Everyone is a demon, why are you covered in holy light?

Chapter 161 The body of the magical weapon, Atuojia Flesh Bell Bodhisattva!

"When Dade Temple came here this time, the only one who came was you, the Zombified God. Could it be that you were trying to trick me into leaving Hemen alone?"

Old Man Minghe looked down at Zen Master Qingyin below, his face full of disdain.

Hetou was watching from the side, examining Zen Master Qingyin with the same strange smile.


It is our duty at Dade Temple to kill demons and eliminate demons and protect the peace of all people in the world. The benefactor of Minghe escaped by chance at first. Does he have the confidence to face Dade Temple now? "

Qingyin also spoke sharply and was not willing to be outdone.

Even though he is now alone, he still seems to be full of confidence.

"Hahahaha! Old guy! He exposed your shorts. If it were me, I wouldn't be able to bear it!"

Hearing Qingyin's words, Hetou couldn't help but laugh.

However, the old man Minghe did not show any anger because of this. On the contrary, he was very calm and looked as usual.

"A good slayer of demons."

Old Minghe smiled coldly and looked up at the huge golden bell suspended above Minghe Gate.

The golden clock formed by countless golden arms intertwined together.

He glanced at Zen Master Qingyin again. Golden blood was still flowing out from behind him, and there was a huge wound on his back that had not healed.

"Whether humans, gods, demons, or creatures in this world are demons or demons is not decided by Daitoku Temple.

If you want to put it this way, isn’t even the Buddha you believe in a demon?

Since we are slaying demons, why not get rid of your own demonic thoughts first? hehe! "

"Hahahaha! Old bald donkey, if it were me, I wouldn't be able to bear it!"

Hetou saw the excitement and didn't think it was a big deal, so he immediately said to Qingyin with a smile.

"Donors don't need sophistry, justice is in the heart of the people. Today I, Dade Temple, come here to kill demons, not to make excuses."

Qingyin also didn't show any anger at Old Man Minghe's words.

"In that case, let's take a look at your methods."

Old Man Minghe snorted coldly.

He didn't see any movement. At this moment, there was another huge noise from below the Minghe Sect. It was obviously the four disciples holding the Minghe Sect taking action.

Seeing that the old guy and the people from Dade Temple were about to take action, Yang Yu immediately stopped hesitating and turned into a black shadow and rushed straight into Jingtian Pavilion.

He was afraid that if he was one step later, he would inevitably be affected. He didn't want to die in the aftermath of the fight between these two guys.

And just as Yang Yu hid in Jingtian Pavilion, several figures rushed into Jingtian Pavilion.

The second senior brother Fu Ming, the fifth senior brother Ji Bu, and the sixth senior brother Jin Tong left the coffin.

It seems that these guys are not stupid, unlike the two lunatics Ye Jin and You Hong'er, who are still suppressed by Qingyin, and their physical bodies have been in a cycle of collapse.

However, the fact that they came in together made Yang Yu feel relieved. It seemed that Jingtian Pavilion was indeed the safest place in the entire Minghemen.

However, Wen Yin and Zhou Quan were still nowhere to be seen, and they didn't know where they had gone.

After several people entered Jingtian Pavilion one after another, no one spoke, and they all looked outside.

The old man Minghe and Qingyin of Dade Temple have a disagreement, and a big war is bound to follow.

The Ming Hemen was shaking violently, and its position also fell downwards from mid-air, and did not stop until it was in front of the giant.

For the giant holding the Minghemen, it was as simple as lifting it from the top of his head to his body, as if he was holding not the entire Minghemen, but just a plate.

The majestic mountain-like body blocks out the sky and the sun, and the undulating muscle lines outline a powerful force. It is embedded with countless rocks, just like an ancient god.

The next moment, a huge palm fell from above. Just its movement could cause strong winds, and it grabbed Qingyin who was currently standing in the Minghe Gate.

At this moment, it was as if the sky suddenly turned dark.

The giant hand suddenly passed through the barrier formed by the Sanskrit text and quickly came to Qingyin's head.

The strong wind blew Qing Yin's cassocks flying, and the cassocks rattled.

But Qingyin looked up at the huge palm, his expression did not change, he did not even hide, and he gently turned the beads in his hand.


With a Buddha's name, golden Sanskrit characters appeared above Qingyin's head in an instant, as if forming a barrier wall.

The giant palm touched countless Sanskrit words, and there was a deafening sound, but the giant palm was stopped firmly without touching Qingyin at all.

Even the powerful impact caused by the brazenness seemed to be absorbed by those Sanskrit words.

"The body of a magical weapon is a sideshow!"

Qingyin said a word, and Sanskrit characters all over the sky suddenly appeared on the giant palm, turning into countless golden creatures like insects, all of which burrowed into the flesh and blood of the giant palm.

In just an instant, a large amount of Sanskrit text penetrated into the giant hand. In less than two breaths, the giant hand began to decay at a speed visible to the naked eye.

First, a large amount of soil and gravel fell from the flesh and blood. The color of the flesh and blood was also rapidly changing to gold, all of which turned into golden pus, causing large areas of ulceration.

This originally looked like a sacred color, but it gave off a pungent stench that instantly filled the entire Minghemen.

The pus seemed to turn into countless raindrops, pouring down.

But when it was about to fall on Minghe Old Man and Qingyin, an invisible force seemed to bounce it away, and the two were not affected at all.

The giant holding the Minghe Sect howled suddenly. He had already felt the pain coming from his body, but he was unable to stop the rapid decay of his body. For a moment, the entire Minghe Sect was shaking violently.

Hiding in Jingtian Pavilion and watching this scene with his own eyes, Yang Yu was shocked, but at the same time, he seemed to have guessed something.

Could it be that the body of the magical weapon that the old monk mentioned was referring to the fourth senior brother?

The fourth senior brother is not a flesh and blood creature, but a magic weapon? !

Even after being attacked by the old monk and his physical limbs began to fester, he still didn't look like he had an immortal body.

Even all the previous attacks by the four senior brothers were just pure power, and he did not sense any fluctuations in spells or mana from them.

It seemed that the fourth senior brother had no way to deal with this old monk, so the old guy had to take action.

Thinking in his mind, Yang Yu looked sideways at the other people in Jingtian Pavilion.

Several people were also watching the battle intently, and there was nothing unusual.

But Yang Yu still felt wary and didn't want to get too close to them, so she subconsciously distanced herself a little further.

In the Minghe Sect, the giants holding the entire Minghe Sect began to become crazy. Countless chains made of flesh and blood were connected to the huge stone tablets, and they all came towards Qingyin with great momentum.

But at this moment, the huge golden bell that had been floating above Minghemen suddenly heard a bell that resounded throughout the world.

In an instant, the sound was as loud as thunder, and countless golden Sanskrit words appeared on the giant's body, appearing in every part of his body, densely packed, as if to control it, all movements stopped in an instant.

Countless stone tablets connected by chains of flesh and blood stagnated in mid-air for an instant, unable to move any further.

The giant seemed to be frozen and could no longer make any movement.

Qingyin lifted the weight as lightly as he could, without any trace of emotion on his face. He calmly froze the mountain giant, and then turned to look at the old man Minghe who was still in mid-air.

The next second, he remained calm, but the Sanskrit words filling the sky seemed to turn into golden meteors, all attacking towards the old man Minghe.

Old Man Minghe also didn't make any move, but the crane head on his shoulder smiled coldly.

Suddenly, a sharp chirping sound suddenly came from Hetou's mouth, which seemed to be able to directly penetrate people's eardrums and turned into a thundering sound.

Before those Sanskrit words came close to the old man Minghe, they shattered one after another and turned into countless light spots and dissipated.

For a moment, it seemed as if fireworks exploded all over the sky above the entire Minghe Gate, giving it a rather magnificent feeling.

"If you don't show your true ability, you will die!

Of course, even if you take it out, you will die! Hahaha! "

Hetou laughed wantonly, not taking Qingyin seriously at all.

Seeing that the attack was ineffective, Qingyin immediately clasped his hands together, and a burst of obscure Sanskrit sounds suddenly came from his mouth.

Suddenly, the stone tablet that had suppressed all the other monks in Dade Temple and went deep into the ground began to tremble violently.

In one breath, countless blood and flesh overflowed from under the ground, all heading towards the huge golden bell above, quickly integrating into the golden bell and becoming one with the golden bell.

Originally, it was a huge golden bell formed by countless golden arms intertwined. The upper layers of arms slowly fanned like a fan, and the color changed dramatically in an instant, from gold to red.

At this moment, Qingyin's body also quickly transformed into countless Sanskrit words, flew up into the air in the blink of an eye, and merged with the flesh and blood golden bell.

The golden bell suddenly fell down!

In an instant, a burst of golden and red light burst out from the golden bell, and the entire Life Crane Gate sank.

The light was fleeting, but when it dissipated, a flesh-and-blood Dharma Body dozens of feet tall had already taken shape.

It was a huge physical Bodhisattva sitting on a lotus platform with a compassionate expression on his face and his eyes slightly closed!

The originally countless golden arms had been retracted into the body of the physical Bodhisattva. Instead, every part of the body of the physical Bodhisattva was covered with golden scales, like fish scales.

The remaining golden arms were intertwined behind the physical Bodhisattva to form a huge golden wheel, which slowly rotated.

When the golden wheel rotates, every scale on the body of the physical Bodhisattva also rises and falls, as if breathing.

"A Tuojia She, A Tuojia Meat Bell Bodhisattva!"

"A'Tuo Nan, who looks like a demon and is as wise as the Buddhas, all the monks sent down the hum, the monks Bhima Bhivi, the bowl of the Buddha, the mantra, the monks, the monks, the monks, the monks, the monks, the monks, the monks, the monks, the monks, the monks, the monks, the monks, the monks, the monks, the monks, the monks, the monks, the monks, the monks, the monks, the monks, the monks, the monks, the monks, the monks, the monks, the monks, the monks, the monks.

An obscure Sanskrit sound sounded out of nowhere, and for an instant it was in everyone's ears, like a magic sound.

The Sanskrit sound is like thunder, and the eight tones are smooth and wonderful.

Just seeing the huge physical Bodhisattva and hearing the Sanskrit sound.

In Jingtian Pavilion, Yang Yu suddenly felt an inexplicable murderous intention in his heart. He couldn't suppress it at all, and suddenly looked at the other people in Jingtian Pavilion.

I really want to kill them!

I really want to kill them! !

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