Everyone is a demon, why are you covered in holy light?

Chapter 173 Be careful when eating! The yellow dragon emerges from the water, and the immortal appea

Chapter 173 "Be careful when eating!" The yellow dragon emerges from the water and the immortal appears.

"We lost control of ourselves in the witch barrier and almost died. Thanks to Senior Brother for taking us into the outer continent, we were able to survive."

Wenyin said calmly.

After hearing what Wen Yin said, Zhou Quan rubbed his face and felt as if the sides of his face were swollen.

He did remember earlier that he seemed to have lost his mind.

Perhaps it was an injury sustained when the price was out of control.

Fortunately, there is a senior brother, otherwise in that case, I am afraid that I will die in the witch barrier. After all, he is just a small fake food realm.

"Thank you, senior brother!"

Zhou Quan thanked Yang Yu sincerely, and he admired and admired Yang Yu even more in his heart.

In his opinion, the senior brother is simply a legend!

I don’t know when I will grow up to be as powerful as my senior brother.

Being interrupted by Zhou Quan, Yang Yu had no choice but to put aside her doubts for the time being.

Overall, this is a huge good thing for him. Since it's not a bad thing, maybe there's no need to worry about it so much.

Wen Yin and Zhou Quan are both awake, so they should continue on their way without wasting time.

Although only one day has passed since the two-month deadline given by the old guy, time is tight and the task is heavy. If you complete it as soon as possible, you can feel at ease as soon as possible.

Nearby is a deserted plain, but mountains can be seen at the end of the horizon in the distance.

The sky was gray, as if covered with a layer of haze. In this case, it was really difficult to judge the direction. The only way was to determine the current position as soon as possible.

Not knowing what he would encounter in this outer continent, Yang Yu told his two companions to be prepared, then he chose a direction at will and walked out of the plain first.

Although he was not affected, Wen Yin and Zhou Quan were greatly affected. After all, this impact was all-round.

Zhou Quan is just a fake food realm, and he is suppressed to the point where he is only a little stronger than ordinary people. If he uses the lighting method, the fire will be as small as anything.

So even if Yang Yu didn't say anything, both of them were very vigilant after learning about the horrors in the outer continent.

Following Yang Yu, the three of them walked out of the plain.

Rumbling, a burst of thunder suddenly sounded in the sky, and silver lightning penetrated the sky, fleeting, like a silver dragon passing through the clouds.

Suddenly a strong wind blew up around them, stirring up a lot of sand.

The sky looked like it was going to rain, so Yang Yu had no choice but to pick up Zhou Quan again and fly out of the plain with Wen Yin.

Suppressed by the power of the rules, Wen Yin's flying speed also slowed down a lot, unable to keep up with Yang Yu's speed.

Yang Yu had no choice but to take two people with him, which surprised Wen Yin.

She is now completely unable to figure out the strength of her senior brother. He can still achieve such amazing speed when he is suppressed.

How terrifying has the senior brother's strength reached?

The plain was not very big, and it took only ten breaths for Yang Yu to lead the two of them to a hilltop outside the plain.

It's the perfect place to see the distant scenery.

There seemed to be shadows of some buildings a few miles away. The shadows were vague and should be human habitats.

At the same time, Yang Yu noticed that there seemed to be a large group of people coming here not far away, as if they were going to enter the plain.

"Eldest brother, look!"

At this moment, Zhou Quan suddenly exclaimed.

Yang Yu turned around and was stunned when she saw the scene in front of her.

They just left the plain area, and the sound of swiss and swish came from the plain immediately and could not be heard without stopping.

The sky became very dark and it started to rain.

But this rain...

A foul smell came, and the rainwater fell down like yellow water. The plain below suddenly seemed like a rising tide. In the blink of an eye, it seemed like it had become a lake, with some stomach-churning water floating everywhere on the lake. thing.

There were broken limbs and bones, as well as corpses and bones. A large number of yellow and white bubbles burst out from the lake.

The three of them, Yang Yu, frowned. The stench forced them to close their sense of smell.

Fortunately, the rain only fell on the plain, and the three people were relatively far away and were not affected.

Is this rain or shit?

So weird!

Weird means something is wrong!

Yang Yu just took a look and prepared to take the two of them away from here.

But before they could move, they suddenly saw many people appearing in all directions, all rushing towards the plain. Everyone seemed to be extremely excited and scrambling.

These people are just ordinary people. It can be sensed that they do not have any aura of cultivation on them. They are all mortals.

What are these guys doing?

Yang Yu couldn't help but feel a little curious, and wanted to stop and take a look, but after thinking about it, she felt it was unnecessary and it would be better to leave as soon as possible.

But just as he was about to leave, a deafening explosion suddenly sounded on the plain, which immediately made Yang Yu stop in his tracks.

The sound came from the foul-smelling plain lake. Yellow water continued to rain from the sky, but a high wave rose in the lake.

Countless mortals who were rushing towards him were thousands of meters apart on the plain, but when they saw this scene, they fell to their knees one after another, and shouts came from their mouths.

"Greetings to the Immortal! Greetings to the Immortal!"

I saw a wave in the lake, and a figure appeared from the wave, causing waves, revealing the whole picture.

It was a Taoist wearing a yellow Taoist robe. It was not surprising at first, but there was a long body in the Taoist's lower body, like a big centipede emerging from the water!

Countless human arms were densely spread out from both sides of his lower body, and his back was covered from beginning to end with a layer of black scales. There were human faces on the scales, and each face showed pain. expression.

Evil, ferocious, terrifying!

The Taoist twisted his long body and got into the foul-smelling lake water. He seemed to be swimming happily in the lake water, and finally emerged again with a filthy head, long hair condensed, and his whole body wet.

Under the rain, he looked down at the countless mortals below.

“The yellow dragon comes out of the water, the weather is good, the animals are three and five, and all kinds of businesses are waiting to be prospered.

Immortals appear, and every year they will be prosperous, and their yin children will be given to them, and they will be peaceful every year.

Know that I am Zhao Zhao and protect my peace. The Immortal is above me and Huang Yao is in peace. "

Countless mortals below seemed to be chanting prayers in unison.

The sound came from a distance. Seeing this strange scene, Yang Yu raised his eyebrows and subconsciously felt something was wrong.

Although he was far away, Yang Yu could still sense the aura of the centipede-shaped Taoist. He couldn't see through it. He was at least at the early stage of Roushang or above.

I can't keep reading for fear of getting into trouble. This is not a good thing.

"Let's go!"

After saying something to Wen and Yin, he prepared to fly away with them and leave here.

"Give me a sacrifice!"

The mortals who were kneeling on the ground made way for a path. A group of people pulled a wooden cart, which carried some whimpering livestock and two women tied to wooden stakes.

The wooden cart was pulled to the lake and stopped. The people pulling the cart stepped back and knelt on the ground, waiting for Huanglong Immortal to enjoy it.

Huanglong Immortal, who was originally waiting for the sacrifices to be delivered, suddenly raised his eyes and looked at several figures flashing past the mountains beyond the plain in the distance, and his eyes suddenly narrowed slightly.

"Who dares to spy here?!"

The sound suddenly spread, causing the mortals below to bury their heads and tremble in fear.

The sound was heard over a long distance, but it did not reach where Yang Gu and others were.

Seeing those figures flying away and disappearing, the Taoist immediately let out a cold snort, and the huge body suddenly disappeared into the lake water, leaving a surging tide on the stinking lake surface, and there was no movement after that.

A group of mortals knelt on the ground and raised their heads in fear. Seeing that the immortal suddenly disappeared, they all looked at each other.

After flying so far that even if you turned your head you could no longer see the plain, Yang Yu led the two of them down from mid-air.

The direction of travel is where the buildings we saw earlier are located. If you ask the people here, you should be able to determine the location and direction. The next step is to go to the Baosha area.

"Elder brother, what on earth is that thing? Is it a demon?"

Zhou Quan and Wen Yin both looked at Yang Yu curiously. Yang Yu seemed to have become an omnipotent figure in their hearts except their master.

"Who knows what it is, it has nothing to do with us anyway, don't ask so many questions."

Yang Yu replied, in fact, he was also curious, why did those mortals call that Taoist an immortal?

Although I really want to learn about things in this foreign continent, it is obvious that just now is not a suitable time to learn more. It is more reliable to go to a relatively safe place to ask.

While walking, Yang Yu suddenly stopped.

Zhou Quan was at a loss, and Wen Yin couldn't help but change his expression just as he was about to ask something.

There was a breath approaching them quickly!


There is nothing in the sky.

Is it underground? !


There was a loud noise, and the ground in front suddenly shook. Countless earth and rocks flew up, and a huge figure emerged from the ground and stopped in front of several people.

The Taoist wearing a yellow robe twisted his long body and quickly climbed out from the ground and looked at Yang Yu and the others.

His cheeks were swollen like a toad, and he suddenly spurted out foul-smelling and pungent yellow water from his mouth, attacking Yang Gu and the others like a high-pressure water gun.

The moment the Taoist appeared, Yang Yu pulled Wen Yin and Zhou Quan and avoided them immediately.

The foul-smelling yellow water fell on the location where Yang Gu and others were originally located, and immediately corroded everything on the ground, as if it was rapidly decaying.

Seeing that the blow missed and was easily dodged, the Taoist's countless arms immediately started waving wildly and rushed directly towards Yang Yu and others.

But at this moment, several rays of golden light appeared and passed quickly, instantly piercing the Taoist's chest and punching several bloody holes in his body.

But the hole suddenly spurted out fishy pus, without any blood at all. The blood hole began to recover at a speed visible to the naked eye.

At this moment, Yang Yu also suddenly discovered that the golden light of the Great Bright Buddha's Golden Chan Mantra had lost its sensitivity. When he saw that the golden light that penetrated the Taoist's chest was actually covered with yellow and white pus, it dissipated without a trace in an instant. No trace.

The Great Bright Buddha Golden Zen Mantra is different from other light-based spells of Eucalyptus poplar. It is a spell that can be condensed with golden light and is a tangible thing.

But this was the first time he saw the golden light being contaminated by filth and thus eliminated.

Why does this guy look so like a dirty Taoist priest? !

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