Everyone is a demon, why are you covered in holy light?

Chapter 159 To add fuel to the fire, the fourth senior brother I have never met!

"Is this... a light spell?"

With a look of astonishment on his face, Zen Master Qingyin slowly stretched out his hand and poked it out from the shadow of the golden bell.

As soon as the old and withered hand stretched out and came into contact with the brilliant light, the flesh and blood on the hand melted like ice and snow, and a rapidly spreading pain immediately came.

"There are so many light spells!"

His expression suddenly changed and he took his hand back.

In just a moment, most of the flesh and blood on the five fingers had melted away. At this time, the fleshy flesh on them squirmed and recovered in an instant.

"This Minghe Sect is indeed a heretic of evil spirits. How bold! He even dares to practice light magic!"

He did not have any emotional fluctuations because of Delan's death. Instead, he lamented that those demented lunatics in Minghemen actually practiced suicide.

Although Delan is dead, the fate of the person who used these spells may not be much better.

After reciting the Buddha's name, Zen Master Qingyin shook his head under the protection of the golden bell.

Minghemen, in Jingtian Pavilion.

Old Minghe was sitting on the main seat in the middle hall. He did not have any mood swings due to the commotion in the door. His expression remained unchanged, no different from usual.

Until a ray of light flashed in the direction of the mouth of Corpse Spit Valley, Crane Head looked sideways, and a gloomy sneer suddenly appeared on his face.

"This kid has already entered the flesh! He lied to us!"

Yang Gu wanted to hide it, but it was not that easy.

The auras of everyone in Minghemen are locked by it, and it knows exactly where they are and what happened.

Including Yang Gu killing a bald donkey in the Flesh Realm, and using the aura of wild ban to cover up his attack on De Lan secretly, He Tou saw everything and couldn't hide it at all.

In its view, all this is just a clever trick played by this kid.

"He's not born with flesh! Old guy! We all made a mistake! It's impossible for a person born with flesh to break through the flesh!"

"No! He was born fat! That's right."

After hearing Hetou's words, Minghe old man shook his head.

"The only ones who can suppress the price are those born with flesh. No one can escape the pollution, not even those guys who have been hiding since the legendary ancient times!

But do you think he'll be an old monster? "

"Then why can he break through the body?"

Judging from all the words and deeds of Yang Gu, he is basically a youngster who has just entered the spiritual practice. In other words, Yang Gu has only one possibility of being born with flesh, and He Tou has to admit it.

"Everyone has a secret! He must have a secret too!"

Old Man Minghe said slowly.

Hetou was immediately furious: "Why do you still want to say this? You are talking human words to me!"

"There may be someone behind him!"

"Is there anyone else? You mean there are people who also discovered that he was born with flesh and secretly helped him break through the flesh?"

"He's not the only one born with fleshy flesh. The outer continent is so big, maybe some guys have already figured out how to deal with the breakthrough of naturally fleshy flesh!"

"Who could that be?"

Old Man Minghe's words immediately aroused Hetou's curiosity.

"It doesn't matter who it is, what's important is... the future of the born man! His soul! Everything about him! We have never touched it before!"

"From this point of view, accepting this little disciple as a disciple is really the most correct thing we have ever done, hahaha!"

Crane Head couldn't help but laugh.

"There is also the Earthly Dharma Stele. He can also help us discover what is hidden in the Earthly Dharma Stele."

"The Earthly Dharma Monument is the most important thing! This guy must be kept, he is getting more and more interesting, and he is very likely to be an opportunity for us!"

"Don't worry! He will be our new top disciple from now on!"

Crane Head smiled, obviously already making a plan.

"But the speed of these wastes is too slow, otherwise we should add fuel to the fire."

The conversation changed and Hetou talked about the current situation of Minghe Clan.

So many people have been fighting for a long time, but there is no result yet. It is very dissatisfied.

In contrast, Yang Gu killed two bald donkeys one after another, both of them were very clean and neat, and he simply won his heart.

Old Man Minghe also seemed a little impatient, so he nodded.

"End it as soon as possible, and we will take revenge soon."


Crane smiled.

"Then let the fourth child take action!"

It looked toward the southeast, looking through countless buildings toward an ancestral hall.

"Did you hear that? Good disciple!"

In an instant, the entire Minghe Sect was slightly shaken.

Leaving Ye Qing's body, completely ignoring how crazy Ye Qing was, Yang Yu escaped into a corner almost instantly, not far from Jin Tong's coffin.

After thinking about it, this place seems to be safer.

At least both Jin Tong and the monk who fell on the ground looked relatively peaceful, and the surrounding fighting did not affect them here.

He had no reservations about that arrow, and activated all his spells, even the light of the celestial dial was integrated into it.

Delan must die!

Just when he raised his feet and landed on the ground, the position of the valley entrance suddenly burst into light, and Delan's breath disappeared without a trace. Yang Yu knew that it was done.

There is such a chaos in Minghemen, and now I just hope that no one will notice him until this matter is over.

I wonder what happened to Junior Sister Wenyin and Zhou Quan in the current situation?

Now in Minghe Sect, there are only two people who are weaker than him in cultivation.

But Yang Yu didn't see these two people. He didn't know whether they had died in the hands of the people in Dade Temple or were hiding somewhere. Even the air marks left on their bodies had disappeared and could not be traced.

If the body is dead, the breath should be easy to sense, and the latter is probably more likely.

Glancing at the arena where the fierce battle was still taking place, Yang Yu used all his power to conceal his aura by using the illusion technique.

So far, I haven't seen the strong man in the Zombie God Realm that the old guy mentioned. If nothing else happens, I'm afraid he will be guarding the entrance of the valley, because that is the only exit.

There is no reason for the entire Minghemen to be trapped, leaving only the valley entrance free. Although Delan is dead, it is obvious that we cannot go past that place, otherwise we are very likely to fall into a trap.

Originally Yang Yu was planning to go to the dungeon, but he gave up the idea and planned to hide here for the next time and wait and see what happens.

There were flames of war everywhere in Minghe Sect, and it has now been completely turned into ruins.

I don’t know when it will end.

Just as Yang Yu was thinking this, he felt the ground beneath him begin to shake.

It is estimated that it was affected by the battle again. I am afraid that after this battle, Minghemen will have to be rebuilt. Otherwise, this place may not be intact and it will be impossible to live in.

Thinking about it, Yang Yu suddenly frowned.

Something's wrong!

The ground is shaking more and more, and...why does it feel like the entire ground is rising? !

Yang Yu's eyes narrowed and he tried his best to let go of his own perception.

His cultivation level has reached the Flesh Death Realm, and he can completely cover most of the Life Crane Sect when he unleashes all his strength. He was immediately shocked.

Minghemen is indeed on the rise!

Even the huge golden bell in the sky that blocked the entire Minghe Sect was getting closer and closer visible to the naked eye!

The barriers and Sanskrit texts that originally covered Minghe Sect in all directions were also trembling violently, as if trying to suppress the strangeness of Minghe Sect at this time.

How is this going? !

Yang Yu felt more and more surprised, and even had a creepy feeling.

The two sides who were originally fighting in Minghemen seemed to be about to stop because of this sudden movement.

The people at Dade Temple saw something strange and immediately wanted to retreat.

But the people in Minghemen were already fighting crazy. They didn't care at all and continued to pester the monks in Dade Temple, as if they had completely lost their minds.

People such as Ye Ban You Hong'er and others continued to attack crazily, with no intention of stopping.

And at this moment, not far from Yang Gu, next to Jin Tong's coffin, the monk lying quietly on the ground suddenly burst into raging fire, swallowing him up instantly.

At this moment, the coffin board on the other side suddenly flew up and fell to the ground with a bang.

Jin Tong, covered in blood, slowly sat up from the coffin, then stood up again.

The blood vessels on his body that were connected to the coffin like tentacles broke, and a large amount of blood flowed out, quickly turning the coffin into a blood-red pool.

Yang Yu noticed Jin Tong's strange movement. It was obvious that this guy had already dealt with the monk. The flames quickly burned his body into charcoal, and his immortal body seemed to have completely lost its effect.

At this moment, Jin Tong raised his head and looked above his head, muttering to himself.

"Fourth Senior Brother... It's Fourth Senior Brother... I have seen you, I have seen you in Master's dream, hahahaha!"

"You're awake! You're finally awake!"

As if gibbering, Jin Tong laughed crazily.

Fourth senior brother? !

Yang Yu was not far away and was shocked when she heard the words from Jin Tong's mouth.

He had never heard that the old guy had the title of Fourth Senior Brother under his seat, not even from Fu Ming Wenyin and others.

I originally thought that the fourth disciple of the old guy in Minghe Sect was just a vacant position, but I didn't expect that such a person actually existed!

Could it be that the fourth senior brother was responsible for the strange phenomenon in Minghemen now?

Yang Yu had extended all his powers of perception, but could not see any trace of the fourth senior brother at all.

Suddenly, he lowered his head and looked at the ground under his feet, as if he noticed something, and his expression suddenly changed.


The entire Minghe Sect is constantly rising, forcing the huge golden bell and countless Sanskrit characters above the head to a higher height.

This place seemed to rise out of thin air, getting higher and higher, becoming an island suspended in the sky.

Countless cracks and ravines began to spread on the ground instantly, as if an earthquake had occurred.

But at this moment, there were sudden sounds from the southeast of Minghemen.

I saw huge inscriptions rising from where the ancestral hall was, emerging from the ground, and spreading in all directions!

Each inscription is more than ten feet high, like a sharp blade inserted into the Minghe Gate.

Two huge palms covered with mud suddenly appeared from both sides and were suddenly clasped on the flat ground of Minghe Gate. A deafening roar resounded through the sky.

At this moment.

Extending his perception downwards, Yang Yu was dumbfounded when he saw the shocking scene under Minghe Gate.

Under the Minghe Gate, there is a man with disheveled hair and no face, covered in mud, but with muscles that are tangled and embedded in the rocks!

Chains made of flesh and blood extended from his body, connecting to the earth from the bottom and the Minghe Gate from the top.

His hands clasped the entire Minghe Sect's ground and held it firmly on his back.

That was... a barefoot giant that was a hundred feet tall!

Happy Dragon Boat Festival! ! !

There are two more chapters tonight, and they will be updated even after midnight!

Have a good holiday everyone!

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