Everyone is a demon, why are you covered in holy light?

Chapter 171 The price is out of control! It’s still a hard life!

What's in the Witch Barrier?

Yang Yu didn't know anything. After waiting for a while, Wen Yin and Zhou Quan followed. The three of them entered from the entrance together, walked through the narrow passage, and walked for more than a hundred steps until they reached the end of the passage.

In the dark night, all that could be seen from the witch barrier was a jungle so huge that the edges could not be seen.

This place is like a huge basin, with mountains and wilderness on both sides. Only the center is flat and lush, like a vast primeval forest.

There was a strange noise in the dense forest, and in an instant countless birds were frightened and flew out of the forest, covered with white insects. As their wings flapped, the insects swished down like rain.

There was a sudden noise in the distant forest, like something suddenly exploding.

Looking from a distance, countless white substances suddenly sprayed hundreds of feet into the sky like a blowout, once again setting off a scene like a violent storm.

Looking closely, the white substance looked like some kind of thick white liquid, but when it fell, it turned into white bugs, which made a clicking sound in the dense forest.

It wasn't until a few breaths passed that the forest became completely quiet.

But in the perception of the three people, this place seemed very ordinary, and they sensed nothing.

Whether it was the aura of a monk or a demon, there was nothing there.

It looks like a normal jungle, but it's full of weirdness.

"Elder brother, this is the witch barrier. Can we really enter other continents from here?"

Wen Yin senses everything around her. Although her cultivation is not as good as Yang Yu's, her perception is extremely sharp and she can even discover many things that ordinary people cannot discover.

Yang Gu looked at the landform here, and it didn't look like it was bordering another continent.

It's impossible for them to just walk through this jungle to enter an alien continent, right?

Then why don't you come here if you can't just fly over from the outside.

After thinking about it, Yang Yu only came up with one possibility.

That is, the passage to other continents may be hidden here, and it must not be accessible by walking directly through this boundless jungle.

Maybe the entrance to other continents is in this jungle, so that's why we need to enter here.

"Fly over and have a look."

Yang Yu made a decision. He didn't sense the breath of any monks or demons here, which meant that he could fly directly in the air.

Wen Yin nodded and obeyed Yang Yuyan.

Grabbing Zhou Quan's hand, Yang Yu took him and Wen Yin to the sky and flew deep into the jungle.

If the old guy hadn't asked him to take Wen Yin and Zhou Quan to other continents by name, he might have wanted to throw Zhou Quan away as a dragster.

However, when the three of them had just entered the jungle and before they had flown far, they suddenly felt a heavy pressure coming down from the sky, as heavy as a thousand stones.

The expressions of the three people all changed, and they instantly fell downwards into the jungle.

But when they landed on the ground, the terrifying pressure disappeared instantly without a trace.

"It's forbidden space here!"

Yang Yu realized this immediately, and neither Wen Yin nor Zhou Quan looked very good-looking.

The restricted airspace meant that they had to enter the jungle on foot.

"Senior brother, look!"

At this moment, Zhou Quan suddenly said in a deep voice.

Yang Yu looked at the place he was pointing at, which was the land where several people were stepping on, and looked down.

It was still overgrown with weeds just now, but when the three people fell from the sky, the ground began to change rapidly.

The original weeds quickly faded away, leaving only trees around.

The ground seemed to have become smooth, and for a while, the figures of trees, poplars, and other people were reflected under the soles of their feet.

It was as if it had become a smooth mirror, and Yang Yu and the others were the people stepping on the mirror.

Zhou Quan tried to push slightly with his feet, but the soil still felt soft when he stepped on it, and the mirror reflection under his feet was like an illusion.

Following Zhou Quan's movements, a layer of ripples rippled slightly on the mirror surface, quickly spreading out in all directions.

Seeing this situation, the expressions of the three people suddenly changed.

The next moment, I heard a sudden clicking sound from around me.

Countless white bugs rushed towards the three of them from all directions.


Yang Eucalyptus reacted the fastest and immediately activated the Great Bright Buddha's Golden Zen Mantra.

A golden light appeared and suddenly turned into a barrier that enveloped the three of them, blocking out all these dense white bugs.

And when these white bugs touched the golden light, they suddenly made a sound like popcorn, and the crackling sound was endless.

One by one, the white bugs exploded and turned into a white mist that disappeared out of thin air.

Under Yang Yu's control, the barrier formed by the golden light rotated rapidly, like a top, smashing all the insects it touched.

It lasted for more than ten breaths before the originally overwhelming insects finally dissipated, leaving only a few scattered ones that fell to the ground and also turned into mist and dispersed.

These bugs are not monsters, nor do they have any attack power. They are as weak as ordinary bugs.

But before you understand the situation within the witch barrier, it’s better not to get in touch rashly.

The golden light continued to surround the three of them. Seeing that the insects were gone, Yang Yu did not cancel the spell.

The mirror reflection on the ground seems to be specially designed to locate the three people's positions. Any slightest movement will cause ripples to spread.

Yang Yu simply continued to activate the spell, leading the two of them into the depths of the jungle, crushing everything that touched the golden light.

Wen Yin and Zhou Quan followed Yang Yu closely, and at this moment they understood that the powerful senior brother was their backbone and protector.

The three of them headed towards the depths, but strangely, although the ripples spread out under their feet, they did not attract the insects as before, and no other strange phenomena appeared.

After just burning the incense, the three of them had walked a long distance from the entrance. Seeing that nothing happened, they simply accelerated their pace.

But Yang Yu still had no clue at this time, and he didn't find any clues. He didn't know where to enter the outer continent from within the witch barrier.

After a while, while walking, Wen Yin and Zhou Quan behind them suddenly stopped.

Yang Yu turned around strangely, and was about to ask the two of them what they had discovered, but when he saw their appearance, he immediately noticed something was wrong.

Wen Yin covered her eyes with a look of pain, her whole body was convulsing and shaking, and blood overflowed from her fingers, dripping along her arms and onto the ground.

A black shadow slowly appeared from her body, covering her body.

But the next moment, the black shadow suddenly turned into an evil ghost and bit Wen Yin on the shoulder.

With just a cracking sound, half of Wen Yin's body was torn off immediately, and the flesh and blood spurted out along with the internal organs, spurting out a large amount of blood.

The arm and its flesh and blood were swallowed directly into the mouth by the evil ghost, but Wen Yin's body quickly recovered and healed, and his flesh and blood were reborn.

While the evil ghost continued to eat her body, blood flowed endlessly in her hands, and a large number of slender red blood vessels swarmed out from between her fingers.

These filament-like red blood vessels ran along Wen Yin's arms, like dense red iron worms, attached to her body, spreading downward step by step, trying to cover her body.

Next to him, Zhou Quan also appeared strange.

There was a crazy look on his face, and a black shadow suddenly appeared on his face, completely covering his facial features, as if he had turned into a faceless man.

Dark red flames burned fiercely from his body, covering his entire body, and then rushed straight towards Yang Yu.



Yang Yu slapped him and sent him flying several feet away. After only one blow, he fell to the ground unconscious and the firelight dissipated.

It's a pity that this guy is not in the Fu Shi realm. You have to control your strength to hit him. You can't beat him to death. It's not pleasant at all.

However, something strange appeared on the two of them, which made Yang Yu thoughtful.

Is this... the cost of getting out of control? !

Both Wen Yin and Zhou Quan seemed to be unable to control themselves at this time, and the consequences began to occur.

Only in this way can we explain why both of them were abnormal, but nothing happened to him.

Because he didn't have to bear any price at all, it was naturally the same as usual.

Were they those bugs just now?


Yang Yu looked at the ripples spreading like a mirror beneath his feet, and suddenly understood why the Witch Barrier was called a forbidden area, with no way in or out.

If entering here, no matter whether the monks or demons will cause the price to go out of control, then it will really be a desperate situation for these guys.

Perhaps the natural fat can forcibly suppress the cost in the body, and even suppress the loss of control.

Otherwise, the boss would regard him as a born bastard. If he was born with a bastard and couldn't suppress it, why would he let him enter the outer continent through the witch barrier.

Looking at Wen Yin, whose face was full of pain and still suffering the cost of losing control, those blood vessels like iron worms had spread along her body to her waist.

Yang Yu raised her eyebrows slightly, and the golden light barrier suddenly turned into countless golden lights and enveloped Wen Yin, quickly crushing Wen Yin's body below her head and all the blood vessels spreading in her body.

Soon Wenyin's body was restored to flesh and blood again. Those blood vessels had disappeared and spread out from her eyes again and continued to spread downward.

it works!

Yang Yu's eyes lit up.

Anyway, Wen Yin is now in the Fu Shi realm and should not die in a short time. He immediately thought of an idea.

The golden light suddenly turned into two ropes, one wrapped around Wen Yin, and the other tied Zhou Quan's ankle, which was held by Yang Yu in his hand.

It seems that my senior brother is still a hard worker.

Yang Yu shook his head, pulled the golden rope, and directly dragged the two of them towards the depths of the jungle.

We must find the entrance to the outer continent as soon as possible.

Under Yang Gu's drag, their bodies pulled out long scratches and ravines on the ground, causing circles of ripples.

Not long after, Zhou Quan woke up, but the moment he opened his eyes, he was greeted by another punch.

Less than half an hour later.

Yang Gu suddenly discovered a large well in the forest.

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