Everyone is a demon, why are you covered in holy light?

Chapter 138 1216 Introducing the light of the celestial dial into the body and driving the power of

Chapter 138 "1216" Introduces the light of the celestial dial into the body and drives the power of the red sun

No, is this old guy so anxious?

Kick someone away without even saying anything?

Yang Yu held three magic books in his hand and looked at the portrait on the wall in front of him. The content in the portrait had completely changed.

The old man with a fishing rod in his hand stood by the river, and the river, which was originally blood red and full of flesh and blood, was burning with waves of fire, completely changing what it looked like before Yang Gu left.

The picture of an old man fishing has become a picture of an old man watching fire.

But now that it has been sent out, Yang Yu is too lazy to worry about it anymore. Anyway, the magic book he wanted has been obtained, and he is satisfied!

At the moment, you can still learn it in the Yunzang Palace while no one is disturbing you.

Thinking of this, Yang Yu simply stayed on the sixth floor, placed the magic book in front of him, and picked up the one he was most interested in.

At this moment, the world in the painting called "Coirard Man".

The old man still stood by the river holding his bamboo hat, looking at the raging flames burning above the river, and sighed longly.

In the bamboo hat, the child slowly stretched his head out again.

Seemingly not seeing Yang Yu, he boldly stretched out his hand and put it on the edge of the bamboo hat, looking timid.

When he turned his head to look above the river, he saw that the fire wave was burning up to the sky, and the flesh and blood corpses on the river were turned into ashes, and his little face turned pale with fear.

He turned to look at the old man, opened his mouth, hesitated to speak, but still mustered up the courage to ask:

"Elder... Elder, that man set fire... to the Tianfu River. Are you just going to let him go?"

“What else can we do if we don’t let him go?

If it had been someone else, I would have filled the river with him, but that guy just took away the forbidden weapon fragments left by Linglong. If I killed him, the hope of my Jueyun Sect in the future would not be restored. "

With a faint sigh, the old man called the elder spoke slowly.

Linglong is his senior brother and the leader of Jueyun Sect. Although he calls himself Master Linglong, he is not called Master Fu Shi.

There are two forbidden weapon fragments in the Jueyun Sect, one of which is in the hands of Master Linglong. It is passed down from the Jueyun Sect and is the foundation of the founding sect of the Jueyun Sect.

The other forbidden weapon fragment was obtained a hundred years ago and should have belonged to him.

However, the entire Yundan Kingdom was overthrown by demons, and the situation was over. The Jueyun Sect was also destroyed and occupied by demons, and they could only survive the crisis by abandoning their bodies through the golden cicada's escape method.

And the fragment of the forbidden weapon was also hidden by him in Jueyun Sect.

If it were someone else who dared to set fire to the Tianfu River, let alone a magician, his body would have been cut into pieces and thrown into the river.

Fujiang's day today was related to whether he could reshape his body in the future, and now most of it was destroyed by this fire.

The old man felt extremely heartbroken.


The child in the bamboo hat nodded, seeming to understand.


His head was immediately slapped by the old man.

"Oh shit, spit out water and put out the fire!"

There are three light spells in total. With Yang Yu's current cultivation level at the early stage of Fu Shi, it is enough for him to step into the realm of flesh and blood. At least before reaching the realm of flesh and blood, he does not have to look for the art of life.

This kind of harvest can only be obtained in a once large sect like Jueyun Sect.

You would never encounter this if you were outside.

Light spells are already extremely rare, and what Yang Yu hopes to see is the light spells that are ridiculously expensive and powerful.

He even felt an indescribable feeling of excitement at this time, as if the realm of physical death was close at hand.

Now that he has obtained the spell, plus the Flesh Vein Gathering Mirror that can assist in condensing his magic power, it can be said that it is only a matter of time before he reaches the peak of Fu Shi Realm.

Picking up the most interesting technique among the three, the information box immediately appeared in front of Yang Yu.

"[Celestial Dial Body]: The origin is unknown, passed down from the Jueyun Sect; it draws the light of the celestial dial into the body, drives the power of the red sun, and bless the body.

Cost of use: Once the celestial dial enters the body, it will not last long, both body and soul will be destroyed, and it will not enter reincarnation.

Status: Can be purified! "

The celestial dial is the sun!

This is also the reason why Yang Yu first picked up this technique.

Looking at all the spells he has mastered, although they are all light spells, none can really compare with the light of the sun.

What's more, this is a light spell that, judging from the name, is more focused on melee combat or strengthening the physical body.

Although he is no longer afraid of any enemy approaching when he activates all light spells at the same time, his melee methods are still too simple.

Apart from body skills and boxing skills, there is nothing else.

Once the enemy has some means to prevent him from approaching, or is prepared, it will become difficult to deal with it.

And the cost of this technique is also very high. It is not so much a technique as it is the ultimate explosive method.

Because once this technique is activated, even if the enemy does not die, as soon as the time is up, the person who activated the technique will die.

The higher the cost, the stronger the power. No one would practice this kind of death-seeking technique, but in Yang Yu's eyes, it was even more powerful for him.

Yang Yu couldn't wait to open the magic book and read it word by word.

Half an hour passed quickly. When Yang Yu closed the last page, he had already understood this method in his heart.

In short, this is indeed a technique that can enhance the physical explosion.

It's like a practitioner is a power bank. As long as a trace of the light of the celestial dial can be introduced into the body and accumulated in the body, it can be used at critical moments. Every line and thought can drive the power of the red sun.

The more celestial light is accumulated, the stronger the power can be displayed after activating the spell.

This can be regarded as a small skill. Introducing the light of the celestial dial accumulated in the body is equivalent to another form of mana, which can be used at any time.


Must practice!

Practice now!

Yang Yu's blood was boiling at this moment. He threw the other two techniques into the flesh burial talisman, leaving only the "Celestial Dial Body" in front of him. He couldn't wait to master this technique first.

Anyway, it's unclear when other members of the Kei Kei Society will be able to find the so-called forbidden weapon fragments. He didn't come here for this purpose. It would be great to fish in troubled waters.

Just Yunzang Palace is a good place. No outsiders or demons can come in, and no one else will know what he is doing.

After using the purification ability, Yang Yu sat cross-legged and began to try to practice according to the records in the magic book.

Compared with other techniques he had mastered before, the difficulty of practicing "Tiandial Body" was actually very low.

Yang Yu felt that he should have discovered some rules. All the techniques that cost a lot of money were relatively simple to practice.

It only took him less than half an hour to learn how to sense the light of the celestial dial, and the next step was to try to attract the light of the celestial dial into his body.

It was the time period from afternoon to dusk, and the sky was already getting gloomier.

But that doesn’t mean that as long as there are clouds and fog blocking the sky and the sun cannot be seen, it cannot attract the light of the celestial dial.

The sun has always existed.

It's just a question of the amount of celestial light that can be attracted at different time periods.

It is easy to sense the light of the celestial dial, but it is relatively difficult to induce the light of the celestial dial into the body.

Until an hour passed, between heaven and earth, a faint white light fell quickly like a thread drifting in the air, entering his body from the center of Yang Yu's eyebrows.

In an instant, a warm and comfortable feeling suddenly spread all over Yang Yu's body.

The whole person felt as if he suddenly saw a furnace burning with blazing fire in the ice and snow, and the chill in his body was instantly dispelled.

Is this the light of the celestial dial, the power of the red sun?

Seeing that the flesh and blood of his right hand was filled with a white light, the light was all concentrated in the body without spreading out, but it seemed to contain terrifying power.

Yang Yu's eyes were full of passion and excitement.

Compared to other techniques he has mastered, it seems that the light of the celestial dial alone can achieve the same intensity as the light technique.

If the light of the celestial dial is accumulated enough, it can easily be even more powerful than the light spell that can absorb all the light of the spell into the body.

This is an explosive technique that can grow!

Of course, Yang Yu already dared not think about the destructive power that would be caused if the celestial body and the light-collecting form of the Light Technique were superimposed.

In addition, he dare not even think about entering the flesh-killing realm in the future and mastering the ability to amplify the power of magic!

After calming down his excitement, Yang Yu prepared to continue to draw more light from the celestial dial into his body, but at this time, the sky was about to darken completely.

Another hour passed.

Once fresh and twice ripe, several rays of hot shimmering light are introduced into the body one after another. Yang Gu is immersed in the pleasure of accumulating the light of the celestial dial.

But at this moment, my brain felt like it was lightly tapped.

There is new news coming from the Tree of Flesh!

Yang Gu had no choice but to stop, immersed his consciousness in the tree of flesh, and saw a severed hand fruit hanging on the tree.

Broken Hand: "It seems that we have found clues. It is very likely that they are the forbidden weapon fragments we are looking for! Just south of the entrance of Jueyun Sect, here is a place called the Forbidden Demon Monument deep in Jueyun Sect. Everyone, come here quickly ! Remember not to alarm the monster!"

south? It looks like it shouldn't be too far from here.

Yang Yu stood up immediately and prepared to leave Yunzang Palace.

From entering the Jueyun Sect to finding clues, it took almost a whole day for the rebels to finally find some hope.

But it's already dark now, and demons will be more active and more numerous at night, so you have to be more careful.

Before leaving Yunzang Palace, Yang Yu walked to the top of the seventh floor, not missing any possibility of good things.

It's a pity that the seventh floor is no different from the other floors. There are still a few paintings hanging as traps.

When he reached the bottom, he passed by the stone plate again and did not enter the stone plate picture again. Yang Gu walked to the palace gate without any obstruction.

In his perception, there were indeed signs that the demonic aura was becoming active around him.

Taking advantage of the fact that no demons had passed by outside Yunzang Palace yet, Yang Yu melted into the night in an instant, turned into a black shadow and escaped into the dense forest, heading in the direction that Broken Hand said.

More than a quarter of an hour later, Yang Yu finally arrived at the demon-forbidden monument that Duanshou had mentioned.

But when he arrived here, he was shocked to find that there was no aura of anyone here, not even a single figure.

It's a little late, but fortunately it's updated.

Asking for a monthly ticket! Asking for a monthly ticket! Asking for a monthly ticket!

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