Everyone is a demon, why are you covered in holy light?

Chapter 180 What? You don’t think you are strong, do you?

Asking Wen Yin and Zhou Quan not to move around, Yang Yu quickly headed to Tianmu Mountain.

At the foot of Tianmu Mountain is a sea of ​​flowers. These flowers stretch for hundreds of meters, and they look like all kinds of flowers. In fact, under the sea of ​​flowers, there are corpses and putrid skeletons.

When Yang Yu came here, he immediately felt something tugging at his shoes below, and then he easily trampled them to pieces.

These corpses are actually still alive, but their consciousness is weak, and they have no intelligence or power. They are just like instincts.

Walking through the sea of ​​flowers, there were constant clicking sounds under his feet, and corpses were constantly being crushed by poplar gums, until he reached the foot of the mountain and looked at the road leading up the mountain.

The road on the mountain is a series of stairs, as if it were built by man. It is decayed and dilapidated everywhere, covered with moss and entangled with vines.

When Yang Eucalyptus stepped here, those eyes, one by one, countless, all looked towards Yang Eucalyptus.

If someone now asks Yang Yu how it feels to be looked at by countless eyes, Yang Yu may be able to answer.

However, these eyes were just looking, and did not show any danger. They moved as Yang Yu's footsteps moved, and they just focused all their attention on Yang Yu, that's all.

Yang Yu has already observed that his own cultivation is not the strongest among those who entered Tianmu Mountain.

Therefore, even if you don't use the pseudo-illusion method, it won't be too eye-catching. Then he walked straight up the stairs towards the mountain.

Flying up at this time is obviously not a wise move, and will have the opposite effect.

Fortunately, his speed was not too slow. He climbed up the stairs one by one, and it didn't take long for him to reach the top of the mountain.

When he came here, he had already felt that he was getting closer to many people. These people were all concentrated in the front section. It was obvious that the thing was here.

However, the current situation is very interesting. This group of people seems to have started a chaotic fight, and the sound of noisy fighting can be heard from the top of the mountain.

Those who can appear here are at least in the Fu Shi realm, not to mention several monks in the Flesh Realm.

When something that seems likely to be a treasure is about to appear, what these people need is not to wait, but to attack the people around them first and clear out those who hinder them from getting the treasure in advance.

So when Yang Gu walked step by step to the final top of the mountain, there were already many monks outside.

Each of these guys looks weird, as if they have been exposed to nuclear radiation for a long time, causing their bodies to become completely dehumanized, more like nondescript monsters.

But the only ones who really stood at the center of the field were four monks in the Flesh Death Realm.

Obviously, these four guys from the Carnal Realm temporarily joined forces and drove everyone else to the outside.

The scene was already a mess, and the mud seemed to have been plowed over again. It was greatly affected and a very empty platform was cleared.

On the top of the mountain is a small Taoist temple, which has been in disrepair for a long time. No one has practiced Taoism here for a long time, and it is in a dilapidated state.

The four guys from the Flesh Realm were standing at the gate of the Taoist temple, preventing everyone from approaching.

At the same time, Yang Yu also noticed a strange aura coming from the Taoist temple.

It smelled a bit like some kind of musk, but it seemed to be mixed with a very rotten atmosphere. At the same time, there was an invisible wave of faint fluctuations that slowly spread in all directions like a heartbeat.

No wonder these guys found this place and all came here.

Such an obvious sign, if Yang Yu hadn't known that this was something left by the owner here, he might have regarded it as some kind of treasure.

Looking at so many people in front of him, Yang Yu actually didn't think about waiting for them all to gather together, and then suddenly use a cold arrow to clear the place with one arrow.

But after thinking about it, it was very likely that the things left by the owner would be affected, so I decided to play it safe and come in person.

As for these weird guys...

Although there are many people, there is no deadlock.

It is estimated that characters in the Zombie God Realm also look down upon what may appear here.

This is easy to handle!

In order to get things as soon as possible and rush to Sanchuan City to activate the teleportation array, the most direct way is to take action. At this time, Yang Yu can't care about so much.

It's time for these evil heretics to see what it means to be radiant!

He stood outside like a passerby watching a play, waiting for time to pass.

Everyone present was also focused on this dilapidated Taoist temple, and no one paid attention to Yang Yu.

One stick of incense...two sticks of incense...

As time passed slowly, the strange fragrance and fluctuations coming from the Taoist temple became more intense. Everyone became more and more certain that the treasure was about to appear, and everyone was eagerly anticipating it, waiting for the opportunity to move.

So what if four meatheads force them back? When the time comes, everyone will come together and fish in troubled waters, and someone will always have a chance to get the treasure.

After all, there were so many people present, and it was still unclear who could finally get inside and get the items.

Seeing that something was about to appear, which was what the shop owner meant by maturity, Yang Yu was already ready.

The mana in the body began to mobilize quickly to ensure that a large area was cleared in the first time. I hope these guys can still stand here and talk properly.


The beating like a heart is getting faster and faster, as if it has become a dense drumbeat. When the rhythm reaches the fastest and heaviest, it seems that everyone's heart is pounding heavily at this moment.


Everyone started to get restless, and Yang Yu was about to activate his magic to clear the area, but at this moment, his eyes suddenly focused, and subconsciously, it was the Buddha's Light Wheel that was used first.

The light and shadow escape method was activated instantly, Yang Yu's figure disappeared from the spot, appeared a thousand meters away in the blink of an eye, and flew into the air.

At the same time, the entire Tianmu Mountain, which was originally covered with flowers, all of those red eyes exploded at this moment.

The whole mountain seemed to be watered by countless blood in an instant. The red blood dyed Tianmu Mountain the same color from head to toe.

But on the top of the mountain before, countless arms like black shadows stretched out, passing through everyone's body, freezing everyone in place, unable to move.

Even the four monks who blocked everyone out were like this.

Their bodies seemed to have turned into stone, and there was no reaction at all!

The next moment, as the black shadow was pulled away, the flesh and blood of these people seemed to be twisted and absorbed by the black shadow, and they were all sucked into the Taoist temple.

In just the blink of an eye, at least dozens of people who had just surrounded the entire Taoist temple disappeared without a trace.

The blood flowing throughout the Tianmu Mountain began to be drawn away like an ebbing tide, quickly heading towards the top of the mountain, and then also entered the Taoist temple and disappeared.

Tianmu Mountain seems to have turned into an ordinary mountain, with nothing special about it.

But when Yang Gu saw this scene, his hair stood on end.

In just the blink of an eye, dozens of people present were killed. Regardless of whether they were in the Fu Shi Realm or the Flesh Realm, they all ended up with the same fate. Their life breath disappeared without a trace, and they were all obviously dead.

If he hadn't reacted quickly just now and stood on the outermost edge, he might have been affected.

Although he was confident that he could do this, he was still a little short of the mark by being so understated.

It looks like the boss is trying to trick people!

What the hell is hidden in this Taoist temple? So powerful!

But if he can't get the things inside, he won't be able to leave the Fusheng Realm. No matter who is inside, he still has to try after all!

"Gong Niang! Three times the increase!"

Yang Yu pulled off the bow girl and took it into her hand. She instantly pulled the bow string to the full moon, and the gorgeous long arrow appeared, all in one go and flowing smoothly.

The bow string bounced back and an afterimage appeared, and the long arrow disappeared from Yang Gu's hand instantly. At the same time, a burst of bright light suddenly erupted from the Taoist temple on the top of the mountain, covering most of the mountaintop.

It's like the sun setting in the sky, distorting all the surrounding light.

It was obviously bright and dazzling, but it seemed to form a dim black ring around it.

The light shines and the earth shines!

But everything quickly fell into annihilation from the moment the light burst out.

But at this moment, a black shadow appeared from it very quickly. In an instant, it flew out from the top of the mountain shrouded in light. Thick black smoke was emitting from its whole body. At the same time, a strange sound came from breath.

It was a rickety figure wearing a tattered monk's robe. His messy long hair and white beard looked like they hadn't been taken care of for many years and were covered in mud.

Thin black thread-like shadows were constantly coming out of his body one by one, and then drilling into other parts of his body. It looked like he was wrapped in dense black threads.

Yang Yu didn't sense any breath of cultivation from him, nor did he sense any breath of life. He looked like an ordinary mortal old Taoist priest.

"Junior is seeking death!"

The old Taoist priest was so angry that his beard was trembling. At the same time, black shadows suddenly attacked Yang Yu at extremely fast speeds and appeared in front of Yang Yu in an instant.

But just when countless black shadows were about to pour into Yang Yu's body, a bright light burst out from Yang Yu's body.

The nearby black shadow was quickly annihilated under the shroud of light. Without even touching Yang Yu's body, it quickly disappeared like melting in front of Yang Yu's eyes.

Yang Yu frowned.

The speed is fast, but no matter how fast it is, it can't reach the speed of light.

It's this power...it doesn't seem to be as powerful as he imagined, but rather weak.

It seems that as long as they are not touched by these black shadows, that's all.

A smile suddenly appeared on Yang Yu's face. Even through the dazzling light, he still saw the stunned look on the old Taoist priest's face. He obviously didn't expect that Yang Yu would defeat his trick so easily.

"What? You don't think you are strong, do you?"

Yang Yu smiled coldly, and with the light all over his body, he instantly rushed towards the old Taoist priest from a distance of a thousand meters.

The old Taoist priest was shocked. He didn't know that the treasure he had been waiting for for so long had killed so many monks in the blink of an eye, but now it had no effect on this person.

"Don't come here!" he shouted immediately, then turned around and tried to escape.

But at this moment, all the light dissipated, and a figure filled with light instantly pulled out a line and appeared in front of him in the blink of an eye.

He didn't make any other movements, he just muttered words in his mouth, as if he was reciting some kind of spell.

In an instant, the figure of the old Taoist priest froze in mid-air, with a look of extreme pain on his face.

Countless slender thread-like shadows were quickly withdrawn from his body, and all merged into Yang Yu's hands.

Hundreds of ways... Thousands of ways... Ten thousand ways... Countless!

It took a full two breaths for the old Taoist priest's flesh and blood to rot rapidly, as if experiencing the brilliance of the years. In the blink of an eye, he turned into a skeleton and fell straight from the mid-air to the ground. It was smashed to pieces.

But in Yang Yu's hand, there was a slowly beating black heart.

At the same time, an information frame appeared in front of him.

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