Everyone is a demon, why are you covered in holy light?

Chapter 154 The master’s magical weapon, Moro Buddha’s orifice

The next step is to continue to improve his cultivation and condense his magic power.

According to Yang Yu's consistent principle, before obtaining the new destiny technique, he should improve his cultivation to the perfection of the current state.

In this way, as long as you get the right spell, you can enter the next realm as soon as possible.

Now in this secret space, you can get temporary safety. Taking advantage of this opportunity, you can improve as much as you can.

Yang Yu quickly took out the Flesh Vein Juyuan Mirror from the Flesh Burial Talisman.

But when he started to enter the cultivation state, he couldn't help but frown.

The effect of the Flesh Vein Gathering Mirror is even weaker.

The Flesh Vein Gathering Mirror itself is made of the tendons in the body of a monk in the Flesh Death Realm. Before he reaches the Flesh Death Realm, the speed of assisting in condensing mana can be said to be unusually fast.

But when Yang Gu also entered the realm of flesh and blood, the auxiliary effect immediately became weak. It can only be said that there is a slight increase, not a big one.

According to the speed at which he is condensing his magic power, he doesn't know how many years and months it will take to reach the perfection level of the early stage of the Flesh Death Realm.

Yang Yu couldn't help but think of the magic weapon that the shop owner promised him before, but there was still no news about it until now.

Unable to hold back, I decided to ask.

The tree of flesh can communicate across space, so even in this secret space, it can convey messages to the boss.

Eucalyptus poplar immediately immersed her consciousness into the tree of flesh and blood.

"Master! The magic weapon you mentioned last time...?"

The message was sent quickly, and within a few breaths, there were several blood stains on the fruit in the shape of a crane head.

Not long after, a striped mask fruit appeared, and the boss had a reply.

"I've been busy with a lot of things lately, and I just made a mistake while busy. The magic weapon was prepared a few days ago, and I kept forgetting to contact you. Don't blame me! Don't blame me!"


Boss: "I'll pass it on to you right now. You're ready to receive it."


Good guy!

If he didn't ask, the shop owner would probably have to wait until some time before he could remember it. Yang Yu felt speechless.

Fortunately, it's not too late now, so I sent a response to the owner, who can receive it at any time.

Not long after, Eucalyptus poplar saw that all the branches of the tree were curled and entangled together, forming a spherical shape.

A large amount of red mucus is secreted from the trunk, as bright as blood.

When the tree of flesh returned to normal and the branches returned to their original shape, a blood-red flower had bloomed on the tree. A bud as big as a human head bloomed and spit out something, which fell on the poplar tree. In front of eucalyptus.

It was a black bead that seemed to be about the size of a thumb. It was round and round. If Yang Yu hadn't known that it was a magic weapon, Yang Yu might have mistaken it for an ordinary glass bead at first glance.

He reached out and gently took it. The moment he touched the bead, an information box popped up in front of him.

"[Moluo Buddha Aperture]: From the hands of the master of the Yulang Refining Workshop, Chu Han, it is made of the bones of Buddhas and demons. It can add a special acupoint in the body to store magic power. The aperture can grow with the host. Through this The speed at which the acupoint absorbs and condenses mana is three times that of ordinary practitioners; there is a magic hidden in it, which can also be activated by bursting out all the mana in times of crisis. It can withstand an attack from the Zombie God Realm and can only be used once.

Cost of use: Once this object grows in the body, it will be assimilated by the mantra, and eventually the flesh and blood of the Moro Buddha's orifice will be reborn, and the dove will occupy the magpie's nest; once the magic within it is activated, the initiator will not be able to use the magic power in the body for a period of time , reduced to a mortal.

Status: Can be purified! "

After reading the content in the information box, Yang Yu couldn't help but be surprised.

Who is this boss? Why are the magical weapons created so weird?

The principle of this Moro Buddha's aperture actually looks similar to the acupoints he developed by practicing "Jie Shu of the Wonderful Way".

Although it cannot be used as a main point, it can only be used to absorb, condense and store mana, which is equivalent to a filter that quickly absorbs mana. However, it can grow with the host, which means that even if his cultivation becomes stronger, the effect will not become weaker. .

Very strong!

"Thank you, Boss!"

After receiving this magical artifact, Yang Yu immediately responded and thanked the owner.

It's just that in this tree of flesh, he is only a conscious body now, and he still needs to return to reality before he can use this thing.

Just when Yang Gu was about to leave the Carnitas Tree, she didn't expect that at this time, new news came from the shop owner.

"Thank you is not necessary, you deserve it. There is something I want to inform you next, everyone must pay attention to it."

Yang Yu was stunned for a moment. The last sentence was obviously meant for everyone.

So he had no choice but to go out in a hurry and wait for the boss's next words.

Boss: "It has been some time since I last got the forbidden weapon fragments from the Jueyun Sect. The forbidden weapon fragments have now been completely integrated with the Tree of Flesh. In the initial stage, other materials have been prepared in advance. What will happen next?" That will be the stage where we start experimenting.”

"The trial phase will be prepared for a period of time. During this period, container teleportation will be unavailable, and the Flesh Tree will only have the ability to communicate."

"After everything is fully prepared, I will use myself as a template to make the same attempt for you.

This process will definitely lead to success or failure, so you must be mentally prepared. "

What the shop owner said was very long, Yang Yu listened very carefully, and the others probably did the same.

After all, this is about the lives of every member of the Keihekai Society.

Soon, after the boss's message was sent out, responses from other people came one after another.

In addition to the boss, there are a total of eight members of the Keitekai Association. Among them, there are two members who meet the conditions and have reached the late stage of the Fu Shi Realm and will soon be promoted to the Flesh Realm.

One of them is a severed hand, and the other is a white bird.

Yang Yu only broke through to the late Fu Shi realm after returning from the Jueyun Sect, and now he has entered the Flesh Realm, but no one knows about it yet.

However, in order not to expose himself, he decided to blend in and see if he could find an opportunity to continue hiding.

For example, disguising oneself as a natural-born fleshy man who successfully entered the realm of flesh and blood after being tried by the boss.

As long as you pass this step, you won't have to worry about your secrets being exposed in the future.

After the owner of the shop announced the matter, there was no news soon, and the tree of flesh and blood quickly became quiet, with no new fruits appearing.

Yang Yu returned to reality, holding the magic weapon given to him by the shop owner in his hand, and used purification to eliminate the price he had to bear.

How to use this thing?

Looking at the black bead the size of a thumb in his hand, Yang Yu tried it with mana and blood, but there was no reaction.

The shop owner didn't give him an instruction manual or anything.

After hesitating for a moment, he threw the bead into his mouth and swallowed it in one gulp.

Anyway, even if this method doesn't work, it can still be taken out from the stomach.

Fortunately, Yang Yu's judgment was accurate. As soon as the black beads entered Yang Yu's belly, they quickly turned into a warm current and began to swim around in his body.

After trying to control it, the new acupoint was finally fixed at the Dantian by Eucalyptus poplar.

There is no concept of Dantian in this world, so just create one for yourself. Anyway, the two are essentially the same.

After the orifice was formed, Yang Gu began to try impatiently, absorbing the magic power between heaven and earth.

As the mana continues to flow into the acupoints, and after condensation, it finally enters the acupoints in the heart. The effect of the Moro Buddha Acupoint is indeed extraordinary.

Even with the assistance of the Flesh Vein Gathering Mirror, Yang Yu himself could not reach such a speed, and the gap was huge.

The shop owner said that this is about three times the condensation speed of an average practitioner. If he is assisted by his own acupoints and flesh veins gathering mirror, the effect will be even better.

Back and forth, a few hours passed quickly.

Yang Yu is in the process of steady improvement. Although it is much slower than Rouqi before, the victory is to work steadily, and his cultivation level is gradually improving.

But when Yang Yu was practicing, an inadvertent perception made him suddenly open his eyes and look towards the roof.

Perception passed through the roof of the residence and saw the sky above the Minghe Gate outside.

This is the secret space, and everything in it is an illusion, but at some point, a crack appeared in the mid-air.

A crack seemed to appear in the gloomy sky, looking like a man-made opening. The moment the crack appeared, the entire secret space began to tremble violently.

A large amount of red turbid aura like blood mist poured out from the crack, pouring into the secret seal space, and soon covered the entire sky above Minghe Sect.

Seeing this scene, a bad premonition suddenly flashed through Yang Yu's heart.

That's...the old guy's breath!

He can enter here to take refuge, but after all, this is a place beyond his control. Looking at this situation, could it be that the old guy discovered it?

Fortunately, now that he has successfully broken through the physical realm, he can fully amplify the pseudo-illusion method to hide himself. Yang Yu is not as worried and nervous about this as before.

And just after the blood and turbid aura poured into this space unscrupulously, a figure soon appeared in Yang Yu's eyes.

Old Minghe suddenly appeared in the sky above Minghe Gate, staring at the crack above, and then suddenly turned his head to look in the direction of Yang Gu.

Yang Yu's heart suddenly trembled when he felt it, but when he just reacted, the old guy's figure had disappeared in mid-air and suddenly appeared in front of him.

At this moment, almost as soon as the old guy appeared in front of him, all the surrounding scenes shattered like a mirror again, and everything fell into darkness.


Standing in the darkness, Yang Yu let out a sigh of relief. Although his cultivation had taken a big step forward, he still had to be wary when facing the old guy.

Because of the old guy's appearance, everything inside was gone again. Six golden secret seals immediately flew out of Yang Yu's hand uncontrollably, forming an exit to the space in front of him.

A huge repulsive force suddenly came, apparently trying to repel him after everything inside was shattered.

He was forced to return to reality and could no longer stay here.

Damn old guy!

He cursed in his heart, but when Yang Yu was about to leave through the exit, his eyes suddenly looked into the darkness.

Somewhere, there is still a trace of residual blood going deep in one direction, or because of too much resistance, the blood is quickly consumed and eventually dissipates invisible.

Yang Yu paid attention to it.

In that direction...what's there?

Just like yesterday, I will adjust the update back to normal as soon as possible

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