not unreasonable. Without him, it is a question whether the two of them can reach the Baosha Territory alive.

At this time, Wen Yin's whole body was covered by a layer of black shadow, and the red blood vessels in his eyes were bulging. Although he could suppress a few demons, these demons were all internal organs, and they were all immortal beings. It is difficult to kill within the time limit.

A ray of light flashed, and a ring the size of a basin, emitting solemn and holy light, suddenly appeared in her field of vision.

In just an instant, the three monsters were minced into pulp.

The light on the nimbus was so strong that it melted all the monsters at an extremely fast speed and turned them into ashes.

Wen Yin quickly retreated to avoid being illuminated by the light, and then he sensed it.

When she sensed Yang Eucalyptus, she couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief. The shadows all over her body dispersed, and her face showed a look of exhaustion, but there was also a hint of a smile.

"Big brother!"

The Buddha's light wheel returned behind Yang Yu and quickly dissipated.

Yang Yu fell from mid-air to Wen Yin, looked at Zhou Quan on the ground, reached out and took out a few pills from the flesh burial talisman, and used his purification ability.

These pills were still obtained by him from Sansong Mountain, but they were no longer useful to him after his subsequent cultivation.

Zhou Quan's current level of cultivation is perfect, and it also allows him to see if Zhou Quan will bear the price after taking these purified elixirs.

Throwing the elixir into Zhou Quan's mouth, Zhou Quan's pale face quickly turned rosy, and he slowly opened his eyes soon after.

The injuries in his body were healing quickly, and a large amount of black energy rose up from his seven orifices and was discharged from his body. Obviously, these were hidden dangers left by the demon in his body.

When Zhou Quan regained consciousness and saw Yang Yu, he seemed very excited.

But at this moment, he just wanted to stand up, but suddenly fell to the ground weakly, twitching all over, and even kept scratching his body with his hands.

Seeing this scene, Yang Yu also understood that it seemed that the purified things could only be used by himself. After outsiders used them, there would be no difference.

"I have escaped the pursuit of that zombie god. Without further ado, let's leave quickly."

Yang Yu looked at Wen Yin and said, without telling him that he had killed Zombie God.

Once this kind of thing is spoken out, it will do him no good at all, so it is better to conceal his own strength and keep a close eye on it.

Wen Yin also knew that the situation was still urgent, and nodded immediately, but at this time, her body couldn't help but softened, and she suddenly fell in the direction of Yang Yu.

Yang Yu staggered slightly subconsciously, and Wen Yin suddenly fell to the ground. Dark shadows began to fill her body, biting the flesh and blood on her body, and a look of pain appeared on her face.

This was a battle with those demons just now, and the price started to take its toll again.

Seeing that the two people on the ground were completely different, but both had faces full of pain and suffered different costs. It was obvious that they were unable to move independently in a short period of time, Yang Yu sighed slightly.

It seems that it will be very tiring without having to bear the cost.


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